Organic Oatmeal Recipe (with extra nutrition!)
Want to know how to make perfect oatmeal? Here's a superfood organic oatmeal recipe that is quick and easy, and you can feel really good about feeding it to your family. It is a soaked (or sprouted) organic oatmeal recipe and loaded with nutrients–it tastes like a yummy morning custard! (I always buy organic oatmeal to avoid pesticides.)
When Mom was sick last summer we spent a lot of time trying to find something that sounded good to her, and one thing she liked once in a while was oatmeal. I never used to like it much (except for in the healthy baked oatmeal recipe, or “apple pie oatmeal”–everybody loves that!), but this stove-top version really grew on me and now I love it.
It's also a really good way to slip extra nutrition into your kids. Or into your Mom who is fighting cancer. 🙁
Sprouted oats?
By the way, if you're loving the sprouted oats that Costco has nowadays (or get them online here), I love them too and they also work great in the healthy baked oatmeal recipe mentioned above!
What's “soaking” oatmeal?
If you're not using sprouted oats, for extra nutrition and digestibility, start your “regular” oats the night before to “soak” with these ingredients that help to break down the phytic acid. Phytic acid binds with minerals. When cooking oats in this way your body can better absorb and use all the minerals from the fresh cream (remember dairy fat is good for you!), or from the big glass of healthy milk, preferably raw milk, that you drink with it., it only takes five minutes.
However, I sometimes forget and just start in the morning, and this is probably fine as long as you're not eating it every day. (But keep the sprouted oats on hand and you're all set!)
Superfood Organic Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (How to Make the Perfect Oatmeal!)
- 1/4 cup organic rolled oats , or even easier: use sprouted oats (see instructions)
- 1 teaspoon of whole grain flour — the phytase in the flour helps to break down the phytic acid, which is a mineral-blocking component in grains — omit this if you're not starting this recipe the night before or if you're using sprouted oats. If you are gluten-free, I've learned from my super smart commenters that buckwheat flour would be a good substitution.
- 1/4 cup whole milk or cream (or more as needed), watch to be sure you don't accidentally buy ultra-pasteurized, read more here about healthy milk choices
- 1 egg yolk-- preferably from pastured hens (this provides extra nutrients and extra creaminess, too).
- Dash of sea salt
- 1 Tablespoon or so of real maple syrup or natural sweetener of choice.
- 1/2 scoop of this collagen for even more nutrition! Use the code KOP for 10% off.
- 1/2 scoop or more of this colostrum for another nutrition boost. I've found that it dissolves best in cold liquids, so I usually mix it with some milk first before adding more to the oatmeal.
- 1 Tablespoon pastured butter --just because it makes everything taste better AND packs it with more nutrition
- A good way to get more probiotics into your family is to open up a capsule or two of these probiotics --there's no taste! (Again, you can get a discount with the code KOP at that link.)
- See below for topping ideas…
- The night before mix together the oats, milk or cream, and flour in a small saucepan. Cover and leave it on the stove overnight (without the stove on) or in a warm-ish place. If you forget to get it going like this the night before, OR if you're using sprouted oats, omit the flour & just throw the other ingredients all together in the morning.
- The next morning about 5 minutes before you want to eat, mix in the rest of the ingredients, and cook on medium heat, stirring often to keep it from burning (turn it down if needed), and adding in more milk or cream to get it to the consistency you like. Sprouted oats might take longer to get soft so just add more milk as it cooks. Cook until the oats are soft, about 3-4 minutes. (Soaked oats cook more quickly, and sprouted oats cook more slowly.)
Add the toppings of your choice:
- Organic berries -- I keep frozen organic berries on hand and just heat them up in a mug with water from our hot water tap and strain.
- Kent likes to add nut butter (weird huh?)
- Banana cut into hunks
- Organic raisins or dried cranberries are yummy
- More real cream makes everything better
- You could also add yogurt on top
- Crispy nuts add a nice crunch, and candied pecans are extra yummy
- More pastured butter, just cause it's awesome!
- What are your favorite oatmeal add-ins?
Note: this recipe was adapted from the Nourishing Traditions cookbook, which is FULL of information and traditional recipes.
Please will you share this recipe using the links below?
