How to get rid of a UTI fast and without drugs (See below for how to prevent them)
First this note/disclaimer: “The information found here has not been approved by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” I'm only sharing my own story, your situation may be VERY different, and I'm not a medical professional or anywhere close. Use this information only to do more research on your own!
Today I'll tell you what happened recently and what caused the pain that brought me to the floor.
I'll also tell you what I learned about how to get rid of a UTI fast and without drugs, how I was reminded of those times when we're really thankful for doctors and pharmaceuticals, and toward the bottom is what I now know about how to prevent these issues in the first place!
It all started first thing Monday morning when I noticed a funny feeling in my lower abdomen…
It was a mild ache, and I couldn't put my finger on what it was. It felt a little like a menstrual cramp but it wasn't the right time for that. Within a couple of hours I knew it was the beginning of a urinary tract infection because I was having the classic symptoms I learned about many years ago in nursing school: I felt like I had to go ALL the time. As the day went on this urgency and pressure increased to where it felt like I'd been holding it in forever after a huge cup of coffee, but when I'd go only a little would trickle out. I didn't have the burning sensation like some do with bladder infections, and figured this was because it was just in the beginning stages.
So I did what any natural-minded health conscious person would do: I used this search engine that brings up only the sites I trust!
I wanted to see what the people do who do NOT want to run right in to the doctor, because I really really didn't want to take an antibiotic if I didn't have to, knowing what a number this does on your gut health (but yes, sometimes you just have to). So this gave me the information I needed on how to get rid of a UTI fast:
- By 9:00 am I started popping cod liver oil and the best probiotics every hour or two. (I take those daily now to prevent these issues long term!) Use the code KOP for discounts on both of those.
- For more probiotics in food, I was also drinking kombucha and eating the yummy raw apple sauerkraut that I purchased at the WAPF conference, all this was in hopes of getting more beneficial bacteria working in my gut to fight what was going on in my urinary tract.
- At noon I got to the health food store and grabbed D-Mannose and took one every hour or two.
- I should've also grabbed cranberry juice or made this cranberry sauce!
- This wasn't out then, but I sure wish I'd had this urinary tract booster on hand–it has concentrated cranberries and other nutrients to promote a healthy urinary tract fast! If I had chronic UTI's, I'd take this daily for a while for sure. Again, you can use the code KOP for a discount.
- Chamomile tea is known to help UTI symptoms, and regular green tea can help too–sip on this instead of coffee if you feel symptoms coming on!
- I didn't know about homeopathy then, but if I had, I'd have been taking these (these recommendations are from Joette, a homeopath I've learned a lot from):
- Medorrhinum 200c, twice a day (in severe cases, every three hours).
- If there is a fever present, add Pyrogenium 200c, once a day. “And unlike with antibiotics, that protocol comes with no risk of ruptured tendons, neuropathy, muscle pain, or fatigue.”
- “As is common in teaching these protocols, I must make it clear that this particular protocol is not the only one I use. There are others, which depend on the symptoms and circumstances. For example, if there are repeated UTIs as the result of intimate relations, we’d have to consider Staphasagria 200c. Without the presence of fever, we’d likely add Cantharis 30c.”
- I also keep these Banerji Protocol remedies on hand now for kidney stones: Berberis vulgaris, mother tincture or 200c, and Sarsaparilla, twice daily. Both should be used for 3 months. (Or just take acutely if you don't have chronic issues.)
- Arsenicum 200 is good for acute cystitis!
- Nux Vomica if you have any vomiting or GI symptoms.
- Hepar Sulph 200 if you think a bacterial infection is coming on, or to prevent it!
- Those are good starting points, but if you have chronic UTI's and the above suggestions aren't helping, you may need to consult a homeopath for more help!
- Here's where I get all my homeopathic remedies because they're a good company PLUS you get the best deal for your money. This remedy kit has some but not all of the above remedies in one spot. ***Just use the search bar there to find the remedies mentioned above then use the drop-down menu to find the right potency. ***If they're out of stock, check here for this brand because I'm not familiar with the other brands. (***Check out my self-study class to learn more about how to help your family with these SAFE and super effective remedies.)
Guys, you don't have to get all of these items to have on hand, but I'm convinced that just throwing everything I had at it is what helped me get rid of the UTI fast and without antibiotics!
It wasn't quite that simple in my case, though…
I went about my day pretty normally and even made us a delicious chicken dinner.
I was still confident that I'd be feeling better by morning, even though the pressure was getting a little worse — it was annoying and a little painful, but if I sat down and crossed my legs I was okay. Around 7:00 or 7:30 pm, though, I started feeling some pain in my lower left abdomen. Next it got worse fast, and it started radiating around to my lower back on the left side. I took a couple Ibuprofen, hoping I could hold off whatever was going on, because I figured that all the stuff I was taking would kick in before long. (Again, I didn't know about homeopathy then or I wouldn't have taken the Motrin.)
My body has never ever hurt like this.
It kept getting worse and I was literally rolling around on the bed moaning and trying different positions, then on the floor, trying to get the right pressure point on my back somehow. (I felt bad because the kids kept peeking their heads in my room, “You okay Mom?” I'd say, “Not really honey, please pray.” They'd never seen me like this!) I tried applying cold, I tried standing up and swaying, I tried walking, I tried lying still. I was even doing my labor breathing exercises! Nothing was helping.
They weren't lying about the pain!
