The vaccine mandate madness that has swept state (and even federal) legislatures has millions of parents justifiably spooked and angry. Most of us would agree that such laws are overreaching and dangerous.
In the meantime, while we work together to restore sanity to our once-free country, you need to know that if you or your child absolutely cannot get out of one or more vaccines (or you've done your research and have decided to have them get certain vaccines), there ARE some things you can do to reduce the likelihood of vaccine injury. See a whole list of ways to protect yourself further below, but first…
Also, see this more recent post: Don’t Shake that Vial! (Strategy for Forced Vaccinations).
Aren't drug companies brilliant?
They pay politicians big bucks and pressure the right people and then BINGO, now their vaccines are mandatory and they're rich! (Can't believe it? Read this.) The new California law says that as of 1/1/16, your child's shots must be up to date if you want them to attend daycare or school:
SB 277, eliminates a parent’s right to exempt their children from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. On June 30, 2015, Governor Brown signed SB 277 the most stringent vaccine mandate in the United States into law. In 2016, California parents will be forced to give their children more than 40 doses of 10 federally recommended vaccines. Families that do not comply with the one-size-fits-all vaccine mandate, will lose the option to use licensed daycare facilities, in-home daycare, public or private preschools and even after school care programs. School aged children, not up-to-date on every mandated vaccine, will be required to home school without options for classroom learning. This open-ended vaccinate mandate allows the legislature to add any additional vaccines they deem necessary at anytime. The only exemption available is a medical exemption that doctors deny to 99.99 percent of children under federal guidelines.” (Source)
If I lived in California and wasn't already homeschooling, I'd start now, especially since no one knows what will happen eventually in the other states!
But what happens if you have vaccine safety concerns and there's no way around it?
There are multiple reasons why parents may not want to homeschool, and many mandatory vaccines are being forced on adults anyway, whether it's in their workplace, in their healthcare jobs, or really anywhere. Then what?
First, you can try to get out of it — check out these posts for help:
- How to get OUT of mandatory shots – 2 brilliant ways around this infringement on your rights
- Mandatory Flu Vaccines for Healthcare Workers – Why One Man Is Choosing the Mask
- Healthcare Workers: How to Refuse Mandatory Vaccines and Not Get Fired (Part 1 and Part 2)
- Vaccine Rights Lawyer Speaks Out: There is Extensive Corruption
So you've tried to get out of mandatory vaccines, but without success…
First, do this:
- Get a blood test (titer) to determine if there are antibodies leftover from baby vaccines or prior exposure.
- Before you submit to any vaccine(s) you do not want, educate yourself on the exemption laws in your state. Sometimes school officials are uninformed or misrepresent their state's laws. This map of vaccine exemption laws by state is a good place to start.
What You MUST Do Before Mandatory Vaccinations
If you absolutely must get a vaccine (or maybe you are someone who happens to believe vaccines are a good idea — we respect everyone's opinions around here!), there are ways you can prepare your body and give it the best chance possible of coming through it without any adverse effects — this is very important!
- Have you seen this all-in-one protective supplement?
Here is my friend, Jill and her husband, David's story:
Because several of our family members have suffered adverse events related to vaccinations, we steered clear of them for years. Unfortunately, our son dreamed of being a fireman and in our state there were several vaccine requirements for his program. We began to research ways to navigate through one or more vaccines more safely by tapping into the body’s innate ability to reduce oxidative stress–ultimately, minimizing the risk of adverse events from vaccination. Our objective was to prevent the immune system from over-reacting while at the same time helping the body get rid of what the vaccine would put into it.
First, we learned that the gut is a first line defense for the body’s immune response. Even though the mechanism of entry into the body from the one vaccine he didn’t titer well for (a titer blood test exempted him from the others), we felt it wise to have the GI system in tip top shape so that his body would not have to multi-task with an underlying source of inflammation and divert attention away from responding appropriately to a vaccine. So in addition to eating clean, support with various gut-supportive supplements including L-glutamine, probiotics, and several antioxidants was clearly a good action step.
Next, strengthening the body’s detoxification system appeared to be critical. Antioxidants including vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as the minerals, Zinc and Selenium repeatedly came up as we researched this topic. L-glutamine also assists with detoxification.
VacciShield actually consolidated most of the supplements we planned on buying for him into one product, which simplified the process and saved a lot of money. It addresses gut health, detoxification, oxidative stress, and healthy immune response.
Take it one week prior and one week after vaccination. Formulated by a naturopathic physician, Vaccishield contains vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and an amino acid to support healthy immune response and aid in detoxification. (It is designed for infants and children, but Jill contacted the company to inquire about an adult product and was told that until the adult version is available, just double the child dose for adults.)
