Mary Beth Bonacci, a syndicated Denver columnist, wrote this opinion article on the Gardasil vaccine, also called the HPV vaccine, read an excerpt:
“Drug company puts young lives at risk”:
Twenty-nine deaths have been reported from the Gardasil vaccine. Twenty nine deaths. It almost makes me cry just to write it. Twenty nine young women’s lives have been cut short, all because a drug manufacturer convinced them that a vaccine would “protect” them.
And among the living, the carnage continues. A recent study by the National Vaccine Information Center compared Gardasil’s side effects to another vaccine given to patients in the same age group. Gardasil led to three times (that’s 300 percent) more emergency room visits, five times (500 percent) more fatalities, and 30 times (3000 percent) more side effects. And these are not minor side effects. We’re talking strokes, heart episodes, lupus, paralysis.”
(Note that this article is no longer on that site for some reason. I could only find this, which was from the same month.)
Do you think we’ll have our daughter get this shot? Will your daughter be vaccinated? Now they're recommending boys get it too, because they can spread HPV.
Read more about kids, sex, and our plan for *hopefully* keeping them safe.
Another quote to check out:
It’s highly unusual for a researcher to publicly criticize a medicine or vaccine she helped get approved.”
“She also says that enough serious side effects have been reported after Gardasil use that the vaccine could prove riskier than the cervical cancer it purports to prevent.”
Read the whole article here: Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out.
What are your thoughts on this vaccine?
- Where Focus on the Family is WRONG
- Why I Love Our Doctor Even Though We *Strongly* Disagree (& which Supplements I Take)
- How I Ended up on Fox TV News Yesterday… (talking about vaccines)
- ER Doctor Says NO WAY to the Mask, Plus an Obvious Answer to the Peanut Allergy Epidemic
- Sad news about STD’s from last year with a comparison of vaccines that used to be “mandatory”, and those that are mandatory today…makes me sick.
- 60% of Doctors Don’t Get the Flu Shot
Kendra says
Funny how they are starting to suggest for boys to have the vaccine -even though they don’t have a cervix! Lol, It’s ludacris! Do I see the dollar bills rolling into the pharmaceutical companies’ pockets? I’d say so. All the more reason why we don’t vax.
A very informative documentary on the dangers behind vaccines is: Lethal Injection: The Story of Vaccines
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny also has tons amazing, scientifically-backed information. I highly recommend her book/DVD entitled “Just Say NO to Vaccines”. (If you look on you Tube, you can watch it there also.) This is just one of the many books/videos she has, but it’s a great start.
Jen says
Alex/37 (and others)– You said, “but knowing kids, even good christian kids, they will push the envelope if given the chance and thats why its so important to talk to your kids about sex.” I agree that it’s important for parents to talk to kids about sex, not only sex, but purity and glorifying God with our bodies. We are all (not just kids!) a seriously messed up race of beings.
However, I disagree with your “tone” (an admittedly hard thing to interpret correctly online!) I’m one of those “good Christian kids” that you mention, one of the ones who isn’t having sex. I’m actually the one of the ones who isn’t even kissing–at all yet. I’m 26 and it is daily struggle to have completely normal urges and yet not act on them. I know that there are kids and young adults out there who have gone too far, or are…just kissing. I don’t think they’re sinning in the act of kissing alone. Please, for the sake of us who are living with “hope deferred” (HT Carolyn McCulley!), don’t trivialize our efforts to be pure. It is NOT easy, and we sure could use all the support we can get.
Laura says
I find it interesting that they seem to think you need a vaccine for this. As a woman, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend to many women I will admit that I have HPV. It is high risk. I have experienced several bad PAP results. I even had to have a biopsy and part of my cervix removed. I CHOSE UNWISELY to have premarital sex. Had I not made that decision, I may not have gotten HPV. It is possible that I could have still chosen to marry someone who did not wait till marriage and therefore was a carrier of HPV- therefore, I could have gotten it that way. It isn’t the easiest thing to deal with. Fortunately, I go in for regular PAP exams. This is how they knew about it. I was pregnant when I had the most recent abnormal PAP. They checked me toward the end of my pregnancy and it was still abnormal. I was checked again at 6 weeks post partum. It was abnormal still. So they did a colposcopy. It was the last stage of precancerous cells. I had a cold knife cone biopsy. That removed it entirely. I am still in the first year of follow up PAPs. If I it had actually been at a stage where it was cancer they would have done a hysterectomy. I am grateful that I was done bearing children at this point. In my opinion, the risk of death from cervical cancer is fairly low even if you have HPV because you can have regular exams to catch abnormal cells before they become cancer. If we teach our children abstinence, as well as teaching them about who they are and how to respect and love themselves, they might just make wise choices and abstain. If they don’t and end up with HPV, they can take good care of themselves and get regular exams to stay on top of it. The risks are much lower than the risks of the vaccine. It is unfortunate that people seem to want a way to make “free love” less risky. You can eliminate the medical risks, but you can never take away the emotional trauma that premarital sex can create. Believe me, I know from experience! HPV is the least of the trauma from my unwise decisions.
