Check out any of the following posts you may have missed:
- I eat Real Food, Why can't I lose weight?!
- How to lower the glycemic index of foods — hint, it has a lot to do with healthy fats!
- Sweeteners for Diabetics: Could Artificial Sweeteners *Cause* Diabetes?
- Lose your man boobs, your bagel butt and your wheat belly!
- A Dieting SUCCESS STORY – inspiration from my sister in law, Eva
- Dieting / My “Food Conversion” – What Started It All – also info here on what's wrong with the South Beach Diet (good and bad)
- FOX News & Low Carb Diets – find out why it's the healthiest and most effective way to “diet” for everyone, but especially diabetics!
- FOX News: Is Exercise Necessary When Trying to Lose Weight?
- Breakfast Eggs Increase Weight Loss 65% – makes me thankful I love eggs
- Biggest Losers – where are they now?
- Dieting With No Carb or LOW CARB Foods – my own experience with lowering carbohydrates along with a list of great low carb food options
- ***3 more low carb posts: Low Carb Carnival w/ food ideas to keep you motivated, good info at this post in the comments about foods with carbs that you may not know about, and more low-carb ramblings with my personal goals
- Health Benefits of Eating WHOLE GRAINS & Unrefined Carbohydrates Only
- DOES FAT MAKE YOU FAT? Part 2 – how dietary fat affects weight loss
- Does Fat Make You Fat? Part 1 – saturated fat, cholesterol, and heart disease issues
- Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners – Do They Cause Weight Gain?
- Beyonce Knowles & Cleansing Diets – have you ever done one of these?
- HEALTHY MILK – don't drink low fat milk, whether dieting or not!
- Organic COCONUT HEALTH BENEFITS – Dieting, Lice, Eczema & More! – read how it can help with weight loss
- MSG DANGERS, low-fat foods, and other interesting tid-bits – click the link here to read a good article about low fat foods
- EXERCISE, uh huh, you know what I'm going to say… – how I got off my butt
- COD LIVER OIL – good for your heart, for dieting, for everything and everyone!
- BOOK Suggestions – some good ones here about weight loss
- OVERWEIGHT KIDS – 16 Ways to Help – we all know someone who needs to read this, please forward it on
- Another SUCCESS STORY and an interesting read on Shauna's weight loss journey
- Should it cost money to lose weight?
- Bob Greene & Oprah – Gee, I wonder why it isn't working?
- Weight Watchers and Nourishing Traditions?
- Low Carb Sauce Thickeners from Mark Sisson
- What Makes us Fat and Why Nobody Seems to Care
- The 6 Week Cure for the Middle-Aged Middle by Drs. Eades
- Is Weight Loss as Simple as Calories In vs. Calories Out?
- What is a Paleo/Primal Diet? How does it compare to a Weston Price diet or a Low-Carb diet?
- Jimmy Moore's hyperinsulinemia and weight loss struggles
- Why I love working out with the Wii
- Q & A About Carbs & Weight Loss
- Do Low-Carb Diets Cause Kidney Stones?
- Have we fallen for a fad diet
- What Size is the Ideal Woman?
- Weight Loss, the Right Way {Scary Stories of Bariatric Surgery and Should We “Just Exercise More”?}
- Sugar Addiction Help: My Easy Tips for How to Curb a Sweet Tooth {Plus How I Lost 10#}
- How to Eat Carbs Safely and Lower the Glycemic Index of the Foods You Love (Also: Why Dieting Backfires!)
Flo LaDuke Richards says
I HAVE to share!! <3
Bekah Laurain says
I’ve totally done this!
Health Kitchen says
who else loves this ?
Johanan Rakkav says
Brenny Bustillos says
Talia haha the diets never stick around by dinner time
Talia Zamora says
Things always just seem to be easier to stick to at the beginning of the day! Haha
Carrie Holz Etzel says
BaHAHAHA! This is me pregnant. “ugh, food…ugh, food…ugh…OMG FOOD!!!!”
Amanda Houseal says
I am on day 18 with no processed or added sugar. Fruit in moderation only. I am losing weight like crazy! I can’t believe it! I’m not craving (anymore), not binge eating, and I’m full. Wish I would have quit sugar years ago!
Jo Doran says
One month for me. I also fast from 6 p.m. until 10 a.m. Have lost about 2 pounds a week. I love it.
Amanda Houseal says
Yes that’s about what times I doing as well. We eat dinner around 6 ish and I really watch my portions and not eat a lot. (I’m not particularly hungry in the evening I’m finding). And then have “breakfast” around 9. Congrats on your one month!! ?
Sandi Caughron says
I eat dinner between 6-7 every night, don’t eat breakfast and eat lunch around 12. Been doing this my entire life – I’m 66 and still size 4/6.
Gwendolyn Thompson says
Heehee.. Calorie restriction is so dumb. And most health and fitness instructors, even the top ones in the industry, recommend calorie restricting. While I’m sitting over here literally shedding weight effortlessly, eating high carb, low fat, plant based at about 2-3,000 calories a day
Paul Conklin says
Is that like me saying I’m a vegan, but between meals?