Our approach was to use VacciShield as a foundation to build upon with other immune supports such as:
- Cod liver oil (for anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D)
- Turmeric (a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant)
- Chlorella (chelates heavy metals)
- Strong probiotics that survive to make it to the gut (builds up the immune system)
Plus non-supplemental supports such as:
- Juicing (detox) — Jill is also planning on juicing some celery and parsley for after he gets the shot to help prevent an autoimmune reaction, and then having him take it easy for the rest of the day and the day after to give his body a chance to deal with the toxins without added stress.
- Extra fermented foods (more probiotics) like water kefir/kombucha daily for extra probiotics, plus detox help (kombucha).
- Icing the vaccine area beginning immediately after
- Timing it to avoid vaccinating during illness
- Minimizing additional strains to the body and unnecessary oxidative stress by avoiding strenuous exercise for a few days post vaccine.
- Avoiding Tylenol and its active ingredient, acetaminophen, like the plague because it depletes glutathione in the liver, hindering detoxification. Plus, the alternative way the body is forced to metabolize acetaminophen when the liver is overwhelmed actually forms a more toxic substance and adds to the toxic burden.
- Consider finding an herbalist or naturopath with an infrared sauna to help further the detox process. Infrared saunas stimulate the immune system though, so wait a bit after vaccination before considering that one just in case, since it appears to be important to keep the immune system purring like a kitten, rather than roaring like a lion, if you are concerned about autoimmunity or an exaggerated immune response/allergic reaction.
- Apply Magnesium oil and/or a Bentonite clay poultice to the vaccine site right after vaccination to hopefully help draw out heavy metals, specifically aluminum with this one.
No whey protein or other immune-stimulating substances leading up to the vaccine. Avoid inflammatory-causing polyunsaturated vegetable oils or junk food, which hopefully you aren't eating anyway!More helpful supplements:
- Astaxanthin
- Quercetin (apparently this helps Zinc get into your cells, that one has vitamin C too as well as Bromelain, which is contraindicated for certain people, be sure to talk to your doc and/or research this first)–Quercetin is also in many fruits, vegetables, leaves, seeds, and grains; especially red onions and kale.
- Curcumin
- Natural vitamin C
- Bentonite clay and activated charcoal taken before and after the vaccine
Further research led us to this VAERS data review on PubMed, which revealed that receiving flu and hepatitis B vaccines together places patients at the greatest risk of all vaccines or vaccine combinations for Guillian Barre Syndrome. From the review: “The highest number (n = 632) of GBS cases was observed in subjects receiving influenza vaccine followed by hepatitis B vaccine (n = 94).”
Because our wise son refused this particular vaccine combination he was not admitted into the EMT program after his fire training was completed. He is now working on his prerequisites for chiropractic college instead!
Thanks David & Jill!
As WRONG as it is to be forced into vaccinations that you've researched and found are not right for you or your child, if you're left with no choice, hopefully these measures will help you to protect yourself or your child as best you can and reduce the likelihood of any adverse reactions.
More ideas for how to protect yourself are here:
- Look up the information on the NVIC website, use the vaccine ingredient calculator, and see what dose you can get away with. They found that since he's 18, Jill's son could still get the pediatric version which contains 1/2 the aluminum (and 1/2 of everything else) and no mercury. After nearly two hours on the phone, Jill found a pharmacy 30 minutes away that carried the 10 mcg. version, whereas all the other pharmacies either only carried the adult, 20 mcg., version, or none at all.
- How to build up your immune system naturally
- Probiotics are so important for pregnant moms, kids, really anyone, but especially if you're trying to heal a health condition — here are the only ones we take now because they make it past stomach acid into the gut were they can do their work.
- Dr. Blaylock's protocol for reducing the toxic effect of vaccines
- Again, don't miss this more recent post: Don’t Shake that Vial! (Strategy for Forced Vaccinations)
More about VacciShield:
VacciShield is a nutritional support supplement for infants and children to use during the vaccination process. As an expectant mother, Dr. Catherine Clinton became concerned about vaccines and wanted an option to support her son during vaccinations. After extensive nutritional research, VacciShield was designed to help support healthy brain, immune, gastrointestinal and detoxification function during vaccination. Each ingredient in VacciShield was specifically chosen to boost health in the body systems that come under stress during vaccination while at the same time decreasing inflammation. It is a blend of non-dairy probiotics, vitamins, minerals and an amino acid designed to boost health in the two weeks surrounding vaccinations.