More posts to check out:
- Healthy baked oatmeal recipe, or “apple pie oatmeal”
Denise Sandlin Wilson says
I love cooking them in the crockpot overnight so I could just put them in maybe 24 hours before I turn on the crockpot? I thought it might take longer since they were whole!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Unless you have an army to feed, you might actually consider storing at least some of those oats in a freezer (in air-tight bags) to prevent the oils in the outer part of the grain from going rancid over time. Pre-soaking whole oats before cooking is an especially good idea to neutralize the phytic acid (which resides in the outer portion of the grain), but also to decrease cooking time and improve texture!
Brenda Stern Cammarata says
Bircher Muesli. This can be made with all sorts of fruit fresh or frozen. It is best the day after and for many days after you make it. If you want to make it as a dessert use nice fresh fruit and whipped cream instead of milk. High calorie count but delish, and contains only healthy food. Use plain yogurt.

Kathryn Hicks says
Grandma and Mum both did that – real, rolled oats, not pre-cooked of chopped up (Blue Lake Oats from Mount Gambier regions, South Australia). The were always soaked in cold water over night and cooked in the morning on a very low heat – absolutely delicious, creamy and sooo tasty – and the beautiful scent pervaded the kitchen. Porridge for Brekky was a real Winter ritual.
Sarah L. Peterson says
Doing it now!!
Sue Edgerly says
PS…..To Jill above.
I have never done oatmeal overnight, but I know it can be done. Why not soak them throughout the day before, and then turn on the crock pot for the overnight cooking? Comments anyone?
Sue E.
Sue Edgerly says
Hi, Kel,
You mentioned in the baked oatmeal recipe that we needed to add some whole wheat flour to that one for soaking for some reason. Does that apply to this one as well?
Blessings and thanks,
Sue E.
KitchenKop says
Actually yes, I’ll try to remember to add that to the post above when I get a chance. 🙂
Kathryn Hicks via Facebook says
Oh so good to see this; I’ve been advocating ‘old fashioned’ soaked rolled oats for ages, but everyone ‘hasn’t got time’ – how long do they think it takes to put a couple of cups of natural rolled oats in a saucepan and cover them with water? The taste of ‘real’ rolled oat porridge is wonderful; it can never be equalled by the processed, pre-cooked, ground, flavoured, preserved imitations that purport to be ‘healthy’.
Sheri Puckette via Facebook says
Going to try this with some gf oats I can get from a local farm/miller. They normally take forever to cook as they are rolled but very thick.
Wendy Mildsun via Facebook says
Didn’t know. Thanks.
Amy Shouldice via Facebook says
Can and should you soak gluten free oats the same way?
Janice Ford via Facebook says
Yum! I love my soaked oats almost every morning 🙂
Jill says
would a slow cooker,crockpot , on low setting work as well for the oats?
KitchenKop says
Do you mean for the time it needs to set? I’d think that would get too hot. You just need a warm area, but not too warm or it will all cook, and I think a low setting on a slow cooker would still be too hot.
KitchenKop says
Hi Rebecca, here’s what I found:
Whichever one you use, just soak the heck out of them first to break down the phytic acid. I’ve heard 24 hours is best for oats, and I should probably add that note to the recipe, but that may make them taste a bit more sour. Overnight is definitely better than not soaking at all, though.
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Rebecca K says
Does anybody know the difference between steel-cut oats and regular rolled oats? I’m working on doing some stocking up and was wondering if you could help me with that,
Louise - Curemyfatigue says
Thanks, Kelly, and I say ditto to yours!
I think it’s great that so many of us are following Nourishing Traditions. The more the merrier! and the more tips and ideas to make it easier so we actually eat better quality food for our families health.
I also put up a page for oatmeal finally. It has the recipe and which rice-cookers work the best. That Sanyo looks very enticing. It has a slow-cooker cycle besides all the other options. I have the Tiger so I won’t be buying another one right now:)
Here is the link to the oatmeal recipe
Kelly says
Louise, what a good tip, thank you! Going to go check out your site now. Catchy title. 🙂
Louise - CuremyFatigue says
I should add the only ingredients that go in the rice cooker bowl are water, oats (either Mccann’s or scots) and 2 tablespoons whey. I add maple syrup, butter, cream, salt, and cinnamon after it’s cooked. It is also nice to add kefir or yogurt too. Oh! and lots of grated coconut. My favorite thing to eat. It also makes it all taste like candy by that time.
