Our vaccination saga and the only vaccine exemption form we would sign…
A lot has happened since the certified mail came from our doctor’s office with big red letters stamped across the top: “Third notice! Your child is overdue for their vaccinations!” I’ve got the latest scoop on our saga for you today, and the story has taken even more twists when the school got into it, too…
First, if you haven’t read the back-story, it’s all here:
- It began with the doctor office notices and a chat I had with the nurse there. (I’m still shocked as I re-read it, at how little common sense she seemed to have.) Thankfully I read all your comments before I signed anything.
- Here’s the follow-up story to that post where I ask readers for advice about the ramifications of not signing their paperwork.
- This post is the one where I learned a huge lesson: Can We Trust Vaccine Companies? How I learned that none of them even know what they’re DOING (Yet when we question our kids getting a shot, why is it that we are the crazy ones?!)
- Then there’s the more recent post where I mentioned vaccines and ended up getting some very good comments there that you don’t want to miss.
So all this began because we have chosen not to vaccinate on the health department’s schedule.
We do some vaccines but not all, based on the research we have done and the information we’ve learned about immunizations. (And the more I learn, the more I wonder if we’d get any shots if we had to do it all over again… I'd have to do some more digging and research EACH shot first. Plus I'd watch these again: Vaxxed and the Greater Good.)
Where the school came into all this…
(Note that we homeschool now, but didn't when I wrote this post.) Right in the middle of getting the first, second, and third certified mail notices from the doctor’s office, we also got a notice from the nurse’s office at the middle school saying that our 11 year old is due for the Varicella and Meningococcal vaccines. I threw it away and eventually got a phone call. You guessed it, they need us to sign their waiver form, so I asked her to send it to me. It was from the health department and full of phrases like, “I understand I am putting my child at great risk of disease by not vaccinating.”
Why would we sign that form that would basically make it look like we are negligent parents?
This is the vaccine exemption form we did sign and sent back to them: upload the form here. (Note that that is an older version that you could copy to use similar wording. Find more info here.) It says that I understand there are risks of not vaccinating, and I also understand that vaccinations have risks, and we have chosen not to vaccinate. The nurse’s office secretary called me because she was unsure if that one would be accepted. I said, “This is a valid State of Michigan exemption form and legally the health department has to take it.” She was nice but said, “They told us that ALL parents have to sign the new 2010 form, or else we are not compliant. It’s the law, it’s just the way it is.” I said, “Can you just send it in and see if it gets through, and if they contact you, have them call me?”
She was very sweet, almost apologetic, and said that this is just her job. I empathized with her and asked if this part of her job was a nightmare. She said, “It’s a GIGANTIC part of my job. We have to collect all these forms by a certain date and then file the HUGE report.” I asked her to have the nurse call me.
When the nurse called she was really nice, too, and I remembered how she impressed me last spring at middle school orientation when she matter-of-factly said that parents can just sign a waiver form if they choose not to vaccinate. She obviously gets it and is very frustrated by the whole process, too. She explained that they have to file gads and gads of forms by a certain date or they are “non-compliant” and can lose funding. (Can you believe how smart the drug companies are?! They got government agencies to mandate pumping our kids full of drugs, it’s brilliant on their part! Completely sick and wrong, but brilliant.) She said that each year they have to apply for an extension because all the kids needing vaccines can’t get into the health department for their free shots in time before the deadline. “Every school nurse I know is pulling their hair out right now.” (This same school nurse was awesome during our saga with trying to get rid of lice naturally!)
Apparently there’s only one other Mom in the whole district (we live in a huge school district) who has turned in the same form as we did. She said she’ll try her best to get it through, but if they don’t approve it, “You’ll need to sign their form or they won’t let your son go to school.” She was just telling me where it could potentially lead, and it was obvious that she knew how ludicrous this was. It was still refreshing to talk to her, because she was very understanding as to why we wouldn’t sign that form.
Another source who I can’t name because he’s afraid he’ll lose his job for telling me this, said that the health department and doctors don’t even agree on much of this. For example, the meningococcal shot they want our son to have is up for debate as to when it should even be given. Docs say it shouldn’t be until kids are older, and the health department says kids need it at middle school age and that “doctors just need to be educated”. They can’t get it straight between them and yet we’re supposed to just follow along?! These are our KIDS!
Is there really any wonder why we don’t blindly trust any of them?!
A few weeks later I ran into the school nurse and asked if my form got through and she said it did! One hurdle down, and one to go with the doctor’s office…
We won’t be signing their form either…
So I didn’t sign any of the doctor’s office vaccination exemption forms, and then they began breathing down my back because 2 of our kids were due for well child checks. When the next set of papers came, again certified mail, stamped with big red letters “THIRD NOTICE!”, I was really feeling torn inside. They sat on our kitchen counter for a couple of weeks and I fretted and prayed, and Kent and I talked with each other and some friends — we just didn’t know what to do. I knew I wasn’t giving my kids shots that we’d already decided NO on, and that we weren’t signing their form for sure. I also knew our kids didn’t even need well-child checks. But on the other hand, I was thinking of those times when we just might need a medical doc, and I didn’t want to give up the relationship we’ve already built with our doctor unless we absolutely didn’t have a choice. So Kent and I decided to try to preserve that relationship if possible, and that it was worth the co-pay fee for three well-child checks. I decided to fill out the forms I DO like and set up the appointments with our doc and just ask if he would accept them. We’ve always been able to talk openly in the past, so I was hoping things wouldn’t be any different now.
