Many years ago, way back when I first started this blog, I wrote a post about my dark secrets. Through the years it was interesting how I had to go back into that post and add updates, because slowly but surely, those dark secrets didn't really apply anymore. Click here to see what I mean, but for one example, I used to only buy shredded cheese because I thought that shredding it ourselves was just too much. But over time I'd read the ingredient label on those bags and see the nasty chemical preservatives in there vs. NO preservatives in the block of cheese, and I just couldn't do it anymore. So I started buying blocks of cheese from pastured cows at Costco (such a good deal there!) to shred ourselves, and it's really no big deal! I'll do several blocks at once using my Bosch shredder attachment and freeze 2-3 cups in separate baggies, or we'll pull out our box grater and shred just what we need for that meal. Easy!
However I do still have a few dark secrets…
I'm putting these out there hoping you'll share yours too, don't leave me hanging! And don't be too tough on me, I'm still on a journey!
- I still get highlights in my hair yearly. With bleach. Yep, I said it. It's such a nice pick-me-up every fall!
- Speaking of bleach, my Mom always used it in her whites and it reminds me of her. So I use a splash of it in a load of whites once every few months, but it's diluted in a washer full of water, is that still bad? I'm sure you'll all enlighten me, but all I can find online is related to the dangers of mixing it with other household cleaners, which I don't. And it doesn't irritate anyone's skin or cause anyone respiratory issues whatsoever. I've been thinking about mixing up a jug of lemon juice and peroxide in a dark container and seeing if it would get our whites as nice as bleach, but haven't gotten to it. Has anyone tried this?
- I don't use any organic make-up. However, I do use this much safer makeup and skincare!
Lately I haven't been “soaking” or “properly preparing” my grains much. Partly because we don't eat as many grains as we used to, and partly because when we do, I've only been using einkorn, and get this: it's usually this white einkorn flour or einkorn pasta, not whole wheat. I know, crazy right?! But if it's white, I don't have to think about the phytic acid in the whole grains blocking mineral absorption, and einkorn is so much better for us anyway. (Read more here about why Einkorn is so much better: Could THIS be the answer to the gluten sensitivity epidemic?!) However, our “everyday” bread (even though we don't eat it everyday anymore) is a fermented multi-grain from a local baker, so we're still getting whole grains in. If I didn't have this option, I'd still be making my soaked bread recipe more often. (UPDATE: now that I've found how to SO easily make sourdough, I do that mostly!)
- Every 2-3 or more months when we are making up some cookies, I'll eat a lot of yummy cookie dough. Dang that stuff is good, especially chocolate chip. I have to say though, that my sweets cravings have decreased significantly over the years, it's crazy how that happens when you're body is well-nourished with real food!
- I haven't switched to organic wine yet, but probably should. Since I did the Whole30 I haven't been drinking wine as much, but still. Anyone know of a good organic Riesling? (Yes I know red wine is better for me, but my palate hasn't quite gotten there…) UPDATE: Now I love this wine!!
So tell me, what's YOUR 10-20%, or your dark secrets?!
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Teena says
I struggle with the laundry too! I try to make homemade laundry powder with washing soda, borax and Dr. Bronner’s Tea Tree soap. But one bar of soap costs $4 so it is usually cheaper (and easier) to buy whatever Meijer has on sale. Since I am doing 8-10 loads of laundry a week, I often go for cheap and easy. And I haven’t even had the time to try and replace bleach, oxy-clean or spray and wash!! We have been really good with the food part. My personal dark secret is when I “have to” go to a lunch meeting, I don’t even try to eat healthy.
Margaret says
We do pretty well most of the time. I still use sugar in my baking (or more likely half sugar, half coconut sugar), but I reduce the amount significantly. For cleaning, I use Tide free and gentle and oxy-clean (I know! I’m not a huge fan of “natural” detergents) in my laundry. We use our Norwex cloths for most cleaning. The only place I still use a nasty chemical cleaner is in my shower. I have tried so many natural cleaners, and have yet to find one that can stay on top of the mildew that wants to grow there. I hate using it, but haven’t found something to effectively replace it. There are always ways that we can improve, but it doesn’t always feel possible to make those improvements at the time. My solution is to just keep plugging along, making small, sustainable changes.
KitchenKop says
Hi Margaret,
We still spray that stuff in the shower sometimes too, and then just air it out well before we go in there! I agree that continuing to make small, sustainable changes is smart. 🙂
KitchenKop says
Sarah & Rachel, we’ve all got something!!!
Thanks for sharing,
Gregory Linda Chase says
Kelly, I’m glad I’m not the only real foodie not managing to keep up with it all.
Stacey says
I love this post! You’re just keepin’ it real. :). The whole bleach thing made laugh because I’m right there too. I’d love to know if someone has a natural bleach alternative that’s just as effective.
KitchenKop says
If I end up trying this alternative, I’ll let you know! 🙂
Rachel says
At home I do pretty good at keeping things out of the house I’d prefer not to eat/be exposed to, but I still have a guilty pleasure of getting coffee at a coffee shop with my mom or sister occasionally. Also, it’s not plain coffee, so it’s extra bad. =)
Sarah says
My guilty pleasure is that I am dddicted to mochas at a local coffee shop. I know they are bad. I no longer have to say anything, they see me and make my drink. Hey I am supporting the local economy! Ugh. Since switching myself to a low gluten diet (one meal once a week) cookies have low appeal. I have to make bread less often which is completely organic white flour though it is authentic sourdough. People don’t complain about that bread. I ve to keep hubby happy. He has come a very very long way though.