Do YOU believe this comes down to chemical warfare on humanity?
Hey friends, today my friend Bob (who you'll remember from here: What's the REAL Scoop on Marijuana?) puts into words something that has bothered me for a long time — are antidepressants handed out too easily? Could they have anything to do with the increase in violence in our kids and in our schools? What about that person who committed suicide who had ZERO previous warning signs? Are they only an attempt at covering up a problem that could be addressed in a much more effective way without so may scary side effects?!
Here are a couple related articles — you guys, we HAVE to get the word out, please share this post using the share buttons below!
- How Neurotoxic Are Psychiatric Drugs?
- Antidepressants are a prescription for mass shootings. Watch the terrifying video there too…
Why isn't this on the evening news?!! Why aren't we hearing about this chemical warfare on humanity?!!! Because who pays for the TV commercials? What are most of the commercials advertising?!
If you just want to skip to the solutions or natural options for treating anxiety or depression, go here:
How to Fight Depression and Anxiety Naturally: 20 Helpful Tips for Anxiety, Depression, and Fatigue, but I hope you'll first read Bob's important thoughts on this topic…
Here's Bob…
Let me begin by stating that I am not an expert in the area of psychology, health, medicine, science, or in very many areas where you might appreciate some expertise. I'm skilled in the knowledge and application of the Bible, because I'm a pastor who has lived and worked for 69 years, and during this time, I have experienced many of the same things you have. Over the years, we've seen drastic changes in our culture, with one of the most notable changes being that we have pushed God out of our view of the world, and have relegated Him to the area of personal values.
When we look at the topic of antidepressants, this is meaningful because antidepressants, among other things, are often used to fill that void.
Let's go back in time. I don't know how much history you've read, but compared to America today, life for the average person three to four-hundred years ago included suffering, grief, sadness, depression, sickness, and uncertainty. It was common to have only one surviving child out of ten births or for the mother to die in childbirth. It was common for food to be scarce and to die from one of many plagues before the age of fifty. It was uncommon for women to work outside the home, because running the home required long hours each day. Men often worked more than one job or worked an outside job in addition to farming just to make ends meet, and often they still didn't meet. The upshot of all this is that suffering was expected, and also accepted. You have only to read personal accounts of family life in the 1600s to see this.
Grief, suffering, depression, loss, and anxiety are part of life
Consider that great Saints all struggled at one point or another with depression, grief, anxiety, loss, and debilitating diseases. Yet in reading their stories, they expressed relief and thankfulness for these periods in their life and they all accomplished great works for mankind and God.
We prefer to eliminate conflict and suffering instead of working through it.
We do this without considering that we actually grow and improve in life through conflict, suffering, and adversity. So for you and me, it isn't that we go through life consciously choosing the easy road, it is that we have been led to believe that there is an easier way and that one of those ways is found in a pill; the antidepressant.
Antidepressants cure nothing — never have, never will.
More and more unsuspecting victims are sold on the idea that antidepressants can cure whatever makes you feel sad, angry, anxious, or depressed. Consider this, and these statistics are about four years old:
- “About 11 percent of people in the U.S. are taking antidepressants according to fresh figures out from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Antidepressant use has surged almost 400 percent, when you compare the figures from the three-year period ending in 2008 to the six years ending in 1994, the year the eye-opening memoir Prozac Nation was published.
- More than 1 in 5 women ages 40-59 are taking an antidepressant, the highest rate for any group.
- Overall, women and adolescent girls are 2 1/2 times more likely than men and adolescent boys to be taking one of the pills.
- Nearly 4 percent of adolescents (ages 12-17) are on an antidepressant.” (Source)
- As of 2013, 1,080,168 children in the U.S. between the age of 0 and 5 were taking psychiatric drugs.
- The total number for children between the age of 0 and 17 was 8,389,034.
- Another 4,404,360 kids between the age of 0 and 17 were on ADHD drugs.
- Another 2,165,279 kids between 0 and 17 were on antidepressants.
- In this same age group, another 830,836 kids were on antipsychotics.
- Another 2,132,625 kids were on anti-anxiety drugs. This is a whopping total of 17,922,134 children under the age of 18 taking these drugs, and I would guess, not by choice. This is closer to 6% of the population of the U.S. (Source)
Some people are taking antidepressants for no reason at all.
In an article titled, Antidepressants Aren't Taken by the Depressed; Majority Of Users Have No Disorder, author Chris Weller writes:
“A new study published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry reports some 69 percent of people taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the primary type of antidepressants, have never suffered from major depressive disorder (MDD). Perhaps worse, 38 percent have never in their lifetime met the criteria for MDD, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, or generalized anxiety disorder, yet still take the pills that accompany them.
In a society that is increasingly self-medicating itself, capsules, tablets, and pills are turning from last resorts to easily obtained quick fixes. Between 1988 and 2008, antidepressant use increased nearly 400 percent. Today, 11 percent of the American population takes a regular antidepressant, which, by the latest study’s measure, may be a severe inflation of what’s actually necessary.” (Source)
The pharmaceutical companies have spent billions to create a market for a product that doesn't cure or heal anything.
“Doctors commonly use antidepressants to treat many maladies they are not approved for. In fact, studies show that between 25 and 60 percent of prescribed antidepressants are actually used to treat nonpsychological conditions. (Source)
This doesn't even include all of the other situations and events for which antidepressants are prescribed, because they are increasingly given for no reason at all, except to satisfy the whims of the patient in response to the idea of a pill that will cure what ails us.
In fact, one of the largest areas of misuse of these drugs is in nursing homes and long-term care units where the drugs are being given to patients without their knowledge or permission to make them easier to take care of. This article details the problem. (This is Kelly jumping in… Watch a sad 6 minute video about this from the author of Confessions of an RX Drug Pusher:)
There's no shortage of warnings about dangerous drugs like alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, and heroin, yet antidepressants are just as dangerous, and addictive.
The ‘black box' warnings that come with antidepressants should be enough to discourage their use, but apparently people don't read these warnings. The warnings and side-effects are severe:
- Suicidal ideation
- Increased episodes of violence
- Extreme addiction
- Decreased sexual function
- One of the least talked about effects of taking antidepressants is the fact that some people can never quit taking them…
It isn't because they are working so good, but it is because if they quit taking them, their symptoms are much worse than the symptoms they had before they started. While antidepressants don't heal anything in the brain, they do chemically alter the brain to the point that it can't function normally.
How else do you explain the fact that hundreds of thousands of people have committed suicide or homicides while taking antidepressants?
Most doctors are well-meaning people who believed what they were told by the drug manufacturers, and it's good business too…
For many years, I had a very close personal friend who was a licensed mental health nurse practitioner. He and I were always at odds over his prescribing antidepressants to his patients. Our friendship could not endure my opposition to his routine use of antidepressants, but his strongest argument was that he only prescribed them temporarily as a ‘jump start' to the healing process.
The fact of the matter is that the only ‘jump start' aspect of antidepressants is the actual ‘jump start' of profits from required future office visits to adjust or change brands of antidepressants for the rest of their lives.
Being on antidepressants requires many future office visits to tweak the dose here and there, to get just the right amount to keep the patient happy, but still be able to function. Frequently, patients are on several antidepressants at the same time; one to counter the negative effect of another, and so on. In reality, the average patient does not take antidepressants for a short period of time; they end up taking them for an average of two years, ten years, and many for life, because they can't quit. This is a very profitable business model.
Antidepressants enable you to hide from the very thing you need to face and deal with.
Allow me to share a very close and personal account of such an example. My mother, who is now deceased, was prescribed an antidepressant after the loss of my father to cancer. Being the eldest son and responsible for looking after her, I was unaware that she was prescribed the antidepressant. I lived 600 miles from her and she had remarried and was in a good relationship. It wasn't until ten years later after the death of her second husband and her marriage to a new husband, that I made the discovery.
She came to our house with her husband for a week-long visit. She began acting very strange, not herself, and was exhibiting fits of anger and violence. I questioned her about it and she disclosed that she had forgotten her pill. Further investigation revealed that she had been on Paxil for the previous ten years. I immediately took her to the local pharmacy where she was able to get her prescription of Paxil, because you can't just quit taking antidepressants.
You have to know that my mother was a kind and very caring Christian woman, and in our subsequent conversations, she told me that she was prescribed Paxil for her anger problem. I had known growing up in our home, that she was what you could describe as a ‘hot-head', but that is as much as I observed. She disclosed to me that the Paxil kept her from being angry. We discussed this at length and she agreed that she had never dealt with her anger, but had found a way to mask it or hide it. She also agreed that it would be best for her to wean herself off of Paxil and spend time in prayer to God and in Christian counsel to discover the cause and source of her anger and pray for resolution. With her doctor's help, she quit the Paxil for two months, but became extremely angry in the process and often brought her husband to tears with her outbursts of anger directed at him. She grieved over this and resumed taking Paxil, which she continued to take until her death years later.
Sadly, she was sold a bill of goods and was deceived into thinking that masking the anger was sufficient.
Antidepressants did nothing to cure her anger problem; it just covered it over so she didn't have to resolve it. It covered it over so she didn't have to turn to God to resolve it. As a pastor, I believe that the saddest part of this is how the majority of pastors in America recommend and condone antidepressant use to their congregants.
Where a person struggles with their inability to handle the normal pressures of life, or where they tire of the struggles and pressures of life, the antidepressant removes those as areas of concern. Consider the young working mother who finds that it's almost impossible to keep the house clean with her husband and three small children. She visits her doctor and is prescribed an antidepressant which she has now been taking for fifteen years. The only noticeable change we have observed is that since she began taking the antidepressant, she doesn't care about her house. She is not able to accomplish anymore in the house, but now she doesn't care. In fact, the house is now consistently in disarray, where it used to be partially clean.
It isn't just that antidepressants don't cure anything, they are dangerous.
Imagine the eight year old boy on antidepressants begging his parents to kill him! Imagine the horror that filled this little boy's mind, a horror that he couldn't escape. This little boy attempted to end his life on two separate occasions after he was prescribed antidepressants. Once he was taken off the antidepressant, he returned to normal! (Source)
I'm guessing you're unaware of the thousands of people who kill themselves after being prescribed antidepressants.
You're probably equally unaware of the thousands of people on antidepressants who have committed homicides due to the adverse influence of antidepressants on the brain. There's no reason for the average person to look up these horrible outcomes, and you can be certain that your antidepressant prescribing doctor is not going to refer you to them.
Since the year 2000, there have been 9,043,234 deaths from psychiatric drugs (including suicides).
“Big Pharma's chemical warfare on humanity dwarfs the number of victims killed by all world wars and acts of terrorism combined…While drug companies profit billions, people are dying by the millions.” (Source)
I hope you find this shocking, but I also hope this information drives you to do your own independent research into the dangers of antidepressants. I don't need to give you the websites that encourage the use of antidepressants, because the manufacturers have filled the internet and nightly television with pictures of happy people enjoying them.
I am providing you with websites that truthfully and sadly reveal the other side of the coin, the side you don't hear about from the promoters or manufacturers of antidepressants. I must warn you in advance that this first website in particular, contains over 6500 testimonies of persons who lost loved ones to suicide from antidepressants and thousands of testimonies of those whose loved ones committed antidepressant-related homicides. These testimonies are from the United Kingdom and represent a fraction of these same kinds of testimonies from around the world. They are horribly sad, heart wrenching, heart breaking and will make you angry that nothing is being done about this evil at the government level. And why is that? Is it because the majority of politicians in Congress receive some type of financial backing from the manufacturers of these dangerous drugs?!
Here is the list, so you can do your own research:
- Here is the website from the U.K. that includes personal testimonies:
- While I don't endorse or promote the religious beliefs of the founders of this website, it is an excellent site for researching the effects of antidepressants and psychiatric drugs:
- Here you can type in the name of the drug in question and it will list all of the side effects and complications associated with the it:
- Here is a must read downloadable PDF booklet, 24 pages in length:
- From chapter two of the above listed booklet, we read this very valuable information:
“Your body consists of chemical compounds obtained from food, sunlight, the air you breathe and the water you drink. There are millions of chemical reactions that are constantly occurring. Putting a foreign substance such as a psychotropic drug into your body disrupts the body’s normal biochemistry.
Sometimes this disruption creates a false and temporary feeling of euphoria (being “high”), short-lived bursts of increased energy or an abnormal sense of heightened alertness. However, it is not natural to feel like this. The feeling does not last and addiction can result.
These drugs work by influencing the normal functions of the body: they speed them up, slow them down, dam them up or overwhelm them. This is why you get side effects with psychiatric drugs. But do not think that these drugs heal anything. They are intended to cover up or “mask” your problems. Meanwhile, they tend to wear out your body. Like a car run on rocket fuel, you may be able to get it to run a thousand miles an hour to the end of the block, but the tires, the engine and the internal parts fly apart in doing so.
Side effects can sometimes be more pronounced than a drug’s intended effects. They are, in fact, the body’s natural response to the invasion of a chemical that is confusing its normal functions. Drugs mask the problem; they don’t solve the cause.“ - Consider this article by Lennard J. Davis in Psychology Today: Five Reasons Not to Take SSRIs:
- In an article by Dr. Edward Group, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM, he lists 12 Shocking Facts About the Dangers of Psychiatric Drugs:
1. No Physical Test Can Prove the Existence of a “Mental Disorder”
2. The Psychiatric Industry is a $330 Billion Industry
3. Worldwide, Over 100 Million People Take Psychiatric Drugs
4. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: 23 Soldiers and Vets Commit Suicide Every Day
5. Worldwide, 17 Million Children Take Psychiatric Drugs
6. 10 Million of These Kids are in the United States
7. FDA Warnings Have Been Issued for Ritalin and Concerta
8. Antidepressants Come With a Warning Label
9. Children Five and Under Are the Fastest Growing Group Being Prescribed Antidepressants
10. 10% of Teens Abuse Ritalin and Adderall
11. General Physicians Prescribe 70% of Psychotropic Drugs
12. Some Reports Show Antidepressants are No Better than Placebo
Is there hope for those who choose not to take these dangerous and mind-altering antidepressants?
In the past we didn't have mind-altering chemicals that masked our problems. But, it's true that we also didn't have the stressors that we have in our lives today. Even with these stressors, there is hope and it begins with this profound quote:
“We all experience periods of stress, periods of sadness, and periods of self-doubt. These don't make us mentally ill, they define us as human.” Source: Takayanagi Y, Spira A, Bienvenu O, et al. Antidepressant Use and Lifetime History of Mental Disorders in a Community Sample: Results From the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2015.
***Remember, if you are currently taking antidepressants, you can't just quit without the help of your doctor. You must work with your doctor to safely withdraw from whatever you have been prescribed!
Here are safe, healthy options for dealing with depression, anxiety, grief, loss, and suffering…
Go here for all sorts of practical help: How to Fight Depression and Anxiety Naturally: 20 Helpful Tips for Anxiety, Depression, and Fatigue.
But there's something else I hope you'll consider…
Remember that God, the Creator of the universe, created the human body with all of its complex workings. He can heal the human body, even when we've done or allowed things to adversely affect it. The Saints that we look up to turned to God for spiritual healing in this area and understood that God uses adversity, whether mental, physical, or emotional, to grow us and to work together for our ultimate best and for His glory. Adversity and suffering draws us to Him and as He designed it, and to each other. We were created to depend on Him and to help others. This is the purpose of the church, the gathering place of like-minded believers.
Go to God in simple conversation. In prayer tell him your problems and that you recognize you're unable on your own to resolve them. Also share your problems with someone you know who is passionate about God, so they can encourage you and pray for you; so they can walk alongside you.
Christ suffered from depression and anxiety when He willingly went to the cross. He knows what it's like and He is the cure.
Matthew 11:28-30(ESV) 28Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Let me suggest one of the best books for further reading on this topic:
Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Its Cure by David Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
Dr. Lloyd Jones was a medical doctor and the pastor of the Westminster Chapel in London for almost thirty years. Having suffered from depression and having worked with others who suffered from depression, he deals with the spiritual component of depression successfully.
My prayer for you is that you don't seek to eliminate your trials and suffering, but grow through your trials and that these bring you to Christ, because He is the only One that can bring peace and rest to our troubled souls.
Thanks Bob!
More you might like:
- Again, find all sorts of practical help here: How to Fight Depression and Anxiety Naturally: 20 Helpful Tips for Anxiety, Depression, and Fatigue.
- How to Help Teens with Anxiety or Depression
- What Killed this Med Student? “I started to recognize that these patients were literally being tortured by the drugs that they were given.”
- Coming Off Antidepressants (Weaning Off Paxil: A Reader Shares Her Story)
- Sociopath Traits: How to Know When Nice People Are Really NOT…
- Understanding Anxiety and Depression: 5 Hidden Causes Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Including Folate Deficiency (Part 2)
You may copy this article in its entirety with no additions, changes, or deletions. Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: Valley Reformed Church, Bob Martin, Copyright 2018 and revised version on Email: [email protected] Website:
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