I was starting to think this could be a kidney stone along with a UTI, they say the pain is like labor (and they're right!), but this was even worse than labor pains because it didn't let up for even a moment, and it was excruciating. I gave it an 8 on the 1-10 pain scale. The pain got so bad that I started vomiting (so much for that nice dinner), and then there was a little blood in my urine.
Kent had been asking if we should go somewhere and after a while of me saying, “Let's just wait a little bit to see if the Ibuprofen will help...”, he finally said, “Okay, that's it, get dressed. We're going in.” I knew I couldn't stand the pain much longer and the thought of them knocking me out with pain meds was so enticing, but I was worried about being in the car and not being able to move around to attempt to get comfortable. I didn't have a choice, though. I was all over the place as he was driving, on my back, on all fours, it was so bad! Then we got to the urgent care center (took 10 loooong minutes) and I had to sit there in a wheelchair while they got me all checked in and did paperwork–again, it wasn't long, maybe 5 minutes, but seemed like for-freaking-ever. Finally they got me to a room where I promptly vomited again.
Then I immediately started sobbing for a different reason.
The room looked and smelled just like all the rooms we had taken Mom to so many times in the last few weeks of her life, which was only 4 months ago, and as soon as I turned the corner and saw it, the memory hit me in full force. So now along with the tears of pain I was also an emotional sobbing mess. The nurse must have thought I was a complete dingbat. Plus I just couldn't get any relief and was moaning and holding my side and walking, then lying down, then swaying. Strong spasms began happening too, it was terrible! They needed a urine sample and took me to x-ray–the first time in my life that I didn't even care about getting an x-ray, I wanted to know if there was a stone there! Then finally they got an IV in and some pain meds. It still took a few looooong minutes to take hold, but when it did and I drifted off to sleep, it was relief like you just can't fathom unless you've been there. Just being able to walk and move without pain, oh the stuff we take for granted!!!
My urine didn't show an infection and the x-ray didn't show a stone…??
Often stones are too small to show up, though, and I wondered if everything I'd been taking ALL day had already wiped out any signs of infection?
They discharged me and we had to drive a bit to find a 24-hour pharmacy for the pain meds, anti-nausea meds, and a urinary tract muscle relaxer that they sent me home with.
There are definitely times to be thankful for doctors and pharmaceuticals…
You all know how much I've written in the past about the pharmaceutical industry, and there are some pretty rotten things going on there for sure (the many vaccine scams, the push for statins, etc.), but WOW, there are times when we can be really thankful for doctors and drugs. As I've said before, the medical establishment is very good at acute care like emergency or surgical medicine, but they're NOT good at chronic care, and for sure not great about prevention or knowing the impact that real food, real fats, and natural remedies can have.
On the way there and while Kent was in filling the prescriptions, the pain came back!
I started doing my breathing again and praying more. I tried not to panic since I was stuck in the van again and couldn't try much to get comfortable. Next I felt something move inside me on the left side, just a little urnk. (Do you like that professional word?) I'm assuming a little stone moved just a touch, because although it was still hurting as Kent came back with the meds and some water, within a few minutes, before they could've even done anything, the pain stopped again.
That was about 11:00 pm and it hasn't been back since. EVER. Weird, right?!
I was fine the whole way home, walked in normally, got ready for bed normally, I even went to the bathroom normally, everything felt totally fine and has ever since. I haven't taken any more meds, either. They sent me home with a little urine strainer, but I keep forgetting to use it, so I may have passed something, who knows? It's now three days later and I haven't had one twinge of pain since, and believe me, I've been thanking God for this a lot, and if YOU are pain-free right now, you should, too!
So that's probably more than you cared to know about my little issue the other night.
It's all pretty weird, but the only theory I can come up with is that I had a mild UTI which I caught early and helped take care of with everything mentioned above. And I must have had a small stone that finally shifted (the urnk I felt) and I either passed it without knowing, or it's still coming… (???!!!)
Has anything like this ever happened to you? What are YOUR tips for how to get rid of a UTI fast and hopefully without drugs?
I've never been a patient in my life except for when I had our 4 kids, so this was all new for me. I didn't care for it much, obviously (and our little trip was probably expensive too, can't wait for that bill), so it makes me want to take good care of myself and our family all the more.
Surely you know someone who needs to know how to get rid of a UTI fast and without drugs, will you please share this post with them and also on social media? Thank you!
UPDATE: I now know what can cause kidney stones!
Certain types of kidney stones and gallstones are caused by a build up of calcium in places it should not be vs. in our bones where it should be! If you've had kidney stones in the past OR if you're taking extra vitamin D or calcium, you will want to read this about vitamin K2, and the implications can be even more dangerous than stones in places we don't want them, as in clogged arteries! Don't ask me why doctors don't know about all of this, even my natural doc didn't know, but really almost everyone should be taking K2, we're all deficient because it's not in the soil like it used to be! (Don't forget to use the code KOP for a discount.) Be sure to read more here: Are you taking calcium or vitamin D? What you MUST take with it!
Also, Dr. Berg suggests drinking lemon water regularly to prevent stones.
And see this comment below for some good info about kidney stones and foods high in oxalates as another cause!
As always, remember I'm not a doctor or anywhere close. Do your own research!
Guess what happened 9 years later?!!
How I stopped a UTI in its tracks…
It's been 9 years since I had any UTI symptoms and that's when I learned a ton which made all the difference this time! (<–That story is above.)