I’ve gone to this office for many years, including throughout all our miscarriages, and walking in and seeing the staff and our doctor feels like seeing old friends (even though, thankfully, we very rarely see them anymore). When he came in I was reminded of what a nice, ‘normal’ guy he is, a Dad himself, and really easy to talk to. I told him about all the big red-lettered papers sent from his office and about the form that I wouldn’t sign because the wording was so rotten (yes, that’s exactly how I said it), and asked if he’d accept the ones I brought. He said, “Yeah, that’s no problem. We just have to have something signed on file showing that we’ve talked about it, and that you know the risks of not vaccinating.”
I told you he was a good guy. (See my newer post: Why I Love Our Doctor Even Though We *Strongly* Disagree.)
Agreeing to disagree works for us.
He made it clear today and in the past that he believes vaccinations are important, and his kids do get the shots, so I said, “I know we disagree on this issue, but I really appreciate that you still respect our choice, because a lot of docs don’t.” He said, “Yeah, some doctors or clinics won’t even see patients who won’t vaccinate, but I can’t make you give your kids shots and I’m not gonna tell someone they can’t come back over it.”
Obviously, I’d rather our family doctor was on the same page as we are, but having someone who at least respects our decisions, even if he doesn’t agree with them, is fine with us.
Hopefully I’ll get to him one way or another…
On a side note… I saw the latest Readers Digest in the waiting room with the article from Gary Taubes which challenges the theory that fat is bad for us, so as I was walking out I said to him, “Have you seen this article? Will you read it for me?” He said, “Thanks for the homework! OK, I’ll read it.” I replied, “I knew you would, that’s why I love ya!”
So if I can’t convert him on the vaccine issue, maybe I can win him over on the issue of saturated fats. 🙂
Related info, exemption forms, and more:
- Again, this is the vaccine exemption form we DID sign
- How I Ended up on Fox TV News Yesterday… (on vaccines)
- Why I Love Our Doctor Even Though We *Strongly* Disagree (& which Supplements I Take)
- Don’t Shake that Vial! (Strategy for Forced Vaccinations)
- The Vaccine Elevator Pitch — When You Don’t Have Much Time to Convince Them to RESEARCH FIRST
- Where Focus on the Family is WRONG
- The other side of the recent Pertussis story from Dr. Tenpenny (It’s about half-way down that page. Even further down on the right is a scary video about mysterious vaccines given to our military…)
- Finding a doctor who will be with you on these issues
- My friend, Amy, found this on why NOT to sign self-incriminating forms from doctors or schools
- My complete list of vaccine posts
- NOTE that now, years after this post was written, we are homeschooling, and don't need to concern ourselves with what the school wants anymore. Sadly, though, the shots issue will rear its ugly head again and again through the years as our kids head to college and the workplace…
- Healthcare workers: how to refuse mandatory vaccines and not get fired
- Here is another sample exemption form that you could use to help you write your own if needed, but at that link they explain that as far as they know, a doctor has never signed that form. It also says there: “I would personally not submit a letter like this to a physician or a school board until I had done a lot of homework on vaccination exemptions in your area and state to make sure I wasn't shooting myself in the foot regarding an exemption by presenting the letter as written below. I encourage you, therefore, to use this letter more as a resource to learn about vaccinations rather than as a boilerplate to be presented to the authorities who think they have the right to tell you what to put in the bloodstream of your child.”
photo, Creative Commons public domain, no copyright
Rebecca Stclair says
That’s amazing more people need to be informed. I was 20 with my first child, even that young I did my own research, now a mom of an eight yr old and almost 2yr old. Neither of my children have ever had a shot. Not one, and you wouldn’t believe what I deal with. Insane people are so ignorant and rude. We even had a baby death in the family 24 hrs after she was immunized. I tell doctors that and they don’t care. Keep doing what your doing!!!
kitchenkop says
You’re so smart to think for yourself Rebecca!!!
Valerie fiedler says
Kelly could you email me the letter you did give to the doctor? I ran into all this yesterday with my daughters & thank God I read the letter that they pushed at me!!! Yes the wording is awful! As if I am a neglectful parent for not keeping on their schedule!!!! I appreciate your blog 🙂
KitchenKop says
Hi Valerie, it’s above in the post under where it says, “Why would we sign that form that would basically make it look like we are negligent parents?”
Jillian says
I am getting denied in macomb county michigan. I signed the M.O.M vaccine waiver and now they wont accept that. They want me to sign THEIR form. Im not sure what to do. I guess i will sign but cross off any wording i dont agree with or put “signed under duress”… HELP PLS
KitchenKop says
Is this for a school enrollment?
Jillian says
He has already been enrolled. This is his 2nd yr at this school. He has been in school since the start of the year. The county wont accept the waiver i sent in. They said I have to sign there form or my son will be excluded feom school. They claim it is not the State of Michigan form with the weird wording that make acknowledge your neglecting by not vaccinating. I have to go to the school and sign the macomb county form in front of school clerk. I dont wanna sign anything with weird wording.
KitchenKop says
Hold them off a bit if you can & I’ll see if the vax attorney I know can give you advice. He usually responds quickly.
I’m pretty sure that they cannot make you sign theirs!
