Warning: Skip to the links below if you have real problems and don’t feel like listening to me whine about crap that doesn’t really even matter in life…
You guessed it, more “issues” around here…
Last week was one of those weeks that made me question everything. My site was hacked, so while I spent hours changing all my passwords and taking care of other “after you’re hacked” issues, I had to pay a guy to help me fix up the backend of my blog, because when the malware was removed, some good php code also got taken out by mistake. This is all after my Christianity 101 site was hacked a few weeks ago and I paid to have the security tightened up around here. Apparently these losers are most likely in another country looking for any tiny cracks to get in, and they’ll never be caught. I’m confident now that things are secure (after I paid for even more security measures), but if the small profits my site brings in only go toward tech help to clean up and re-secure my sites after they’re hacked, where is the sense in that? If I had all the time in the world (and money) to pick up the pieces after this happens, that’s one thing, but I just don’t and so I turn really ornery. Or I cry, that’s another of one my common coping techniques. Ann Marie was hacked last week, too. She’s ticked off, but not all whiny like I am. Instead she’s giving me pep talks and saying things like, “Any job has it’s negatives, but what we are doing is WORTH IT. Think about a store owner who was robbed, he doesn’t just close up shop!” In most areas of my life I’m a positive person, but the tech issues through the years get me so worn down, that I’m just a Debbie Downer when it comes to this stuff. I can’t imagine not blogging, but wow, it’s really not easy some days.
If all that weren’t bad enough, I made the mistake of clicking to update my iPhone last week and it got corrupted somehow. I made the mistake of thinking, “Updates on Apple related gadgets should be simple…” Well that still isn’t fixed, and anyone who knows me knows that I need my lists in order to function and to keep all these balls in the air: 4 kids, a Rookie class, the blog, stupid tech issues, and everything else.
OK, I’ll stop now. I feel better though. Thanks for hanging with me if you’re still reading.
I do still have a couple links for you this week, I found these before the wheels came off…
- You’ll love this article from a few years back, “Pottenger’s Cats and the Pre-Atkins Diet”.
- Those of you following my saga on vaccines and our doctors office won’t believe the latest news on that…stay tuned and be sure to subscribe to blog updates (buttons above) so you don’t miss anything. (See a chat with the nurse at our doctor’s office and the follow up before I fill you in on the latest soon…)
- Speaking of vaccines, have you heard the sad news about the 10 infants in California who died after contracting Whooping Cough? Pertussis is one shot that we did actually have all our kids get, but it irritates me that this is the government’s answer for everything: “Clusters of unvaccinated people contribute to outbreaks, but in the case of whooping cough, the cycles will continue until a much greater number of people of all ages are immunized.” Of course no mention of teaching people how to build up their immune systems so they don’t catch every single bug going around. I’m not talking about babies, but I’m talking about the adults who are around the babies… Anyway, how sad all of it is. Read the whole CNN article and let me know what you think.
- By the way, also coming soon are some great posts on more nutritious school lunches!
Ann says
Read carefully about what they DON”T say in order to instill fear into unsuspecting parents.
The 3 part series begins at 2m and is completed by 6m.
Notice that NO WHERE in the article does it say that these infants were NOT vaccinated which leads me to believe that if these infants were over the age of 6m, they were in fact vaccinated and they are being used to promote vaccines.
So my guess is that their poor little immune systems were most likely attacked by the vaccine(s) itself.
I know of several children who have had all their vaccines on schedule and have still gotten the whooping cough, chicken pox, flu, or mumps. My closest friend has 6 kids, all vaccinated ontime, 5 of them got the whooping cough at some point before the age of 2.
Again, if very few are not vaccinated, then the the ones that are vaccinated should not have anything to worry about.
You know the media, if any of them had not been vaccinated, they would be all over it and the parents most likely brought up on charges of neglect.
Irene says
Well, now, really!! Isn’t there a VAX for those pesky hacking computer viruses??
