Ten years ago things were much different around here, and not just because what we're eating has drastically changed, but also in terms of how we handle illnesses. These two scenarios will show you just how different things are now…
First, remember that I'm not a doctor, not even close. There's a lot I don't know, so use common sense, and see a professional if needed. I'm only sharing our own story here, but your situation is likely very different.
Ten years ago…
Before I knew better, we all got sick more often. We were eating junk regularly including nutrient-poor filler foods, like fast food and boxed “foods” (I know now that those are not really food). Sad, I know. And because of this, when our oldest was small he got ear infections often. If he woke up in the night with ear pain and a fever, the first thing we did was get that fever down with medicine, because we knew that “fevers are always dangerous”! Of course, that would also take care of the pain. Whether or not he still had pain or fever in the morning, the first thing I did was call the doctor for an appointment so they could check his ears. We'd be in before the day was out, and when they saw the telltale reddish inner ear, we'd grab the bright pink antibiotic at the pharmacy on the way home, and he'd take the gut-destroyer for the full 10 days. After a while when he kept getting these ear infections again and again, the doc put him on a “maintenance dose”, so like blind sheep we gave him a daily spoonful of the Amoxicillin. We were ‘lucky' that the maintenance dose was enough so he didn't end up having to get tubes in his ears.
I shudder to think of this now. How ignorant I was.
Back then I didn't know there were other options besides antibiotics, which are hard on our gut flora/immune system, as I said, and they can build up antibiotic resistance. (This means that if we take too many antibiotics, then they won't work anymore if there's a time we really need them for something more serious.) The only other option I knew of was letting the kids cry in pain, and risking complications from fevers and raging infections. And yes, that happens, but I had no idea how rarely it does, and that there are many other much better options that work before it gets to that point!
I also didn't know that within reason, fevers can be SUCH a good thing–they're our body's natural way to fight a bug, and we should let it do its job! Of course if it goes too high, you may need to seek help, but I certainly don't try to bring every fever down anymore.
Preventing Antibiotic Resistance these days…
First, we try to build up their immune systems using the tips in this post so they don't get sick as often in the first place. But when they do, we handle things much differently now.
The other night our youngest came into our room in the middle of the night crying with ear pain. Not a little whimper, but a full-out cry, and I knew I had to get something going fast. I hadn't been asleep long enough to think clearly, but once I got my bearings, I got to work:
- I gave him extra of this strong probiotic, the only one I'll take now. You can open it and sprinkle it on food, it's tasteless! Also you could even put it in recipes and bake with it up to 455*! Read more: 5 ways to know if your probiotic is really helping or are you just wasting money?
- When two of our kids had red ears last December, I used Colloidal Silver drops in their ears, or these days I use these garlic drops. I looked with my otoscope before and then a couple hours after using the drops, and both times, with both kids, the redness and pain disappeared! So this was the first thing I did this time for our son. (Be sure to gently warm it. When you drop some on the back of your hand, you shouldn't feel it at all, that's how you know it's the right temp.) I had him lay down with the drops in there for about 15-20 minutes. (Here's more about the ways I use colloidal silver and the one way I *won't* use it anymore and this is the garlic oil we got — it's a medicinal herb.)
- As he was lying there with the drops in his ear, I started searching through my homeopathics, and unfortunately I didn't have any of the ones recommended by Joette in the guest post she did here not long ago about which homeopathics are best for earaches. (I keep these on hand now: for cold or flu symptoms, but Joette's posts gives specific suggestions for earaches.)
- Before I let him try going back to sleep I had him take a large tablespoon full of cod liver oil – a powerful immune system booster. I also gave him another big spoonful when he woke up the next morning, and one later that day.
- Here's how to make elderberry syrup — learn there what it is and why it helps cold and flu symptoms.
- We also tried a warm cloth on his ear for pain, and had him crawl into bed with us, but unfortunately he kept crying in pain, so I broke down and gave him Ibuprofen for that. 🙁 Does anyone have ideas for what else we could've tried for the pain?? (UPDATE: I'm still learning all of the time, and I wouldn't give Ibuprofin anymore! Now I'd use these natural remedies that WORK for pain!)
- More about fevers: once when we were dealing with ear issues, the kids had no pain, just red ears and fevers. The fevers got high enough to have us concerned: 104.3. I read every comment at Sarah's Got a Fever post so I could gain the confidence to let the fever and the immune system do its job naturally. This was all good during the day when I could keep an eye out, but when our daughter's fever went high in the middle of the night, I gave her Motrin because I was scared I'd fall asleep and her brain would fry! (104.5 was too high for the middle of the night, in my opinion, and remember with all of this *use your own good judgement*!) Update: I should have just slept next to her and kept an eye on her–because amazingly, I learned that usually the fever doesn't spike and stay that way for long. During the day I gave her a cool cloth and she fell asleep. I watched her like a hawk and within 30-45 minutes it came down on its own. When our son had the same issue a few days later, everything happened exactly the same way, only his never spiked in the night, so he never had medicine at all. The only problem with going the more natural route is that they may miss more school, back before we homeschooled, our kids missed five days with one bug that went through our house. Part of me wondered if the school would call to try to get us to put them on an antibiotic! (Many kids were out sick last fall and most went on an antibiotic and were back in school within a couple days.) But our school is great and of course never did that, they were just glad I wasn't sending them while they still had symptoms. On the other hand, Sarah says in the link above that letting the fever do its job causes illnesses to have a shorter duration!
We did it!
So just like that, we're learning to dodge antibiotic bullets and learning more about preventing antibiotic resistance. By morning he was completely fine, and hasn't complained of pain or had a fever since. I still gave him extra CLO for a couple days, and I did the garlic drops twice more that next day, just to be sure.