Here's what happened recently–it was just a few days before I was headed to Kansas City for the WAPF/Wise Traditions conference and of course I did NOT want to deal with this there…
As always, my biggest goal in treating myself or my family is:
A. avoiding a trip to the doctor, and
B. avoiding the gut-busting antibiotics. Like I always say though, if you need those two things, okay, but if they can be avoided safely, why not?
So I pretty much did everything wrong when it comes to the homeopathics I used (homeopaths, please don't hate me!), which is why it's best to have a homeopath to work with. That way you won't end up just throwing everything at it like I did, and you can instead use the right remedy and stick with it.
But what I did still worked, yay!!!
It started at about 2:00 am when I woke with pain on the left side of my abdomen that was about a 4 on the 1-10 pain scale, but then it moved toward my back too and escalated to an 8! At first I wasn't sure what I was dealing with, maybe a bug, maybe GI related, so I started a couple homeopathic remedies. (More on that below.)
Soon I started having bladder/UTI symptoms so then it was more clear (pressure, urgency, frequency, felt like I had to go but couldn't), and I vomited from the pain, yuck, so I started searching my notes and tried ALL the things. After I had a few remedies in me, the pain lessened and I was able to fall asleep for a few hours, thankfully! When I woke later, I still had the pressure and urgency, but NO pain, so I kept going with everything and by 1:00 pm, I literally had ZERO symptoms, and haven't since!!!
(I was never so happy that our son is a night owl–he helped me so much when I just needed to rock in pain or lay in bed and moan. He'd hunt down remedies for me and do anything I needed!)
Here's everything I used/took, some right away and some later after I woke up in the morning:
- Extra K2 in case I had a small kidney stone that was causing pain? (I wasn't sure at first.)
- The UTI23 supplement mentioned above for bladder health!
- Probiotics to boost gut health, which helps everything!
- (For the above 3, use the code KOP to save. Use the search bar to find each one.)
- Extra cod liver oil to decrease any inflammation. (KOP code also works at that link.)
- I drank lots of water with fresh organic lemon juice.
- Also drank Chamomile tea which is said to help UTI symptoms, and regular green tea can help too–sip on this instead of coffee if you feel symptoms coming on!
- Made my favorite cranberry sauce and ate a bunch of it over the next 3 days.
- Took D-Mannose that I always keep on-hand.
- No caffeine or wine/alchohol for a few days.
- I alternated the below remedies:
- Berberis vulgaris homeopathic remedy for UTI symptoms.
- Arsenicum Album homeopathic remedy for GI symptoms, but turned out it's also good for cystitis! (Bladder infection)
- Hepar Sulph homeopathic remedy in case it was a bladder infection.
- Medorrhinum 200c homeopathic remedy for UTI symptoms. (It's out of stock so can't link to it.)
- Yay for having this homeopathy remedy kit on-hand that has some of the above remedies, but not all. (It's on sale right now!)
Another score for natural remedies with no side effects, no trips to the doctor, and no gut-busting antibiotics!!!
Elizabeth Anderson Coonce says
Vitamin C for prevention and cure as well as a good probiotic. For the heart vitamin E (800 IU daily). Vitamin E has fallen out of favor but will prevent heart attacks.
Cindy Shook says
Kombucha will cure a uti in about 3 days.
Laurent says
Dear Cindy,
I struggle with uti’s. I started my Kombucha a month ago. How much do you drink to get rid of uti a d Mai rain good bladder flora.
South Africa
Yvonne Kelley Gipson says
What a story, ouch! I use freeze dried propolis pills, 3 at a time multiple times a day. Within a few days, I’m feeling better.
Rachel Blauwkamp says
I have used a spray bottle with lavender and lemon essential oils before and that worked well! UTI’s are the pits!
Mindi Rae Beattie says
D-mannose is the best for UTIs.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
That’s one part of it, yep. 🙂
Erin says
Thankfully my ovarian cyst didn’t rupture, at least I don’t think, but I did have a lot of really painful episodes from the cyst around my period for a couple months after discovering it. About two months ago I had a horrible horrible horrible sharp pain where the cyst was, then I started my period, and haven’t had any pain since so I think the cyst finally made it’s exit lol.
Erin says
Shoot I was trying to reply to someone else’s comment, now this looks out of place. Ignore this lol!!
margaret says
start taking iodine, but read the book, “the iodine crisis” by lynne farrow for the full protocol. cysts are due to a lack of iodine & 99% of mist people are deficient.
TennGal58 says
I was in my early 40’s before I ever got my first UTI and have only had 3-4 more since then, and I’m almost 60. I feel very fortunate that this hasn’t been a big or constant problem for me, as I have a bunch of other health problems. Anyway, I was at work when I started getting symptoms. I mentioned it to several coworkers who told me it was probably a UTI. I was told to take cranberry capsules- a lot of cranberry capsules. I bought a couple of bottles and started taking them. I think I started out taking maybe ten of them, then went down to 5-6 every 45 min. to an hour. I also drank lots and lots of water. By the time I started the second bottle, my symptoms had disappeared. I continued with 3-4 every couple of hours or so after that for a day or two, just to make sure. I certainly didn’t want that pain, burning and urge to come back!! It was years before I had another one, but I knew just what to do. Now, I keep a bottle of cranberry pills in my supplement closet, just for such cases. It doesn’t happen often, but whenever I start to feel those familiar symptoms, I start downing 5-6 pills every hour till they go away, usually for just a few hours, then taper off to 3-5 every couple of hours or so for the next 24 hrs. It works every single time. As far as those who’ve said it doesn’t work for them, I’m wondering if they took enough, for as often and long enough, as I did. Studies have been done that say it doesn’t work, but if you look at the dosages tested, it’s no wonder they didn’t have positive results. It takes a lot, but for just a short term. It’s a very inexpensive and easy protocol, with just one product and lots and lots of water. I’ve always been so grateful for the coworker who told me about using them!!