Milehimama says
I do get tired of the blaming non-vax parents when vaccinated children get ill.
Most of my kids aren’t vaccinated. In August, my 4 year old hurt her foot and we decided to get her a tetanus shot. But the only vax approved for her age is the DTaP.
A week later she had a reaction to it that landed us in the ER.
I hate that even when you DO decide on a particular vax, you can’t just get that one – no, we had to have a vax for THREE illnesses, not just tetanus. Turns out she reacted to the diptheria (yes a WEEK later). Doc said redheads have a lot more reactions than anyone else!
And my primary care declined to report it to the adverse effects line, but told me I could if I really wanted to.
I don’t doubt that the efficacy of many vax is very low. Do you know of any studies looking at 5 years after vax- how many kids are still immune?
Lisa Imerman says
We switched pediatricians with our last child when they refused to discuss vaccination and delayed schedules or not vaccinating. They had gradually changed their tune to be less willing to even engage in discussion or answer my questions on the safety, effectiveness, etc. Last time we went there, we switched as soon as it was apparent they didn’t care about the truth but rather the medical society’s position/drug companies propaganda was all they would hear.
I love this post on Nourish MD and when I fill out the waiver for my children I do what Dr. Sue did and alter the wording.
Cathy Raymond says
Hi Lisa – Small world, I just met Dr. Sue at the Mercola dinner party. You are so lucky to have guidance like that. I had to use my own wits when I raised my boys. I didn’t know about vaccines, but I did keep my son from taking Statins and getting tubes in his ears.
KitchenKop says
Lisa, I just commented at that blog asking Dr. Sue if the school/state accepted that modified form… I assume they did since she posted about it, but I’m surprised they accepted something with words crossed out and such…
DeAnn says
We have had a few families around here contract whooping cough. One family had a newborn and had a scary week in the hospital. I started to freak out because I also have a newborn, we are friends with these families, and my last two children have not been vaccinated. I found out that a doctor in town here has been doing a sort of informal study in her office. She’s one of the few doctors that actually checks titers before giving a booster shot. (That’s a simple test that checks the antibodies present in the blood. If levels are high enough then one is immune and does not need a booster) Anyway, she says EVERY time, the pertussis comes back negative. That means NO one in in her office that has received the pertussis vaccine is immune to it. That really shocked me! I really wish there would be a formal study done that checks our immunity to these illnesses! So, I’m just bumping up our Vitamin C and Fermented Cod Liver Oil intake for a few months. Flu season is coming up anyway so it can’t hurt!
KitchenKop says
I’m not surprised, but at the same time I am SHOCKED that once again, nobody even knows what they’re DOING, yet God forbid a parent decides not to vaccinate for something!!! They wonder why we don’t trust them!!! Makes my blood boil.
Cara says
I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older, or what, but literally nobody in the past year and a half or longer has said anything bad about not vaccinating! And our mainstream ped. that thought that GAPS was bogus last year seems to have done some reading and was really encouraging at this year’s appointment. I wonder if the tides are changing…
And another note. A friend and I just went to a pox party with our 4 little ones, and the only one who got the chicken pox was the ‘picky eater’ of the group who really dislikes protein foods. I’ve seriously exposed my unvaccinated healthily fed kids to chicken pox for 2 weeks straight and they haven’t gotten it, neither has her healthy eating toddler.
I’m curious how the correlation between deaths from childhood diseases correlates with adequate intake of healthy fats and proteins.
KitchenKop says
I’ve exposed our youngest to chicken pox a few times and he hasn’t gotten it yet either. What will you do if your child is older and still hasn’t had it? Is that any reason to vaccinate????? I hope you say no, because these days all vaccines scare me. I have to look into it a LOT more, but I thought I’ve read somewhere that chicken pox is much worse if not contracted until the kids are older…
I’m digging back into all this again because I’m working on that update post I keep talking about.