Will we always be able to avoid the antibiotics?
Maybe not. We all MUST use common sense, and there may be times that the medicine will be necessary, and then we will be thankful for it. But since we know that antibiotics do a number on our immune system, and build up a resistance that would keep them from working if we ever need them for something even more serious, how cool if now that we know better, those instances are few and far between, or never!
If you or your kids DO get sick, check out this post with home remedies for colds and flu. (Some are repeats from this post but there are more suggestions there too.)
What a feeling
The feeling of healing our kids naturally, really truly pulling it off, and using tools from God in nature instead of potentially harmful medicines, reminds me of how good it felt when we treated our daughter for lice naturally and WON that battle without chemicals, too! 🙂
Please share your natural healing stories!
We all need to hear them to give us confidence, especially as parents treating our kids!
More posts you may want to read:
- Newer post on my favorite natural flu remedy with a flu cheat sheet
- The ONLY probiotics to take with antibiotics
- My top 3 uses for colloidal silver
- Natural earache remedies
- My previous post with info on home remedies for colds and earaches
- How to make elderberry syrup for a natural cold and flu remedy!
- 10 steps to building a healthy immune system
- Here's where to buy Colloidal Silver online, which is usually cheaper than buying it at the health food store.
Colleen Boehm says
Makes you wonder…with abx in the food, in our water, in our vaccines… Things that make you go hmmm….
Rhiannon F S Lynn says
I remember learning how bacteria became resistent in Biology at school.
Tim Robinson says
(Sarah) Have you ever read Herbal Antibiotics? Fascinating read on bacteria and how it spreads, short too.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
This one? I haven’t. Tell me about it, Sarah! https://amzn.to/2cgCxei
katiethies says
I do want to mention that belladonna can be poisonous if you aren’t careful- yes, it is helpful in small doses, but it is called deadly nightshade for a reason.
rachel santo says
hi Kelly. had a lot of ear infections for both my kids last year and what helped most was a few visits to a chiropractor… i also used the Mullein Garlic oil and Colloidal silver through the mouth, but they didnt help as much.
Question – what about using Antibiotic cream? my son is a “picker” and pick his face constantly. i dont know how to stop his spreading of bacteria from place to place on his face…
KitchenKop says
Hi Rachel,
Personally, I’d focus on hand washing, just because I don’t want to expose my kids to antibiotics any more than absolutely necessary. Also, you might look at what is causing this nervous habit? Maybe visit a naturopath or other health professional to try and get to the bottom of it?
Take care, Kelly
Sarah says
Garlic Mullein oil is very effective and so is 3% hydrogen peroxide. The oil is very stinky, so I can’t use it with Hylands ear drops, but Hydrgen peroxide and Hylands seem like an effective combo for both pain reduction and treatment.
Nicole says
Thanks guys. As he was coping with the pain I didn’t give him any pain meds coz after reading here I didn’t want to bring his temp down. What I did was give him some homeopathics, took me a while to remember these!! I also put pro-biotic powder on his tongue after each round of homeopathics. This morning he woke up healed!!! Yay!!
Just want to say I would have given him pain meds if he wasn’t coping but he seemed to be so I left it. Also, I don’t use colloidal silver as I’ve heard it can cause heavy metal poisoning.
Jill says
I think a small spoonful of raw honey can be soothing to the throatt, and is anti-bacterial as well.
Here is a recipe from Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Recipes book for her Throat Soother Tea: 2 parts licorice root, 1 part cinnamon, 1 part echinacea, 1 part marsh mallow root, 1/8 part ginger.
Her recipe for a Cough and Sore Throat Syrup: 4 parts fennel seed, 2 parts licorice root, 2 parts slippery elm bark (though I have read that marsh mallow root has a similar effect if you can’t find slippery elm), 2 parts valerian, 2 parts wild cherry bark, 1 part cinnamon bark, 1/2 part ginger root, 1/8 part orange peel. Simmer above ingredients with water (2 oz. herbs to 1 quart water) over low heat, till reduced to about 2 cups. Strain herbs from liquid, then pour liquid back into pot. To each pint (2 cups) liquid, add 1 cup honey. Warm mixture together just enough to mix well, but don’t “cook” as it will destroy the beneficial enzymes in raw honey. You may add a couple drops peppermint essential oil for flavor. Remove from heat, bottle, and label. Syrup will last several weeks or even months in the refrigerator.
Kelly has a recipe on her site for elderberry cough and cold syrup as well. That might be a good idea to help kick the bug too.
Nicole says
Hi all. My 3 yr old this morning developed a fever, he keeps saying he has a “sore mouth”, I think it’s his throat – his breath stinks. I have not given him anything to bring fever down, but I am really worried if his throat gets worse as I know how painful that it. I had a really bad throat myself about 2 months ago and couldn’t help but take pain meds (which also brought down fever).
So, any tips on treating a sore throat naturally??? Most tips here focus on ears which is great but how to help my little one???
KitchenKop says
Good advice Jill!
Also, be sure to give the colloidal silver mentioned above by mouth for a sore throat as well, that usually helps quickly.
Many wouldn’t agree with this, but if he’s in a lot of pain, personally I would give a small dose of the pain meds (Tylenol or Motrin), but only when absolutely necessary and after you’ve tried other stuff. (Also try googling “natural remedies for sore throat”.)
Commenter via Facebook says
if I share this post will the comments come with it?
Commenter via Facebook says
Just had a dentist recommend colloidal silver instead of antibiotics for having my wisdom tooth pulled. I was a pretty happy girl hearing that!