KitchenKop says
If you’re getting UTIs at all, though, you definitely want to read this post:
Rachel West says
I don’t know if I would automatically write off the idea of not using antibiotics for a UTI. The decision of choosing to use an antibiotic really comes down to how bad your UTI symptoms are. Some people wait way too long before getting checked out and need the powerful effects of an antibiotic. And no one should take the opinions of people online because let’s face it, even if we say we are doctors, everyone body and situation is different. You need a professional opinion. Many people are also not factoring the idea that people also have sex with a UTI and can actually spread and make it happen more frequently that way. And peeing after sex doesn’t always cut it. My recommendation is a blended solution between using probiotics and antibiotics if needed. First, I schedule an appointment with my general doctor and while I am waiting for appointment, I go to the pharmacy and pick up a probioic. Take that while you are waiting to see the doctor. This will make sure you aren’t getting worse while you are waiting to see the doctor AND prevents an expensive and sometimes unnecessary emergency room visit. When you see the doctor, you guys can together make a decision of what route you want to take. In some cases, the probiotic will work, and in some extreme cases, you might need an antibiotic.
KitchenKop says
Yeah Rachel, that’s why I make it very clear to my readers that I am NOT a doctor and to do their own research. However, I’d keep these probiotics on-hand (we take them daily) because they’re so much better, like night and day, compared to the ones at the store.
Erin says
I had the exact same experience after taking d-mannose for what I thought was a uti. I took the d mannose and within 30 minutes I had pain on my lower left abdomen. I ended up going to the hospital a few days later and I had an ovarian cyst. I wonder if the d mannose could have caused the cyst??
KitchenKop says
Erin, I don’t think I had a cyst though or I assume docs would’ve seen that on the x-ray. Plus my severe pain was on the side in my lower back not lower abdomen. What you had sounds horribly painful too though!
Annaliese says
Your ovarian cyst could have ruptured. That could bring a grown man to his knees. Worst pain I’ve ever felt
Annaliese says
And ovarian cysts are caused by HPV
I had no idea I had cysts until one the size of a softball ruptured and we found out my ovaries are covered in them
Kathleen Miller says
Your UTI could actually be IC (interstitial cystitis).
Bonnie K. Eckart Dussia says
Kelly…that was SOOO a kidney stone passing…for sure!!
Sheri Stubbs says
Hemp oil helped me!
Jen Rae says
Uti help. Awesome. Works…iosol iodine a few drops in water .
Emily Darling says
Another thing to consider is that there may be a fungal origin. A. UTI caused by Candida is not uncommon. In my experience, alchornea tincture is quite successful in clearing such an infection.
Tawnya Howell says
The only thing that works for me is borax.
Monica Oxendine says
Milk kefir daily!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
This post shows how easy it is to make dairy kefir: Where to Get Kefir Grains for Inexpensive Probiotics Plus How and Why to Make Milk Kefir:
Kris Bell Slager says
I witnessed my brother in the ER passing stones. HORRID. I’d rather give birth 10 times than go through what he did. But then … I’d get a cute baby afterwards, all he got was a bill. LOL! 😀
Patricia Wagner says
Something else you may want to try for all stones is Chana Piedra extract capsules which is nicknamed royal breakstone. I am fighting a uti right now, have switched to colloidal silver.
kitchenkop says
Yes, and He’s come through many many times. 🙂
Angie Anderson Weedon says
D-Mannose worked great for me! No meds needed!
margaret says
me, too! every single time i get one! thank you, God, for providing everything we need in nature!
Pamela Duke-Goussy says
Sorry, can’t say the Rx ever cleared anything up for me, most often the issue actually got worse on drugs and I ended up having to undo it with something natural anyway. The fix varies, I use food, essential oils, herbals… but don’t go to the doc anymore.
Linda Catrell says
All natural remedies to get rid of uti. No More Chemical Drugs 🙂
Teresa Dybevik Pinkerton says
D mannose (uti slip), probiotocs in excess every 4 hours, cherry juice is better than cranberry, Nutribiotic’s GSE. You have to be diligent.
Teresa Dybevik Pinkerton says
Water water water and pee every time you have an urge. I remember sweating a lot. I just went through this too.
Pam Hufnagel Baese says
I have felt exactly the same. I have a genetic stone disease. You probably passed it. But you never know.
Marie says
The power of prayer!!! It’s an amazing thing! You probably already knew that ;).
margaret says
Jill says
I stopped a UTI with lots of probiotics, DMannose and pure cranberry juice…a whole bottle all at once. I think I found info on Dr. Mercola’s site about how much D-Mannose to take. Pressure, burning pain and frequent urination all gone within 18 hours. I may have also taken fish/butter oil, but I don’t remember.