Angel Shadoff says
This information is interesting. I am from Michigan and thinking of moving back for a little bit while we save for a home. I had all of my children in Michigan. With my twins I was never comfortable vaccinating, but since I worked at the health department and my doctor was very pro vaccine I started vaccinating them. I had their first round at 2 months (they were preemies and I really wasn’t comfortable doing anything as newborns). We initially only vaccinated for the things the actually might catch. After about a year my comfort level with any vaccinations stopped and I no longer wanted them vaccinated. I was then told that since I started vaccinations I now had no choice but to continue with every vaccination or my children would not be allowed to enter school. They stated that this was the state law.
This has scared me because I refuse to continue with vaccinations. We moved to Florida in 2011 – and one of my twins (two weeks before turning five years of age) had an immunological reaction to her last DTaP vaccination that caused developmental regression. I will not vaccinate any of my children again if I can help it. I feel like vaccinating them is detrimental to their health and that I would be a terrible parent if I did vaccinate them.
Hearing that you were able to sign the form makes me have hope – because in all likely hood I the kids and I will be moving back with my mom for about six months while my husband starts his new job in PA and gets a home set up for us (ie – we save money and figure out where in the city we want to live) – but I fear they will force me to start vaccinations again – something I am VERY against.
Rachelle says
today was my 11 year olds open house for 6th grade. I couldn’t even get his schedule for classes because I didn’t have updated vaccinations or a waiver on hand. Thank you for the information now I can copy the forms and sign them and turn them in and not even have to deal with the health department. mine is a little bit more different mine is my religion we don’t believe in vaccinations.
Marie says
So I’m not alone in my struggle with vaccination waivers. 🙁 I’m in Michigan (Macomb County) and didn’t have any trouble a few years ago with my oldest child’s vaccination waiver getting approved. I’m not religious, so I simply put that I object because of the health and safety of my child. Fast forward to now and that objection doesn’t cut muster anymore. My youngest child’s waiver was denied and the school sent a notice saying he cannot attend his special education preschool class after this week. Just when I had finally gotten him the educational help he needs, now this happens! It was recommended that I object for religious reasons to get the waiver passed easily, but that would be lying and would be against my moral convictions. I am filling out another waiver later today in the hopes that my child can still finish up this school year. Any advice is appreciated!
KitchenKop says
I’d check with the Moms Against Vaccines site (google it) and see if they can help??
Marie says
After contacting the health department supervisor, I found out the waiver was denied because I didn’t put the words “I object” in my explanation. I thought it was implied that I object, since I’m the one writing the explanation. And besides, that exact explanation was good enough for the county a few years ago. Guess it all depends on the person processing the waivers.
Thanks for recommending that Moms Against Vaccines site. I see there are several groups supporting immunization freedom. Good to know!
Ann says
Well child check ups aren’t required either. You never ever have to take any child for a well child check up !
They are using this excuse as a means to munipulate you into vacs because the pharm companies probably have an incentive for them.
Sadly you live in MI where the govt is trying to take away all rights as to parents making med decisions for their children and heaven forbid what color of pigs you can raise for food. Good Luck !
Commenter via Facebook says
@Sharon, for that you need to just start Googling. (Unless someone here responds.) 🙂
Commenter via Facebook says
@Tanya, I’m in Minnesota, and I had to have the same form notarized stating that I recognize I’m putting my own daughter and everyone else’s child in harm’s way. I wholeheartedly disagreed with signing it.
Commenter via Facebook says
I am interested in the laws in Maryland. Anyone know what is required there?
Tanya says
Ok, so here’s the scoop from the health department. My county started requiring this appointment because when it was being handled only in the schools, full information was not always being provided to the parents. Specifically the part about if an outbreak happens of a disease that your child is not immunized for, your child cannot come to school. While philosophically this makes no sense (if all the kids are immunized why can’t my kid go to school, he should be no risk to them?!?!), I do believe they are within their rights “To protect the greater population” mumbo jumbo.
They will not require me to use their form (she specifically said that wouldn’t hold up in court) so I will be using my own form and I just have to sign it in front of a nurse. I am going at 10:30 today. Is it a huge inconvenience? Yes. Can I play in their sandbox without compromising my rights? Yes.
I also spoke to the director about the fact that my son’t preschool said that they were told by the health department that if they did not enforce this rule about the health department that they would be out of compliance with their licensing (a complete fallacy) and I told her how concerned I was about that. She stated that the information was false and that she would make sure all of her people were not telling people that.
Sigh, almost over for now.
KitchenKop says
Thanks for the update, not a bad ending to the fiasco I’d say! 🙂
Penny says
Chiming in from Massachusetts. After being with the same doctor for the past 12 years and having no issues with not vaccinating we recently were forced to change doctors. My husband changed jobs and with the new job came a different health insurance. My doctor did not accept the new one and so I searched for a different doctor. I found a new one, transferred records, etc. About a month after they got the records, before we even had a single appointment, the office called to say the records were not complete. This were missing the immunization records. I explained to them that we do not immunize due to religious reasons. This is a perfectly acceptable reason to not immunize in MA. Another 1 1/2 weeks went by before the doctor himself called. He spent 20+ minutes grilling me about what religion (do you belong to one of those “weird ones” that only use the power of prayer, etc). I explained that we do not immunize for religious reasons and left it at that. He does not need any additional information according to MA law. Anything beyond that is reason for discrimination. In the end he repeatedly said that he felt we would never have a good Dr./patient relationship and that we needed to find another dr. Bad move. If you are a doctor who accepts state funded insurance, which he does, then you are NOT a private practice and MUST accept the religious reason. This is reportable to the state medical board/state govenment as discrimination. I could have fought with him to return but choose to find another doctor. I would recommend MV Pediatrics in Quincy, MA for those who are looking for a doctor who will not try to force you to go against your religious beliefs regarding vaccines. I’m in the Catholic and against abortion therefore we do not immunize camp.
