I just don't get it. How could an organization that does SO much to help people find the Truth about God and put their lives back together, and who makes commercials like these, and who helped Kent and I save our broken marriage, get this thing so wrong?
How can they still be so in the dark on this issue?
I suppose it's partly because in any large population group, Christian or not, they are made up of people. People who are just as susceptible to slick advertising and brainwashing from corrupt financial or governmental shenanigans as anyone. Sadly, it seems like so many in our society bury their heads in the sand and want to believe that the higher ups can be trusted.
(Notice when this post was originally written, before all of the Covid shenanigans. I wonder if Focus on the Family is starting to wake up now?!)
Where Focus on the Family is WRONG
As much as I’ve always loved Focus on the Family, I'm disappointed, but not exactly surprised, about their blind spot when it comes to vaccines…
Here's an excerpt from Focus on the Family's official stance on vaccinations.
The first thing you need to know is that, contrary to the claims of some groups and individuals, vaccines are safe. Before any vaccine reaches your doctor's office, it has undergone several rounds of rigorous clinical testing. The government continues to monitor all vaccines after their release to ensure that they are as safe as possible.
To which I say… Uhhh, actually NO.
The “safety studies” conducted by the CDC, which has incestuous relationships with the various pharmaceutical companies whose products they are supposed to objectively evaluate, is infamous for manipulating the results of their safety studies to exclude cohorts that would show vaccines have negative health consequences. The CDC also has a non-profit arm called the “CDC Foundation” which is heavily supported by pharmaceutical companies. No conflicts of interest there. (Source.)
More from Focus on the Family:
While a small minority of children may experience mild reactions, including irritability, tenderness in the area of injection and low-grade fever, the likelihood of a severe reaction to a vaccine is extremely small – much smaller than the likelihood of complications due to the disease.
Again, I say… Tell this Mom of triplets that, who now has THREE vaccine-injured kids. That doesn't sound like a “small chance” to me at all, and their reactions certainly aren't mild.
And did you know this? One in every 30 kids in US has autism — a 50% jump from 2017!!!
Read Focus on the Family's entire statement here.
Pretty frustrating isn't it?
Now read a quote from this article:
Many of the same legislators demanding that Planned Parenthood be defunded to prevent them from selling aborted baby parts, are hypocritically supporting mandates that would force parents to inject their children with them. It’s the equivalent of saying, let’s ban sugar while mandating that parents feed their children sugar cookies and pretending that the sugar cookies don’t contain sugar. It makes absolutely zero sense.
Many of the same parents holding up a pro-life sign on Sunday, are leading the charge against others for not vaccinating their children with vaccines containing aborted baby ingredients on well-check baby Monday.
In fact, some of the biggest Christian organizations and magazine publications have promoted vaccines containing aborted baby ingredients and have given platforms to atheists bashing the religious reasons for opting out, while demanding that we stand up against abortion.
Hello? Hypocrisy anyone? No wonder people are confused. You’ve got the church telling you to vaccinate your kid, the state shoving it down your throat, religious leaders preaching all things pro-life, and the vaccine enthusiasts pretending the entire issue doesn’t exist.”
But you know the argument, murdering one life (or 68 to get “the” cell line) to protect millions of kids from a benign childhood illness that yields lifetime immunity and protection against more serious diseases as adults, is worth it if we can make a vaccine that provides 4-10 years of junk immunity, causes serious adverse reactions, and sheds – infecting the immunocompromised, babies, and pregnant women, and gives Grandma the gift that keeps on giving…shingles.”
If you, like me, couldn’t force yourself to watch the Planned Parenthood horror videos that came out a while back, at the very least read this entire enlightening, but not pleasant, article here: Abortion doctor admits…
Did you notice that the link above to Focus on the Family's official stance on vaccines had NO mention of the aborted fetal parts?
One more quote from this article: Dear Focus on the Family, You’re on the Wrong Side of the Vaccine Controversy:
Dear Focus on the Family,
We need to talk. Sister to brother, friend to friend, one Christian homie to another. Recently, I’ve seen several other Christian organizations whose opinions I typically value, step into the vaccination controversy. These articles have all had three things in common: they support vaccines, are void of scientific and biblical citation, and fail to address the valid religious objections Christians have (or should have) to vaccines.
Imagine the surprise of thousands (if not millions) of parents — some of whom have vaccine injured children or children who will never be able to subscribe to your magazine (because they were killed by a routine vaccination) — when they opened up your highly anticipated “Thriving Family Magazine,” only to see your stance on a polarizing subject that was neither scientific, nor biblically based.
Because I am a Christian who cares deeply for your organization and our religious liberties, let me tell you, in love, where this article went sorely wrong and why you should retreat from your stance on vaccines until it is aligned properly with the scripture that forms the foundation of your organization…” (Read the rest here.)
Watch this video that explains everything clearly
It explains not just the issue of how aborted babies are used in vaccines, and how many abortions were involved, but also what IS a religious exemption, WHY it is that churches aren't looking closer at this, and I think most shocking was that there is some evidence showing how DNA fragments from aborted babies can lead to an increase in lymphoma and leukemia, auto-immune disorders, and gender identity confusion, which is a leading cause of teen suicide!!!!!
It just keeps getting worse:
Oh great, this video has been taken down too, because it dared to question vaccine safety! It may be on Rumble or Bitchute now, but I can't find it. 🙁
How do you feel about this? Do you agree that Focus on the Family is wrong and want to let them know what you think?
- You can contact them at this email address: [email protected]. Even better, forward them this post or share it with them on social media using the social buttons.
