Want to know how to get colostrum into your diet?
Since it's a superfood and has helped so many regain their health, this is a very good question, but first…
Have you heard of Colostrum?
If you're a Mom, you probably know that it's the “first milk” that nursing babies get after birth, and is commonly called liquid gold because it's so so good for them–it builds their gut health and is one of the ways to give them the best possible start in life. This is true of all mammals, but cow colostrum is actually good for their calves AND for humans to consume, kind of like regular milk. Only this isn't actually milk, it's PRE-milk and loaded with nutrients that nourish our gut. (Many who are dairy intolerant can take this because it's PRE-milk, but ask your doctor first and start slow.)
You may know that gut health is EVERYTHING: if your gut is healthy, your whole body is healthy!
This is the colostrum we take daily.
There's more below about why THIS is the only one we'll take and how to get the best pricing.
There are SO many health benefits of colostrum!
But I have to be very careful about how I tell you that or I could get in trouble.
Learn more about colostrum here.
This book spells it out well and explains ALL of the benefits.
Or go here for more info:
1. Health benefits of colostrum–hear from my friends Paola & Rose:
How to Get Colostrum Into Your Diet
- I keep the capsules on-hand to take now and then on days I didn't get enough of the powder in, but even better, because swallowing pills isn't my favorite…
- I'll pop in a colostrum chew/lozenge here and there–these are delicious and have not only colostrum, but also vitamin C! (I like both the strawberry and pineapple, but the pineapple has more colostrum.)
Best of all (because you can get the most in this way), I add the colostrum powder into all sorts of things, it tastes so creamy and wonderful:
- Superfood smoothies
- Homemade ice cream
- Homemade pudding
- Froth into coffee for a dreamy latte–due to the healthy fat content, it needs a good blend so it dissolves in well.
- You could pack it into your gums before bed so it can absorb quickly and effectively–especially good for those with oral health issues.
- Stir into yogurt.
- Add to pancake or waffle batter (or cookie or cake batter!)
- Mix into regular or keto cheese sauce.
- Add to ANY cream-based recipe for extra creaminess and nutrition.
- I add it to hot cocoa–again, you may want to froth it so it dissolves, my homemade peanut butter granola recipe, paleo daiquiris, homemade chocolate syrup, healthy baked oatmeal, Irish cream, keto cheese sauce, and pretty much anything!
- Rose suggests this: “Mix a whopping tablespoon with a bit of softened butter, and if you choose a little raw honey. Spoon it into little ‘dollops' and keep in the refrigerator. If desired, add some good cocoa powder. This is seriously delicious either way you do it. I call it, Energy Bites.”
- Just eat it off the spoon as Paola explained here…
Or here's my new favorite way to take it along with the LimuZ for even more benefits:
This tastes so good, you'd never know how good it is for you. See more photos below and info on how these are so beneficial! I used my frother and mixed these together:
- A half-bottle of my favorite kombucha, or a full bottle if you're not watching your carbs like I am. (You could use water and it's still delicious, but I like to get some fermented foods/drinks into my diet when I can–be sure to read this though: How to Drink Kombucha and Not Ruin Your Teeth.)
- 1/2-1 Tablespoon of Colostrum
- 1 packet of LimuZ (see all of the benefits listed below!)
The main thing I noticed right away was that I was remembering my dreams at night, which means I got deeper sleep! Look at how my sleep app looked in the morning, it's crazy how many hours I was in deep sleep:
Note that some say they can only drink this earlier in the day or it has the opposite effect, it gives them energy and they can’t sleep. I felt energy when I drank it, but still zonked nicely too! Do what works best for you.
By the way, just like you can take the colostrum dry, right off the spoon, you can do that with the LimuZ too. Rose explains: “Just take a little bit at a time until you figure out the enormous fizz that happens in your mouth when dropping it in. I learned the hard way that it grows . . . A LOT . . . when you put it dry into your mouth, but oh, do I ever love it that way. It reminds me of the old sugar and dye laden Pixy Stix we grew up on. This is also good on a road trip to keep the driver awake and alert!”
If your gut needs a lot of help and the fizziness in the LimuZ seems to bloat you, just stir the fizz down before drinking. You won’t have to do that for long until you’ll handle the fizz and even enjoy it.
Here's what's on the back of the LimuZ package:
Here's my yummy drink all mixed up:
More info on the Colostrum:
More info on the LimuZ:
Can you take too much Colostrum?
Here's how Rose explains it: “If you don’t ‘feel it' with the amount you're taking, then double that amount until you do feel it. It's a wholefood, so there is no ‘too much', just as there is no ‘too much' of eating an apple. I might be able to eat ½ an apple, but you might like to eat a whole massive sized apple. Either works, and your body lets you know what works best for you!”
Can Colostrum be used externally?
There's also value in using the Colostrum externally. Mix it with a little coconut oil and make a nice paste to use on any abrasions externally (or internally!). Think of cuts, scrapes, bug bites, blemishes, even internal cuts or cold sores in the mouth. Where you can, cover with a bandaid and let it do its work. This can be kept in the refrigerator to keep like a balm or salve.
How to get the best pricing:
When you go here to shop, you'll always get free shipping on your first order, but to get that on future orders just sign up for smart ship. You can choose how often it comes and pop into your account to change it anytime you need more, or don't need more, as the case may be!
Why I like this Colostrum best:
It's the best because it's from pastured cows, it's tested to be sure there are no pesticides or hormones, it's left whole with nothing taken out or added in like most colostrum out there, and it's true colostrum from the first 6 hours after the calves are born, so there's no transitional milk in there at all from when it starts to switch over, which means MORE nutrients.
Are you sensitive to new things?
Note that If you're very sensitive, you may need to start out with a small amount, sometimes even just a pinch, and work up so you don't get “die off” symptoms, because these are very good at going in and cleaning up your gut, just FYI!
Want to join an Anovite Facebook group to learn more?
This group is full of info and testimonials about the many ways these superfoods have helped people overcome their health concerns, even long-standing chronic issues! Email me your FB username if you'd like to be added: [email protected].
If you have any questions, just shoot me an email: [email protected] or comment below. 🙂
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