Denise says
UTIs have various causes. One cause is when a woman has sex “too early” in her menstrual cycle. I’ll explain. The pH of the uterus changes throughout the menstrual cycle. At a certain point, her “nether regions” can fight off pathogens better than at other times. Orthodox Jewish women do not have sexual contact with their husbands from DAY 1 when their period starts, (past Day 5 or so or when it ends) plus an additional 7 days. At that point, I read that not only is a woman the most fertile, but the vagina has the proper pH to fight pathogens, so they will be less likely to go up the urethra and cause a UTI. Without waiting the full 7 days afterward a woman’s period ends, I think a woman is at risk of a UTI from lack of a pH that fights infection. Her natural defenses, if you will, are “down”. Of course this is not the only cause of UTIs, but many women complain of UTIs after intercourse, and I think the hormonal changes (and pH) are a factor to either keeping the bacteria at bay (that is introduced to the vagina through intersourse) or allowing the bacteris to travel up the urethra and becoming a UTI. Hey, for a person with chronic UTIs, this method of counting the days like an Orthodox Jewish woman, just might be a “cure” for them.
MJ says
Apple Cider Vinegar (organic, raw & unfiltered) works VERY quickly for UTI’s. Like what Leah said above, I too take a shot of straight ACV and it starts working within the hour. It is super strong and makes me nauseous when I drink it straight, but totally worth it. I go lay down for a few minutes until the nausea passes. Then I drink ACV in water mixed with molasses or raw honey (to make it more palatable) through out the day as much as possible. Then I take another shot of ACV before going to bed so it is working in my system while I sleep. It is a natural antibiotic that really works well for the urinary tract!
Selina Rifkin says
I’ll also add that one can use either corn silk or baking soda (1/2 tsp in a glass of water am and pm) to alleviate discomfort.
Lisa says
I’ve had MANY it’s, and while some of the symptoms are familiar, I have to say I strongly agree with others who suggested a ruptured ovarian cyst. I’ve had those too, and t be way your pain was concentrated more to one side and then suddenly disappeared; well, that doesn’t quite for with a uti. I’m so glad that you were able to find relief for whatever it was!
Lisa says
I have had UTIs, kidney infection and recently found out several years ago I am sensitive to oxalates so I try to drink water throughout the day especially if I eat more foods with higher amounts of oxalates. Eating more sugar also aggravates my condition so I avoid it as best as I can. Otherwise I am crippled in pain in my kidney area until I flush it out with stinging nettle tea, lots of water and I make an essential oil rub that I rub on my lower back and front abdomen using oils that are good at reducing inflammation and cystitis. I had gone to the doctors and emergency and they could not figure out what it was, so I had to research and figure it out myself. It sounds like it could be either not enough water and too much oxalates or a kidney stone. Glad you are better but I would caution you now that you have had this happen, make sure you drink enough water throughout the day as I have to now or I get an attack.
Hermitress says
Best solution is preventative I used to get UTIs all the time until I stumbled upon an article about women not urinated forcefully because they are trying to be quiet they do not empty their bladders. After that, I urinate as hard and fast as possible and not a single incidence of UTIs since. I guess that is the reason that it is more of a female issue since most men always urinate forcefully.
Liz says
I had a reoccurring UTI to which several rounds of antibiotics would just be a quick temp fix. I was fed up, so I decided to finally do a Kidney cleanse/detox. I took the over the counter pain meds and then started the herbal detox. By end of day I had passed a tiny stone … I was immediately better and didn’t have another occurrence there after.
Pamela Hannam says
A kidney stone can be just like that. While it’s trying to make its way out of the kidney, the pain is excruciating. Once it passes, it is virtually OVER. Instantly. Despite everything you did beforehand, you HAD to go to the hospital in the hopes of relief, and the pain killers helped. It wasn’t what you did beforehand. We should try not to be misleading by headlining this article about what is clearly a kidney stone by talking about preventing and curing UTIs. The first time I ever had one, I literally ended up going out and lying down in the grass in front of the ER because I couldn’t sit in the waiting room. I thought I was dying. UTIs hurt but don’t make me think I’m dying. That’s a kidney stone story if I ever heard one.
KitchenKop says
Hi Pamela,
Yep, it was definitely a stone, but my tell-tale UTI symptoms earlier in the day were pretty obvious as well, so I still believe I had both going on.
Viki says
i use to get uti’s every month for years. Rx with many refills. Tried everything to stop getting them, cranberry caps, lots of water, shower after intercourse, nothing worked. Finally did a parasite cleanse. Weird but my uti’s stopped. Also had an ovarian cyst, I hit the floor in so much pain. Hope I never have a kidney stone.
Dan says
Vicki, what parasite cleanse did you do? How and why did you think you had a parasite? Thanks!
lori says
I felt pain like this with my endometriosis. It is so excruciating that I’d take labor any day over that! The worst episode (lasted for a year and a half – every once a month) was one night when I got up to use the bathroom I actually fell off the toilet from the pain. I couldn’t even get my breath because I was gasping from pain. I didn’t have the voice to call to my husband for help so I reached up and grabbed a shampoo bottle and threw it at the bedroom door (hubby sleeps like he’s in a coma).
He had to walk/carry me to the bed. The pain kept coming in waves, with fever, for another 12 hours. It’s indescribable. I am now healed of that condition but I will never forget the pain of it. I dreaded every period to the point of being sick to my stomach just thinking about it!