Commenter via Facebook says
we don’ go to the dr.. unless we are bleeding or broken.. my hubs has never had an antibiotic in his life..
Commenter via Facebook says
@ Corinne Logan – Did you see my suggestions in the post? Those work great for us!
Commenter via Facebook says
Elderberries, echinacea, garlic, herbs (like Olive Leaf), silver, essential oils…
Angela says
So many great ideas!! I pinned this for future reference 🙂 For UTIs, D-Mannose – 3 tablets, 3 times a day and LOTS of water. Supposedly a 90% effectiveness rate. Also a good, refrigerated probiotic. This method worked for me. For general illnesses, bacterial or virus, I give a dose of Lyposomal vitamin C (half a packet for kids). It is much easier for the body to absorb than other vitamin C sources and gives the immune system a kick start. It was recommended by our naturopath and we’ve found it very effective.
Commenter via Facebook says
While I’m a HUGE fan of oregano oil, garlic, acidophilus +++, they strep throat I got last week would not succomb to the natural methods. Had to get the crappy antibiotics and all of their side effects. I so wish that I had another option…99% of the time we’re a completely healthy family and any ill feelings are normally cared for by our natural methods. This time though, it wasn’t enough. Any suggestions???
Commenter via Facebook says
Elderberry syrup!
Commenter via Facebook says
@ Laurie Cohen Peters – from what I understand, nanoparticles are *bad* when they’re in cosmetics, but in colloidal silver they’re a good thing because they can penetrate cell walls. This prevents that condition where the larger particles can’t excrete out of our body and people turn blue from taking it!
Maria says
My oldest has had lots of ear infections too (interestingly, he’s the only one vaccinated), but has now grown out of them. There’s a book explaining how you can do osteopathic treatments yourself to your child at home to help fluid drain and lymph glands to start working. https://www.amazon.com/More-Amoxicillin-Preventing-Respiratory-Antibiotics/dp/1575663163/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1360362421&sr=8-1&keywords=No+More+Antibiotics%3A
I have the dvd of the book, which gives a demonstration but i couldnt find the link in my quick search.
Also, we had a analgesic eardrop for when the pain got too bad. Unfortunately I don’t know the name any more. I figured that something topical was better than something systemic like tylenol, but not sure.
Commenter via Facebook says
Warm garlic oil works well in the ear as well as massaged under the ear lobe and down the neck while pulling up on the top if the ear. It helps the tubes to drain. Do it sitting up. Also popping the ear by pulling quick and hard on the ear lobe down and away from the body. Sometimes it doesn’t pop, but it is also good for clearing the eustachain tubes. (I wouldn’t recommend popping someone with surgical tubes) .
Commenter via Facebook says
We just don’t go to the dr. I figure we are sick and just need rest and nutrition. We never bring a fever down, and yes at night they can get HIGH, but its the body’s natural response. I have 4 kids 6 and under and no one has ever had antibiotics.
Justyn @ Creative Christian Mama says
I’ve done a post on how we treated my four-year-old’s ear infection (my most popular post last year!) and I’m in the middle of a series on why we don’t lower fevers. I’ve also got natural remedies for mastitis, colds, morning sickness and tons of other things with more to come! The difference between how we dealt with illness a few years ago compared with now is so exciting to us. I absolutely love learning about all these ways to support the body so it can heal, rather than taking drugs.
If you’re interested, here’s my ear infection story:
and here’s the first post in my fever series:
Blessings! 🙂
Commenter via Facebook says
Don’t go to the Dr & consume lots of raw garlic along with ferments & a clean diet.
Heather W says
I was one of those kids that ended up with serious complications from repeated ear infections. I have moderate hearing loss in both ears, needed many sets of tubes, and ended up with a cholestetoma (at 14 and again at 26) which resulted in a pair of mastoidectomies (which is a pretty major operation). WIth this history you may think I would be on the Antibiotic first kind of person.
I spent most of my childhood on antibiotics of progressively stronger varieties. By the time I was 12 I had chronic IBS, migranes, and my weight had started to go from 75 percentile to the 98th. By the time I was 30 my weight was approaching 300lbs, and I was getting migranes 10-15 days a week.
But the worse of all the issues is that my body appears to full of antibiotic resistant bugs. After my second mastoidectomy I spent a week in the hospital and 6 weeks on IV antibiotics (three diffrent ones, each stronger) and after a surgery six years ago for an ecoptic pregnancy I found myself in the hospital again, with anouther major infection, resistant to two families of antibiotics.
I do believe in antibiotics,but as a last resort, not a first choice. I wonder what would have happened if as a child my mom had not taken me to the doctor for those ear infections, the day I felt any pain. For which, knowing my history, I always got drops and a 14 day course of antibiotics even if the doc did not think I had an infection. “Just in case.”
Since going on a raw milk, gluten free, live food diet (a progressive change) my weight has dropped over 75 pounds, my IBS is gone, and migranes are rare. I think my body is starting to heal.
Commenter via Facebook says
nanoparticles are showing up more and more in food stuff, packaging, even socks…I was recently at a summit with the head scientist for the consumers union and he agreed that so far, all scientists in his sphere agree nanoparticles are dangerous to one’s health…It was then told me that nanoparticles are now even used in colloidal silver…
Commenter via Facebook says
Very well written article! I am happy to say that I haven’t given my kids antibiotics in 5 years! (my kids are 6 and 8 yrs old) They also very rarely get sick and when they do they are better in a few HOURS. I really attribute this to eating healthfully – organic, local produce; grass fed beef, free range chicken. I’ve also cut way back on sugar for our whole family. It’s wonderful to be healthy! 🙂
Commenter via Facebook says
oil of oregano
Commenter via Facebook says
Vitamin D….reishi…and topically aloe gel and turmeric also pocketing the prescription just in case I actually need it…
Commenter via Facebook says
Laurie can you explain what you mean by that?
