Sociopath Traits: How to Know When Nice People Are Really NOT…
This is a guest post by Joanie Blaxter, founder of Follow Your Gut, but first a disclaimer: neither Joanie nor I are health professionals, use what you read here as part of your own research and then consult with a natural doc or health professional you trust to find what is best and right for YOU. Read my entire disclaimer here, and also note that there may be affiliate links in this post.
“If you can fake sincerity, you have it made.”
My former boss & member of the “5% club.”
Since it affects 1 out of every 22 people in this country, we all know someone with this genetic disorder. In fact, chances are you've dated, married, been neighbors with, gone to school with, worked and/or socialized with any number of these individuals and never known how profoundly different they really are.
This hereditary disorder is very, very hidden and does not make one look physically different, nor even, for the most part, act differently.
In fact, it's so hidden that those with the disorder do not generally even realize until their middle teens, when their forebrain has a growth spurt, how differently they experience the world compared to the 95% of people surrounding them.
Once aware, these youngsters begin to understand that if they reveal just how unusual they are, they will be socially isolated. So, instead, they begin carefully watching social interactions. They study what's “normal” and imitate the rest of society as best they can.
And they do it very well. In fact, you could almost say imitation is their specialty.
What exactly is this disability?
Only definitively diagnosable by a brain scan, the neural pathways between the forebrain and the amygdala are disrupted and smaller. What does this reduction of neural activity mean? It means that while the condition varies from mild to severe, it always involves, to some degree, a decrease in empathy, conscience and impulse control with a corresponding increase in fearlessness, focus and amorality.
Social scientist Paul Zak says this reduction in neural activity also affects hormones, causing a disruption in the production of oxytocin. Oxytocin has been identified as the primary bonding hormone. It's produced in highest amounts in mothers breastfeeding their babies and by both men and women during lovemaking (as distinguished from sex). Without the correct levels of oxytocin circulating in our blood stream, we literally cannot feel connected to others.
Let me give you an example of what this reduction in the pathway between the forebrain and amygdala can mean on a daily basis.
You're passing the scene of a devastating car accident. If you're part of the 95%, also described by some as “neurotypicals” or “empaths,” your forebrain is lit up with tremendous neural activity as you identify with the pain and suffering of the injured family being extracted from the van.
On the other hand, if you're part of the 5%, your reduced neural activity means you look at this scene and feel the same level of emotion as you do taking a shower or eating breakfast.
Charismatic Leader
Featured in the movie The Secret and guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show, James Arthur Ray was a very successful motivational speaker. At least, he was, until he conducted a sweat lodge (ceremony held in a heated tent) in October, 2009 in AZ in which three people died and he was consequently convicted of manslaughter.
At the time Ray and I both happened to live in the same town. Having lunch with a friend, we were discussing his upcoming trial. She told me a friend of hers had attended a local sweat lodge Ray had led earlier in the year.
Another woman also passed out during that sweat lodge and had been dragged outside to recover. When it was over, this friend watched Ray exit the lodge, step over the still unconscious woman without a moment's hesitation, word, or glance at her body, and get into his golf cart and drive away.
Same emotional impact as taking a shower or eating breakfast…
Most Are Our Law-Abiding Neighbors
No, the prisons are NOT overflowing with these individuals. Brain scans show that only about 20% of prison populations fit this personality profile. This means far and away the majority of those with this genetic brain dysfunction live and work side-by-side with, and undetected by, the rest of society.
Which brings me to why I'm writing this article… Lacking a sign on their forehead, I want to give you extra sharp tools to recognize who you are looking at.
Sociopaths, as that is who I have been describing, are charismatic, self-confident charmers and usually very popular. In fact, I almost entitled this article:
Sociopaths Are the NICEST People!
Because they are. They befriend everybody. At least they will as long as it serves them to do so. (My note: I use the terms sociopath and psychopath interchangeably.)
So, if only one out of every five in jail has this genetic disorder, what has happened to the non-sociopath to make them violent or amoral???
I do believe that most violent, non-sociopaths may very likely have a correctable brain impairment caused by a nutritional disorder, in particular a heavy metal toxicity. (If you suspect this in a loved one, have them tested by a trained, licensed practitioner.)