As a mom with a daughter who had side effects from immunizations and still has the effects continue 20 years later (I previously posted a long comment in one of the past posts about immunizations) please know that they will most likely keep harassing you to get you to give in. They will tell you that being Catholic is not one of the religions that can avoid immunizations. They will keep coming up with reasons. As long as your state accepts religion as an reason it IS acceptable. Tell them you will file for discrimination and see if that gets them to change their tune. Good luck to the Michigan mom and others going through the same issues.
KitchenKop says
Wow, that doc’s attitude and words are truly shocking. And infuriating.
Commenter via Facebook says
How can a non vax’d child endanger the vaccinated? Remind me again, what the point of vaccination is.
CM says
Is this the same Mike Cox who had the big Adultery scandal in 2007? Committed a felony himself, but wiggled out of it, and goes on to prosecute (nee persecute) others?
Commenter via Facebook says
Which apparently thanks to Mike Cox they can bows enforce this meeting and which form to use.
Commenter via Facebook says
Hi it is the mom having the problems :). I know they can’t deny my exemption I just didn’t want to listen to their propaganda if I didn’t have to. And I also don’t want to sign the form that says I am putting my child and everyone else’s at risk.
CM says
Love it Tanya. Since when do courts allow contracts signed under duress to be enforced? Threatening a person, and most especially threatening their child, would qualify as duress to me. Don’t suppose you’ve got a spy camera you could bring along to document the signing, and any duress involved??
Tanya says
I talked to Sue from the website. She said that because of the Mike Cox opinion thing county’s now can legally force you to do this. My main concern now is the form that they will make me sign. The opinion from Mike Cox does state that they can enforce what form to use. I am going to try and cross out the part but they probably won’t let me do that. I will sign “V.C.” or “…” if they don’t let me cross off the part about risk. I also am thinking about adding “I acknowledge that I am making an educated, informed decision based on benefit vs. risk for my child’s well being. I also acknowledge that there are considerable risks to immunizations according to their makers and the CDC.”
We’ll see how it goes, my appointment is tomorrow at 10.
Commenter via Facebook says
… correct, Jessica, based on the use of aborted fetal tissue/ or based on ones’ properly formed Moral Conscience …
Commenter via Facebook says
religious exemption? My family is Catholic and the Church has definite opinions on vaccines.
Commenter via Facebook says
All the more reason to homeschool and keep our children out of the government cesspools!
CM says
We are HSing now as a matter of fact, but that was due to absolute failure on the part of the school (and mind this was one of the ‘best schools in town’, not so much a vaccine issue.
But then, I’m in Texas where the SC has spoken up for parent’s rights (per education) thoroughly. Not all parents in all states are as lucky.
CM says
Donno if it’ll help your case or not but it bugged me.
Coworker’s son, 15, had chicken pox this month… this is AFTER getting the shots on schedule since little. So basically the thing wears off and you get the disease as an adult. Getting it as a kid is itchy, getting it as an adult can be SO much worse. Wish they’d been honest about that when it was my kids’ turn. We would have skipped that non-working vaccine and just had a pox party, gotten our resistance built up and been done with it!!
Thoughts with you!
Commenter via Facebook says
I have never heard of anything like that, but did have to fill out exemption forms for my children. Honestly, they are probably just trying to scare her into giving in & getting her child the shots. In Michigan you are allowed a philosophical exemption, so that is all they need to know about your reasons for not vaccinating (ex: do not believe the benefits outweigh the risks). Good luck! Go to this website if you haven’t yet https://www.momvaccines.org/
Commenter via Facebook says
Exactly what Kate said. I’m in Michigan and my son is in school, no problem. They started recommending that you meet with these “health officials” in hopes they can scare you into vaccination your child. This is not mandatory. This is not law. She does NOT have to do meet with them if she does not want to. She simply declines, asks for the waiver, and then she’s on her way.
Corie says
This is Corie in TC. I have been signing the dr forms! Is there anything I can do about that? I have not read all the posts so maybe the info is already there. Thanx
Pam says
We homeschool and don’t go to the doctor. I use essential oils to treat common problems like strep, pink eye, ear infections, tummy troubles, fevers and armed with a few oils and some knowledge, anyone else can do it to.
Commenter via Facebook says
I would ask them if they could guarantee her child would not have a reaction.Can they run a test to see if her child was allergic? No guarantees no vaccination.
Commenter via Facebook says
Michigan is a religious or philosophical objector state. Here is a link to the laws and forms. She does NOT have to vaccinate her child in order for her child to have equal rights.
VERY IMPORTANT: The forms she will have to sign will have a clause stating she is knowingly putting her child at risk. She can cross this part of the form out, so she is stating her objection to that clause. She also needs to find, if she doesn’t already have, a doctor who supports her in non-vax. If the doctor can write a letter to back her up, it makes the process a hundred times easier.
The M.O.M form is preferred over the state offered form (DCH-0716), mainly due to the next sentence included in the Department of Community Health Form:
By signing this waiver, you acknowledge that you are placing your child and others at risk of serious illness should he or she contract a disease that could have been prevented through proper vaccination.
I would cross out this statement if the DCH form is used. It is libelous and has the potential for repercussions. She is within her rights to modify anything she is putting her name to. If she is Catholic she can always use the religious exemption as many, many of the vaccines were developed and propagated on aborted human babies, which goes against everything Catholics believe.