Commenter via Facebook says
We use FCLO and various tinctures, and now we are exploring Essential Oils!
Commenter via Facebook says
just a heads up…there are nanoparticles in colloidal silver and that’s enough for me to detour, sadly…
Kristen says
I recently took to Whole Foods after my “at-home” remedies just weren’t adding up. I had never had an earache or ear infection in my entire life, so when I realized that’s the incredible painish feeling in my ear I tried everything natural I could. I am not a run to the doc and get a pill for everything kind of person. From the onion, olive oil, garlic, acv, etc – i was not finding any relief. At Whole Foods I asked for one of the girls opinions in the supplement section and I’m so happy I talked to her. She said try colloidal silver! she said “people come in here all the time and grab this bottle when their ears are acting up.” I was sold – it didn’t take much – i was desperate. 12 hours later, my ear was fully back to normal. Continued the drops for 2 days after. I really believe it helped and its lead me to doing more research about these wonder drops! If your ear hurts – try it. You may just be sooo surprised at the turnaround.
Jill says
Interesting! Have you ever heard of it working on pink eye? My neighbor’s little boy has it right now and she thinks her little girl is getting it too. Anybody have suggestions for natural pink eye remedies? (She’s currently having him place cotton ball wet with goldenseal leaf and comfrey root tea over his eye several times a day, and it seems to help some, but the infection is definitely still there.)
KitchenKop says
@Kristen, I know, it’s amazing stuff!
@Jill, seems like I have used it before when I suspected pink eye, but I can’t remember for sure, do a quick Google search to check safety issues. 🙂
Commenter via Facebook says
I have a possible solution…when my boy was younger…from early on til two yrs…he had ear infect…slash pain…all i know is that one day, I took grapefuit seed extract, afew drops of it into vegetable glycerine …making a tincture…droped it in..he has never had another ear infection ..he is 8 years old now!
Jennifer says
We use antibiotics a lot less than we used to as I gain more knowledge. I think I might be resistant to antibiotics because the past few years when I have needed them 1 round never gets rid of the illness. scary! We take a lot of raw garlic minced up in honey to help fight off illnesses and 9 times out of 10 it works great.
elaine says
i’ve been using Young Living oils for over 12 yrs now…ear infections:
i alternate PanAway or Lavender in carrier oil massaged behind the outer ear, garlic steeped olive oil/few drops in the ear every few hrs, and a fresh slice of onion resting on outer ear. can take the pain away in minutes! also homeopathics; belladona or chamomilla for extreme pain helps.
Nicole says
Kelly, there is a yahoo group called frequent-dose-chelation devoted to healing from heavy metal poisoning. I think their group is based on a book called Amalgam Illness and if you look in their files etc you should find something on what they think about colloidal silver. The author sounds legitimate, an educated man who could find no answers for his illnesses until he learnt about mercury poisoning. I am new to the group and don’t know a lot about the topic but asked a question about colloidal silver and they said it is very dangerous and that people can certainly get heavy metal poisoning from colloidal silver alone. Scary I know. One of my friends uses it constantly on her kids and I dread to tell her. I don’t think this is very widely known or believed though coz the main thing the guys at the health food shop here told me to use post-surgically was colloidal silver. But if you read the info it makes sense and I will use the alternatives from now on.
God Bless!
Nicole says
Awesome post Kelly and I haven’t got time to read all the responses but I just wanted to say I know how happy you are to avoid the anti’s. I had septoplasty recently and didn’t take any of the strong three weeks worth of anti-biotics I was supposed to take. I snorted pro-biotics and put them on my tongue whenever I went to sleep. My 12yr old just had just had his tonsils and adenoids removed and again he didn’t take any of the recommended anti’s!!! I was so happy to achieve this without complications, it was just awesome.\
On a cautionary note, I have heard colloidal silver is dangerous and can cause heavy metal poisoning. Once in the body it never leaves. The reason it is anti-bacterial is because it is incompatible with life, just like mercury. I think this really needs to be explored more. I am just repeating what I have heard recently and I will never use colloidal silver again!
All the best!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Hi Nicole,
Do you happen to know where you read about that?
I’d love to read it if possible.
Commenter via Facebook says
similisan ear drops work well, garlic infused olive oil works great, also pulling down and out on the earlobe quick and hard until you hear a small pop ( sometimes you don’t hear the pop), pulling up on the top of the ear while massaging garlic oil the under part of the ear near the jaw helps drainage.
Commenter via Facebook says
For the pain of an earache, moist heat will soothe it. An easy way is to wet a washcloth & place in a coffee mug & then microwave till its slightly steaming & then cup it over the ear so the steam envelopes the ear for several seconds & repeat as necessary. This helped soothe my earache pain several months ago & I was finally able to go to sleep.
Lisa says
I avoid meds whenever possible, but a couple weeks ago I stubbed my toe, and my nail was pushed into the nailbed. I developed an infection that had to be drained, and I did take an antibiotic after learning that the infection could spread to my bone (don’t want an amputated toe!). I’m on day 8, and I haven’t felt great. Not allergic, but generally mild nausea and tired. I know fermented foods and probiotics are essential, but does anyone have any other ideas on how to build back good bacteria quickly? Thx!
Genet says
When the GROWN UPS or teens at our house have a fever or pain that seems to persist more than a couple days (rare) I give regular good ole’ aspirin. Not natural . . . .but I believe it is much more so than the advil and tylenol.
Why don’t people use aspirin anymore ?