For more information on how heavy metal toxicity can induce violent behavior see: School Shooting Epidemic: Could THIS Be the Real Cause?
In contrast, once a psychopath always a psychopath. Once the genetic brain malformation has fully developed, then the condition is permanent and no amount of testing or nutritional protocols will change a sociopath into an “empath.”
So… you have someone in your life you've been secretly wondering about for awhile now. Maybe you've seen them change on a dime in a way that was disturbing, and then, just as quickly, return to the person with whom you're familiar? Maybe there's been some not-so-white lying that surprised you?
While we may never be able to scan the brain of a questionable person, we can look for particular behaviors in combination with external clues…
6 External & Personality Characteristics of Sociopaths/Psychopaths
Common Physical, External Clues (Sociopath Traits)
- Deep, dreamless sleepers: The lack of neural activity in the forebrain appears to destroy the sociopath's ability to dream. These individuals fall immediately into a dreamless sleep and wake up on a dime, almost like a machine being turned on and off.
- They love sex: Besides disrupting oxytocin, the forebrain-amygdala dysfunction also affects testosterone. Both psychopathic men and women have higher than normal testosterone level, giving them a strong sex drive.
- Tend to look somewhat male: These high testosterone levels mean the women may have a prominent adam's apple as well as somewhat broad shoulders and the men, a receding hairline.
- Get physically overheated easily: Both sexes, for some unidentified reason, also seem to function better in cooler climates, for example, preferring the coast to the desert, air conditioning to heat, swimming to sunbathing.
Common Personality Clues
- Any history of lying, particularly without remorse, and
- The ability to change on a dime into someone you've not experienced before (the “Who ARE you?” syndrome – usually kept hidden and seldom revealed).
My Best Friend, the Sociopath
Why am I writing this? The school of hard knocks. I started doing intense research about five years ago to get answers on how the hell one of my best friends, whose beloved nickname amongst her wide circle of friends was “Angel,” could have scammed me for thousands of dollars and then left the country.
Two wonderful things came out of that experience.
First of all, I wasn't isolated by discovering how I had been deceived. I got to meet five other fellow scam-ees, all of whom were equally mind blown by what had been done to us. We became an instant support group for one another.
After adding together as many “loans” as we could track down by word of mouth, the total amount of money “borrowed” when our friend skipped the country totaled over $450,000.
So at least I was in good company. I may have been stupid enough to get scammed, but I wasn't alone and you know what? I really liked my fellow scam-ees. They were good people!
And through our group of six, I eventually learned about dozens and dozens of others, some scammed for money as well, but most were simply duped with what turned out to be, with just a little background checking, self-aggrandizing lies and stories.
Interestingly, when we contacted others to warn them about Angel's deceit, unless they turned out to have actually lost money as well, very few could accept our group experience. Invariably, they chose to believe Angel over the reality of the six of us talking about how she had lied to and stolen from us.
As far as I could tell, this was because Angel had acquired their trust over the years by offering emotional support to all of us. In retrospect, however, I came to realize that her “support” was invariably verbal, and never financial, physical or involving any extensive commitment of her time; in other words, no real sacrifice on her part. Not with anyone.
Psychopaths are masters at seeming like your friend.
The other really great aspect of this experience was that, since this was actually my second close encounter with a sociopath (the first experience occurred some two decades earlier), I set myself the task of understanding how I could be so deceived not once, but twice, so I would make sure it never happened again!
And I have. I've got it down. Which is why I've written this article, and, most especially, so parents can guide their children the way I wish my parents had warned me about these kinds of people! Because, after all, everyone can be absolutely certain to have a sociopath somewhere in their life: family, home, school, work, church/synagogue/mosque, community, anywhere.
One of every 22 people that we know to be exact. DO THE MATH!
I will admit, when I first fully understood who Angel was and what had been done to me, I wasted a lot of time feeling guilty and blaming myself. Been there, done that, D.O.N.T.!!!
If you've been targeted, it just means you're a good person. Simply do your personal work to educate yourself about the physical and emotional characteristics of sociopaths so you can fine tune your radar for the future… and move on! Use that information to create a life with people you trust.
And if you've never been targeted by a psychopath, since we are all surrounded by them, reading this article will hopefully give you some tools to make sure you never will.