Note to Elizabeth on Flax Seeds
You should ony eat flax ground or you won’t digest them. But cod liver oil is still better if you can’t make the DHA. See my fat page to understand the conversion of fatty acids. I side with more cod liver oil because my digestion is still on the mend.
Louise – CuremyFatigue
Louise - CuremyFatigue says
I have been cooking with Nourishing Traditions for about 4 years now.
It is so hard to transition in the beginning. what?? I have to cook on my stove? Plus, I was already weakened and tired from years of the so-called “healthy diet.” Over time I have come up with all sorts of shortcuts to try to make old world meets modern technology.
Here is my tip for soaking oatmeal.
I bought a fancy rice cooker a few years ago. The fuzzy logic kind that has a porridge cycle. I put all the ingredients in before I go to bed and set the timer to be ready at the time I am getting up. It is perfectly soaked and cooked and ready to eat. It’s the next best thing to having someone bring you breakfast in bed.
Louise – CuremyFatigue
Kelly says
Hi Vera, I think as long as you’re soaking the oats then it’s OK…?
Vera says
Can ground oatmeal be used? I currently have Organic Scottish oats, which basically are ground, not rolled oats, on hand and I wonder if they would suffice?
Kelly says
JK, you probably were just smelling the acid from the lemon juice (similar to stomach acid). Nope, you don’t need to soak the raisins and figs…not as far as I know anyway. 🙂
JK says
Hi Kelly
I soaked 1 cup of rolled oats for 24 hours with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
What struck me was that after 24 hours, the soaked oats emitted a terrible smell (like that of vomit). Is this normal?
Anyways, I rinsed the oats with water and added one cup of boiling water to it. Thereafter, I boiled it for 5 minutes.
I must say, I like the texture of the boiled oats and it seemed to digest better.
1) Did I do the right thing with the oats?
2) I soaked dried raisins and figs separately for 8 hours. Is it necessary to soak these?
Kelly says
Hi JK, Yes, I think rolled oats are OK, but to be honest, I haven’t figured out the differences between oats yet, so I don’t know for sure. Maybe someone else will jump in on that.
In order for the phytic acid to be broken down, the mixture needs to be warm, so the warm water is just to give a jump on that – if your house is quite warm, it probably doesn’t matter.
JK says
Hi Kelly
Is rolled oats OK?
Why do we need to add hot/warm water? The Birscher-Muesli seem to use cool water. What is the function of adding the hot/warm water?
Elizabeth says
Thanks! I’ll check it out!
Kelly says
Elizabeth, I have never used flax seeds at all, I’ve always gotten my omega 3’s from cod liver oil, grass-fed beef, etc. So I’m not much help.
May’s comment brought to mind the Nourishing Traditions cookbook, though, maybe there would be more info there.
may says
Flax seeds and unsoaked nuts also contain phytic acid.
Elizabeth says
Hi Kelly! I’m going to try your oatmeal recipe (minus the honey or maple syrup) – love how it can be prepared the night before and just heated up in the morning. I’ve been adding flaxseeds to my oatmeal for over a year now. They are still in the seed form, not ground. I try to make sure I chew a lot. Any opinion on seed vs. ground?
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Thanks, Beth, that’s good to know. I’m not good about remembering to write down servings sizes.
Glad you like the recipe!
Bamboo says
I’ve been using this for a few months now and the kids love it. I don’t have a hot water tap, but I do have a tea kettle :). I boil water in the kettle and leave it simmering so that as each person is ready to eat the oatmeal is still fresh and warm.
I’ve found that your recipe is just enough to feed 4 for breakfast (I eat eggs).
Kelly says
Great idea – it even sounds good to me, and I’m not much of a coconut fan, but I wish I was! I’m starting to like it in more and more things, though.
Michigan Mom2three says
Yes, my crockpot oatmeal came out like paste too.
Kelly, I have taken to stirring in a tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil into my oatmeal, and a handful of my dried cherries (I’m a drying maniac when cherry picking starts around here! They are so expensive to buy, but to pick, they’re around $1 a pound and I dry them myself in my dehydrator to enjoy all year long.) I really like the coconut flavor, and my oatmeal is not “oily” at all. It’s similar to putting in butter. It also helps me to increase my intake of that wonderful coconut oil.
holly says
I am looking forward to trying this! I was making oatmeal in the crockpot the night before and finally gave up because it was like paste! when I was doing that I was adding dried fruit which was yummy!