Yesterday began like any other day but turned out crazy. I got up early to get some work done, and then Kasey (our 11 year old) and I went to Mass and to the grocery store. While checking out I listened to a voicemail from Dana, a reporter at Fox. She wanted someone to comment on the American Academy of Pediatrics' new policy to boost child vaccination rates nationwide, with their strong suggestion for states to eliminate parental choice to exempt their child from vaccines for non-medical reasons.
She said they already had a doctor on camera “for” vaccines, and admitted that they have trouble getting “this side” of the story.
As riled up as I get over the vaccine issue, at first I was going to pass and told her it was because I know how the news can show only parts of an interview and make it look skewed, or show the “trusted medical professional” vs. the “silly mom blogger”. She replied to me in a text and said, “I understand, however I do not slice and dice. You have my word. I do not compromise interviews and have high journalism ethics. Would you be willing to talk?”
So I decided to take a chance and do it, hoping to get this side of the story out there more. This was 11:30 am and she needed the interview by 2:00 pm for the 4:00 pm news!
By now I was trying to get dinner into the crock pot and had a haircut scheduled for 1:00 pm, so I asked if they could come to me. She said yes, so off we went…
Our daughter, who normally helps me a lot around here, was babysitting, so I woke up our other teenager and got him working on the dishwasher and some other stuff so I could finish dinner — he didn't even complain, WOW, what a sweetheart, right?! Kasey started picking up the clutter everywhere like a wild-man.
I've never seen him move so fast without complaining, he thought this was going to be fun!
In the meantime I was brushing up on a few facts with my friend, Jill, who is all over this issue. (She wrote this post: Mandatory Flu Vaccine for Healthcare Workers – Why One Man Is Choosing the Mask, and her husband, David, wrote this book: The Man Behind The Mask: Why I Choose To Not Receive The Flu Shot.)
Somehow we were ready by 2:00. (Thank you Lord!)
Our teenager went back to bed (you know, because noon is WAY too early to be awake for the day), our daughter was home by now and sat on the front porch to make sure no one came to the door during the interview, and Kasey videotaped for me — which was a very last-minute decision. If I had thought of it ahead of time, I'd have gotten the boy a tripod, so please have patience as you watch the full video further below. 🙂
Dana only used a tiny part of what I said (she was upfront about how short the story would be), but I thanked her because I think she did a good job of making it fair.
***If you're only skimming, please if you're pregnant or if you're just digging into this issue for the first time…
Keep in mind that you MAY choose to vaccinate, and that's okay. It's YOUR choice! I would first just ask you to be sure to check out the links below as part of your research, and talk to others that you trust, get information from all sides before you make a final decision.
Here's the interview that ran on FOX:
Read the comments on the story at the Fox page — I added a couple too, because some things the doctor said got me riled up more:
- The doctor mentions that his kids got immunizations when they were young, but back then they didn't get anywhere NEAR the number of vaccines that kids are regularly given today! Click here to see the BIG difference. (Not to mention that he had the CHOICE.)
- The doctor says, “As a pediatrician I look at immunizations as being the foundation of our practice,” said Dr. Dan McGee, pediatrician with Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital…” Does anyone else think it’s sad and shortsighted that a doctor sees the biggest part of wellness as something that comes in a syringe? Wow. ?
- As I said in the full video below, yes, I believe most doctors do have our best interests at heart, but remember the famous quote: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” (by Upton Sinclair). This article explains why I bring that up here: How much money do pediatricians really make from vaccines?
- Read Jill's comment: “Yikes, the doctor perfectly illustrated one of the biggest problems in healthcare today: The entire paradigm (and his own practice, as he admits) is standing on the foundation of the pharmaceutical industry rather than seeking to optimize the function of the human body, knowing that by design, if provided with what it needs it can take care of itself. This is an example of the broken, mindless, one-size-fits all approach to healthcare that is so far behind current research which increasingly points to the importance of individualized medicine. Somewhere along the line the pharmaceutical industry hijacked healthcare, crippling it in its original intention to seek the good of each patient and “first do no harm”. For an enlightening read on pharmaceutical corruption and its influence on health policy and physician prescribing practices, check out this issue of Harvard University’s Center for Ethics journal devoted entirely to the topic.”
- Be sure to watch the VAXXED trailer below and you HAVE to see the last video where an actual United States politician calls “Vaxxed” filmmakers heroes “Like Winston Churchill”!!!