Liz says
Regarding well kids check ups, I think they are important. For my daughter, it might be the only time she sees a doctor all year. Even though I think she’s healthy and developing fine, what could I be missing or overlooking? My child is rarely sick or in need of medical care, but I don’t mind bringing her in once a year, answering questions, have her eyes/ears/nose/throat looked at, her lungs and heart listened to, and everything else they do. Oh — and I love our pediatrician. She was the one that convinced me to give my daughter real butter when I was still on my low-fat/non-fat phase of life!
Tanya says
I didn’t see a place where I could find other mom’s? All I saw was the contact info for the organization, which I did call and leave a message for. Am I missing where I would find that?
KitchenKop says
No, I just meant the Moms who run that site. Hopefully they get back with you with their advice. OH, you could also try to contact Dr. Tenpenny: https://drtenpenny.com/default.aspx
Going to put this up on FB now and see if more will add their ideas for you…
Tanya says
Did you have to set up an appointment with the health department? I am being told I can only exempt my son if I take him to the health department and they “approve” my exemption. He is going to start preschool.
KitchenKop says
I’ve never heard of this. Try this site (https://www.momvaccines.org/) or googling to find something similar for your state, and they can help you more.
Tanya says
I live in Michigan! 🙁
KitchenKop says
They’re flat out wrong then. Weird!!! Just be firm and say that Michigan law states that you can file an exemption form. There’s more info at that site.
Tanya says
The plot thickens. The preschool said today that Kalamazoo County told them that they will take their license away if they don’t do this. But as far as I can tell, the county has not authority to do that. I left a message for the director of the health department we’ll see how long it takes to hear back. My son was supposed to start next Tuesday but if I can’t get them to admit that they can’t legally make me do that, he won’t be able to start. I may have to call my lawyer.
KitchenKop says
Can you just sign him up for a different preschool and be done with that one? What a crock! Did you look around that website for Michigan Moms? I’ll bet there are some good contacts on there that you should be in touch with so you’re ready and know exactly what the rules and laws are before the director of the Health Dept. calls back. Keep us posted!
Tanya says
Unfortunately, it is not the preschool, it is the county health department.
And augh, I just found this: https://www.macombcountymi.gov/publichealth/Imm.%20Regs/MI%20Attorney%20General%20Opinion.pdf
It’s not looking good…
KitchenKop says
Bummer, and I used to hear good things about Mike Cox, too… So many are misinformed is sickening, literally!
I can’t urge you strongly enough to connect with the Moms from that site who know the ins and outs of ALL of this legal mumbo jumbo right here in Michigan.
I’ll put this up on Facebook tomorrow and see if there is more help to be had…
Julia says
Hi folks,
I live in Macomb County, MI and we went through this in the public school system for the past two years (preschool, kindergarten). Yes, Macomb County amended the law and now require a reason. Our school had forms we had to fill out (though I had to ask for them; they didn’t offer or make the process easy). The trick is in the wording of the reason, which I learned by contacting momvaccines.org: “I choose not to use vaccines as a method of health care for my child.” It’s a matter of invoking our right to choose, not so much the reasoning behind it. I was warned that if I used anything but the language above, I would wind up writing page after page and still be rejected time and again.
Anywho, I’d recommend contacting someone from momvaccines to confirm, just in case the rules have changed (we homeschool now, so we’re out of that loop this year).
Best of luck!
Jenny says
I live in St. Clair County in Michigan. I have sent in two waivers from MOM and One State of Michigan waiver with the sentence that states “By signing this, you acknowledge that you are putting your child and others at risk” crossed off. Then signed it. I received a denial form. So now I will be calling the Attorney general before I call this “lady” at the health department. I have talked with a lady from MOM and she said their attorney advise to sign the form unaltered but put right by your signature “signing under duress”. It is crazy that this has become an issue. For two years I have used the MOM waiver and had no trouble, now what is different.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Unbelievable isn’t it?!!!
Keep us posted Jenny.
Jenny says
yes it is. For a State that has in LAW the more flexible reasons to not vaccinate, the health department feels they can bully you into what “they” want. Most won’t challege them, for fear of their child being kicked out. I say go ahead, lose your federal money. I have two children more money for them to lose. I even printed out the vaccine waiver form for Macomb county and on their form, that sentence is not there. Maybe I should send that one in. lol. I could keep this thing going until the end of the year…lol They just don’t know how subborn I am. And when you are being stupid with me, I just want to screw with you more.
Jenny says
well, the Attorney Generals office feels this isn’t their problem. They sent me to the department of Community health. And they stated that it is in the right of the St. Clair County health department to refuse for any reason they choose. Really? And said that the sentence that I crossed out is a fact. Really? So I have called Mr. Gilbert House Rep. And Mr. Pavlov Senator. Awaiting call backs. And I have written to channels 2,4,and 7. We will see.
Ramiel says
I made a video about how vaccines kill innocent children and I have provided referenced reports on the matter.
KitchenKop says
Thanks for sharing that link, Rami! 🙂
Sue says
I’m on the fence about all this too. Here in NJ, kids are supposed to have the meningitis vaccine and the whooping cough vaccine at age 11 (before entering 6th grade).