This product is not a vaccine alternative nor is it a cure for vaccine side effects. When vaccinating you or your children should first be in the best of health. Many vaccine experts recommend multiple nutritional supplements leading up to, during, and following the vaccination. Millions of people use vitamins and nutritional supplements to boost immunity and overall health in a variety of situations – airplane travel, cold season, high stress times, and any situations that put extra strain on the body’s health. In a similar way, VacciShield is an easy to use supplement that will support health around the time of getting any vaccinations.
Again, for adult protection: Adult dose is double the child dose listed on the package.
More you may have missed:
- See all my past posts on vaccinations here, including the story of how we handled this whole issue with our doctor.
- One Day from Hell — Unbelievable Video of Vaccine Injured Michigan Triplets
This post was originally paid for by Well Future, but as you know by now, I only promote products I believe in. 🙂
Sheri Youngquist says
Kelly, thank you for still having this info up. The Healthy Home Economist site has scrubbed all their vax info, and people desperately need the preventive and detox protocols. I’m pretty sure it was the HHE site that led me to you several years ago!
KitchenKop says
Yes, it’s risky for sure, but I can’t bring myself to take it all down. I hope I’m never forced to…
Venetia Reed Adams says
God help us.
Kris Unger says
just heard on the Dr. Ted Broer show that pediatricians get a $400.00 bonus from BC/BS for every child that is fully vaccinated by age two, but the catch is that 61% of their patients must meet this criteria, no wonder some pediatricians get so nasty when a parents says NO vaccines. The average pediatrician has over 1000 patients, that equals over $122,000.00 per year in bonuses!!!!!! Money is more important that the health of your child!
Jill Hunter Clem says
Back in 1990 and 1991, when our son was a baby, and after suffering cardiac arrest and stopping breathing at 27 hours of age, we secretly delayed vaccinating him at the suggestion of his excellent pediatrician. With the help of our naturopathic doctor, I used strengthening means before and after each vaccine, and homeopathic means via both physicians (pediatric and homeopathic, as both were certified as such). Very grateful that we had such support. And grateful to read of so many mom’s taking such precautions now!! Good for them!!!!
Jeanne Marie says
And, take another look into homeschooling. Ultimately, it may or may not be right for your family, but I’d encourage you to find a homeschool group in your area and see what you think. It’s great that he’s enjoyed going to public school, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s he best option for him. If nothing else, homeschooling would give you more time to figure out your options regarding vaccines and the detox process.
Mary Nuti says
Get a titer test. They may test high enough to not need the vaccines
Xian Sun says
Thank you for the information!
Heidi Thomas says
This is helpful! We’re about to move to a country where vaccines are mandatory and it makes me break out into a cold sweat just thinking about what is likely in store for my kids. My little ones don’t have any (known) allergies, but even so. Thank you for doing all this work for us and our families, Kelly!
Stephanie Bogan says
Yes, as Kris Newton said, find out if your state is truly “mandatory” , in our state everyone repeats that it is (it’s not, exemptions are allowed) , and very few know the actual laws.
Also, be very careful if you do use an exemption, that your child isn’t bullied over it .
You might want to look into homeschooling co-ops in your area, most provide all the “fun” parts of school, while leaving the nonsense out.
Yvonne Mitchell says
This is true in Pennsylvania. Religious and philosophical exemptions. The lawmakers ARE trying to change it…PA residents educate yourselves…stand up for your beliefs!
Kris Newton says
As make sure that you live in an area where vaccines are TRULY mandatory. Those school nurses will say some pretty awful things, even if there are waivers! I have encountered lots of Moms that really don’t know there are ways around….
Kris Bell Slager says
And for those of us who choose not to vaccinate, it may be wise to keep your children away from recently vaccinated children as we know vaccines “shed” and this is primarily how diseases which are allegedly halted by vaccines, spread.
euphoriagoodapple says
Too many households cannot afford this supplement. Is there any information on homeopathic so?
Cindy says
Supporting the gut, immune system and detoxification channels is excellent for the acute response to vaccines, but the problem is that vaccines go sub-immune and literally re-script the DNA with cellular toxicity (that ends up replicating itself) leading to chronic auto-immune diseases. It is no accident that they were designed to make people sick and dependent on the system (ie: Big Pharma). I highly recommend Sol Luckman’s books about resetting the DNA to repair vaccination damage and effectively eliminate toxicity and trauma from the body.
--Eatmorefruit says
This is in no way how vaccines work. I get that most people on this website have little to no science background, but saying that vaccines go “sub-immune” and “re-script the DNA” (neither of which make any sense), is harmful to the debate at hand.
Magda says
I’m not in CA but I was reading a vaccinations Yahoo group I belong to and I found this awesome summary from Dr. Bob Sears:
Excellent advice.