For Parents…
Assume your child has at least one psychopathic child in their circle. Encourage your kid to have self-confidence in their intuitive assessments of others. Children know when another child's behavior is ‘off' or not normal.
Sociopathic children are often fascinating to other kids because they are risk-takers who perform well under pressure. Especially if your young one tends to be a ‘follower,' make sure your child trusts you implicitly, so the communication will stay open between the two of you. You want to hear about any ‘red flags' before a potentially hurtful or dangerous situation arises.
Draw the line at lying. Period. Psychopathic children lie shamelessly. This can be leverage for parents to weed out inappropriate ‘friends.'
But what if you suspect your own child may be a sociopath?
Perhaps your child has an abnormal amount of difficulty understanding empathy or lying. A brain scan, of course, will tell you for sure whether this will be behavior your child outgrows.
In the meantime, bear in mind that psychopaths actually have traits that can, when channeled correctly, be valued by society: fearlessness, focus, and amorality. Be your child's active guide towards using those qualities for good! These kinds of personalities engage well under pressure in situations that call for making challenging decisions totally logically. The professions that attract people with these characteristics are often the military, politics, corporate CEO's, etc.
Be open in your conversations with your child that you recognize that s/he is different from others. Remind your child that if their “specialness” is applied to produce results that please others, that will ultimately give them more of what they want than creating harm. Creating pain for others, and breaking the law, can lead to jail and social isolation. For an interesting TV show that explores this topic, see the series, Dexter.
Can nutrition correct the psychopathic gene?
What on earth does ANY of this have to do with health or nutrition? Well, researchers agree that sociopathy has a strong genetic component with problematic characteristics often being traced back multiple generations.
Can we prevent the gene from being passed on to future generations? My approach as a health coach is that good nutrition always positively impacts our genetic material. If a sociopath becomes a parent, good nutrition won't alter her/his brain deformity that's already in place, but it may mean their psychopathic gene is not passed on to their offspring.
Remember, genes are like signposts. They can be turned on or off.
It is entirely possible to have a bad gene which never manifests due to good environmental influences. And the most potent aspect of all environmental influences is always a nutrient-dense diet in combination with attachment parenting and a healthy lifestyle.
If any of this information has caught your attention, I encourage you to check out the resources below. I have drawn upon all of them for the information in this article. Also, there are support groups for those who have been targeted. Just search online for “support group for sociopath victims” to find help.
Does any of this ring a bell for you?
Anything I've left out in terms of identifying characteristics? What have you found helpful, either as a victim or parent? Please do tell! The more we talk about this largely hidden reality, the more effectively we can deal with this side of our lives.
Resources on Understanding the Psychopathic/Sociopathic Mind
- Written by a self-identified psychopath, M.E. Thomas is the pseudonym for the author of a fascinating blog and book in which she describes herself as a married Mormon mother and secret sociopath: Sociopath World
- A book by the same author: Confessions of a Sociopath by M.E. Thomas
- Series of Youtube clip: by Thomas Sheridan about psychopaths
- Book suggestion: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath by Thomas Sheridan
- TED Talk: by Paul Zak: Trust, Morality and Oxytocin
- Article: 11 Ways to Tell If Your Boss Is a Psychopath by Kevin Dutton
- Book suggestion: The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success by Kevin Dutton
- Book suggestion: The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout
This was a guest post by my sweet friend, Joanie Blaxter, who is now a regular writer around here! She’s been the Ventura County, California chapter leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation since 2010, and you can contact Joanie here for health consultations. Also, find her past guest posts here.
Meade Skelton says
I have no idea where they get the notion that 1 out of 22 people are sociopaths? That is really a high number. It is nowhere close to that. Soiocpaths (as well as psychopaths) are VERY RARE. Also testosterone has nothing to do with it. I believe it is something partly demonic/spiritual. I notice all these comments from women saying their ex husband/boyfriend must have been a psychopath because of his jerky behavior. Sorry, but simply being a jerk doesn’t mean someone is a psychopath. A lot of this article is psycho-babble. Unless your loved one/spouse has been officially diagnosed as a psychopath, you can’t really know for sure. Many people are jerks and they aren’t psychopaths. But if this article is about sociopaths, they are more products of environment rather than birth. Only psychopaths are born with (supposed) brain abnormalities. But largely, I think its a choice.