We were told it was potentially dangerous in children. That warning was never meant to apply to adults. And it has been shown to have some health benefits.
Roseann says
My girls never got ear infections, but I always lowered fevers with Tylenol, gave them enemas, and sponged them down with a mixture of alcohol and water. I’ve realized since then, thanks to my second.husband that a fever is the body’s way to burn out the infection. We are raising our 8 yr old granson and he developed a sore throat and fever of 103.5. We took him to the doctor and without even taking a throat culture she decided he had an ear infection because his ear was a little red. He had NO pain in the ear at all. We figure he had strep throat, if anything. Anyway, my husband got.the antibiotic just in case, but we didnt use it. We let the fever run its course, gave him.lots of vitamin C and D and zinc…and he was fine. For earaches, I remember my mom used to warm some olive oil with garlic and dip a cotton ball in it and put it in the ear. It really helped a lot.
Commenter via Facebook says
garlic oil in the ear and echinacea by mouth.
Commenter via Facebook says
Warm sweet oil in the ear and a cotton ball. Decongestant also. If you do not have the sweet oil olive oil will work temporarily
Commenter via Facebook says
It was via the Happy Hippie.
Commenter via Facebook says
Feeding Family just posted an article. Is she on your “like” list?
Commenter via Facebook says
This was very helpful, especially after we had 2 kids who’ve NEVER dealt with ear issues have eardrums rupture last month! What works best for our family is the fresh olive oil and garlic warm drops (if eardrum is intact) and massage to assist with drainage.
Rebecca Harrach says
Great post and I can really relate. I shudder to think of the 2 years I was vegan with young children and all the associated crap that we ate. They literally lived on a diet of low-fat, processed carbs and I thought we were all so healthy. I too would whip out the pain reliever at any and all times. I wish I knew then what I know now, but you can only do your best with what you know.
Roseann says
Rebecca…I could kick myself now and always think if I only knew then what I know now. I used to cook with margarine and spread it on my toast. I drank low fat milk, and living in Jersey, the milk HAD to be pasteurized. It took having cancer for.me to realize changes had to be made. My daughter became a vegetarian 9 yrs ago and she just started eating meat again this week. I finally got through to her that.the processed soy burgers were no good. I am SO happy!!! We all bought into the propaganda that the FDA and the diet dictocrats were trying to feed us, but we learned and now we know better. Now we have to spread the word.
Commenter via Facebook says
My chiropractor adjusts my ears when I’m getting an ear ache but when I can’t go I pull out and down slow and firm several times feeling a stretch in my eardrum. It releases my fluid buildup. The pain goes away almost immediately. My husband (not much for alternative medicine) said he was getting an ear infection this morning. I instructed him how to “self-adjust” his ear and he hasn’t said another thing about it all day. It actually fells quite nice after. I use oil for the kids and it really works for draining the fluid. I put in the warm oil (I use coconut) and then after a minute or so have them lay on the bad ear on a heat pad that has a damp wash cloth around it. The moist heat and oil work together to draw out the fluid. Depending on how bad it is it can take a couple of days.
Commenter via Facebook says
This was just posted: https://www.organicauthority.com/health/health/how-to-rapidly-relieve-an-earache-using-supplies-you-probably-already-have-in-your-home.html
Commenter via Facebook says
Ear candles….comforting &
Teifu oil (WWW.Naturesunshine.com) behind the ear.
Commenter via Facebook says
Garlic infused oil – Herb Pharm is the brand recommended by my herbalist if you don’t have time to make your own. And it is pretty harmless…if you do it at the first signs of an issue and it turns out not to be the ears, it won’t hurt in any way and if it is ears, most of the time it will nip it. 🙂
Commenter via Facebook says
A few drops of hydrogen peroxide as long as the eardrum is intact. Stay on your side until the fizzing stops. It works. Increase powdered and liquid probiotics for prevention. Avoid sugar, juice, pop…which kill said bacteria…
Commenter via Facebook says
I use moist heat as well. I have a flax seed heating pad, but a rice filled sock in the microwave will work in a pinch (or on the road).
DavetteB says
sometimes the pain is from internal pressure, so make sure he blows his nose frequently. if he’ll tolerate a neti pot or saline nose drops, that helps, too. If the child is hurting/pulling at his ears, but they aren’t red when you look at them, this is usually the problem. some humidity with menthol or mint helps some too.
I had my own scope for looking at my son’s ears. If they weren’t red, an antibiotic would do nothing anyway, so why pay a copay to be told go home and turn on the humidifier and keep his ear warm? (Our Pediatrician thought that was smart)
Commenter via Facebook says
Kelly, Here’s the link. https://www.1-800homeopathy.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=ear+infections
Commenter via Facebook says
My mother used to use a mixture of 50/50 rubbing alcohol and apple cider vinegar drops in our ears when we were kids…and I used this on my kids too. My youngest son has never taken antibiotics in his life and he is almost 19!
Commenter via Facebook says
I don’t remember if it affected the pain, but peroxide drops in the ear got rid of the infection (it has been over 10 years since either of us has had one).
Leza says
Can’t think of the name of it, but it’s an herbal remedy in drop form made from garlic and I think camomile…and I’m pretty sure it’s in an olive oil base. Used it quite successfully with my cherubs and myself over the years. My doc told me about it and I’m so very thankful that he did! Haven’t been able to find the (plastic) bottle when I’ve looked in the past, so I can’t check on the name or the brand. :-{
Another remedy I use for sore throats when hot water and salt doesn’t immediately take it away is hot water (as hot as you can stand drinking) with a lemon freshly squeezed into it. Repeat every couple of hours. A traditional doc wanted to put me on antibiotics, and my nutritionist told me to try this, first, and it worked beautifully! The lemon draws out the infection. 🙂
I HATE medicine, and am *so* thankful to have had two wonderful chiropractor/nutritionists to help teach the natural route! 🙂 It literally saved my life!!! 🙂
Commenter via Facebook says
@Amy king williams thank you. I heard about that but I haven’t done much research on it.