Carol Woodside Guenzel via Facebook says
I went many years with fat-free dieting and extensive exercise to lose weight by avoiding fat and living on salads and vegetables. In fact I went (lacto-ovo) vegetarian for 28 years, but still kept gaining weight. I have always consumed whole, from the farm foods so I can say what has been successful for me was to first to figure out why I gained the weight when I was exercising and eating virtually no fat and then to work on the health issues so my body would function properly. I also totally cut out sugar, gluten grains and caffeine and added healthy fats back into my diet and over the course of a year I lost about 40 lbs. All this was done without exercise because I have a chronic back issues so think of the progress you could make by adding some walking to your plan. Bonus is it will de-stress you too. I found that my adrenals were in failure and were most likely the cause of the back issues and the weight gain. If the adrenals do not function properly neither will your thyroid. I have Hashimoto’s (hypothyroid) which is very common for those who have adrenal issues. When one hormonal organ is out of balance the other hormonal organs will eventually fall out of balance since they all work in a system. Not one doc made that connection. I was desparate to avoid back surgery so I did my own research which lead me to a functional nutritionist who tested the adrenals right off the bat. I attribute adding the healthy fats (raw whole butter, avocados, meats, eggs, raw whole milk and raw whole milk kefir and cheeses) back so my body would function properly along with dieting to repair my adrenals for my weight loss. Salads are good, especially if you eat nutrient dense greens and veggies in them with healthy fat dressings, but not the only thing to assure you succeed. I am sorry my posts are so long, but I really want to get the word out and help others whose health issues are being overlooked before they too are faced with damage that affects their quality of life. You can find one by searching on the web “functional nutritionist in ______”
KitchenKop says
Hi Maria,
Yes I remember you! I’m so sorry you’re still not doing well and also still struggling with infertility, I remember we chatted about that a while back.
I do have advice for you, I want to help you get your life back!!! I’d suggest you ditch the asthma study and do the GAPS Diet, right away! It will not be easy, but how easy is it living with all your health conditions, you know???
Here’s where I’d suggest you start, be sure to read all the links here and check out the resources:
Then email me or comment here again and let me know how I can help.
You can do this. You don’t have to live like that anymore! GAPS has been known to heal ALL the health conditions you described! Then once you’re healthy again, you may get pregnant OR at least you’ll feel good enough to decide to become a Mom through adoption, either way, you win. 🙂
I’ll pray for you, Maria!!!!!!
Maria says
Hi Kelly,
How are you? Do you remember me? Maria, 45 years old, and a mess. I feel so frustrated over my poor health. I have suffered from acne since 8 1/2 years old (I still break out at age 45!), diagnosed with sebborheic dermatitis on the scalp (a very painful condition I’ve had since I was a teenager, but I wasn’t diagnosed until my early twenties. My dermatologist wasn’t much help. She gave me anitbiotics to treat the staph/follicultis infection. My husband wonders why I am always looking for the perfect shampoo to “cure it”. Last time I saw her, she yelled at me and gave me a speech. I really don’t want to go back to her. I feel dermatologist aren’t much help!), diagnosed with asthma right before I turned 30 (it has now progressed to moderate persistant asthma. I feel like an old lady. I usually have to go back to my awesome asthma doctor every two to three months for predisone, steroid shot in the arm, miss work, can’t exercise, but told to lose weight. How can I lose weight if I can’t exercise??), recently diagnosed with shoulder bursitits and going to physical therapy for that one, oh and let’s not forget diagnosed with endometriosis stage four at age 41 (two surgeries behind me, still have ovarian cysts, fibroids but fertility specialist told me they will go away with menopause), husband and I tried to concieve for almost five years, but not successful which yes, breaks my heart.
The thing that frustrates me is having all these conditions, which do not seem to get better, but worse. I am told I need to lose weight, but how? There are so much conflicting infomation out there. I have a whole house full of how to lose weight books.
I know some of this is due to bad food choices. I am addicted to sugar and Pepsi. I keep on trying to give it up, give it up for three or four days, get a craving for it (especially when under stress, tired, or at work), and am back on it. I would like to find out what pepsi/soda/sugar does to the body and have the print out with me at all times. I am also still trying to learn about real food. My husband and I do buy coconut oil, nuts, real butter, and a few other things. But I have difficulty figuring out what real food is, what to buy, and how to cook it. I really want to learn more.
Soon I will be enrolled in some asthma studies to help my asthma and I will be paid some extra cash. I really want to take your Rookie Class, but cannot afford it right now. As soon as I am enrolled in the asthma study and recieve that first check, I will be coming back here to sign up for your class. I really believe you and the information here can help me. There is so much to read and learn. I know now I have to do this to improve my health and lose weight. I am still confused and frustrated how to lose weight when I have such difficulty trying to breath. It also concerns me being on so much asthma medicine and having to depend on one rescue inhaler and two preventive inhalers. I feel like an old lady in a rocking chair and my husband and I are very concerned.
Any advice, encouragement, links to articles that could help me, would be so much appreciated. I am so frustrated right now, I’m almost in tears. I do not like feeling like an old lady or the way I look. I know I have to change my diet and lose weight, but I am not sure how to do it.
Thank you so much, Kelly!
My email is: prayrosary4life
Love your website by the way!
PS. After I pay for the Rookie Class, I am seriously considering using any other checks I recieve for a consultation. I would love to chat with you on the phone, but can’t afford it right now. Right now email will have to do, which is fine. Do you know any e-books or links that could help me???? I am ready to start right now!!
Thank you so much again!
Maria N. In Mass (Remember me??)