I have 2 doctors that I use. I have a family doctor who practices Functional medicine – basically, he’s uses holistic treatments. He uses diet changes and supplements before pharmaceuticals. He is treating my daughter’s bi-polar symptoms with lithium orotate (an OTC supplement), omega-3 supplements, and he put her on a casein-free diet – he never mentioned medication to me. The only problem with him is that he doesn’t take insurance and the insurance company won’t even cover most of his treatments. Also, he’s 30 minutes away. So I have another, traditional pediatrician for things like strep tests, pink eye, or whatever else may come up. He’s 5 minutes away and I can just pay my co-pay and not have to deal with paperwork.
Anyway – I’m telling you that in order to tell you this. I was distraught when I got the vaccine notice from the school – first, because I was dreading the thought of a vaccine battle, but second because I wasn’t so sure that I should avoid these vaccines. A second-grader in a neighboring school district died of meningitis last year and so I know that this isn’t something to take lightly.
So I called the holistic doctor to get his opinion on the matter. He said that he is perfectly comfortable with these particular vaccines (not all of them, but these two are okay), *IF* they are given from single-dose vials (no preservatives), and *IF* they are given on separate days. I called my regular pediatrician to see if they would do this and they said “of course – we only use single-dose vials”, and doing it on two different visits was no problem either. I just have to schedule a separate “nurses visit”.
So I feel better about all that now and I’m going to have her vaccinated over the summer.
tiffiny says
We don’t sign the form at the pediatricians office, either. My husband created our own waiver. Apparently it was a good one because the nurse asked him if he was a lawyer 🙂 Nope, just a pharmacist whose very aware of the vaccine ingredients.
I love your blog! 🙂
April Hansen says
Excuse me but could you please maybe send me a copy of your home made waivers? I am going to need it for my 3 children. Please and thank you in advance!!! -April
KitchenKop says
It’s at the link above in the post that says, “The forms we DO like” — but here’s a direct link:
Jenna Hoskinson says
Wow, I cannot believe all the pain and hassle the doctor and the school put you through! My kids are not in school yet, but me eldest will be going to preschool next year so I’m going to have to look into this more!
KitchenKop says
I wouldn’t say it was painful, but it was definitely frustrating, just trying to figure out we should do. It’s OK, though, that’s part of parenting. What bothers me are those who aren’t up for it and just throw their hands up and become “sheeple”.
Jill @ The Prairie Homestead says
On the Reader’s Digest side note:
I was so excited to see that article by Gary Taubes, that I wrote them a letter thanking them for publishing non-mainstream nutrition advice. I also shared how my own health and weight has improved since eating more healthy fats, and I even used the forbidden words: “butter” and “whole milk”.
AND, they just contacted me saying they are publishing my letter in the April issue! Whoo! 🙂
KitchenKop says
Yay!!! Great job sharing your feedback with them!!! Word is getting out, woohooooo! 🙂
I just finished an email to Chipotle, thanking them for using pastured meats (and now pastured sour cream too!), local/organic produce, etc., and encouraged them to ditch the soybean oil they use for frying and instead use tallow or lard.
Karen says
Facing termination after 22 years of service at a hopital in Baltimore, Maryland “per” HR representative. Not sure if I should stay and fight and loose my pension or resign before it hits next year. I want to stay and fight, but I have an adopted daughter I am rasing and need to think about her. I hear that no one is hiring people 50 years and older. Ignorantly, I took the flu shot one time in 22 years. I was sick for 2 months. Headache, nasusea, everyday. That’s when I started to investigate what was in the shots. When I found out, I asked my Father in heaven to forgive me for putting such toxic chemicals in my body. I haven’t taken any shots again. When H1N1 was mass produced I read that aborted fetal cells were used to put this serum together. I listened as they gave the shots to pregnant women and young children. How smart of the pharmacology, the highest immunities are pregnant women and very young children. They would naturally fight off chemical toxins. I pray that their babies will be ok in the future. I need guidance and prayers if anyone can assist me in that way! Blessings to you Kelly for being a stand up woman.
Keesha says
Thank you so much for sharing this. I feel much more informed of options I can choose now.
Susan, OCC says
Just a note about school forms. I frequently cross out the parts that I don’t like and initial it with a note at the bottom that I have read the form, and do not agree to the portion crossed out. I have NEVER had one come back to me or gotten a call about one. Perhaps you could do something similar with the vaccination forms.
Susan, OCC
Katie @ Wellness Mama says
Wow! Thanks for the good info. Fortunately, we haven’t had to face some of these issues, yet, and I’m hoping we wont! We are not doing any vaccines, except tetanus if there is exposure. For us, this is a religious and philosophical objection (some vaccines contain aborted fetal cells) as well as a health one. With three kids (oldest is 4) who have never received any vaccines, we have never had any major illness and only two visits to the ER for injuries. We are planning on homeschooling, and since our state allows religious/philosophical exemption, I hope that we won’t even be faced with signing waiver forms.
It is scary how much vaccines are pushed, especially completely unnecessary ones like chickenpox. Sadly, it seems like many moms don’t have the time or even know that they should research these issues. Good luck with everything!
karen ferguson says
Kelly, you are way too nice.
I’m not sure how to buck you up, but it needs to happen!
Tons of options;
Change docs
Tell’em you got your kids vaccinated while on vacation. What doc? How ‘re ya supposed to remember that?
find another lie.
I became a Jehovah’s Witness when they wanted me to do a TB test. I had my alternative doc check me out: I was fine. She wrote it up, last time i heard about it.
Docs have been brainwashed, literally. It’s not all their fault. Some “see the light,” other don’t. Allopathic training = allopathic doc. It’s not complicated. Get in the system, follow the rules. The ideal is to get out of the system. And, why not?