Joanie Blaxter says
I suspect that part of your question is related to how people use language. As I said in the article, I use sociopath and psychopath interchangeably. In terms of the 1 out of 22 figure, just google that. You’ll find the estimates by experts vary somewhat but are close to that figure. And, personally, I do not consider a brain abnormality to be a “choice.” If a condition can only be definitively diagnosed with a brain scan, which very few people ever get even if they have the abnormality, the condition will go officially undiagnosed. And, instead, people who know these problematic individuals will assume their unusual behavior is a “choice.”
Meade Skelton says
It’s definitely a choice. Everyday we choose life or death. Many of these people are simply those with a reprobate mind, who choose to do evil, even when they know it’s wrong. It’s not a mental illness. People with mental illness may not have a choice (although in some cases that can be debated as well). I believe psychopathy is a generational curse if inherited, based on the lack of faith of their forebearers.
Also, it goes without saying, Google is not always a reliable source. A lot of the urge to label people is disturbing to me. Just because someone has this trait or that, does not mean they are a psychopath. Only God knows where their heart might be. Also, I do not believe psychopath /sociopath should be used interchangeably. One is born, and one is made.
Melissa says
How about body odor? I was married to a man that I think must have a personality disorder because of all of the cheating and lying/scamming I found out about. He never had body odor around his armpits even after sweating while working outside.
Joanie Blaxter says
Hi Melissa, That’s very interesting! Although I can’t see a connection with the brain dysfunction associated with sociopaths. Lack of body odor would indicate lack of bacteria in his armpits. You sure it wasn’t his deodorant or antiperspirant?
Sophie says
Awesome article! I was married to a sociopath for six years and it completely destroyed my life. Everything here is spot on. The sleeping thing also mystified me. I had no idea that he was smearing me to everyone while stealing every dime I had, cheating with both men and women. Ironically, I began dating him because he seemed safe and such a fine, upstanding Christian. The pathological lying was bizarre. I still feel like I have been touched by pure evil.
Joanie Blaxter says
I encourage you to share your insights, Sophie! I found it much easier to move on when I began talking and writing about my experiences dealing with both my sociopathic ex-friend and ex-boss.
Katelyn says
Isn’t there some sort of physical trait that has to do with the whites of their eyes? It’s called the “socio stare” I think. I read that in Confessions of a Socio I believe.
Joanie Blaxter says
Hi Katelyn, I think what you’re referring to is not a physical trait per se, but more that sociopaths tend to stare deeply without dropping their gaze. This is because they don’t feel the kinds of self-conscious feelings most people feel. Also, they are studying us in order to make a calculated response.
Julia fitzgerald says
I have been living with a sociopath for the last 20 years. it was only about 5 years ago that I realized what he was. the situation has been absolutely horrible. my health has been destroyed I am left penniless and I now see if they’re pissed to understand what has happened to my life. Yours is the first article that I have read which talks about going to sleep immediately as I was always mystified how anyone put go sleep the moment I laid down and sleep so soundly. thank you for all of your information.
Joanie Blaxter says
Julia, I am so sorry to hear about your suffering! I wrote the article for people exactly like you and me so no one feels isolated for getting victimized by these people who are so hard for the rest of us to understand.
Paul says
FYI – the ads on your site make it almost unusable. It keeps scrolling up and down. Had to finally give up reading. Thought you should know.
kitblue says
I heard a radio program about a neuroscientist who found out his brain scan showed him to be a psychopath. His name is James Fallon and one article is here:
He believes his upbringing (nurture) saved him from becoming a “bad” psychopath.
I don’t know if I have ever interacted with one but I have met people who lied for no discernible reason.
Well-written and well-researched article. Thanks Joanie and Kelly!
Joanie Rocks says
Thank you so much for your feedback, Laurin! Yes, my friend “Angel” never dreamed either, and she had a “thing” about not being spoken to when she first woke up. I’m guessing now that it was because she needed time to put her current “personality” back in place. She didn’t want to slip up and say something that would give away her lies.