- I'd like to reiterate something I put in the video below, the full interview. There is always going to be a risk. There's a risk to vaccinating, there's a risk to not vaccinating. For me I'd rather take the small risk of getting a natural disease that will likely (not always, but normally) not be dangerous, vs. the GROWING risk of a life-altering injury from a vaccine made with questionable ingredients, pushed on us by an increasingly corrupt industry.
- Here's a shocker…NOT: As mentioned above, the American Academy of Pediatrics asked for the removal of all non-medical exemptions to vaccination, so would you be surprised to learn that the pharmaceutical industry not only gives millions $$$ to fund the AAP's education classes and conferences but they also helped BUILD THEIR HEADQUARTERS?!!! Here's a gem from several years ago that's worth re-circulating in light of the AAP further selling out to Pharma: How Independent are Vaccine Defenders?
***PLEASE go leave your comments too, they need to hear from more of us on this issue, we can't stay silent!!!
You might leave the same comment here, because I don't know how long FOX will keep that video live on their site.
Here's the full interview, as videotaped by our 11 year old — so again, have patience as you watch please (plays after the ad)!
- In case you missed the correction in the video, I had said that 1 in 2 boys will have Autism soon if something doesn't change and things continue along this track, but it's actually 50% of kids and 80% of boys! What will this mean for our society?!
More of my posts on vaccines if you'd like to dig in:
- The time I learned the doctor's offices don't even know what they're doing. (Be sure and read vaccine inserts if you choose to vaccinate your kids!)
- How we came to our own vaccine decisions.
- All my vaccine-related posts in one spot.
- Unrelated: check out the time I was on LIVE television on a local ABC morning show. 🙂
- Watch the Vaxxed Trailer below, or click here to instantly rent the full movie stream, or click to buy the DVD here as soon as it's available. (I'm going to pray that our kids will watch this before THEY have kids!):
- Get this! An actual United States politician calls “Vaxxed” filmmakers heroes “Like Winston Churchill”:
Sarah says
I think the Dr said it perfectly when he stated that he could not predict who was going to have a vaccine reaction. Exactly. You can’t predict the risk of the vaccine and you can’t predict the risk of the disease. Let the parent choose which risk they are willing to live with. They know their kid and situation (well nourished, access to quality healthcare, etc.) better than you. I will never understand why someone could think it’s ok for another child’s life to be ruined so that their kid doesn’t get sick with something. You don’t want your kid getting sick? feel free to keep them at home. Look at the death rates from these diseases before the vaccines were introduced…there is nothing on the current schedule that would “end” our society if people didn’t get the shots.
KitchenKop says
Right and actually the disease rates went into a sharp decline *before* the vax were introduced, due to better sanitation, clean water, etc. I’d have to find the link for that, but can’t right now, not supposed to be on the computer and got sucked in!
Sally_Oh says
Great job, Kelly!!!
Lynne says
Thank you for doing this, Kelly! It would have been easy to say no given the time crunch, but you courageously stayed your truth in which so many of us agree. ?
Leah E McCullough says
Great job Kelly KitchenKop! Way to represent! Thank you so much for the accurate and reasonable information you provide. I hadn’t seen that clip of the Vaxxed Team talking to government officials, it was great! THANK YOU!!
Diane Black says
Thank you for doing this !!!!!
Christina Agoris says
You did great Kelly!
Christina Agoris says
Even though the recap at the end failed to mention the recent outbreaks of measles and whooping cough were caused by shedding from recently vaccinated individuals…
Rhiannon says
(grammar pedant here!) It’s FEWER vaccines, not less, technically. ANd great post.
KitchenKop says
Yes, I’ll fix it, thank you! I’m always happy for those who help me find grammar or spelling errors, otherwise years later I’ll see them in a post and UGH. 🙂
Jennifer Zint says
Good job
Chandra Thompson says
Thanks Kelly for being bold and speaking up for the many people who are anti vax and also for sharing so much related info on your blog!!!
Sarah says
Today a nursing student told me if my kids have the chicken pox vaccine they will not get shingles. I told her I never heard that before. Do you know of any articles that address this?
KitchenKop says
Sarah, I think the answer is that in “theory” you shouldn’t get shingles, BUT the vaccine isn’t effective and often it “wears off”, so later many people who were vaccinated DO still get shingles. (Since it’s the same virus as chicken pox.) Which is why they’re pushing the varicella vaccine on people throughout their lives now.
