How to Stop a Migraine
Guest post by Joanie Blaxter, founder of Follow Your Gut
NOTE: just want the short story for how to stop a migraine?
Scroll down to the bolded headers below.
Do you want to know how to stop a migraine?
Or maybe you're one of the lucky ones who have never had one? Find out what is the cause in *many* people…
Years ago I read a quote by a famous author (sorry, I've long since forgotten her name) which roughly paraphrased goes like this…
It's one of God's cruelest jokes that no one has ever died from a migraine.
I feel your pain, honey! They started for me in my 40's and inexorably worsened until I was getting them several times a month. Altogether it would take me on average 3 days to fully recover per attack. I wasted a lot of days in bed with the shades pulled down.
I noticed so many triggers, I would get dizzy tracking them all. As soon as I felt the characteristic headache and nausea coming on, I'd be wracking my brains… Did I get too little sleep last night? Is the barometer dropping and the weather about to change? Is my period coming? Am I magnesium deficient?
And yet once I eliminated dairy from my diet, I… never… got… another… migraine.
Didn't matter if I had PMS and only 2 hours of sleep with a violent storm front moving in and I was howling at the moon! I didn't get a migraine.
I'm not saying that all you have to do is remove dairy and your migraines will necessarily disappear. (But they may! It's worth a try!)
But I am saying that I believe that most migraines are majorly due to food triggers.
Migraines are often the result of the layering of multiple stressors. However, I believe food to be far and away the most powerful trigger.
Why? Because two of the top allergens are also two of the most common foods in the American diet: gluten and pasteurized dairy.
Furthermore, a recent study showed that about half the people diagnosed as gluten sensitive turned out to also have an undiagnosed dairy allergy. These sensitivities, gluten and dairy, go hand-in-hand. You can't just eliminate one. You must eliminate both for at least three weeks and then carefully add back one food at a time in order to clearly determine your level of sensitivity.
Secondly, if your diet also includes processed foods, you are very likely consuming substantial levels of genetically engineered foods. For example, nearly all non-organic corn (think fructose), beet sugar and soy are genetically engineered. These three foods alone are present in nearly all processed foods to some degree. GMO's have been heavily associated with causing allergic reactions.
I am meeting increasing numbers of teens and twenty-somethings these days who complain of migraines. Very unfortunately, these young adults also seem to be quite prone to anxiety.
Why do we as a culture seem to be developing increasingly severe food allergies with each generation, and along with that, an epidemic of migraines and anxiety?
Just as a hint, let me say two words here: Leaky Gut. Ok, I'm sorry, I can't help myself, make it four: Genetic Engineering.
Exactly how and why those four words are related to migraines will have to wait for another article.
For now, however, I want to simply cover some simple tricks I discovered for myself to help minimize the severity of a migraine once it has started.
How to stop a migraine: Magnesium
Take at least 400mg magnesium at the outset, preferably in the magnesium glycinate or magnesium malate forms as these are very well absorbed.
The body uses magnesium to help muscles expand or relax. The pain in the head comes from the blood vessels being frozen in place. Hence, the magnesium can help the vessels soften.
Better yet, take magnesium daily, at least 400mg. Most people are magnesium-deficient for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is that our soil in this country has become remarkably mineral-deficient over the last century through unsustainable agricultural practices.
How to stop a migraine: Caffeine
Take caffeine as soon as you realize a migraine is coming on. Don't delay! The sooner you take it, the greater your chances of warding off a full-blown episode. Caffeine helps the frozen-open blood vessels to contract.
Coffee or strong black tea will work for many, but my migraines were always accompanied by nausea and I couldn't tolerate the acidity.
So I started purchasing caffeine tabs and analgesic tabs made specifically for migraines that also contain caffeine at the pharmacy.
The other tricky side to coffee in particular is that it is extremely cross-reactive to gluten. In other words, the body treats it like gluten and if you happen to be particularly gluten sensitive, it can easily bring on a migraine. Try replacing coffee with black tea if you really like your morning pick-me-up.
How to stop a migraine: Heat the Extremities
Put your hands and feet in as hot water as you can stand. Try putting a large bowl in the bathtub so you can soak both your hands and feet simultaneously in extremely hot water.