- You might even want to send this to your own pastor, that's what I'm doing, they may not know this stuff, I know mine doesn't!
- I'm also sending this to the President of Right to Life in Michigan, I know her personally and she's awesome. We've GOT to get this information out there.
Start talking to your friends and family more about this topic, and please will you share this post using the social buttons?!
The vaccination issue is like everything I discuss here on the Kitchen Kop blog, and I say this all of the time: you need to do your own digging and think for yourself. I hope my posts help to open your eyes to the “other side” of the issues, so you can hear viewpoints that you won't be exposed to in the mainstream, but only use what you read here as a starting point. There's still a LOT I don't know, so please don't depend on what you read here to make big decisions about your family's health. Research it!
- As I continue to learn, I'm finding more that makes me thankful for where the Catholic Church is falling on this issue, especially as a pro-life, pro-family, pro-parental rights Catholic Christian myself. Read more at this link. And here. And here. One more link here. Basically the Church says that alternatives should be sought, but if there are no alternatives available, parents can use those vaccines if they feel it is necessary, but that they would also be justified for following their conscience and refusing them if they choose. So basically Catholic schools especially should never be forcing parents to give these vaccines as an enrollment requirement!!!!
- Read my own story about the scary day I realized that docs and the CDC really have no idea what they’re doing when they shoot up our kids with vaccines willy-nilly.
- All of my vaccine-related posts are here.
- In this post there's a video that shows how measles was viewed not that many year ago. This shows the same thing.
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- Also you might want to read this: How to Eat Carbs Safely and Lower the Glycemic Index of the Foods You Love (And: Why Dieting Backfires!)
Deborah says
Yes I am appalled.
The other side has worked for years setting up their people in key positions to make articles like this happen. It’s not a surprise to many who know this. Sadly, I would not like to know this was the way people manipulate but it’s the truth.
No longer a supporter of Focus.
Rachael Koschak says
I had this argument with them 15+ years ago. I received a canned response letter back…
Chelsey Vela says
Thoughts on a a Christian ministry that we could support that is at least neutral?
Chelsey Vela says
Mercy ships even mandates for coworkers.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
They are wonderful people there, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just sad that they’re so in the dark on this issue…
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Bonnie Neel Kuhlman As mentioned in my post though, they helped save our marriage and do the same for many others.
Chanda Johnson says
Who funds this program?
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Do you mean Focus on the Family? All private donations I believe…
Lorraine Rudd says
Why is FOF commenting on vaccines rather than referring guests to scientific forums and publications? Is there a money trail to be followed?
Mindi Rae Beattie says
I stopped supporting focus on the family a few years back when I found out about the pro-vaccine article they had published, and their refusal to discuss it. I tried commenting, emailing, and calling them to try to talk with someone about it and NEVER received a return email, call or response to my comments. I decided if they were too cowardly to even discuss a very hypocritical article they had published then I wasn’t supporting them despite the other good things that they do.
Sandy Betten says
Mindi. my story too. thx for sharing. are u part of MVC?
Mindi Rae Beattie says
Sandy Betten What is MVC?
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
We used to support them too, and they still do SO much good, but there are other places that do just as much good, but without the bad…
Sarah Schantz says
I stopped listening too when I heard they were pushing vaccines. They must be getting financial support to do so.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Sarah Schantz I don’t know, I think they are just very misled…
Sandy Betten says
Nice piece. Yes, Living Whole also wrote a well supported response to FOF a few years back and FOF still stands firm. If you research COGforlife u’ll find that the amount of babies aborted at all stages to come up with 2 workable cell lines was enormous and completely unethical. Injecting both female and male DNA has never been studied to be proven safe hmm I wonder what it does to a male infant who is injected with female DNA that gloms on to his own and vice versa?? I guess we’ll never know BECAUSE IT HASNT BEEN STUDIED! SV40 (simeon virus number 50 [out of 40]) came from infected monkey kidney, was part of polio vaccine in the 50’s-caused cancer. For the curious, Look it up. Even the CDC doesnt deny it. All tissue is impure and carries pathogens even monkey, cow, chicken, mouse, pig and dog all of which are in today’s vaccines. The synergistic effects of the toxic ingredients over an 18+ life span has NEVER been studied. CDC and FDA and Pharma lie thru their teeth & bury scientific data in the name of profit claiming “vaccines are safe and effective”. If you’ve been watching Del Bigtree recently, you will have noticed he found evidence proving some vaccines are studied for only 4 days. SAY WHAT? If adverse reaction doesnt happen in 4 days, vax is safe? And isnt it interesting that childhood disease, autism and ped cancers And yes, SIDS AND SUDS, are going up at the same time vaccines have increased significantly since 1986. Its really amazing that our smartest doctors can’t figure this out…or can they? What are they hiding? Watch Vaccines Revealed available NOW for more info.
Flo LaDuke Richards says
What is SUDS?
Holly Smith says
Flo LaDuke Richards Sudden unexplained death syndrome. It’s what they say when a vaccine kills a older child. Look up Nick Catone his 20 month old was recently killed by the Dtap vaccine it was ruled SUDS.
Kelly Garrard Smith says
It is sad that FOF lacks discernment on this issue and leads others to follow that same path. I have struggled so much with the issue of abortion and vaccines. I am flabbergasted that I never knew this, that there is no informed consent on this issue, and that many Christians are so unresponsive.
Sherry Andrews says
Did you send this to them? They are just going with the mainstream on health…..they go with the bad food guidelines as well—instead of real foods God made.
Janet says
My sister just returned from a medical missions trip in Africa where there had recently been a measles epidemic that killed thousands of children. I wonder if those parents wished they had the choice to vaccinate?
