As 2019 begins it's exciting how the real food movement is continuing to explode!
Just want the sale links? Here you go, and use the code KOP2019 to get 15% off for one week only:
- All Perfect Supplements brand products: grass-fed collagen, grass-fed gelatin, coconut oil, liver caps, my favorite lip balm, and more.
- Click here to get Just Thrive Probiotics and Vitamin K2. (*Those are actually 19% off because of another promo they had going.)
- U.S. Wellness Meats is where I've sent you for years for a safe place to order a variety of pastured meats online if you don't have a good local source. It's also where I buy beef tallow or lard for healthy frying!
- Cultures for Health has any starters you need for dairy kefir, sourdough, yogurt, kefir soda, and more.
- Ora-Wellness has my very favorite toothbrushes, mouth drops that double as toothpaste and mouthwash, and more oral care products you'll love.
Here's the rest of the story + videos too…
The other day I asked an employee at our local grocery store where the organic popcorn was and he said it was out of stock. I said, “Tell me they're not getting rid of that brand now?!” He replied, “Organic foods, at this store? Oh yeah, that'll be back in stock soon.”
I know that's because all of US, you and I, are shopping smarter and making our dollars talk.
I like to think that even my little blog has played a small part in how it's getting easier all of the time to source more healthy foods. Keep spreading the word guys, because here's the thing, we can't do better and buy better until we KNOW better. And once we make better purchases and companies start to GET IT that we're done with the crap, they finally take the hint! I've told you before how it amazes me just standing in the yogurt section now, that we actually have TWO choices for organic grass-fed whole milk yogurts — and that's just one example. For a while it was low-fat for as far as you could see in that section, it made me want to scream that people still thought low-fat was actually good for them!
Yes things are changing…
Hopefully all of you are jumping onto the real food train too and are realizing that we can't keep feeding our kids (or ourselves) the junk that has passed for “food” and still be well. If you or your kids aren't sick now, sadly, you will definitely feel the effects before long.
Get help and learn more about all of this in my book, Real Food for Rookies!
It's really true, the place where change happens is when we make our dollars talk.
Companies like my favorite blog sponsors below are an integral part of this growth and shift in how people are buying — they took a chance by jumping into this ever-emerging real food and natural living movement, counting on enough of us being ready to change the health of our families so much that we'll let our convictions guide our buying habits.
I hope you'll help support them as a way to say thank you! (And get a good deal too.)
Below are my favorite companies who are sticking their neck out to provide a way for us to find real, safe food and healthy living supplements, along with other products, so we can AVOID all the scary stuff out there. We all know people with cancer (or have lost our loved ones to that terrible disease), and the pain from that and other illnesses are everywhere, we have to make it stop! As we begin a whole new year and make a new start with our health habits and buying habits, I hope this will help you change your family's destiny. 🙂
Here's your first gift for 2019!
All I had to do was ask these blog sponsors if they'd be willing to offer a discount to get you on track for a healthy new year and they were all over it. Scroll through below to see the deals they set up for you…
Here's a video I did last year about a few of these sponsors:
(And by the way, there's some “raw” footage I left in there because I was sick of editing…)
Discount Code for 15% off: KOP2019 good for one week!
Promised Links from the video:
(Also see more below about what I get from each sponsor plus more videos with them.)
- Superfood smoothies
- How to make kefir soda pop
- How and WHY to make dairy kefir
- Sourdough bread recipe (sourdough starters also 15% off from Cultures for Health)
- More on the Whole30 diet
- Does meat from the grocery store make you fat?
- Homemade marshmallows
- Homemade jello
- How to make bone broth
- Is it safe to eat raw egg yolks?
- The ghee we like.
- More about the importance of K2 if you're taking vitamin D or calcium!
- Is my probiotic worth it or am I just wasting money?
- The only probiotic to take if you're on an antibiotic (this info may save your life)
- More about healing Alzheimers
More on my favorite sponsors and what I buy from them:
Perfect Supplements — get anything pictured here and tons more:
My friends at Perfect Supplements are offering a special New Year's sale, exclusively for my readers. Everything they sell is all natural, minimally processed and packed with nutrients, so there are no bad choices. Try their grass-fed collagen — I use this to add nutrients to anything with liquid that it can dissolve into, like our superfood smoothies, soups, or even my favorite oatmeal. Or a scoop of their grass-fed gelatin always goes into my homemade broth. Other Perfect brand products we use/take: coconut oil, liver caps, my favorite lip balm, and lots more.
- Click here or any of the links above and use the code KOP2019 for 15% off your entire order of any Perfect brand product! Good for one week only. NOTE that they also have an ongoing 25% off sale on 3 or more of any Perfect Supplements brand products (collagen, gelatin, coconut oil, liver caps, and more) — so then your savings would be 40% off PLUS free shipping over $99!