Sarah says
I wonder if I can have a titer done on my child. It would be interesting. I am going to talk to my pediatrician about this comment to see what he thinks. (He is generally good about discussing the vaccine issue, even though he is still pro-vaccine.)
Ann says
Maybe it’s my recent experience of going through the airport and being incensed by the ever increasingly invasive “security” forces manning the airports (I would be willing to bet that there are more government than non-government workers at the airports at this point), and watching travelers being put through the newest, and even more untested than most vaccines, radiating contraptions, but after reading the comments to your post, I believe that there is more than chance at play with respect to your sites being hacked. Please don’t give up your mission! We need you. In fact, I am willing to bet that you were hacked precisely because you have such an important voice in the alternative community. Thank you for all that you do for all of us. Blessings, Ann
KitchenKop says
Hi Ann,
It does make you wonder…because the problem began last week when ALL Real Food Media sites were hacked…
I guess that means we’re on the right track.
Amy says
My 15 yo son was diagnosed with Pertussis in July of this year. He’s *still* sick! He lost (and gained back) 9 pounds. It was awful. The interesting thing is that he was fully immunized against Pertussis. All 6 shots, even the booster just 3 years ago. They put our whole family on antibiotics and that caused a lot of problems for one daughter who was allergic to what she was given. I’ve had 3 colds/flus since then and my youngest has been more sick with a cold/croup than she ever has been. But that is a whole ‘nother story!
So, it was explained to me that even with immunizations, we are only about 75% immune anyway. I am confused by this whole thing because I’ve know about Louis Pasteur and how he and others developed vaccines. (“Microbe Hunters” is an interesting read. :)) I know that they work against things like rabies and anthrax. So what is the deal with the other ones? Are they effective or aren’t they?
KitchenKop says
Amy, that’s the gazillion dollar question, and it’s what bothers me the most about all of this – no one seems to be sure about anything, and they’re using all of us (our kids especially) like we’re one big science experiment…
I’ll be talking about this more in my upcoming “update” post…
Stanley Fishman says
The CNN article just gives the official pro vaccine side of the story.
Dr Sheri Tenpenny has another view, which is worth reading. Her article about the Pertussis outbreak is at the following link:
You may need to scroll down to the middle of the page to see it.
Martha says
So sorry about the tech problems. I was hacked a week or two ago too and it’s incredibly frustrating. I’m sure it would be far more so if I had a blog or didn’t have such computer genius for a husband. As it is, many of my info is gone for good, since I don’t back up regularly.
jenna Food WIth Kid Appeal says
what i didn’t like about the CNN article is that it didn’t tell parents how to A) recognize the illness or B) how to treat it so that complications like death do not occur. i had no idea what whopping cough sounded like so I goggled it and found this https://www.righthealth.com/topic/Whooping_Cough_Sound/Video. all it said was that child and adult immunizations would help prevent it, but what about those at risk to develop it??
Wendy (The Local Cook) says
Ugh, hang in there! I felt like throwing in the towel when my site was down for a few days, but it was eventually fixed and now I’m back in the swing of things. Jolon was hacked last week too I think . . .must be going around, ack!
Erin says
Ann Marie is right. It is worth it, to me and lots of others. Thank you for what you do.
Kate @ Modern Alternative Mama says
Sorry about all your tech issues. 🙁 No fun!
I posted on vaccines Saturday…and have another theory on them (after reading some of the WHO’s position papers on disease). I’m not going to detail on it here because I’ll post it soon, but basically, I don’t think we’ll even be able to use vaccines in another couple generations. And it has nothing to do with any side effects of them, either.
Kim Morisett says
Hi Kelly,
It’s not simply tech issues getting you down – the father of all lies would love nothing more than to stop you from spreading the truth and encouragement that you do on both of your blogs, and he’ll do whatever it takes! Hang in there, you have a God-given gift, and many of us depend on you! I am praying for your encouragement and for your finances.