Lindsay says
is this post a joke? you didn’t have a UTI and you didn’t cure yourself of anything. I had a UTI (didn’t pee after intercourse) that progresses into a kidney infection. it is nothing like you described. you would have had a massive FEVER if you had some sort of infection. don’t post misinformation like this. you had some kind of stone or cyst, went to the hospital and got doped up on pain meds, then your body managed to help heal whatever it was that caused the issue in the first place. you make those of us who rely on natural remedies look like fools who don’t know how to use herbs.
DS says
Good New Year’s Resolution: try not to sound like a snarky know-it-all, especially when there is a great possibility that you do NOT know it all.
Evie says
My daughter got her first UTI a few days before her 3rd birthday. She was never in any pain, and although I noticed she was “going” every few minutes I dismissed it because I knew she would be in pain if it were a UTI. Then came the blood. Still, no pain. The UTI was confirmed at the doctors. So not everyone has the same symptoms. She’s had too many UTIs to count, but once she got one so bad that she had a 106 fever. We have always tried cranberry supplements all day with lots of water, and if it didn’t work, we’d go to the doctor. Sometimes it would work, then we would stop the supplements too soon, and it would come back really bad. Eventually she just took the supplements as a preventative measure. She’s 12 now and hasn’t had one in years.
Mirian says
I didn’t have kidney stones I frequently got UTI where it felt like broken glass whenever I peed! I forget how I found this but drinking a glass of water with baking soda continuously until I got relief really helped. Albeit, this gives you the runs so be close to a toilet! I put in as much baking soda as I could take in a glass.
Chris Jensen says
My mother who is 80 years old had a root canal and developed full blown sepsis. She had knee replacement surgery 2 years before and did NOT know about the dangers of root canals. She went to the hospital, her doctor and they did not bother until she had sepsis for 7 days. I was told that she would die or get her legs cut off. I knew the inventor of the ionic colloidal silver generator that NASA uses including universities and many many physicians. The generator is called the CollGen2. My father who is a retired doctor and he went into the hospital and poured the water generated with the CollGen2 into my mothers mouth every hour. The surgeon filleted her legs 4 times and a miracle happened, she has her legs and 16 months later is driving again.
What does this have to do with a UTI? Mother has always had UTI’s, including myself and my daughters!
NO MORE UTI’s. It is really an evil thing that NASA uses it but we don’t know about it unless we research. I ONLY use the water that I generate because all of the other generators on the market use salt and it is non-scientific.. The inventor Fred Peschel passed away, however there is a couple that continues his passion. He created a generator that produces exactly what the astronauts consume. They sell it for such a low price to help people. I’ve produced 1000 gallons at least! We owe it to ourselves to research. There is so much FAKE stuff on the market, but when my mother’s doctor wanted to buy the generator. I love Weston A. Price and Dr. Huggins. Since mom’s root canal and sepsis ordeal, the root canal has been removed as have mine and it is a glorious story. Happy New Year!
martha says
Alos, alkalizing your diet will prevent stones from forming & Edgar Cayce Castor Oil compresses over the bladder/kidneys will help to break existing ones. Google Castro Oil Compress for instructions. This treatment is worth its messiness. I’ve healed several issues using it. If you are experiencing passing stones use the compress to mitigate the pain!
martha says
I’ve had UTIs since I was 13 yrs. old, I just turned 60. I know how to manage them w/out antibiotics so, here’s a list in the sequence I use:
1) the first go-to if I have nothing else is lemon in warm water or Alka Selter or a bit of Baking Soda, again in warm water, then I drink warm water to flush flush flush. Then good clear teas. Warmth is ESSENTIAL to healing the UT issues, I’ve found. nO sodas, nothing cold, ice water, etc.
2) Eucalyptus Essential Oils warm compress over my bladder area, just below belly button & above pubic bone, with a heating pad or hot water bottle. This manages the pain incredibly well, and I continue as long as I have symptoms , pus a day or 2 after I’m symptom-free. It heals.
3) Preventatives: All of the above that the writer has mentioned. I struggle with sugars, or candida over-growth & think that sometimes UT inflammation is merely that, so I back off all sugars & dose myself with a “garlic bomb”: a salad of avocado & 3-4 raw garlic cloves clopped up. You can add anything raw to the garlic or even take it straight. It’s good to battle fungal overgrowth OR any cold, flu, indolent fever…any illness that needs help to be resolved. Some people find that the cranberry/vitamin C blends work but not for me! I think my system tends toward acidity & adding any makes the UTI worse, so I strive to alkalize my system. Lots of rest, sleep, keeping prone in bed & warm, warm, warm. Coccoon yourself if you can, if only for a few hours!
Now, this little issue came back so often in my life I had to do some Energy Work to clear the little ” emotional storm brewing just over the bladder” and that has helped enormously.Find someone you can trust to help clear triggers for it. I don’t get infections anymore but still am really careful about staying hydrated, eat alkaline foods & not too much sugar. Be Well~
Dan says
Hi Martha,
Did you find that those steps you listed in 1 and 2 completely resolved your utis? Do you know what bacteria was causing them? Thanks!
Heather says
I’m with Cynthia, it sounds like an ovarian cyst. The kidney stone hurts until it’s passed and should be visible on an X-ray until that happens; the cyst hurts until it bursts. Cysts cause intense pain and nausea, sometimes coming in waves. Once they burst, they leave zero evidence of their existence other than some residual fluid in the abdominal cavity which can make you feel tender. Also, they leave you exhausted. They can cause pain off and on for a while when they’re getting ready to burst. If they’re big enough they can cause pain for weeks. They are not fun at all.