Here's a video I did with my friends at Perfect Supplements at the Baltimore Weston Price conference this past fall:
Click here to get 15% off any Perfect Supplements brand products with the code KOP2019.
New Just Thrive videos too!
Here you can get the only probiotic I'll take now — here's why, or the best Vitamin K2 on the market — more about the importance of that here.
*Use the code KOP2019, and instead of 15% off they're giving 19% off because of another promo they had going. 🙂
Here's a video I did with Kiran (the microbiologist behind these supplements, this is also from the Baltimore WAPF conference in November), about the importance of taking Vitamin K2, where we talk about what KIND to take and more about the benefits:
And here's one where Kiran and I talk more about the Just Thrive probiotic, and about acne, wrinkles and more:
Click here to get 19% off Just Thrive Probiotics and Vitamin K2 with the code KOP2019.
Cultures for Health — the only place I get my cultured food starters for healthy probiotic foods:

Cultures for Health might just be the very first sponsors of this blog! I knew Julie back when she started her brand new company that is now a thriving business helping people all over the world to heal their immune system with healthy probiotic foods. Read all about making dairy kefir and different ways to use it, and don't miss the recipe for my family's favorite: kefir soda pop. Also, many people use this recipe for sourdough bread using C4H sourdough starters to get them going.
- CLICK HERE and use the code KOP2019 for a 15% off site-wide coupon. This deal ends in one week.
U.S. Wellness Meats — my favorite source for healthy, safe online meat and frying fats:
U.S. Wellness Meats is where I've sent you for years for a safe place to order a variety of pastured meats online if you don't have a good local source. It's also where I buy beef tallow or lard for frying healthy fast-food French fries at home, or chicken strips or homemade onion rings! As mentioned in the video, the farms they use are all grass-based/pastured, non-GMO farms. If you're thinking of starting a low-carb or Whole30 diet this year, having healthy meats come right to your door is super convenient. They also have healthy paleo snacks, chicken bone broth, and high fat ground beef choices in their burger category — just search on their site using those keywords to find them!
- Click here and use the code KOP2019 for 15% off storewide on orders under 40#. (By the way, for over 40 pounds, you'll get different discounts.)
Ora-Wellness for oral care products.
Ora-Wellness has my very favorite toothbrushes, mouth drops that double as toothpaste and mouthwash, and other great products for oral health. (At their site you'll also find all sorts of great info on dental health by the way.)
They're also offering 15% off everything for one week with the code KOP2019 — click here!
Connie Georgacakes Lemmink says
Thanks, Kelly!
Laura Cullen says
Thank you for securing those amazing deals! I might add that you look positively radiant!! =)
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
You’re funny Laura Cullen, thanks for being so sweet!
Melissa Meadows says
What is K2?
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Melissa Meadows a new post with all the specifics will be out in the next day or 2, but it’s something almost ALL of us are deficient in.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
@MelissaMeadows here you go:
Gitta Ramakrishnan says
Has the offer already expired? Just tried to place an order with DefenderShield and the coupon code has expired 🙁 Thanks!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Yes, it was for a week starting 1/1, I’ll see if they’ll extend it Gitta Ramakrishnan and get back to you. 🙂
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Gitta Ramakrishnan — okay it is extended until Tuesday!
Gitta Ramakrishnan says
Thank you so much, Kelly! I just place my order! So happy!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Gitta Ramakrishnan you’re welcome!!
Susan Wilson Ivey says
My favorite health food blogger!!!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Susan Wilson Ivey — you big sweetheart. 🙂
Christina Castro Falco says
If I would start what would you recommend buying first ?
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Depends on what you mean by “start” Christina Castro Falco? Start getting healthier?
Christina Castro Falco says
Your supplements
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
This post shows all the supplements I take right now: — I’d say the CLO and probiotics are most important (& you can get both right now through Perfect Supplements for 15% off).

Michelle Goldstein says
Great seeing you live.
Cat Kidd Hamidi says
So good to see you! Great info.
Jill-David Boman says
Oh, darn, I missed the “live” part, but I saved a ton on my Perfect Supplements order with the sale and volume discount!
Liz Ferguson says
You’re so cute!
Sarah says
I just used the perfect supplements code for collagen (the one that dissolves in cold as well as warm). I am still getting over my shock of my husband saying he feels like that makes a big difference. He is not one that notices those things very often.
KitchenKop says
That’s great Sarah, I love that stuff too, such an easy way to get more nutrition in. 🙂
Jill-David Boman says
Just bought a Defender Shield case for my new iPhone and I love it! It looks really nice too!
KitchenKop says
What color did you get Jill?
KitchenKop says
You too Sarah!! 🙂
Sarah says
Thank you for asking for the discounts and gathering them. May you have a happy and blessed new year Kelly!