Jill Boman says
We used to live in South Africa and one of the health campaigns that was being carried out by the local health department (that we did some volunteer work with) was centered on Vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency is rampant among the poor in Africa as a continent thanks to the indigenous people being so far removed from their traditional diets (which were rich in Vitamin A and other fat soluble vitamins). The measles virus in particular causes the body to consume large amounts of Vitamin A–this is why in the “olden days” when everyone got measles, children would rest in their rooms with their blinds drawn to provide symptomatic relief to their eyes (which became uncomfortable because they require large amounts of Vitamin A, which the body uses up responding to measles). This is also why cod liver oil is traditionally given to children with measles.
When you combine Vitamin A deficiency with malnutrition overall (there are more people immunocompromised due to malnutrition in Africa than due to HIV/AIDS, which is really staggering to consider), unclean drinking water, and insufficient sanitation, you have a real problem. But the underlying problem is not a “vaccine deficiency”. The underlying problem is the nutritional status and living conditions of the people that has left them in a weakened state. As a matter of fact, vaccines given to malnourished people (malnourished = immune compromised) are extremely risky.
Just this year a lot of children in Namibia and Lesotho died after measles vaccination. Here is a quote from one article: “Medical experts say there are people who, medically, should not be given this MR vaccine. Like those who are sick at the time the shot is scheduled, people who are HIV/AIDS positive or who have other diseases that affect the immune system, people who are currently taking drugs that affect the immune system, those that have any kind of cancer, has ever had a blood disorder, has received another vaccine within the past 4 weeks, and have recently received blood transfusion….In Namibia 21 babies reportedly died from MR vaccination. Consequently, six parents sued Namibia’s ministry of health. In Lesotho too, scores of parents are calling out on radio stations seeking ways in which they can take legal action.” https://www.teambuntuafrica.co.za/2017/03/26/lesotho-measles-vaccination-results-in-horrific-rashes-and-illness-on-children/
I would be very interested in learning which country your sister visited and the conditions (nutritionally and otherwise) the surrounding measles-associated deaths.
Samia says
5 stars for this comment (relationship of Vitamin A deficiency to measles). Good old Adele Davis and her 1965 book Let’s Get Well, which is the first book I consult, even before going to the w.w. web. She also points out that a seeming Vit A deficiency may actually be a Vit E deficiency.
I sure recall being kept in a dark room when I had measles. Everyone in my classroom and I daresay the entire school got measles. No one to my knowledge was hospitalized and no one died. If they did you would know, because it was a small town.
Cynthia Anne Hedden says
Wow. Too bad. They just need to be educated on the vaccine issues. I hope they research it and take it seriously. Thank you for all you do, Kelly.
Mary Beck Rutkowski says
Dobson and his gang, and MOST “Christian” organizations think everything is their business ! And they are the special “leaders” to tell you what any and all of Scripture means ! There were a few posts stating how impossible it is to get a direct reply to an e-mail, or, a phone call, l from Dobson et al. True ! I wrote, e-mailed, and called and just got the typical run-around – they will not answer questions or bother with people who ask anything ! Just want you to keep listening to his drivel AND – keep sending in your $$$ ! Bad idea !!!
Christine says
Mary, et. al., James Dobson has NOT been the face of Focus on the Family for 10 years. I’m not sure what happened, but he left because of some issues and his new organization is called, “Family Talk.” It’s not fair to him to associate his name with Focus on the Family anymore.
That aside, who knows why they are encouraging their followers to take vaccines. Ignorance? Money?
Do not follow the crowd, question your doctors and research the ingredients of everything you consume, either internally or topically. There’s no excuse for ignorance in this generation, not with the internet. The abundance of quick and easy knowledge has exploded in the last 20 years! But I meet up with more naive and lazy-minded people (concerning vaccinations and the toxic environment we live in) all the time, even in church.
KitchenKop says
Thanks for clarifying that Christine. Sadly, back when he was part of FOTF, I’m pretty sure he was still all for vaccines, BUT so was I! A lot has come out since then and he also has grandkids now, so who knows… Thanks again though for making that more clear.
Barbara says
TOTALLY AGREE with you that Focus…is 100% WRONG! So many Christian families just read their stuff and abide by it – – this organization is not the BIBLE! God’s word has everything we need, but today’s watered down & spoon fed “Christians” don’t look to God’s authority to find out what it says.
My daughter got bit by a dog and had to go to ER for stitches. My husband refused a tetanus shot for her. (BTW, a tetanus shot doesn’t take effect for TWO WEEKS & it’s only mildly helpful for people who are around animal dung!!) My husband informed the doctor and 3 nurses (I guess they were afraid of us homeschooling, anti-vaccination types!!!) that our reason for refusing was #1 the ineffectiveness I mentioned above, but most importantly that the vaccines are cultured in aborted fetus tissue!! The doctor looked stunned and said, “I’ll be right back.” Ten minutes later he came back and said, “You’re right! I never knew that! I feel terrible that I’ve been offering and administering these to my patients!”
Referring to a comment above — the routine & normal thing SHOULD be questioned!!!! Just because “everyone takes birth control” doesn’t make it right! God specifically says, “Be fruitful & multiply.” Did He add a clause, “when having babies is convenient for you”? or “when you have enough money to support the child”? or “when you are finished with college”? NO! the only requirement is marriage between 1 man & 1 woman!!!!!!
Angel says
Years ago my daughter’s pediatrician did not believe me when I told her that vaccines contained aborted fetal cells. Sadly many doctor’s have no idea what they’re actually injecting into their patients.
KitchenKop says
I guess we have to keep being vocal about these things…
Roger Finch says
Money trail….tempting to so many!
As my Dad used to say, “He done quit preaching and gone to meddling”!
Christa Held says
Why does this org even need to take a stance on vaccines? What makes that topic their business anyway??
Holly Hostetler says
My thoughts exactly. Why go there?
Christa Held says
I’m so frustrated with Christian leaders weighing in politically and not for God. Franklin Graham is at the top of the list right now. Really crossing a line imho.
Carrie Buster Wehmeyer says
Yeah, I’m still surprised that my church (Catholic) doesn’t object to vaccines, based on the aborted fetal tissue. ♀️
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Carrie Buster Wehmeyer — check out the links at the end of my post though, there is some encouraging stuff there about the Catholic Church’s stance. (Not perfect, but definitely better than what I’ve seen from other churches.)
Rebecca says
But unfortunately, still won’t accept a religious waiver for admission in Catholic school. 🙁 We’ve had friends ban together to write letters and beg their…what do you call them…archdiocese?…to reconsider, to no avail. (Sorry, I’m not Catholic, so I’m uncertain of the terms and titles.) They still have a ways to go, but at least their official stance is acknowledging people have a real religious reason to object, unlike FOTF and most evangelical churches I know. Many say it is your “Christian duty” to vaccinate to protect others and keep (fake) herd immunity in tact. What a shame.
KitchenKop says
Yes Rebecca, these Catholic schools need to be enlightened about what the Church’s official stance actually IS!
Carrie Buster Wehmeyer says
Thank you. That is good information.
Mary Beck Rutkowski says
~ I actually took the time to read every comment – I was glad to see they were almost ALL strongly AGAINST the recommendations from Dobson, FOF, etc… People gravitate toward big-shots ( Dobson ) and their organizations – Some can and do think for themselves, read, study, research, and learn ! You will not accomplish these abilities by kneeling at the feet of phony characters like Dobson and many other ego-maniacs !
Laura Cazin Phillips says
Not surprising – most christians take this stance. I am a very strong Christian and go to a Baptist church. I don’t bring it up. Most people have not seen the light. Not until it happens to their family usually
Melissa Burns Miller says
Unfortunately, I don’t think this is the only issue they’re wrong about. But still very sad that there very large platform is not being used better or staying on the side of life. 🙁
Samia says
@Norma Hilliard. In theory you are absolutely correct. I don’t want the government bossing me around either, when it comes to how I raise my kids. The arguments in favor of vaccinations do not convince me one little bit.
However, sometimes, in some circumstances, parents do not have an intrinsic moral right to make a so-called decision, if the decision harms the child.
Kayla Hadfield says
Let’s touch on the pro-life aspect here. They are pro-life. The vaccines use aborted embryo DNA. You cannot be both pro-life AND pro-vaccine. This is the wrong platform for this. FOTF should not be answering this question, unless they want to touch on the ethics of the aborted baby DNA.
Norma Hilliard says
I am finding out that governments feel like the child is owned by the state. We have to take care that our government does not get so powerful as to not allow us as parents to make final decisions.
Kathy Polsterer-Lima says
Why are they even advising on This?
Kath Phelps says
Good question. You might want to do some research on who donates to this organization..perhaps you might find the answer there.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Kath Phelps We donated for years… They really did help save our marriage and we were grateful, which is why this makes me so sad.
Kath Phelps says
Kelly the Kitchen Kop I’m grateful too that the Lord provided a safe haven for working out deep heart issues that reside in all of us. I’ve always said…if God can use an ass to speak to a prophet He can use anything! (Perhaps even me!!). Be well friend. Looking forward to meeting you on the other side of the veil! Blessings and thank you for your patience and grace on this too often snarky piece of work that is me. <3
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Kath Phelps You didn’t seem snarky to me, but I can be that way too, so maybe it doesn’t phase me, lol. I look forward to meeting you then too, or maybe on THIS side first someday! xoxo
Annie Ceren says
This is what happens when people follow people; it is always disappointment when you trust in people. Keep telling the truth, Kelly! I’m grateful for your down to earth, honest posts!
Charleen Kelly says
I’ve never understood their stance!
Brenda Hall Roun says
Sad, very sad. There is NO science to support the vaccines that are used and especially the CDC’s schedule they are demanding. This is blatant ignorance at best. I love FOTF but this is just disturbing. They are far from safe.
Mary Beck Rutkowski says
Indeed. I am not surprised, at all. I regard Dobson and his Focus on Family organization to be worthless. He spouts error and nonsense and people lap it up. He encourages vaccinations ? Wrong, WRONG ! So much for just another “expert” ! Apparently, he likes playing games with the “officials” – wouldn’t want to be “controversial” ! Pay no attention to that man behind this propaganda !!!
KitchenKop says
Dr. Dobson hasn’t been at Focus on the Family for quite a few years, but he and Focus in general are normally very much FOR parental rights, that’s why this stance is so disappointing. I believe they still do a lot of other really great things, but in my opinion, it’s just here where they’ve dropped the ball.
Kathleen Gray says
Surprising and disappointing- they need to be educated beyond the CDC and special interests
Venetia Reed Adams says
Exactly! I’ve contacted them about it and they are steadfast. Such a disappointment.
Kate Bowen says
Let’s just keep educating them. I will write them tonight!