Commenter via Facebook says
Kelly, Have you ever looked into Homeopathy? Go to 1800homeopathy.com and type in your symptoms and it will give you remedies or call them and they will help you. I got turned on to Homeopathy by Joette Calabrese out of Buffalo NY and I tried her remedy recommendations on my grandson and grand daughter today and they worked beautifully. The remedies are 100% safe for kids, pregnant women and adults and have been around since the 1700’s. Joette’s website is homeopathyworks.net
Commenter via Facebook says
garlic in either mullein or olive oil is the best
Commenter via Facebook says
Thea, I’ve heard great things about D-Mannose & used it with success…but you’d have to research how well it works for strep in that situation.
Commenter via Facebook says
I use a moist heat (like a rice sock) and lay my ear on it and sleep or rest.
Commenter via Facebook says
I have heard very good things with warmed Hydrogen Peroxide.
Commenter via Facebook says
What are your thoughts about urinary tract infection, preferably one caused by Strep? I gave in and taking antibiotics for this.
Commenter via Facebook says
A little bit of Apple Cider Vinegar dripped into your ear.
Commenter via Facebook says
My friend uses garlic oil with great success
Commenter via Facebook says
Mullein oil has worked great for me
Commenter via Facebook says
I use garlic and Mullein ear oil!
Commenter via Facebook says
My mother put warmed sweet oil in my ears when I had an earache. I’m not sure if it’s effective, but it was very comforting.
Commenter via Facebook says
i use a clove of garlic pressed into olive oil and warm it for a couple seconds. couple drops and it takes the pain away.
Commenter via Facebook says
Can’t think of the name of it, but it’s an herbal remedy in drop form made from garlic and I think camomile… . Used it quite successfully with my cherubs and myself over the years. My doc told me about it and I’m so very thankful that he did! Haven’t been able to find the (plastic) bottle when I’ve looked in the past, so I can’t check on the name or the brand. :-{ Hope this helps?
Commenter via Facebook says
Calendula oil works wonders
Commenter via Facebook says
I just saw the above post today!!
Commenter via Facebook says
D. says
If you don’t have time to make homemade garlic oil, just buy garlic oil gelcaps/oilcaps, place one in some water for a few minutes then puncture the end with a diaper pin or something similar and squeeze the warmed oil right into the ear, and then cover with a wad of cotton. Keep head tilted for a few minutes, and while the head is tilted rub all around the ear in small circular motions to help lymph kick into action, too. Then do the other ear. With ear infections or ear aches, you need to use all body defenses possible, and that includes lymph.
Kate @ Modern Alternative Mama says
We haven’t run across ear infections yet, at least not that I know of.
However we have had fevers and vomiting. I have never treated a fever, even a high one (my daughter once had one that got over 104 when she was about 16 months). And I’ve never had one last longer than 24 hours. Many of my friends talk about their children being sick for days on end. My kids aren’t. There was one strange virus that ran through the house where my husband was miserable for a good 12 hours, two of my children each felt nauseous and threw up once and it lasted, oh, 30 minutes for them (seriously), and one of my children didn’t get it at all.
I don’t think it’s any coincidence that I don’t treat with conventional medicine for acute illnesses and these illnesses don’t last. They happen semi-frequently at certain times of the year, but like I said, are so brief. We didn’t even get hit with too many colds this past year because we were so consistent with FCLO!
Also, I just have to mention this…vaccines have been linked to ear infections. (The package inserts even say so.) My kids have never had vaccines, and never had ear infections — I had a LOT as a kid (and I had vaccines). Just something to think about.
Heather H. says
I have used many of the above remedies. I like Boswelia for pain and inflammation. I also have boiled Camomile flowers in water, drained off the water and wrapped the hot, wet flowers in a cloth. I place this poultice over the ear and it helps tremendously with ear pain. (plus you get a nice cup of tea 🙂
I bet Camomile mixed with onion would do wonders!
Megan says
We’re struggling with how to cure an ear infection when there are tubes in already as I believe you’re not supposed to put anything in the ears then. Our daughter’s eustachian tubes don’t drain properly so the tubes were an absolute necessity, but it doesn’t clear the fluid completely. She’s 11 months and on breastmilk. I’ve cut out dairy and that seems to have helped her other secretion levels, but she still struggles with gunky ears. Are there things I can do to help with the fluid in her ears?
D. says
Once you begin to lower your child’s fever you are effectively turning off his immune system and causing further damage because it will take them longer to heal. Most parents feel they MUST do something to lower a fever, even though most fevers rarely go above 105 with an infection, whether it is bacterial or viral, unless it’s heat stroke related. IF you feel you must lower the temperature, using cool rags in the groin, underarm and forehead areas is much better than using tylenol which can cause kidney and liver damage, or Motrin with can cause stomach and liver issues.
The height of a child’s temp in no way is an indication of the “severity” of his illness. It’s basically just a number and modern medicine has done it’s job by convincing people that a certain number is dangerous. If you have reason to believe the fever is from some source other than an infection (viral or otherwise) take them to the ER instead.
With OVERMUCH EMPHASIS I will repeat here, as I’ve done many times before, please acquire the book by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn called How To Raise A Health Child In Spite Of Your Doctor and read CHAPTER 7. The only exceptions to lowering a fever or calling a doctor or visiting the ER are for tiny babies, severe dehydration or a heat-stroke related type cause.