Heating your extremities will pull the trapped blood out of your head, helping to relieve the pain.
Try these suggestions for how to stop a migraine and let us know what has worked for you!
How to stop a migraine: Homeopathy
See my newer post here about how to stop my own migraines with homeopathy!
How to stop a migraine: One More…
Look down in the comments for another great helpful tip from Beth and DS, right around comment number 13 or 14. It's mixing peppermint essential oil with lavender essential oils. Let us know if you try it!
More info:
- How Diet & Supplements Can Help Prevent Migraines
- Read these suggestions from readers for a pregnant Mom with bad headaches!
- Another post: Simple migraine remedy!
I hope all of that information has helped you, thanks Joanie!
This was a guest post by my sweet friend, Joanie Blaxter, who is now a regular writer around here! She's been the Ventura County, California chapter leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation since 2010, and you can contact Joanie here for health consultations. Also, find her past guest posts here.
For more about eating a traditional foods diet or how to implement all you're learning, check out the Kitchen Kop Real Food Ingredient Guide or sign up for the Real Food for Rookies online class.
Shannon says
I used to have the beginning of a migraine, in the middle of a migraine, or getting over a migraine 25 days out of a month. They would last 2-5 days start to finish. Not horrible debilitating migraines, but enough to make me miserable. This went on for years to where having a migraine was normal. I was taking so much Ibuprofen I developed two ulcers over several years. Then I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. No more wheat for me, not even miniscule amounts. I now get 2, maybe 3 migraines a month, and they are mild. This is awesome!!! So yes, food intolerance/allergies CAN cause migraines!
Michele Ladd says
Thank you! A couple things in this article were good reminders. I think dairy is definitely on my list of intolerance/allergy. I’ve cut back on cow’s milk and ice cream. I’ll have to try going completely dairy free. Bah!
Michelle De Leon says
Thanks I will try it. Migraines are the worst I can’t do anything when I have one.
Elena Mawyer says
Great information! Nightshades are a big trigger for me.
KindFoodFarm says
I have found caffeine + aspirin to be a very helpful combination, and it’s in most OTC migraine relief formulas. However, all of them, including the ones linked to in this post, also contain acetaminophen. According to something I read a few months ago, and unfortunately don’t remember where, apparently acetaminophen adds NOTHING to the pain relief effectiveness of aspirin + caffeine, so it should be avoided since it’s bad for the liver and stomach. Anacin is the only brand of headache pills that I know of without acetaminophen, just aspirin and caffeine. It’s not marketed specifically for migraine, just for general headaches, but it works.
Jeanmarie Todd says
I get them occasionally. Then a day is wasted.
Gina Marie Garino-Tavares says
Lavender EO!
Denise Sandlin Wilson says
I started getting them after my first baby (age 18). My second son was sickly and we had him allergy tested and he was allergic to soy, corn, nuts, peanuts and I forget what else. So, after I started cooking everything from scratch my migraines pretty much went away! When I’m pregnant I do not get ANY!! But now, they are progressively getting worse…. I’m forty and no more babies for me so I just have to bite the bullet and go paleo!!! It’s going to be so hard:(
Sarah L. Peterson says
Essential oils along with Epsom (being on the magnesium!!) have helped me so much! I get hormonal ones, evening primrose oil has also been great! They do stink though…
Robin Neudorfer says
Migraines are classified in the seizure family. So for as many causes of seizures the same is true for migraine. I personally suffered for over 30+ years. I tried everything suggested, all the major pharmaceuticals, and dietary changes, until about 9 years ago a doctor recommended ionic magnesium. He suggested 800 mg and within 30 days I had relief. Tried to go without once and the pain returned. I have been migraine free for 9 yrs. I got my life back.
KitchenKop says
Wow that is amazing, I wonder how many others will read this & get relief too?!!! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Kathy says
I too am a migraine sufferer. Thought it was hormone related, started age 36, then they removed ALL my girl parts, and they still kept coming. Last year I had 17 in 35 days. I’ve tried all of these things and I do use essential oils and they help. My sensitivity is strictly auditory when I have a migraine. The Magnesium Malate, 400 mg, twice/day and keeping up on riboflavin has helped to stave them off. These supplements truly do help me as well as my oils. But I’d truly advise to see a neurologist to rule out anything serious. These can be devastating but be sure that they’re “just” migraines.
Just my two cents…
KitchenKop says
Very good advice, thanks Kathy!
Kathy says
Kelly, Sure I’ll share what oils I use. Some of these are doTERRA blends and some are single oils. I use Clary Calm 2-3 times/day, Ylang Ylang, mixed with doTERRA lotion, all over my skin every morning. Whisper day and night, Balance, day and night, helps with tension. Elevation, helps with low serotonin. I am on no synthetic hormones, and only one mild anti-depressant after being on highest dose of Prozac for over 16 yrs. I have a rare hotflash and no night sweats anymore. Occasional attitude problem, but that’s just life sometimes. LOL
These combinations help, even when a storm approaches, the barometric pressure changes don’t cause a migraine anymore and no more hormone migraines either. I’ve been using these oils for 3 months now. I also diffuse lavender or wild orange daily in my home.
This has taken time to get the oils that work for me inline, but it’s been worth it. I also take the 3 daily vitality supplements from doTERRA and the intestinal support products.
Hope this information can help someone.
Marta says
Great article! I have found mixing equal parts peppermint essential oil, lavender oil and frankincense oil and placing 1 to 2 drops under my tongue at the onset of a migraine makes it disappear very quickly.
Elizabeth says
No problem for me with milk since I haven’t been drinking it for quite some time and still occasionally get migraines but ONLY when I eat any sugary products which bring on an inflammatory response. I’ve pretty much eliminated it but occasionally give in to temptation and pay for it. Even a small amount will trigger a migraine. So you all might want to check whether your diet includes sugar and wean yourself off.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Wow, talk about good motivation to stay off sugar, huh?
Holly says
I agree and disagree with this post. I have been “blessed” with migraines since I was about 15 years old and am one of many in our family that suffer from these. While it is true that a lot of migraines are caused by “food” triggers, this is not the entire reason. I would do some more research and see if there is any family history (no matter how far back) of epilepsy. My family has had some members with epilepsy and we think that our migraines may be a form of epilepsy that is not seizure related, but pretty debilitating anyway.
From the time I was 15 until now (I’m 37), I’ve tried many things to get rid of these migraines but despite drastically changing my diet and cutting out all processed food, using a magnesium lotion, and making sure I eat plenty of foods rich in B6, I still get the migraines. These are not stress induced or food related, but they can be traced back to changes in atmospheric pressure (the doctors refuse to believe me on this) and frequently by the backlight flicker on televisions, computer monitors, fluorescent lights, and cell phones. I have also tried almost every remedy known to man to help the migraines, and since having my daughter four years ago, I have had to forgo any medical treatment in an effort to keep her from having any side effects to the drugs doctors put me on. So far, the only solution I have found is sleep and lots of it. A cool, dark room with little noise and I can survive until the attack is over.
So, while this is a very informative post and will be helpful to some, please do keep in mind that not all migraines are food related. There are many different types of migraines out there, some of us suffer for years despite going to doctors, chiropractors, and naturopaths.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Hi Holly,
While Joanie did mention in the post that not *all* migraines are related to food allergies, it’s good that you brought it up again here to stress that very important point, thank you!
Maryjane says
Holly — just curious. You mentioned that you drastically changed your diet. Did you try going gluten-free and dairy-free, as mentioned in the article? I have a friend who suffers from migraines, and I would love to help her find some answers.
Holly says
Yes, I’ve done that and actually got more headaches for the year I gave up gluten. Bizarre. Now, I will say that giving up processed foods did help a lot, but unfortunately I still get migraines about two or three times a week.