Laurin Lindsey says
A well written article to guide those of us searching for answers. After several years of trying to figure out why my last marriage ended very abruptly, with him say well I love you 80% but I just have to go see what life is like with this success woman I met. I found he had been dating for years while married to me. And that was that he never looked back. It was while watching an episode of Criminal Minds and the killer was angry at her father and they described him as a sociopath and all his behaviors were just like my ex. That was they key to doing more research and finding so many explanations that fit. And you hit on something. He never dreamed. He was totally charismatic and an adrenal junky. I thought he was self-centered but in retrospect he really had no empathy. He would get very angry if he did something “nice” and didn’t get loads of attention and credit for it. ….okay I could go on! I hope your article saves lots of people from being the victim of one of these people. thank you
Joanie Blaxter says
Sorry, one more thought! Another really excellent book for teaching about the positive aspects of sociopathy is The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success by Kevin Dutton. Very informative, PhD, says in the book his best friend growing up was a sociopath.
Hope that’s helpful!
Joanie Blaxter says
You’re welcome! Do look at the RESOURCES in my article, it’s listed there along with a number of other fascinating books and videos that may be useful to you
mgw says
“Sociopath World which is actually written by and for sociopaths”
What an amazing referral. Thank you Joanie.
Anonymous mama says
I would really like to hear more about what parents can do to help their children if they suspect this is an issue. Are there specific nutritional approaches? Many might call me an extreme attachment/crunchy parent and yet both of my children struggle with lack of empathy significantly. They are in therapy but I’m not seeing much change. They are my biological children and have been attachment/natural parented since birth.
Joanie Blaxter says
Dear mama,
Have you checked out the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet for your kids? Given what you say about yourself,unless you or the kids’ dad has a history of sociopathy, I would definitely be more inclined to explore Aspergers/Autism and correcting the gut microbiome to decrease their symptoms. Check out
Also,there are online support groups for victims of sociopaths and you may be able to find parents raising kids with this emotional deficit. You may also want to check out the blog Sociopath World which is actually written by and for sociopaths. It may give you some insight into your own children, either pro or con.
Joanie Rocks says
Hi Anna,
Thank you so much for your response! I always like to hear other people’s experience and perspective, especially on this topic because as you said, it is still being actively studied. I agree that there are other influences that can create sociopathic behavior but my impression is that it’s fairly well accepted that there is a strong genetic component. I agree, I should have made that distinction clearer. What I was attempting to focus on is those for whom their brain malformation is set, for whatever the reason, and how those around them can learn to recognize when they are dealing with someone who processes emotional information fundamentally differently. I really appreciate your clarification!
thanks again, Joanie
Anna says
Thanks, Joanie. I think while a genetic link is suspected, it’s really unknown. Who’s to say, for example, that it couldn’t be caused by brain trauma suffered during birth or as an infant. There’s very likely a familial/environmental trigger, too.
I dated someone who I suspect was a sociopath, so it’s a topic I am very interested in. And I sure know how much damage one person can cause. I feel lucky to have come through intact, but for a year-long relationship, it took about 2 years to recover fully. Any help in avoiding these people is very helpful! It is hard, though, because it is nearly impossible to decipher.
My advice is, look at the sum of a person’s actions, not what they say. And pay very close attention to how you feel long-term (not in the moment) as a result of having had a relationship with them. If you start to see that you are worse off emotionally (especially feeling insecure, less confident, unsure, confused, guilty, anxious, feeling differently about your family, or just dealing with more drama) or others around this person are worse off, then that is a HUGE red flag. They are masters at playing the pity card in the face of their own bad behavior, too (think Lance Armstrong).
Emily says
This is kinda scary. I didn’t know it was a purely genetic thing, which makes it even scarier. As in, not much you can do about it. Good to know what to look for, especially the friendliness thing.
Anna says
While this author seems to think it’s genetic, as far as I understand that most definitely has NOT been proved, and there is actually a good deal of evidence to the contrary. For example, US has a higher incidence of sociopaths than countries (such as in Asia) in which the group is considered more important than the individual. And there are brain injuries, medication reactions and emotional traumas there are well known to cause sociopathic behavior. So, no, it is not necessarily genetic. (Kelly, I think you should add a note that the causes have not been proven – because the author states genetics as the cause as through it’s a fact and that is very misleading).
Also, Kelly, just FYI, with all of the ads and content, your website has gotten really buggy. It keeps freezing up on me. Not sure what can be done, but just wanted to let you know!
