This post was LONG so I broke it into 2 parts. This is part 2 with homeopathy questions & answers. See part 1 here where I explain how my world was rocked and how I got rid of my migraines.
At the bottom of the post is a print button if you'd rather read that way.
Want to start learning about how to use homeopathy to help you or your family get better naturally and gently?
Today in part 2, we'll go over some homeopathy questions & answers:
- What IS homeopathy and how does it work, plus where does real food come in?, what can it help with?, what about functional medicine?, how much does it cost?, where should a beginner start?, how to find help implementing it or learning it, and more!
- Find more homeopathy success stories (2 videos) here.
- There are more homeopathy Q&A's: here.
Homeopathy questions & answers:
~What IS homeopathy?
My explanation is this: homeopathy is a natural method of healing that, sadly, few know about. This is most likely because there is a lot more money in conventional medicine and pharmaceuticals, even though they often make health problems worse.
Homeopathy is not the same as naturopathy, functional medicine, chiropractic care, holistic healing, nutritional healing, or other natural treatment options. It's very different, and SO amazing…
Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances from the earth, plants, etc., that are very diluted and then sprayed on small pellets that you dissolve in your mouth. Different health conditions require different remedies, potencies, or frequencies. These are sometimes prescribed by a trained homeopath, but even average moms like me can learn how to use it in their own homes without a professional. (However Joette Calabrese, who I originally learned from, does say that in tricky cases, a homeopath may be needed.)
Learn more here from Joette: What is homeopathy?
~In a study class I took with other WAPF chapter leaders, we kept coming back to this question: Where does real food come in?
For years I believed real food could fix almost everything, and I still believe it's powerful, but too many times you find those who are eating “the perfect” diet and they still get sick, or no matter how well they eat and take care of themselves they still don't get well, even after trying many natural options. Or maybe the healing just takes SO long. Or what about those who just won't change their diets? What then?
One more tool in my healthy and natural healing tool kit!
I still have a lot to learn, but now I have even more tools in my “healthy, natural healing” tool kit. And to repeat what my friend Sheena said, “Although food can be medicine, it's better preventative medicine. Food is of little use in an emergency. Bone broth isn't going to be much help with anaphylaxis or a kitchen knife accident.”
*Even more, real food and other types of natural healing can heal, but homeopathy uproots conditions for good.
Here's a podcast with more on this: WAPF webinar Q&A.
~What else can homeopathy help with?
- Food intolerances (especially for those who just can't or won't do strict healing protocols like the GAPS diet)
- Menopause/pre-menopause issues, menstrual cramps, other male or female issues
- Joint or muscle pains, neck pain, nerve pain
- Headaches
- Cough/cold/flu
- Seasonal allergies/hay fever
- Anxiety and depression
- Hangovers (yep!)
- Hypothyroidism
- Rheumatoid arthritis or other auto-immune disorders
- IBS, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea
- Ear infections
- Cold sores/canker sores
- Diabetes/high blood sugar
- Cavities/mouth pain
- Eczema/itching/bug bites
- Insomnia
- You name it!
~How is it different/better than other types of natural healing?
Here's the “beauty of homeopathy”, as Joette calls it:
No matter the health issue, the problem with conventional meds is that you only cover up symptoms and over time it gets worse. Almost always it gets worse guys, so guess who benefits in that system? Why would drug companies really want us to be well?! (Reminds me of how once you're on anti-anxiety meds you're usually stuck for life. It's so sad that people don't know this!)
With homeopathy, when you take the correct remedy for the correct diagnosis (that is sometimes the tricky part but it gets easier as you learn more), over time it ROOTS OUT the underlying health condition so then slowly but surely you will experience your issue less often, and with less intensity, until eventually it's just gone. This is how it happened with my migraines!
It's also much less expensive than seeing a naturopath or a functional medicine doc.
~HOW does it work?
I'm only just learning about all of this and am not really qualified to even attempt to explain it, but here's my shot at it anyway….
Homeopathy is based on the idea that “like cures like.” So if a substance that causes a symptom in a healthy person is given to them in a very small amount and properly utilized (such as minute amounts of plant, animal, or mineral), that same substance can then cure the illness by stimulating the person’s ability to heal itself.
In our study group with Sheena, she explained the theory that makes the most sense to her, and now to me also: because of how it is prepared, diluted and succussed (shaken), these very small particles can then get into the cells more easily where it can work with the body to heal and uproot.
Even Joette says she doesn't fully understand how it works, she just knows it does, because she's seen it with her own eyes thousands of times over. Do any of us know how cell phones work? No, but we just know and trust that they do!
~Does it work for everyone?
Nope. Nothing will work for everyone. But homeopathy helps MANY. Plus it's SAFE–there are no drug interactions and no side effects. So even if it doesn't help you, there's no risk in trying, not to mention that it's inexpensive!