I was so broke as a Ph.D. student, I opted NOT to have insurance. So, I’d go to the local health food store, look up my symptoms [figure out the cause of them], buy what I needed homeopathically. My husband got diagnosed w/ polyps. The doc proceeded to scare him w/ “cancer, growth, time.” Boy was I p$#@ed!!
Chris took the diagnosis to Dr. Chu and came home w/ herbs wrapped in newspaper. That tea stunk to high heaven, but it worked! They shrunk. No worries. He now watches what he eats more closely. I’m in no Doc file. I am off their radar. I believe “well baby” check ups are fraudulent. I think breast x-rays are conning women around the world.
Big Pharma is criminal. They test our drugs in Africa and prisoners..that’s just one more reason why NOT to take them. It’s really okay to lie to protect your children…I know you know that. Big Pharma can squash you like a bug but there are bigger fish to fry.
Don’t hang yourself out to dry. Life goes by more quickly than we realize and we don’t always get to fight ALL the battles. Pick and choose them carefully. You’ve got blogs to write , a husband to love and children to feed. Squash this like a mosquito.
That’s my 2 cents. I agree w/ you. It’s outrageous and criminal how the pharma industry dictates to “public” education. And, our taxes pay for it.
Hugs….you’re a great Mummy.
Karen in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
Marguerite says
I don’t understand the point of chicken pox vaccines – everyone’s kid that I know has had them, has also gotten the chicken pox. They claim the vaccine makes the pox “lighter”. Not so far as I can tell, but then again, I got a light case when I was a child and then got it again at 27, while 20 weeks pregnant, with no complications at all besides a couple of small scars (I scratched a couple before I figured out what they were).
Soli says
I intend for my future kids to get “vaccinated” against chicken pox in the same way I did: I got it, was down for a week, all better. Still have a little water mark scar between my eyebrows.
What bugs me most about the increase in vaccines is that it seems like kids are no longer “allowed” to develop an immune system on their own. The best way to do this is to get sick and recover from it.
Amber J says
Do they have a religious exemption in your state? I live in Montana and had to get a yearly waiver for my daughters to go to childcare but for public/private schools they have a religious exemptious where you fill out forms and send them into the state. Its a pretty terrible thing to go through when all you want to do is protect your children from harm.
Amy says
good work, Kelly!
We went through all this, too and are thankful for this doc. Though we rarely have to go to the doctor office, he’s a good one when we do go.
We filed another form found at
https://www.cogforlife.org/ under the Vaccines tab.
Karen C. says
I haven’t decided yet on vaxxing. Both dds are completely unvaxed. It is easier for me to say that I am still thinking about it rather than to say that I am NEVER going to vax. New research may come to light that makes me want to vax partially in the future or we may find a need due to travelling or exposure risk. For example, as part of my job, I did get a Hep B series back 10 years ago (although I probably wouldn’t do it in retrospect.) Until then, nothing I have read has convinced me to get vaxes for the kids.
Our girls go to private school and they are cool with the no vaxes. It is unfortunately a consideration for us when deciding between public and private school and it should not be so difficult for public schools.
audry says
I’ve enjoyed your blog very much. Homeschooling is an option. I haven’t seen it talked about so I just wanted you to know that it was. We used to live in Midland and there are tons of homeschoolers in the area. I’m sure there are tons of homeschoolers all over Michigan. We don’t do vacccinations. Some vaccines come from aborted fetuses. I found that out when I was pregnant for my third child and decided not to give those. It’s the chicken pox and the MMR (I think the Rubella part, it’s been so long I can’t remember which part). Not long after she was born, it just felt wrong to give them at all. Then I found out about WAP and the fourth child hasn’t had any and won’t unless it’s just the tetanus antitoxin one, not the DTP. She hasn’t been to the doctor since her 1 week visit to the ped after she was born. As it turns out, if she need a tetanus, they won’t give her one unless she has seen the doctor before. She was born in Midland, MI but we live down south now and she has never seen a doctor. When I called about her possibly needing the vaccine because she stepped on something, they questioned what doctor she’d been seeing. I said, why should I take her to the doctor, she’s not sick. That didn’t go over very well with the nurse. I apparently am a bad mother to have a healthy child who doesn’t need the doctor. There’s my two cents worth. God help you in this trial.
KitchenKop says
Yes it is pretty annoying that we’re made out to be crazies for not bringing our kids in when they’re not sick!!!!
Re: homeschooling. I don’t feel like that’s something I’m called to do at this point, but if vax were ever truly mandatory (or if my child was being bullied or not learning well or whatever), I love knowing that’s an option and we have many friends who homeschool, too. 🙂
Alice says
The Common Core Standards might make you change your mind about sending your kids to school…
Heather M says
I could not believe your email today was about vaccinations:) What timing.
I have a 4 year old little girl who I was told by the doctor yesterday “is not normal”:), meaning she is very healthy. I smiled so big and told him I work hard at it. She went in for a sinus infection/cold. Then I went on to say that I read the average child gets 5 to 8 colds a year, how insane is that.
He is our family doctor and he is great. I had a talk with him about vaccinations and how we don’t vaccinate and was wondering if that was fine with him to take the little one on as a patient or are we considered a “threat”? He said, “YES, you are fine. I don’t agree with not vaccinating, but I WILL NOT pressure you, that is your choice.” I could have hugged him. I told him, with a huge smile, that is exactly what I wanted to hear!