L'emprise de qui says
I think that because psycho feel more boredom and are never really satisfied of what they already have they move more often places and at the time “adventurers…”
Joanie Rocks says
Wow, Jill, thank you so much for that tip! The physical, external characteristics are extremely important to learn since the behavior is much harder to pin down because they hide it whenever they can.
Jill says
Here is another interesting physical trait of sociopaths we learned recently from a friend who is currently a university researcher and Phd candidate that has done some research in this area (and I believe this trait is shared among psychopaths as well, though don’t quote me just in case 🙂 ). You know how yawns are “contagious”? When most people see another person yawn, it usually triggers a yawn from the person observing, but sociopaths don’t “catch” those contagious yawns. Of course that wouldn’t stand alone as diagnostic criteria, but if other sociopathic (as well a psychopathic, though I don’t recall the difference at the moment) traits are present or suspected it could serve as further confirmation.
Patty says
Thanks for the great article. I was married to one for 25 years. He was a narcissist, but I believe that now Narcissism is defined as psychopath. I stayed due to my fear that a divorce would be a “sin” but I realized one day that I would die if I didn’t get out. He was so abusive that, in addition to a monthly battering and verbal attacks constantly (I figured over 200 times he had a major explosion that involved something physical) and the post traumatic stress as well as my children observing his behavior, i finally had a good pastor and my dear parents to support me in leaving. I think that the key was to realize that he would NEVER change. I do believe in miracles, but as you article states, the brain is wired that way and he could pretend to care, but he was not wired to have the real feelings. I used to say that if I were run over he wouldn’t bother to scrape me off the road. The book “Women who love psychopaths” was very helpful after I got out. I had so much trauma that I am still, 4 years later, struggling on a daily basis. My new husband is better than wonderful, but I have had to go to wearing a wig due to losing so much hair, as well as other fatigue and autoimmunity issues that I attribute to the many years with him. One can eat good, but the Psychological damage can destroy our health. I highly recommend permanently ending any relationship with a narcissist or psychopath. They don’t have to be like the horror movie man. They can be like mine was and the most likable neighbor on the block and a “wonderful” dad on the surface. The old black and white movie “Gaslight” was an AMAZING movie. It must have been written by an expert, because my husband was a master at all the gaslight techniques in the movie: isolation from outsiders or family, making other people in the household dislike you and think you are crazy, confusing you about reality and insisting something happened that did not, making you think you are crazy and in need him to survive. Any woman who feel she is going crazy and may have a narcissist (or psychopath, which may be one and the same) should watch this movie. Now, life is much better, but I am suffering from fatigue, nightmares (about him), hair loss, and PTSD from all the fits of anger in which I was pinned to the wall or bed with him in my face and I didn’t know if I would be killed that day. I had not allowed myself to even think about divorce because I was afraid he would use his charm and intelligence to take away my children, who I loved more than life. Fortunately, I made it till they were teenagers, but I wouldn’t have made it much longer. Unfortunately, I have little will to go on with life because the memories have done more damage than I can ever describe and I am so fatigued that I have barely the energy to maintain my job, which I now need due to the economic aspect of divorce. I do have a strong faith that God has me here for a reason and that he is slowly healing me physically and emotionally. I am writing to warn any woman who has read this story and feels she is in a relationship or marriage with a psychopath to get all the support you can (woman’s shelter, friends, church, family) and study this disorder and accept the fact that they will not change and ask yourself if you are prepared to endure this the rest of your life and if you want to be alive to see your children have babies. I am sure there are many people who can help you get out and you will need to remember that the most dangerous time is in leaving and this must be done safely and with good counsel.
KitchenKop says
Patty thank you for sharing all of that to hopefully help someone in a similar situation, I am so sorry for all you’ve been through! I am going to pray you find your way to *total* healing.
Joanie Rocks says
Thank you so very much for sharing, Patty! The more we share, the more we can help one another. And healing does come, I promise! I encourage you to be in contact with a practitioner with expertise in Adrenal Exhaustion and most particularly, the elevated copper that comes along with it. I suspect that metal toxicity may be related to your hair loss.
I highly recommend my practitioner. She has literally saved my sanity and all her work is over the phone. In fact, most of her clientele is overseas. Her name is Theresa Vernon and her website is
Prayers work, Patty! You’re through the worst, I promise!