Sadly, my aunt with chronic pain stuck with me for three different tries and we still couldn't figure out what remedies would work. She went back to the conventional meds that didn't take away her pain completely, but they at least took the edge off, and of course I can't blame her. We're still waiting for her seemingly unempathetic doc to finally get back to her to help figure out what is going on, and this is part of the problem: homeopathy works best when you have a clear diagnosis, which we don't have with her. For this reason, Joette strongly recommends getting diagnostic testing from your conventional doctor just to be sure what you're dealing with and so you know better what remedies to start with. (Sadly, it turned out she had advanced cancer and she has since passed.)
So even if it doesn't help you, likely you had the wrong diagnosis or the wrong remedy.
Yes, this can be tough with chronic conditions (however acute conditions are so easy!), but if you don't nail it right away and you need to try different protocols, it's still cheaper and safer than working through any other conventional OR natural methods. AND if you take the time to learn this yourself like I've been doing recently, you can be your own health advocate for your family and not waste time and money running off to one practitioner after another. Instead you just keep digging on your own to figure it out. (Or seek out a professional homeopath if needed.)
BUT a commenter below reminded me to also explain that at the same time, you often (especially with acutes) can just treat the symptom and don't always need to know the why.
Listen to Joette's podcast (or read the transcript): Why you may be disillusioned with homeopathy where she talks about this along with the importance of taking good notes, also about food intolerances, how she got over her own chronic sinus headaches, and more.
~Obviously this isn't the same as conventional medicine, but is it the same as “holistic” healing?
“Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is fundamentally different from conventional (allopathic) medicine. Whereas allopathic medicine focuses on suppression of symptoms, homeopathy seeks to correct the underlying imbalance that caused the symptoms in the first place. Homeopathy achieves this by strengthening the body’s own defenses, thereby allowing the body to heal itself.
It’s unfortunate that the word homeopathy has the prefix “home” in it because it gives the impression that homeopathy is synonymous with home remedies, food supplements, vitamins and herbs. In fact, homeopathy does not incorporate any of these modalities.
Homeopathy is derived from the Greek word “homeo” meaning like or similar and “pathos” meaning pathology or illness. So the literal meaning of homeopathy is similar illness. This means that a homeopathic medicine is administered based upon its ability to mimic the disease state, thereby stimulating the body to heal itself.” Source:
~Which brand should I choose?
This is my favorite brand because you get more pills in each bottle vs. other brands making it more economical, plus I love their glass bottles.
~How much does it cost?
This is the crazy part… Not only are homeopathic remedies inexpensive (between $6-$20 per remedy), but they also do not expire. It's something to do with how they're made, they just don't go bad. I'm still learning, but am amazed the more I find out about this traditional natural medicine.
~Now that I finally understand more about homeopathy, what if our access to it becomes threatened?!
Read this post/watch this video for more: Will homeopathy become illegal?
And the update is here: Will Homeopathy Become Illegal? Part TWO — Plus Homeopathy Success Stories {New Videos}
~Where should a beginner start?
Start by listening to this podcast with a good initial overview on homeopathy.
~Is there evidence for its effectiveness?
Besides my own personal successes mentioned above (and SO many people I know personally), take a look at these:
- The Swiss Government’s Remarkable Report on Homeopathic Medicine
- Influence of potassium dichromate on tracheal secretions in critically ill patients: “These data suggest that potentized (diluted and vigorously shaken) potassium dichromate may help to decrease the amount of stringy tracheal secretions in COPD patients.” (Note that potassium dichromate is the homeopathic remedy Kali bichromium.)
- Is homoeopathy a placebo response? controlled trial of homoeopathic potency, with pollen in hayfever as model: “The homoeopathically treated patients showed a significant reduction in patient and doctor assessed symptom scores.”
- “Improved clinical status in fibromyalgia patients treated with individualized homeopathic remedies versus placebo.“
- Homeopathic treatment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled crossover trial: “The trial suggests scientific evidence of the effectiveness of homeopathy in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, particularly in the areas of behavioural and cognitive functions.”
- Treatment of Acute Childhood Diarrhea with Homeopathic Medicine: A Randomized Double-blind Controlled Study in Nicaragua: “The statistically significant decrease in the duration of diarrhea in the treatment group suggests that homeopathic treatment might be useful in acute childhood diarrhea. Further study of this treatment deserves consideration.“
- Widely used in the US until half a century ago. Homeopathy never lost favor in lieu of drugs in England, India, France and Germany where over 40% of the doctors are homeopaths. It is indeed a medical discipline in a unique category. (Source)
- 95% of French pediatricians (& others) prescribe homeopathic medicines
According to a survey derived from the French government’s record of the prescribing habits of French physicians, 95% of French pediatricians, dermatologists, and general practitioners use homeopathic medicines! Further, 43% of ALL health and medical professionals in France prescribe homeopathic medicines for their patients. In approximately half of the instances in which a homeopathic medicine was prescribed, a conventional drug was also prescribed. This statistic therefore means that approximately half of the times a homeopathic medicine was prescribed, the health and medical professional believed that homeopathic treatment didn’t need a conventional drug.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has deemed France to have the BEST health care in the world, and obviously, the consistent and persistent use of homeopathic medicines by medical professionals and by the general public help contribute to the health of the population of France.