Kerri Wartnik says
Dr. James Dobson does not and has not run Focus on the Family for over a decade. There is so much misinfomation in these comments! He retired from it a long time ago. It is run by a gentle, more thoughtful man, Jim Daily, now. The organization is probably like I was once upon a time… Also Misinformed. I was completely pro-vaccine until two of my three children and my husband (who got an updated MMR for graduate school) developed vaccine injury. They are not devils, evil, or corrupt, but a trustworthy ministry with more good fruit to show than most. They have several medical doctors that contribute and probably have been instructed well by the typical propaganda. They just need people to help them know what the true facts are (without sounding like those radical flat-earthers who brazenly go against all science). Not saying anyone is sounding like that here, it’s just that people who speak without sounding intelligent lose credibility with thinking folks, which is who runs Focus.
Katherine Vaporis Herron says
Ignorance, perhaps they have not seen what we have :/
Angie Tillis says
It really pisses me off that the children that have suffered the side effects are ignored including my child.. and I hear them say “it’s only a small risk” I guess when it’s not your child it’s ok .. these are the same people who actually think THE GOVERNMENT will protect them from harmful things!!
Wendy Lynch says
“DR.” James Dobson? Right??!! I mean… the apple doesn’t fall far from the AMA tree.
Nancy Gunvordahl says
He has a doctorate in psychology from USC. He’s not an MD or a DO.
That has never stopped his ego-driven personality from referring to himself as “Dr. Dobson” for years & years and requiring his employees to call him that as well.
(I’m not a big fan, in case you can’t tell. ?)
Life Inspired Thoughts says
It is sad that this large Christian organization can use their platform to spread misinformation like this. Personally, as a survivor of an abusive marriage, Dr. Dobson does nothing to help victims of abuse either, his views unfortunately on marriage, while generally biblically sound is skewed when it comes to dealing with abuse and divorce. So their skewed views on vaccinations do not surprise me. 🙁
Rebecca Bee says
I guess it’s what you already know, Kelly. Follow the money (power, influence, etc) .
Sheri Youngquist says
100% agree.
Jill-David Boman says
It’s horrible. Christians should be the “point of the spear” when it comes to protecting the innocent and calling out industry and government corruption. It’s the same with environmental and responsible agriculture/farming issues. Are we stewards of the earth or are we mindless consumer robots?
Kath Phelps says
We’re here to bring hope and healing to a broken and dying world ..as our own hearts are changed through the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We’re actually called to be a counter-culture to the prevailing culture..’a peculiar people’…NOT A SUB-CULTURE! As Christians we’ve become accustomed to such things now haven’t we…so much so that oftentimes there’s very little differentiation between us and the worldview. It’s no wonder that the world sees us the way they do.
Lori says
The world could probably support more population well, if those in power would allow alternative power (not just oil), and alternative technologies, and organic farming, natural remedies, etc. If inventions were encouraged rather than preyed upon and eaten up by big corporations, if the church would enter into the works that Jesus did and that they “are to do even more”.
Samia says
The world is overpopulated irrespective of any other issue whatsoever. I ask the following question but I never get any sensible honest response: “At what point will you say, yes, there are enough people in this country (and the world as a whole)?”
Acknowledging the fact of overpopulation does not indicate a support for involuntary poisonous medication of anyone. Let us not confuse two issues.
Heather Lu says
Thanks for sticking your neck out there! Funny, how some people act when faced with facts, that don’t support their beliefs or they just simply don’t like. LOL Those who know better do better. Love the video.
Mary Beck Rutkowski says
I, for one, am NOT surprised at the “Focus on the Family” stance on the vaccine issue. I’ve never been a fan of Dobson nor his opinions, promoted under the banner of something supposedly “Christian”. I listened to his radio broadcasts many times over the years, watched him on TV as he was interviewed by various media people and found him to be somewhere between a charlatan and an ego-maniac. The response of Christian people to him has been very perplexing to me. “Psychologist and author” was his description of himself – I don’t get how either of those titles qualifies him to suppose he can lead parents in their raising of their children. The stance of the FOF group on vaccines is horrific and evil and without excuse ! Hypocrisy in its most extreme form – but it drew no surprise from me. I would suggest that people withdraw any and all support of any kind from them and tell others of this abominable position they maintain on the poisoning and harming of other humans – be they children or adults ! !
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Becky Tegeler that’s your choice as a parent if you’re okay with the risk, but did you watch this video?
Becky Tegeler says
I’m grateful for parents that ensure their children are fully vaccinated!! It’s the responsible thing to do!!
Angie Tillis says
I’m sure you would have a different opinion if your child had an autoimmune disease and severe reactions each time your child was vaccinated that ended them in the hospital..
Becky Tegeler says
Angie Tillis I have an autoimmune disease! I need people around me to be protected!
Erin Josef says
I used to be a fan of FOTF when my kids were small. I can’t believe they are trying to play it safe and not rock the boat with this information. People love the koolaid! How sad!
Laura Stollorz Schroeder says
This blew my mind!!! Population control of the poor.
Melissa Utte says
Have you shared this with our good pastor?
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Not this @MelissaUtte but I shared my focus on the family post… (no response) 🙁
Melissa Utte says
I just emailed it to him…How can this information even be reconciled at all with Pope Francis administering immunizations?!? I am appalled
Samantha Hanny says
Thank you for sharing. This is absolutely sickening!
Mary Eaton says
This makes me sick to my stomach.
Melyssa Lyn Howry says
This is absolutely horrible and devastating!!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Anyone who knowingly agrees with that practice is wrong. It’s so sad, but I hope more and more are waking up!
Amy Travis says
I don’t know how a person pro-life or not could not find this to be disturbing.
Ivy Pruss says
“The greater good” is such a lie from the pit of hell… No where is it taught in Gods word that you can do sin for a possible positive out come? Not that vaccines even give a positive outcome because they’re pure poison… but it’s the principle, its severely flawed.