Fevers may be uncomfortable, but they are necessary. A fever is immune system nirvana because it rejuvenates your own body’s fighting ability where germs are concerned. Tiny babies don’t even have a functioning immune system right off the bat, and yet people vaccinate not knowing that vaccinations depress the immune function, as does almost any drug you care to name, including aspirin/pain reliever.
Chiropractic adjustments are very beneficial, as are warmed garlic drops or olive oil. Some folks use H202 (hydrogen peroxide) drops into the ear. Push plenty of fluids – even pop (like 7-Up) if that’s all they’ll take – it’s better than dehydration, believe me. Nourishment is important too, but dehydration can occur very rapidly and it’s something you DON’T want to have to deal with.
Most people panic over an arbitrary number because that’s what we’ve been taught to do.
Anisa says
I had chronic ear infections the year I was seventeen. My mother warmed Mullein oil and put some in my ear. They didn’t stop the infections but it felt really soothing.
I also had some amazingly high fevers as I child and never once was given any pain relief or medication. My mother was so good at caring for me and although it was not easy, now that she has passed away, it is her care and love in those times where I was in pain that is so precious to me. I am not saying that being in pain is a good thing, only that it can bring great blessings too that are not always apparent in the moment… I seem to recall finding relief in a warm bath when fevered. She would also keep me really warm so that the fever would spike and then hopefully break. It often worked. As for non-medicated fevers lasting a shorter time, I don’t know about that. I think each case is so individual and dependent on the person’s own strength. Also, I haven’t tried it myself but have you tried Dr. Cowan’s lemon socks for reducing fever? I think another real food blogger posted on that recently…
Melissa says
Belladonna has always worked wonders for me at reducing fevers for my kids. I used to get weary and run for the Tylenol/ ibuprofen to bring a fever down when it would get upwards of 104. Now I just grab the belladonna and it quickly reduces it down to around 100-101 which I’m comfortable with that. So give that a try next time. I love it!
Lori says
When I was a kid (I am over 50) we were always given warm olive oil in our ears, which worked fine, along with some baby aspirin for pain/fever.
I raised 8 kids and they were given the same protocol, except about 20 years ago as I began to learn more about essential oils, I now lace my olive oil with about 15 drops each of lavender, eucalyptus, and ti tree, after allowing a clove of garlic to steep in the oil for a few days (cut in half or slivers, then strain out). This is some very potent medicine.
Eleven years ago, my then 9 year old daughter began to dance around with pain in her left ear and I knew it was an ear infection. She is my 8th child, and one knows these things after raising that many kids. So I went ahead and gave her a pain killer as I knew the pain needed to be relieved immediately (I use aspirin sparingly, but having suffered from ear problems as a child, I will not allow my kids to suffer with this pain, as I know how severe it can be). This was around 6 p.m. on a Sunday evening.
I next began to slice up onions for an old-fashioned onion poultice, cooked the onions, placed them in a very thin cloth, then placed this poultice on her ear and the jaw line as she said her jaw ached. I had her lie down and watch some TV to keep her occupied as I wanted that poultice on for an hour. She would only leave it on for 40 minutes.
Then I placed warmed drops of my olive oil laced with garlic and essential oils in her ears (both, in case the other one also needed it), worked it in, placed some cotton in each ear, then told her to go play for awhile.
That night before bed (about 9:00 p.m.) I gave her some more drops in her ear, but before she went to bed I had her take out the cotton. I don’t know why I did this, but I did.
I expected to be up all night with her pacifying her with more oil in the ears and more pain reliever, but she slept all through the night. In the morning, she awoke and came downstairs and asked me what was all over her face and hair. It looked literally as if she had snotted all over the side of her face and in her hair as there was a yellowish dried crusty stuff all over her. I told her to get in the shower as the infection had been pulled out by the onions and oils.
She will be 20 years old in a couple of weeks and she has never had another infection since that time. She has also only had a few minor earaches (out in cold too long, etc) in that time.
Now the olive oil concoction is used for grandkids. I also own colloidal silver and have used it for eye problems and many other things, including ears, if one was not inclined to smell like the essential oils, but I know those olive oil drops are some powerful medicine, along with the awesome infection-pulling and fighting properties of onions.
Onions can also be used to reduce fevers. You slice onions thinly, but do not break into rings. Place a thin pair of socks on kid or adult (if adult has tender feet), then place onions across bottoms of feet, then put on another pair of socks to hold onions into place. Have person go to bed. The onions will pull out the fever overnight. In the morning, toss onions and wash socks.
We use home remedies/natural remedies as much as possible in our home, and I also have taught over 10 classes on this subject and held two seminars in order to educate those who wish to live more closely with the land and avoid many OTC and prescription medications. Also, to save thousands of dollars in medical bills for things that can be taken care of from home with simple items found in most pantries.
KitchenKop says
WOW, I love learning new stuff like this, thank you!
Misti says
My son used to have lots of ear aches/infections, too. I was sure it was due to his seasonal allergies and he and his sisters took Zyrtec daily! Oh am I ever glad that is all behind us! Now that we have changed our diet we hardly deal with “seasonal” allergies anymore. Seems strange, but it’s true. Perhaps by not constantly “poisoning” our bodies with all kinds of crap (HFCS, pesticides, etc from SAD foods) maybe their immune systems can now fight the JUST the allergens and overcome them without meds. Alleluia!!
Now if/when someone has earaches I reach for the Wally’s Ear Oil (drops in the ear) and Garlicin (taken by mouth). We have not taken any antibiotics around here in well over a year. Glorious!!