KitchenKop says
Hmmmm, interesting Heather… But I do remember my Mom having kidney stones that weren’t visible on an x-ray, and they’d only hurt off and on. Also, I’m still leaning toward a kidney stone because of the other bladder-related symptoms I had that whole day.
I may never know for sure though!
Vasiliki Didaskalou says
What would cause a UTI in an individual who is clearly healthy and clean. Sorry to hear of your painful experience and thank you for the remedy options for UTI.
KitchenKop says
I wish I knew!!! But it sounds like a bunch of healthy foods I love can cause stone formation, so believe me, I’m watching that now!
Evie says
This is something I figured out on my own. So many women get UTIs from intercourse, but doctors blame it on the wrong thing. My theory is that women prone to bacterial vaginosis get more UTIs, are constantly out of balance (likely due to sugar in the diet). If you have too much bad bacteria, intercourse can cause it to enter the urethra and start off a UTI. There is an easy fix to this. Douche with hydrogen peroxide when things start to feel “off.” You can google it if it makes you feel better, but it works. You don’t even need to dilute it, just use it right out of the bottle. It might take 3-4 days in a row, or just one, depending on how quickly you act. I am “healthy” at 43, take no meds and have no health problems. But this was an issue I solved, both UTI and vaginosis.
Christine says
I saw one person already mentioned this, but when I was 17 I had an ovarian cyst and had a very similar experience. Terrible pain and then vomiting. They took a CT scan to diagnose a cyst. The pain went away very suddenly when it did. Position changed the pain. Just another option…
KitchenKop says
Hmmm, I assumed they would’ve seen that on the x-ray though…? Plus I had the clear urinary symptoms earlier that day, so I’m pretty sure mine was a stone, but thanks for sharing because that may not be the case for others!
Ann Marie says
Oh my, but did this bring back bad memories! I had multiple kidney stones throughout 2 of my pregnancies. I have birth 4 times without any pain medication, and I can honestly say that some of the stones I passed caused far worse pain than giving birth. Hoping this is the last you experience that pain!
Sabrina Breuker via Facebook says
Make yarrow tea it will be gone super fast.
Lynne Ninas says
I have had the kidney stones. Very painful! Right up there with gall bladder attack. I heard about an old remedy for kidney stones. It’s not pleasant but neither are the stones. 2 oz. Fresh squeezed lemon juice with 2 oz. (1/4 cup) of virgin olive oil. Follow wth 8 oz. of filtered water 5 minutes later. Do this twice a day until relief comes. Also, fresh lemon water daily is used to prevent stones.
Leah says
So it tastes horrendous, but a shot of apple cider vinegar works EVERY time to give me relief within 30 minutes. I try and drink as much mixed in water as I can stand throughout the day and then maybe another shot or two to speed things up. Since I treated a couple with this (I used to get them frequently), I haven’t had one in a long time. Now I keep ACv at work just in case I start developing one, the relief is that fast!
Katie M says
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This totally worked for me when D-Mannose wasn’t doing the trick by itself.
Jennifer Terner via Facebook says
I get UTI’s all the time and I never used any of those things. I just used dried juniper berrie’s soaked in hot water for 15 min. Drink twice a day for a few days. Always goes away. It’s my saviour!
Robert J. Eaton via Facebook says
Two to three cloves of garlic with food for three days, drink plenty of water.
SteveandPaula Runyan via Facebook says
certainly a kidney stone. Those that have had one recognize symptoms blindfolded!
leah g says
I am one of the fortunate people who gets kidney stones with each pregnancy. I eat tons of ferments and a clean diet. when I feel an episode coming….start drinking tons of watet with ACV and d mannose. I have passed some big stones and had three unmedicated homebirths.
stones hurt.
Anna says
You’re lucky, Kelly. I had a UTI a few of years ago that I didn’t treat promptly enough and turned into a kidney infection (also very painful but with fever). I took antibiotics for that, but it came back again twice unfortunately.
I then had again a low-level UTI for awhile and kept taking d-mannose, probiotics, etc. (for a couple of months), but it kept coming back. I finally took antibiotics for that, too (gentle ones, not cipro), and it finally got rid of it. I think it’s worth trying something else first, but antibiotics were definitely needed in this case, and I didn’t regret taking them. That was about a year and a half ago and it hasn’t come back since.
I think it’s good to try cranberries, d-mannose, etc. first but if that doesn’t work quickly, antibiotics are worth it because a kidney infection is horrible (and dangerous).
KitchenKop says
I agree, Anna, there are definitely times when we need them!
Susan says
This is a perfect example of what I say to my friends who think I’m against doctors. My motto is, “Doctors are great for medical care, not health care.” If I’m suffering then I want a doctor to help me, but for day-to-day health advice? No thanks!
Glad you’re feeling better, Kel! What a terrible way to round up your amazing weekend, huh? My thoughts are with you!
KitchenKop says
That’s a good way to put it!!!
Thanks Susan. 🙂
DS says
Back in 1996 my son had a kidney stone. He was lucky in that he was a good candidate for lithotripsy. It blasted the stone into tiny particles which passed easily. Now he is sure to drink plenty of water and has not had a repeat of the problem since.
You did all the right things for UTI but your symptoms didn’t sound like a UTI. Taking cranberry/probiotic/d-mannose pills has kept me free of those for a year, at least, after many years of familiarity with the earliest symptoms!