JoceDomschot says
I completely agree Ivy! I have yet to find any type of concrete evidence from the provax community that is biblically accurate. Its always from a human stance or feeling. We all know what satan does with feelings from the flesh. He has twisted minds of believers and convinced them that because a vaccine could possibly protect one from a disease, that the poison is good for you. He comes to steal, kill and destroy and that is exactly what these vaccines are doing!
Sarah Knerr says
Do you have any links or know even what to search to find out definitively if scientists are still using aborted fetuses to create vaccines? I know she said they would need a new cell line at some point but she didn’t provide concrete evidence that they are pushing this via aborted fetuses. I’m having a good conversation with a PA about this and would like to know for myself too.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
I know this site has information on fetal cell lines currently being used, but I’m not sure if there is info here on *new* lines being currently developed. https://www.rtl.org/prolife_issues/LifeNotes/VaccinesAbortion_FetalTissue.html
Sarah Knerr says
Kelly the Kitchen Kop I just read it and no, it gives only gives information about the fetal lines already developed. For me, it doesn’t change anything but I’m going to keep looking for updates information. I can’t imagine they’ve quit using aborted fetuses.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Sarah Knerr I will ask at Michigan Right to Life & report back
Sarah Knerr says
Thank you. I’m all over this looking for more information. I’ll let you know if I find anything.
Brandi Hernandez says
I think I read (though I have no idea where, this is strictly from memory) that they just create the embryos needed in a lab now. It isn’t the same “abortion,” but it is just as bad.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
I heard back from RTL right away and forgot to add the link here for more info on the aborted fetal cell lines: https://rtl.org/prolife_issues/LifeNotes/VaccinesAbortion_FetalTissue.html
Debbie Thompson says
I tried clicking on this website, but it came up not secure. A great site for fetal-derived vaccine information is https://cogforlife.org/
KitchenKop says
They might be having trouble with their site this morning, it’s doing that for me too.
KitchenKop says
And Debbie, thanks for reminding me about cogforlife.org — I’m finding great stuff there that I’m adding to the post!
Sarah Knerr says
Kelly the Kitchen Kop thank you. I’m still looking for concrete sources that pharmaceutical companies are still aborting babies for this purpose. I did find some evidence of creating fetuses in the lab for research… I’ll see if I can find the link.
Kristi says
Check out http://www.soundchoice.org
kitchenkop says
That site is a great find Kristi, thank you!
Hannah Rose says
I’ve known about the aborted fetal cell lines for a long time but this is more alarming than I thought.
Jill-David Boman says
There needs to be a face icon to click for “absolute horror”, reserved for times like this. We are rushing headlong into utter destruction as a species–this insanity MUST turn around. I cannot even fathom the suffering on every possible level caused by these vaccines that contain human DNA fragments from aborted babies, which were created, literally, out of horrible suffering so it makes sense. As Marcella points out, the ramifications of plunging ahead with the vaccination program as it now stands, let alone where it looks like it’s going, are so far beyond what any of us ever imagined.
Jennifer Ryan Drabik says
It’s a total disaster in the making and most are totally blind. For those who are awake it is beyond painful.
Sarah Knerr says
I’ve been sharing like mad and can’t even get people to watch it when I send it as a pm! So frustrated!
Tracey Pinney Maddox says
I didn’t know. This is heartbreaking on so many levels!
Kelly Bolger says
I share this often even in groups that are very anti-abortion. People either don’t believe it or justify the use of these babies for the greater good. I just don’t understand it.
Flo LaDuke Richards says
Still haven’t watched it but “the greater good” is such a terrible way to make people do things, in general. There are times it’s necessary, I’m sure. But — it really ISN’T for anyone’s good except for those making money and taking control. Wow! I wonder if they could ever wrap their minds around what deadly diseases they could be causing. I fear that thinking doesn’t go too far with lots of people. They just regurgitate what they’re told and like the convenience of believing it.
Sorry, Kelly — just got me going a bit. I totoally agree with you, too!
Carrie Bernard says
Thank you SO much for posting this. It’s way worse than I realized. I was disappointed that they didn’t discuss aborted fetus use in the main film, so I am very grateful that they are also doing all these amazing testimonials. There is absolutely no refuting this information. #jimdaly
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
I think most shocking was that there is some evidence showing how DNA fragments from aborted babies can lead to an increase in lymphoma and leukemia, auto-immune disorders, and gender identity confusion, which is a leading cause of teen suicide. It just keeps getting worse…
Laura Stollorz Schroeder says
Oh my GOD! Literally!! Can man get anymore EVIL! No wonder why Christ is coming back with fire.
Melissa Utte says
So if the human DNA causes translocation mutations, what might the pig & monkey DNA cause? There’s something to ponder…
Danielle Marie Ross says
I feel they’re really out of touch with their base. It seems to me that when you don’t realize things are a bipartisan issue you often assume that everyone on your side will agree with whatever you think so you feel safe publishing or announcing your viewpoint on it, not realizing there is actually a huge swath of people that don’t agree with you. The other option is you assume that your sway will change the minds of those who don’t agree with you if you just have a big mouth and act as if you have the authority on the subject. Either way I feel that Focus on the Family hasn’t thought this through. They have allowed fear to make their decision for them. They fear these diseases so much that they have allowed themselves to ignore the gross human rights violations and spiritual implications that have taken place to develop these vaccines. They ignore the gross human rights violations that take place when vaccines are forced on people. And overlook the conscience of their brothers and sisters in Chriat who can not violate their conscience when they believe participating in such medicine will sin against God. I think it is out of fear that most do this, but much sin is commited in the face of fear.