DS says
I am now 66 and do not get headaches. But in my younger days I got my share of them and found that taking a B vitamin complex helped a lot to,prevent migraines. If you feel a headache of any type coming on, rub a migrastick on your temples, forehead, behind your ears, and at the base of your neck. I always carry one. Recently my daughter-in-law mentioned that she had had a headache all day and asked my son to get some Tylenol at the corner drug store. We were in front of our hotel,about to cross the street to a restaurant. I whipped out my migrastick and applied it to the points I listed. Before we had finished crossing the street she said” that worked!” The migrastick contains peppermint oil and lavender in a carrier oil. It’s a small vial with a roller ball.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Thanks for sharing that!!
Beth says
DS, I couldn’t believe it… Peppermint was helping for a couple of minutes at a time, maybe (but not completely). I added the lavender after reading your comment and was migraine-free for an hour at a time! Wow! I did also put some ‘valor’ on the nape of my neck, just once. Thanks so much for this comment. Wow. Will have to add this to my repertoire of eye pillows :).
DS says
I am so glad it helped.
I learned another cure today. Not for migraines but for welts from mosquitto bites. My little granddaughter was miserable from the three bites on her foot. I rubbed the inside of a plantain skin on her foot and she was all smiles instantly! The welts disappeared and you could hardly see the bites at all. They never bothered her after that. The hint I had found said to use a banana peel but I don’t usually have bananas. I am going to keep banana or plantains or even just a peel in the refrigerator from now on!
KitchenKop says
Beth and DS, THANK YOU! I’m adding a note in the body of the post telling people to look down here for another great remedy!
Beth says
I have one threatening to rear its ugly head right now as I’m reading this! What timing… I’m off to try some magnesium. Thanks! Mine really tend to be hormone related and I’ve let up on the FCLO, so I’m going to get back on that wagon also.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Beth, yes do that because I really think that FCLO helps regulate our hormones, too!
Wendi says
Kelly, I love reading your blog articles, but lately I’ve noticed this very annoying floating ad that I can’t get rid of. Is there any way you can get rid of it permanently for us readers, please? It’s the “Searching for heat pumps?” ad from infolinks. Yes, there is an “x” in the top right corner of the ad but I’ve never been able to successfully click on it. Whenever I’ve clicked on it I’ve been taken to the page BEHIND the “x” and then I have to hit the “Back” button to return to the article and then I have to start all over again, scrolling down the page to pick up where I left off and deal with the dang floating ad, sometimes NOT MOVING OFF the text I’m trying to read. Ugh!
Thank you. 🙁
lisa says
and now there are banner ads on top of every single comment? bloggers want to be able to make a living, but over monetizing a blog makes it unpleasant to visit. there has to be a balance?
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
I just emailed them to take down the annoying one Wendi mentioned, but to just scroll past a banner ad above comments, that’s not SO bad is it? (Those have been there since before summer, though, by the way.) My blog income is literally one QUARTER of what it was the beginning of this year, so I am trying to be a little bit flexible and find the balance you mentioned. However, I will make a point to see what the ads here in the comments are even earning, and if it’s not much, maybe those will go, too…
Thanks for your feedback,
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Hi Wendy,
Gads, yes, I’ll email them to take it down right now. That one only shows up depending on how you got here to the site, so I don’t see it often. WOW, I just checked and since June 1st that’s only made $28 anyway, what a rip off for something so annoying.
I’m sorry everyone, and thanks for telling me, Wendi!
Wendi says
Thank you, Kelly! I’m sorry to be such a complainer, but that one was super annoying PLUS the fact that it kept me from reading your words! 🙁
I usually get to your site through Bloglovin’, so that must be one avenue for it, huh? 🙂
KitchenKop says
No problem, thanks again for telling me!
Wendi says
You’re welcome! And it seems to be gone already! 🙂
KitchenKop says
I wish it was, but I think I still saw it on my mobile phone yesterday… I’m still waiting to hear back from the guy, but he’s in Israel, so who knows what’s going on there right now. There’s probably a way to disable it from my end, but I’m headed out the door now to sort at my Mom’s house so I don’t know when I’ll have a chance to dig in further. 🙁
Thanks for your patience!
Wendi says
No problem, whenever you get to it will be fine. I was thinking it was already gone because I had used the link in the email notification of your comment to access the page and it doesn’t come up via that avenue. 🙂
KitchenKop says
They’re off now! 🙂
Wendi says
Kelly you’re the BEST!!!