Adrienne @ Whole New Mom says
Here’s a post I wrote while ago on :
How We Avoided Antibiotics – Escape from the Pink Stuff.https://wholenewmom.com/health-concerns/escape-from-the-pink-stuff/
and a Natural Healing post on Healing Our Son’s Autism – the Best Therapy of All: https://wholenewmom.com/health-concerns/autism-treatment-aspergers-pdd-nos-healing/
I think your readers would enjoy them both.
Thanks for sharing, Kelly!
Mary says
For ear infections we use a warm blow dryer on low, a drop of white vinegar and then keep a cotton ball in the ear to keep it warm. When it has been really bad at night, we have used a heating pad with a towel for relief with our head raised up on a couple of pillows.
Jenn says
I’ve read in a number of places that a couple of drops of white vinegar in the ear will stop the pain within minutes. We haven’t had to deal with any ear aches or infections in our house yet, so I’m not sure if it’s true.
Has anyone else tried this?
jenna Food WIth Kid Appeal says
one more story from last spring. both my boys got a virus that included vomiting and moderate fever. i gave neither child any fever reducers. instead they both got bone broth, and concentrace mineral drops in water (or added to broth) and slept. my youngest slept about half the day, all night and was still slightly feverish, no more vomiting in the AM. by the afternoon he was feeling better asking for steak for dinner. the following day, my oldest came home after vomiting at school. i picked him up at 10a, he slept ALL DAY. He roused a few times and i gave him a little broth/mineral water. then he slept all night. i’d never seen a kid sleep so much! when he woke up in the morning, he had no fever. i kept him home since it hadn’t yet been 24 hrs since he vomited, he was hungry and normal energy level by lunch time. i was amazed how effective this approach was. it helped that the virus wasn’t that terrible. they didn’t suffer too much. both vomited once, both slept a lot, then felt better. i fully believe that viruses can be shortened by letting the body fight it off, assuming the body is healthy enough to fight it.
jenna Food WIth Kid Appeal says
i always take my kids to get an adjustment in the AM if they wake with ear pain in the night. i guess their ear pain has never gotten to the unbearable point and fever rarely occurs. they are able to go back to sleep and then after the chiro adjustment there are no more ear complaints. i know ear pain, i had a major infection when i was 13 that ruptured my ear drum, so i’m with others on the pain front, if they can’t sleep because of the pain, i’d go with meds. i recommend for those of you who have/had kids with recurrent ear infections to read dr natasha mcbride’s section on “glue ear.” she says that most kids can restore the natural flora in their ENT when we remove grains, sugars, starches and put probiotics on the tongue at night. when my youngest experienced hearing loss (no infection, no pain, failed hearing screening in both ears at pedi) due to a build up of fluid in his ears this spring (allergies), i took him off dairy and gluten and put probiotics on his tongue for 9 days. 10 days later at the ENT visit for a hearing test, he passed. no fluid in the ears, his hearing was perfect! i noticed his hearing had returned to normal in about three days after starting the probees on his tongue. i was surprised how fast it worked for him.
kelly if it were me, after using the c. silver i would put probees on the tongue at night for a week or more. c. silver does kill good and bad bacteria, so it’s a good idea to encourage a regrowth of the good guys after using c. silver to get rid of the nasty guys. that way you can minimize the chance of recurrence or future ENT type infections.
thanks for a great article.
KitchenKop says
Thanks for that advice, Jenna. I’m out of probiotics and going to order some right now!
Amanda says
Naturally minded friends in our area taught me to use onion juice in the ear, and it has consistently worked like a charm on my boys when they were in pain they could not cope with. Some like to mince raw onion and sop up the juice from the cutting board, but we prefer the soothing warmness of baked onion juice. Thankfully, increasing our healthy fats and lowering our carbs has made this treatment unnecessary for a couple years, but it is our first line of defense should ear infection strike again.
Jill says
As far as fevers getting high at night, that’s always been our experience! It seems like fevers follow a pattern (at our house at least) where they get higher in the evenings. I don’t know why, but suspect it might have something to do with the natural circadium rhythm of our body. Maybe the naturally lower cortisol in the evenings allows fevers to get higher?
I tend to let fevers run their course, regardless of how high they are, unless they are causing a lot of vomiting (and dehydration) or if they are causing headaches that are bad enough to prevent sleep. A old friend of ours was a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and told us that a good fever about once a year is ideal for detoxing and killing off lingering bacteria, viruses, and rogue cells that are “walled off” by the body. He even told us that the people he worries about are those who don’t come down with anything or have any fevers for years on end because of the stuff that can end up lurking for so long in their bodies! I think this is one of the reasons infared saunas are so useful–they generate temporary “fevers” that deal with some of this stuff.
So, I kind of weigh out these benefits of fevers against dehydration and sleep deprivation before considering fever reducers. I need to increase my knowledge of homeopathic remedies because I have a feeling the best alternative (when wanting to reduce a fever or deal with some of the related symptoms) lies there.
Melinda says
A warm rice sock works good for pain, and I’ve heard a warm blow dryer is soothing, but I can’t remember if I’ve ever tried it. We are blessed in that our kids have hardly ever had any ear problems. But ONCE when our 5th child was a baby, *I* got an ear infection. It was my FIRST one ever. I could NOT believe how painful it was. I took pain meds (tylenol or ibuprofen, I forget), and I HATE meds, and I didn’t hesitate to give them to the baby who was having an earache after I got mine. Then I felt bad for the times I hadn’t given them to my other kids! So sad, huh? But I am still a believer in the natural healing of the earaches… I just think maybe the pain meds aren’t such a bad idea sometimes! (of course… in moderation)
Bethany Nash says
My mom always used the warm blow dryer for the pain. Works great for us.