Brandy Mills says
I have a friend who has been on the program a few times and she said she was going to address this with Dr. Dobson but I’ve never heard if he answered her. I’ve personally sent him a few letters and never received a response. Very sad.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
I’d love to finally get through to them somehow…
Anna Julian Rose says
Dr Dobson has not been with Focus for a few years now
Robin says
I agree with you. FOTF doesn’t even touch upon what horrifies me most – the cell lines of aborted babies. I am not anti-vaccine. I am pro safe vaccines. But I don’t know if there are any safe vaccines. I wouldn’t want to see polio come back, but I’ve read that polio rates decreased before the vaccine even came out. I think what bothers me most is when Christians get so critical of other Christians for not vaccinating, and even advocate for forced vaccines. That is like saying you are okay with kids dying and being maimed by vaccines as long as it’s not your kid. Where is the compassion? Baffling. Thank you for your attention to this very important issue.
Evelyn says
Thank you for this. I was listening to one of their broadcasts and was absolutely appalled to hear vax being recommended! I immediately emailed them and very politely asked them to do more research before giving this advice any further, even suggested watching, “For The Greater Good” as a starting point. Never heard a word. This distresses me. I have read the comments and I just have to say that it IS our responsibility to “Love our Neighbor” enough to tell them the truth, especially when that truth can make the difference between life and death. No exaggeration. God bless Kelly. Thanks for your courage and love. Evelyn
Kim@NaturalOrganicFamilies says
Some Christians lose their way, following other sheep and their ideas rather than the Great Shepherd, Jesus.
Mary Cesarz says
I am disgusted with FOTF for their stupid, DANGEROUS vaccines are “safe” stand. They sound like a Big Pharma ad. Don’t listen to them, they ARE NOT FOLLOWING GOD ON THIS FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God does not approve of bypassing what He created – your natural immune system – with poison in a completely unnatural way of bypassing the immune system and causing it to not work properly, if at all. They are causing God’s people to go astray in this area for sure. Don’t listen to them. God does not need man’s poison to “help” HIS PERFECT CREATION!!!! I am so angry with them!!! Their focus is NOT on the family! Christians do your own research and follow NO MAN but JESUS!!!
Ann Duncan says
I know. SO disturbing! The Powers That Be have targeted churches, etc to help with the forced vax agenda. You are on target to expose this!
Anna Moseley Denning says
Maybe that is why Dr Dobson left and formed his new ministry Family Talk
KitchenKop says
I don’t think so Anna, seems like I’ve heard him mention this issue before and he said the same thing as Focus says now, sadly.
Ivy Pruss says
I agree with you Kelly . I am amazed at your continued public stand on vaccines, I support you and agree with you!! Don’t worry about what any one else says. People often like to pick and choose what truth they like to hear/learn/spread/believe. Children of the same Father are all thought the same thing. Vaccines are not ok for some and wrong for others, they’re wrong for EVERYBODY. We’re all taught the same thing from Gods living word, it doesn’t change for some and not others.
Rebekah Rhodes says
I emailed them years ago and they gave me the run around then that it is 100% safe. So frustrating and stopped listening to them then.
Ally Schuetzler says
I agree!! I listen to moody daily… and my daughter refuses to ever change the station from moody in her room lol but when i hear stuff like that it really is hard to believe it! Unless they can 100% prove that certain vaccine info is safe or does not contain something as totally abominable as aborted fetus dna… don’t even go there… the whole vaccine debate is a nightmare and i don’t think it is going to get better. I feel we have reached a time where discernment is very difficult… too much informartion from both sides of the fence that seem legitimate or falsified to the point people have become extremely aggressive either way.
Wendi Denise Dougherty says
Sadly, sounds more like politics as usual. They must have some investment in the pharmaceutical companies or their lobbyists. Can’t see any other reason how or why they could support vaccines containing the aborted fetus’ cell lines.
Linda Reventlow Midtlyng says
Very easy. His message just doesn’t line up with scripture. Check out ministries that point out heresy. And psychology is heresy.
Sarah Stanley says
This issue has infuriated me for years!! The whole “Christian-based” sector as a whole is hypocritical.
They “say” love God but consume God Move Over (GMOs). Uh??
They are against human trafficking BUT buy products that keep precious souls stuck in human trafficking!! Uh??
I wrote a series on the dichotomy within these circles. Sadly very few want to change the way they live life. The way they eat. The way they drink.
What I’ve observed over the years with this sector is that it’s easier to sit in a pew, complain (“pray”) about their ailment or social justice issue at hand, and keep on living stuck, sick, sad. Because actually living a life of integrity is “hard”.
Re: vaccines in particular, God didn’t have us born broken! He made us fearfully and wonderfully made.
Connie Doty says
Thank you for having the courage to speak the truth, even when it goes against a huge Christian organization. Deeper than the truth about health is the truth about fear. We are not to be controlled by fear, which is a continual temptation for many of us in our health decisions.
Kathy LeBlanc says
I will not support Focus on the Family or the other Dobson organizations because of their political agenda. While they are often spot-on when it comes to the Bible, they are often way off once they stray from that topic. While it could be argued that ALL of life (including politics) cannot be separated from God, there does come a danger when your organization starts to push a particular secular agenda. I do believe that they will be held accountable in the end (as we all will be who teach in any way). As to how they will be judged, I will just leave that up to HIM. We as fellow believers are called to be discerning though. Which means that we are personally responsible for rooting out and avoiding false teachings and through meditation on the Word and constant prayer discern the truth ourselves. And yes, even to rebuke as you have done so here. 🙂
Lindsay Bentley says
Agreed. Dobson’s “unbiased radio show” about vaccine safety was absolutely one-sided and irresponsible. They lost my support after that. If they’re so proud and close-minded about this, they will be proud and close-minded about other things.
Jeannine Engle Buntrock says
Sounds like this was written by Pail Offit. Also, the Healthy People 2020 initiative specifically includes getting churches and community organisations to endorse vaccines in order to increase uptake – so we will see more of this kind of thing.
I’m sorry you are drawing flack over this issue, Kelly – but you’re absolutely right Focus on the Family is wrong here (and in some other areas too IMO).
Afira Ratliff says
i was here for the wholisti health advice…not your shitty ideas about religion or politics……done…..gone……disgusted yo uwould ever give me that crap…..let alone support focus on the family……seriously…they support these bootcamp schools that we as kids were tortured at……they let the workers there go to churches to drum up support for their torture schools……and steal more peoples money from..disgusted..goodbye
Janet Novielli says
Sadly many Christians and Christian ministries fail to recognize God’s natural plan for health. Breast feed your babies and all their immune systems to mature before assaulting them with chemicals and aborted fetal cells!!
KitchenKop says
One thing I want to make clear to you @Savannah, and everyone, is the same thing I say here all of the time: I’m not telling anyone what’s best for your family, I just want you all to be aware of the issues, do your research, and think for yourself, THEN make your decisions. There’s still a LOT I don’t know, so please don’t depend on what you read here to make big decisions about your family members’ health. Just use it as a starting point. 🙂
Savannah Palmiter says
I love this Kelly; good for you speaking about it. I had already chosen not to vaccinate before I came across this information a few months ago, but this really cemented in that decision. We can’t be hypocrites and say we are against abortion while supporting it with our actions. If people are too closed-minded to handle someone disagreeing with them, leaving your site is their loss. Keep doing what you do!
Stephanie Di says
No matter where we stand on the vaccination debate, we should all agree it is a parents right to make that choice not a mandatory ruling by the government. I am saddened that any organization, especially a Christian organization, would get into the debate in order to further the governments cause.
Billy Wendi Niccole says
Or do you not know that your body is the Dwelling Place of the Set-apart Spirit who is in you, which you have from Elohim, and you are not your own?
I Corinthians 6:19 ISR98
Nikki McDonald says
I completely agree, well said!!
Wendi Niccole says
Thanks for speaking on this subject. For me it goes back to Leviticus 11 where the Father, our Creator, tells us, His children, what is and is not food for us. Look at ingredients of any vaccine and see the unclean cells they contain, not to mention the many chemicals. How any believer can think the Creator of our bodies is okay with this…is just baffling.
Cheryl Smith Tredway says
Wow. So sad but even believers will be deceived in the last days.
Megan Christian Cowan says
Most people really just don’t know. They don’t look at the real insert, the doctor doesn’t tell them and likely has no clue, and they don’t bother doing their own research. All the general population sees is the fear-mongering from both sides that the mainstream media *chooses* to tell them.
Pam Mercier says
Kelly, you will answer to God for your choices, not Focus on the family. All I’m saying is that when they preach Biblical truths, I’ve found them pretty much spot on. On other things, work on your own research> Pray for guidance and go from there.
Summer Farkas Takács-Michaelson CH says
Even if the Biblical teachings are correct, to use said teachings as a cover for persuasiveness in the use of products that contain human and animal fetal tissue does not jive with the teachings of Christ.
Furthermore, by using correct Biblical teachings, Focus on the Family has set itself up to have a following…this is power. Power can be used for the good or the bad. To not acknowledge the dark side of this power is to remove all discriminating faculties.
Instead of following God, there is following of organizations and companies. Very not Christian in deed!!!!☺
When the heart of an organization is corrupted of truth, the teaching is not in alignment with truth.
Focus on the Family is not an acceptable bearer of Biblical truth until their teachings line up with their commodity persuasion. The organization is living a lie until they repent of it.
Jon Kris Sugimoto says
Most Christians take vaccinations because it’s the routine, normal thing to do. Everyone does it! Kind of like birth control. ..
Marie Goodwin says
Because the routine, normal thing is what we’re called to…?
Jon Kris Sugimoto says
The routine normal thing is never questioned! It’s just what we do, like eating 3 meals a day and sleeping 8 hours a night. I’m thankful my eyes have been opened to the dangers of vaccinations!
Elaine says
This conversation is so hard. I do not believe in vaccines anymore either (and not sure I ever really did) but when you read the Focus on the Family, it sounds soooooo official, so correct, that I can see how it confuses people. I commend you, Kelly, for not being afraid to write about your stance, even when you lose readers!
Lorena Sandoval says
Makes them look ignorant.
Ruth Wasser says
I believe whole-heartedly that you are wrong in your stance on vaccinations. Focus on the Family is 100% correct. I will be not subscribing to your blog any longer.
Bean says
Best of luck and love to you Ruth. And may the odds be ever in your favor.
Mary Windemuller says
They follow like sheep to the slaughter without questions. The vaccination system is terribly flawed and needs to change. If you believe vaccinations and the drugs are your savior you are looking in the wrong place.
Jen Linskens says
They should stay out of this topic totally. Doesn’t have to do with salvation.
Danielle Marie Ross says
This is really just depressing. Another Christian magazine had a similar article last year, and a Christian homeschooling textbook I was using with a girl I’m tutoring took the time to say that parents who don’t vaccinate are just wrong. I don’t understand how you can be anti abortion and pro using vaccines that contain aborted babies? It’s like the vegan who doesn’t acknowledge that we use animal parts in everything from tape to cosmetics.