I wasn’t sure I had that right, though, so I asked my friend Jill, who knows more, and here’s what she said:
“In THEORY that’s how it’s supposed to work because shingles is caused by latent (dormant) chickenpox (from previous chickenpox infection) becoming reactivated. But research shows that chickenpox vaccination actually INCREASES risk of shingles later on in life compared to people who had the natural viral infection. Also, periodic re-exposure to chickenpox (the real thing) after you’ve actually had it yourself reduces risk of shingles later because it’s like a frequent “booster shot”, constantly re-enforcing your immune system’s strength in holding the dormant virus at bay. So the fewer cases of real chickenpox adults are exposed to (from kids having it) ends up reducing adult’s resistance to shingles (because their immune system loses its edge with that particular virus). The incidence of shingles has increased quite a bit since the chickenpox vaccine. So chickenpox vaccination has caused more of the very problem it was *supposed* to prevent, that is shingles later on in life (which is more severe than having chickenpox as a kid) by preventing the natural re-enforcing of adults immune systems from periodic exposure to kids with chickenpox. The other problem with the vaccine (besides obvious adverse events/vaccine injuries) is its pathetically weak effectiveness–it has a very high failure rate. A friend of ours’ son just got over chickenpox and he was vaccinated for it. Our own kids got it from a vaccinated friend who got chickenpox anyway. That vaccine doesn’t work very well:”
Hope that helps,
Sarah says
It helps tremendously. Thank you for all you do ?
Arlene Zazzi Alasandro says
So, the Dr equates having his children vaccinated with how many more vaccinations kids get now=apples and oranges….
Arlene Zazzi Alasandro says
I see you mentioned that on the FOX page-Kelly;)
Christina Agoris says
Seriously that’s what I was thinking. The benefit outweighs the risk? So the flu, which can be treated, are worse than a lifetime of autoimmune and or autism…good ideology.
Stacy Hayden Hall says
Bless you!
Mary Ann Berning says
Good for you Kelly the Kitchen Kop…!!! You’re such an advocate for those who don’t want to conform to AMA standards…!!
Mary Sheiko says
Fist pump! Go, Kelly the Kitchen Kop!
Sheri Youngquist says
Wonderful!! You’re courageous!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Don’t know about that Sheri Youngquist, but I’m definitely hoping it encourages more parents to dig in and do the research on this issue.
Rebecca N. says
I can’t believe how much the politics and big companies are trying to take away parents choices. It isn’t and should not be the states job to raise our children. Great job Kelly!
Karen S Miller says
Good job! I wasn’t sure if they would cover it fairly. You spoke well 😀
Mim Williams says
You Go Girl – you are speaking for all of us!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Thanks Mim — please leave a comment at the Fox site (link is in the post) and also feel free to copy your comment at my post too, since I don’t know how long the article will be up at Fox, thanks!!!
Kathy says
Great Job Kelly. You have a lot of courage. Thank you for standing up for the rest of us! Really appreciate it!
One thing Fox and the Dr. didn’t mention was the presence of toxic metals in vaccines. When we had lead in the Flint water, that lead in the water isn’t 100% absorbed by the body. When you get vaccines the toxic metals like mercury and aluminum are 100% absorbed by the body, because the vaccines go directly into the blood stream unlike the lead in the Flint water.
Here are some great articles on the toxic metals in vaccines.
1) Update – August 2016: The Natural News Forensic Food Lab found that a flu vaccine contains 51 parts per million of mercury. This dose is 21,000 times higher than the safety limit for mercury in water according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
It is also 100 times as high as the highest level of mercury found in mercury-contaminated fish. What is worse, however, is that the mercury in the vaccines is absorbed 100%. In contrast, mercury in water or fish is much less absorbed.
2) Update – April 2016: UCLA pediatrician resigns because The American Association Of Pediatrics knows that vaccines cause autism and has been covering up this information.
For full article, please click on:
3) Update – April 2016: An excellent article and book about vaccination and aluminum poisoning appeared recently at this URL:
4) Update – May 2015: An excellent discussion of vaccination is by Robert Kennedy, Jr. at this link:
Best, Kathy
KitchenKop says
Kathy, yes, thank you for bringing that up! I hope you leave this comment on the Fox page too!
Kathy says
Do you have the link?
KitchenKop says
Yep, it was up in the post and here it is too:
KitchenKop says
They wanted someone local.
mbrzfarm says
If they had called me, I would have referred them to Barbara Loe Fisher of NVIC. I question her ability as a journalist if her research didn’t lead her there.