- At least 100 million people in India use homeopathic medicines for ALL of their health care needs
According to the Lancet, about 10% of the population of India, approximately 100 million people, depend SOLELY on homeopathy for their health care. According to an AC Nielsen survey in India, 62% of current homeopathy users have never even tried conventional medicines, and 82% of homeopathy users would not switch to conventional treatments. When you consider that these people used homeopathic medicines alone in the treatment of many acute and chronic infectious diseases, serious pain syndromes, diverse emotional and mental illnesses, cancers, and heart diseases. If homeopathic medicines were simply placeboes, could or would 100 million people rely solely on this system of medicine for ALL of their health care needs? If homeopathic medicines are placeboes, then, this author challenges a single doctor to treat patients for just one month using only placeboes…and then see if these patients return for treatment from them, let alone for one year or one lifetime is done by hundreds of thousands of practicing homeopathic doctors in India. (Source)
~Is there anything you should avoid while taking homeopathic remedies?
Read about that here: Safe mint-free toothpaste, homeopathy antidotes, and more to know before beginning homeopathy
Find help for YOUR health issue here!
For help with any health issue you're dealing with, you can search online like this: Joette TOPIC HERE. For example if you're wondering about the best remedy for a sore throat, search for “Joette sore throat” and you'll almost always find free info on her blog to help you, there is so much there and she WANTS to empower Moms, Dads, Grandmas, etc. to heal their loved ones!
Try Joette's Good Gut Bad Gut class, her Feminopathy class, or one of her other classes here.
More you might like:
- My friend with young kids loves this homeopathy kids' kit:
- What do Jesus and Homeopathics have in common? “According to a 2013 article in the Washington Post, the subjects of Jesus Christ and homeopathy are the most controversial subjects on Wikipedia in four leading languages (English, German, French, and Spanish). Sadly, strong evidence of bias against homeopathy (and many other alternatives to Big Pharma) at Wikipedia is significant, and this evidence is provided here. Not a single one of the 12 stories below are even discussed at Wikipedia, or they are misconstrued and mis-reported with a spin as though representatives from Big Pharma wrote about them in the Wikipedia article. It is no wonder that a significant number of college professors disallow reference to Wikipedia as a “reliable” source of information.“
- Are bio-identical hormones natural? (Joette wrote this) Learn the other side of the issue here
- One more note regarding mirgraines… I just started reading this book, Heal Your Headache, which was strongly recommended by my friend who is a physical therapist (see her in this video on how to get rid of dizziness). I almost didn't read it since my migraines are under control now, but I'm glad I dug in because I'm learning how headaches are also closely related to neck stiffness, sinus congestion, dizziness, and other health issues — very interesting…
p.s. These posts took me literally days even weeks to write. If you see any errors, please let me know as my brain is now officially mush.
Megan says
I love Joette and homeopathy!! I keep learning more and more. Great to see other like minded people out there. Sometimes I feel alone in this journey. We just have to keep spreading the good news! Great article Kelly!!
KitchenKop says
No need to feel alone! Are you part of any homeopathy Facebook groups? That helps a lot when you’re stumped on a remedy. Or just email me and I’ll try to help! 🙂
Monika says
Is there any private way to ask homeopathy related questions?
KitchenKop says
Yes Monika, email me: [email protected]. 🙂
Sarah Robinson says
Curiosity question: Can homeopathics and essentail oils pack a 1, 2 punch for an issue? Can the essential oils help with symptoms externally while homeopathics is rooting out the issue from within? Or does one negate the other? Or can the essential oils controls symptoms while finding remedy? Or do the essentail oils suppress homeopathics? Yes, you have me intrigued and my brain working over time!
KitchenKop says
Good questions Sarah!!
I don’t know for sure since I’m still learning all of this too, but I think what Joette might say is that if you’re already using the oils, it’s fine to keep doing so, but just don’t start at the same time you begin using homeopathy. The reason is that you don’t want to start more than one thing at a time so you can accurately gauge what is working and what isn’t. (So if a remedy IS working you know it was that and not the EO’s, and if it isn’t working, you know that it’s time to try the next remedy option.)
And most essential oils do not antidote homeopathics, BUT some do like tea tree oil and maybe more that I’m forgetting.
But also keep in mind that homeopathics can not only root out the issue from the inside, they can also address external symptoms!
Kelly p.s. The way your brain is working overtime sounds like me recently, maybe your world has now been rocked by homeopathy too! 🙂 Imagine how much you’ll be able to help people knowing how to use BOTH essential oils AND homeopathy!
Sheena says
Before I learned about homeopathy, I depended on essential oils for colds to help with the congestion and relaxation. So when I first started using homeopathy I used both. I would try to pick the right homeopathic remedy, give it a few tries, text my friend to get her opinion, maybe try something else, then give up and use eucalyptus and lavender. Fast forward two years and my essential oils, along with my vitamin C, silver, and elderberry syrup are all collecting dust. Once I got the hang of it (and discovered combo remedies), I just don’t need anything else. Try it, you’ll love it!
KitchenKop says
Also Sarah, I just listened to this that I think you’ll like: