Natural Living
Best Sauna for Inflammation and Healing
Here's the best sauna for inflammation and healing.
Read all of these testimonies.
Watch my video about why these saunas are best.
Use the code KOP5 for a discount!
Safer Hair Care
Here are the safer hair care products that our daughter and I like best.
The more I use this leave-in conditioner, the more I love it. It keeps the static down in the winter months, it only takes a little dab so it lasts a long time, and best of all, there are no junk ingredients. I just put a little dime-sized amount on the ends of my fingers, then dab them through my hair, especially in the back at the bottom where it gets snarly and staticky at times.
Safe Water Filtering
- Here's the water filter we have (“Direct Connect”), it's a very affordable below the sink model (use the code KOP for a discount at that link!) — read my story of Why We Ditched Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water and What We Got Instead.
- We also have a whole-house filtering system so we're not showering in chlorine or other contaminents. (The KOP code works for that too.)
- Economical Water Filtering System for on the countertop. Read a detailed review of these filters from my friend Jill (including how to significantly extend the life of the filter cartridges–they can last a LONG time): Best Water Filter on a Budget & Why You MUST Filter City Water (Flint Water Scare is Our Wake Up Call!)
- Depending on your budget and how much room you have, here's one like a Berkey model but more affordable and with better/safer filters, it's a gravity-fed large-capacity (7 gallons total) version of my new water filter. (Again, use the code KOP for a discount at that link.) This one is also comparable to the Berkey in filtration capabilities, including fluoride reduction. Read here why it's a better option than the Berkey though.
- Mineral Replacement Drops in case you still have reverse osmosis water.
Non-toxic Mattress
- An affordable option with a lot of great reviews.
- A higher quality longer-lasting mattress option–use my code KOP for 15% off, plus free premium sheets, mattress protector, and free ground shipping too.
Kitchen Supplies and Gadgets I Love
My BOSCH Kitchen Mixer is a workhorse in my kitchen and I've had it for years! (Read how I can make-ahead big batches of food to save time later!)
This is the Grain Mill I have and that's still going after many years too!
Here's my Salad Spinner
Go here to find all my favorite cooking/baking pots and pans.
This is our Coffee Percolator
For our daily coffee we use this 1-cup Coffee Maker
My favorite snack to serve when people are coming over! I use this: Popcorn Popper
The ingredients in this homemade ice cream are so good, I sometimes serve it for breakfast! Here's my Ice Cream Maker
I use this with healthy fats to make fries, chicken strips, you name it: Deep Fryer
This speeds prep time: Food Processor
Now I have a convection oven in my microwave, but for years I loved this Toaster Oven
I just use the oven now, but if this is a good one if you want a Bread Machine
When you just want to mix something up quick: Hand Blender
I don't use this Crock Pot as much now that I have this Pressure Cooker — check out all the ways I use it!
This is fun on morning coffee or on desserts: Cream Frother
This is always nice to have on-hand for nuts or fruit: Dehydrator
Natural Mouth Care
Have you read: “Could your toothbrush be causing gum disease?”
Or this: “My favorite oral care products“
Radiation/EMF Protection
Radiation-blocking cell phone case – tablet case – Laptop pad — We're all on our devices too much, so we use each one of these products at our house to protect us from the harmful radiation. (Read my review/post about it here.)
Smart Meter Guard — experts say it blocks 90% of the radiation and utilities do not complain about it.
Natural Healing: Homeopathy and CBD Oil
Below you'll find just a few remedies for various ailments, but I'll be adding more all of the time. There are thousands of homeopathic remedy options out there!
***If you need help with any of these (how often to take it, what potencies, etc.) or help finding the right remedy for your ailment, I now offer homeopathic consultations for a small fee. Contact me to see if I can help you: [email protected].
Here's where I get all of my homeopathic remedies.
- This cell salt combo remedy includes minerals in homeopathic form–good for many many things!
- For inability to sleep due to a brain that won't shut off. Take every 15 minutes or so.
- This remedy is good for pain that is worse with movement. I suggested this for my friend 2x/day (more often if needed for pain) whose knees really hurt when going up or down steps and it felt better when iced.
- For muscle spasms or muscle twitching or charley horses (read more here about charley horses)
- Arnica 200 for pain, bleeding, swelling, sprains, bruising, and trauma. (Or even 1M for severe pain.)
- Nux Vomica for hangovers, car sickness or other digestive upset such as constipation.
- Sprains <– try that if Arnica isn't helping.
- Apis or Ledum for insect stings (read here for more info) — also use this homeopathic sting ointment or I like this one too.
- Also for rash, stings or minor burns — and again this cream is a must to keep on hand.
- Allergic reactions
- For poison ivy/poison oak
- Bone Trauma: be careful with this one, Joette warns that you must be sure the bone is set properly before using this because if not, it could heal the bone in the wrong position.
- Take this at the first sign of any illness coming on like cold, flu, etc. I do this and it keeps the scratchy throat or whatever from ever coming turning into anything!
***And here's the Organic CBD oil I recommend. Plus see the Q&A at that link.
Air Purification
Earthing Products
Read about it here:
- Earthing part 1: Why We ALL Should Connect to the Earth (NOT in a “New Agey” way)
- Earthing part 2: Not Convinced about Earthing Benefits? See it with Your Own Eyes
- Earthquest TV Show on the Benefits of Earthing
- Can Earthing Cure Exhaustion and Weight Gain? The Power of Earthing with Dr. Oz and Dr. Mercola
- Where to find Earthing products
- Book on Earthing/Grounding
Safe Bug Spray
Safe Laundry & Cleaning Products
DIY Laundry soap & alternatives for fabric softener, stain remover and deodorizer
Food Storage & Travel
Internet Safety for kids…and adults
Worried about what they'll see online, even by accident? This is the first option I've found that actually works well, and it's not so restrictive that they can't move around online at all, unlike others I've tried that you have to put the passcode in for your kids every few minutes, but it blocks out the bad stuff, depending on your settings. Plus you'll get a report (however often you choose) letting you know what your kids (or your accountability partner) have seen. It's easy to set up, too, with step-by-step instructions.
Or read my review here: How to keep kids safe online without going CRAZY.