I know just what it feels like to cry and fall apart and then apologize for my behavior after a medical procedure. I have a lifelong history of fainting from shots and the fear of falling and or vomiting when a doctor or nurse assures me that I won’t just makes it worse. I suspect “losing it” is helpful at such times. I know that tears help us to get rid of toxins. I suspect that your whole experience might be part of your grieving process. I know of several cases where people who are grieving get cancer. I think a kidney stone could somehow be another way the body reacts to such stress. You were away from home when your mother died. I hope that passing that stone helps to get you back to being yourself.
Be good to yourself and listen to Kent and God bless you and yours.
Claudia says
Definitely a kidney stone, there are many ways to prevent them or “crush” them
If you have them before passing them, that way you won’t be in pain, good idea to do
Kidney cleanse at least once a year no matter the diet you are in.
For UTI, d-mannose is the best, but don’t just take on capsule at least 4-6 caps
For 1st day.
Cynthia Hill says
I experienced similar unbelievable pain & a trip to the emergency room but it was for an ovarian cyst. I remember every time we hit just a slight bump in the road in the car the pain in my lower abdomen was excruciating! And just walking around the pain would sometimes double me over. I totally agree with you there are times like these when I am so thankful for acute care! Hope the worst is over Kelly & feel better soon 🙂
Carrie says
Oh Kelly! I can sympathize. I went through the same experience when I had a kidney stone. I went to Blodgett ED where they took one look at my writhing-in-pain body, and said, “Kidney stone!” I have a high pain tolerance, but that time I was ON THE FLOOR in the ED room, hands & knees, rocking back and forth, with no ability to talk other than moans. I couldn’t even get on the cot for them to start the IV, so the nurse did it with me on all fours! Bless her! Once the dilaudid entered my vein, it was the sweetest relief of pain I ever felt in my whole life. The best way I can describe it is, it must be what people feel the moment they die after really suffering with an end-stage condition– that must be the beautiful release they feel. I was a sobbing mess thanking her over & over, thanking God, and thanking the doctor. Then, I began to apologize for the scene I had caused being on the floor & all. Then I went to CT and they found “multiple” stones, with one being caught in the ureter (tube between kidney and bladder). Got sent home with vicodin and a strainer. While lying in bed a few hours later, like you, I felt something “move,” and then the pain was gone again. I thought to myself, “It must’ve made it through the ureter, but now is in my bladder. That means it has one more tube to go through! Yikes!” Here’s the crazy part– I took my strainer & went to the bathroom to empty my bladder. Right at the end of emptying it, I felt the stone come down the urethra, BUT I RAN OUT OF PEE! It got stuck there! (Yes, painful.) I was a crazy woman guzzling cups & cups of water so I could help it finish it’s journey! Finally about 20min later, with the “hat” in the toilet, I heard the “clunk!” as it came out & hit the pan. So to end my story, they sent it to the lab and told me it was made of calcium oxylate, and told me, “Although many foods contain oxalate, only nine foods are known to increase oxalate in the urine and kidney stone formation. They are: beets, spinach, rhubarb, strawberries, nuts, chocolate, tea, wheat bran, and all dry beans (fresh, canned, or cooked).” Well, that explained it. I had been on the Atkins diet for about 6 months at that time, not drinking enough water, and eating mostly spinach salads, beets, nuts, and beans (and no dairy “because of the carbs.”) Apparently, you need calcium in your diet to bind oxalate in the intestines. This helps reduce the amount of oxalate being absorbed by your body. That was all Pre-Enlightenment. They told me I had a 90% chance of having more stones. Thanks to a real food diet now, I haven’t any problems!
KitchenKop says
“The best way I can describe it is, it must be what people feel the moment they die after really suffering with an end-stage condition– that must be the beautiful release they feel.”
I thought of that when I was in pain, too! I thought of the pain my Mom was most likely spared of when she died so quickly with that blood clot (although it seems like the pain of our shock will never let up…) and I thought of the pain my friend Marla, who just passed away, must have endured… And so many more. 🙁
Interesting about the foods you mentioned, I eat many of those regularly and I go in streaks with my raw milk drinking, funny I’ve been craving it more lately, though. I’m drinking some bone broth now!
Karen says
Another good preventative is wonderful coconut oil because it’s anti-bacterial. Apply externally as well as more internally. Also makes a good lubricant for intercourse, which is unfortunately where a lot of UTI’s originate, according to my doc. Not necessarily due to uncleanliness, just different bacteria introduced to that area can take over.
Magda says
Very good point, Karen. I started getting them regularly after becoming intimate with my then boyfriend/now husband. My doctor told me it helps to 1) urinate right after intercourse and 2) wash that area after intercourse. These 2 items have helped me get rid of UTI’s. I still get one every few years, it seems, and even though I’ve tried D-mannose, cranberry, etc. they did not work for me.
Karen Scribner says
From a Kaiser (they love to prevent medical problems) doctor in 1971: drink lots of water before so you will pee afterwards, and woman on top. The thrusting of the man on the short female urethra causes physical trauma which lets natural occurring bacteria take over. Take powdered d-mannose, it gets into your system faster.
Lori Alexander says
I’ve had UTIs so badly that I bled and had a fever. Clear Tract is my very favorite product. Within one day of taking a scoop every couple of hours, I was almost all better. I too am so thankful for doctors, IVs and medicine in emergency situations. They’ve saved my life, literally!
Suzanne says
Cranberry caps are a great preventative measure to keep UTIs away — that is until people start eating right.