After doing research, I am not a fan of Pediatricians. I know there are good ones out there, but they are the least paid of the doctors and pressured by the formula companies and Big Pharma. Not my cup of tea!!! When I told the Pediatrician we aren’t going to vaccinate his response was, “sometimes we just have to do things we don’t want to”. Then at all the well visits vaccines are always brought up. Why. should I have to hear all the nonsense.
I was prepared yesterday, just incase, I might get some flack about not vaccinating. So I brought my vaccine book by Dr. Sherri Tennpenney with the listing of all ingredients in the vaccines. Remember that these docs don’t know what is really in them.
One last thing. I never looked at the wording on these “non-compiance forms” as you have. THANK YOU for letting us know how you view them. You are great and keep up the hard work. I know your blog takes time away from the family, but your view and work is greatly appreciated!!!
Rich says
People must remain vigilant and not allow fear (FALSE EXPECTATIONS APPEARING REAL) to control their lives. My child and tons of our friend
Julia says
Hi Kelly,
I’m in Michigan, too, and in a county that mandates that a reason be given as to why we’re choosing not to vaccinate. Like you, we’ve given some vaccines, but not all. Kudos to you for sticking to your guns. Feel free to email me if you want to “chat” about Michigan vax laws. I’m interested in this new 2010 “mandate.” Funny how after all the lectures you got, your letter/waiver was ultimately accepted 🙂 Oh, and if you haven’t already found it, https://www.momvaccines.org/ is a good resource.
Good luck to you!
T Hollis says
I’m an RN (retired nurse) married to an MD for over 33 years, it’s tough to educate them properly. Med schools spend so much time teaching identification & treatment of disease, they do not teach wellness or nutrition. It is up to Moms to be informed, stay up to date & listen to the inner voice the Lord placed in us regarding the health & feeding of our families.
Elizabeth @ The Nourished Life says
It’s really disheartening what parents have to go through just to be able to choose what they feel is best for their children. Is it any wonder that so many parents just go with the herd because they don’t have the time or energy to debate with medical professionals and government officials about alternatives to the mainstream? It’s a true shame that it’s become this difficult for people to have a choice when it comes to their health. Kudos to you, Kel, for standing up for what you believe in and having the guts to question “normalcy” to begin with!
Carla says
What an ordeal! You are very lucky to have a doctor like that 🙂
I am concerned about the vaccination issue coming up. This is my kids first year of school after homeschooling and they’ve been good about not giving my kids fluoride treatments but vaxes have never come up. I would have no problem hauling my kids out in a heart beat if it ever did. I feel like right now we are in the comfortable “falling in between the cracks” state because we don’t have a doctor (kids have never had checkups but I bring them to outpatients if there is a problem) and we didn’t have to go through the primary registration process, just a transfer from home to public school. I’m hoping I can stay under the radar with this but I think things are a little less stringent here in Canada.
Stanley Fishman says
Carla, under the Canadian constitution you have a right to refuse all vaccinations. Different provinces have different procedures, but they cannot force you or your children to be vaccinated. A Canadian organization could tell you more, if the issue ever arises, which I hope it does not.
I wish we had the same rights everywhere in the United States, where the government seems to view our children as a profit center for vaccine companies.
NancyLee says
“She explained that they have to file gads and gads of forms by a certain date or they are “non-compliant” and can lose funding.”
This is the key fact in ALL medical “care” today – the federal “regime” demands “compliance” or NO MONEY!!
KitchenKop says
Yep, they get you to fall in line one way or another!
Heather says
Thank you for sharing your experience. Dr. D sounds like our doctor (except the saturated fat issue, mine actually prescribed my toddler butter). Our ped has become the popular doctor for the unvaccinated because he doesn’t push them or assume that all parents want their children to have them. Although a big supporter of vaccines he believes in full disclosure, including the negative side of vaccines, and talks openly and supportively to parents. This is quite refreshing since the other 2 dozen doctors I interviewed admitted dropping patients for not following the AAP vaccine schedule. These doctors are out there. We as parents just have to find them.
I miss the days of my pediatrician. Sure, he was in his 80s when I was a kid. He asked parents if they planned on giving their kids vaccines and which ones. It was the first time most ever heard they had a choice. He also advocated real food, kids playing outside, use of medication only in EXTREME circumstances and letting parents do the parenting. The man even taught my mom to sterilize wounds and do stitches for fairly minor wounds to keep me out of the ER when I hurt myself doing kid things like climbing trees. Truly he was a man before his time.
Soli says
Kelly, I am glad you’re sharing your story like this. Hopefully when I have kids I’ll be able to do the same and find a doctor who’s at least willing to hear me out on why I don’t want to give all the vaccinations. (Still don’t know what course I’d take, there’s a lot I need to learn first.)
What’s this article in RD exactly? Is it online? Or just a summary of what Taubes has said before?
KitchenKop says
Hi Soli, yes, it’s just more of what he’s said before, but how fun for it to be in something as mainstream as RD! I don’t think it’s available online because it’s in the current issue. (Or last month’s, very recent anyway.)
Stanley Fishman says
Kelly, I so much respect what you did. It takes great courage to stand up to both your doctor’s office and the schools, and you did so calmly and effectively. You and Kent are terrific parents!
You have done all your readers a great service by sharing your experience and how you made it work.
It is great that you pointed out the danger of signing those forms, and that there are alternatives.
Thank you for showing how it can be done.
RPW says
Thank you for your work on this, and for sharing your experiences. I never really thought about the language of the forms being so incriminating.