It's been a while since I've shared a “food flop” around here. Not that there haven't been some, I just don't always think to take a picture. Although, I have to say, I think I am getting a little better in recent years. Either that, or maybe it's just that I'm only making my tried and true recipes these days, and don't have much time to try new ones.
So here’s my Friday Food Flop for today:
Creamed Kale
So it was last summer, and we'd had week after week of greens from our CSA (which sounds really good right now though!), and I wanted to try something new. Plus I'm pretty good when it comes to sauces, if I do say so myself. Whether it's a white sauce to use in escalloped potatoes or chicken alfredo, or it's a cheese sauce in my stovetop mac & cheese, or maybe it's my beef stroganoff; how can I go wrong with all that yummy pastured butter, cream, bone broth, sea salt & pepper, and einkorn flour, right? So I figured, how hard could it be to whip up a creamed kale? I started a white sauce and chopped up some kale into small pieces and well, as you can see in the picture above, it came out all gummy. Now that I'm looking back, a few months later, I'm wondering, why didn't I just add more milk and/or cream and/or broth and just turn it into a yummy soup? I'll bet it would've been really tasty, too. There's almost always a way to salvage your real food, I must have been in the midst of my menopause brain fog that day.
You never know with me, but either way, I was able to share another flop with you, so all wasn't lost!
Share about YOUR flops in the comments below and let us know if and how you were able to salvage it. 🙂
- See my past Friday Food Flops (scroll down to see them all)
- Are Extreme Menopause Symptoms Normal? Should We Embrace Our Muffin Top?
- The Best Breast Test: My First Breast Thermogram with Pictures (A Mammogram Alternative)
- My Politically Incorrect Thoughts on Breast Cancer
- Soups, Stews, & Broth Recipes
SteveandPaula Runyan says
that would have been good mixed into mashed potatoes