Amy says
Both of our daughters have had a few of their first vaccinations, until I convinced my husband to just stop the insanity. I’ve seen a few news specials on Guardasil, and the pros/cons. We no longer vaccinate anyways, but our two daughters will not be receiving Guardasil.
Christie says
In all vaccine you have to consider the bang for your buck. Or Risk vs reward. Not everyone carries the same risk to either the disease or the vaccine. A non-dating 12 year old does not carry the same risk of developing HPV as a sexually active 20 year old. At the same time a 20 year old’s body could probably handle the side effects from the vaccine better than a 12 year old body provided they both have similar nutrition. I am not going to vaccinate my child as soon as she hits puberty. However I am going to educate her on how HPV is spread and the risks of both the disease and the vaccine. So as we approach adulthood we will see how she views the risk vs reward and she can make her own decision. In our house we only vaccinate with the older vaccines DPT, MMR, and polio, and we vaccinate late (not starting before age 3). International travel will be decided on a as needed basis.
Alex says
I just wanted to be CLEAR about something that was said here in this thread–girls who are WAITING for marriage can STILL get HPV!!!! Unless they are having absolutely NO sexual contact AT ALL, including touching, or even kissing, they have a risk of contracting HPV…the virus/wart is so small that it can pass through latex membranes, and it is easily spread by physical contact, which could include simple touching…I understand that parents, even good christian parents who believe their children are chaste, think that they have no reason to be worried–but knowing kids, even good christian kids, they will push the envelope if given the chance and thats why its so important to talk to your kids about sex.
Kelly says
Hi Jeannette,
It is so obvious from your comment what a big heart you have, your patients must love you. 🙂
I’m so glad you commented because I want my readers to hear ALL sides of each issue so it will motivate them to educate themselves and then decide.
I hope I say it enough: don’t make decisions based on what you read here! My only goal is to put information out there that you may not have heard about, so you can take it from there.
Rosy says
Debbie, and Kelly
I’ve been on hormonal BC for 10 years. I haven’t had a cycle in 10 years. I am not even sure if it works right any more. By the way I take Depo Prevara, cause I am too goofy to remember to take a pill at the same time every day. I looked into the Natural Family Planning, and it depends very much on your regularity. I have none, so I am very hesitant to try this. I will be trying Queen Ann’s Lace and Wild Yam. Once I am regular I will look into Natural Family Planning again, but now it isn’t plausible.
Jeannette Preston says
I have read a few of the posts and would ask you all to reconsider.
I am not influenced by any drug companies, just by research and a great deal of knowledge of the effects of gynae cancers. There are many more women dying of gynae cancers linked to the HPV Vaccine than those whom you claim to have died as a result of the vaccine.please can you quote sources for these claims- and proof that it is indeed so.
Some of you mention MMR and I hope that you know that the doctor who made spurious connections between illness in children and the MMR vaccine has since been struck off in the UK.I worked with the health visiting team and was sadenned to see what confusion he caused amongst parents who want only the best for their children.I am 60 and have nursed children who suffered the most appalling conditions as a resuslt of measles and the other childhood illnesses which women in 3rd world countries would give all to have their children protected against.
back to HPV.All children are at risk of it the minute they kiss or have sex with another- it can travel in a number of ways- and it is not enough to tell our children not to have sex-we know they do-with dreadful consequencies.Even if your child is pure, their partner may have had a relationship and may have the is dicing with death to ignore this.I don’t know your figures in USA but in UK thousands of young people die of cervical cancer and many of the vulva and anus, and some get mouth cancer-all down to this virus.
It is not enough to live healthily-although of course everyone should- it does not protect against it…..and please help your daughters to know the importance of smear testing- it picks up changes early-which if left can quickly kill
please share always information which is factual and not alarmist
with every blessing to you all Jeannette Nurse,teacher,preacher and founder of a Charity raising awareness of gynaecological cancers after having cancer and being in touch with many women around the world who beged me to let our daughters know how to take care of themselves- all of these young women, with young families, are now dead.
Marya says
I hadn’t really thought this one through but after reading this, most definitely will not. Thanks for writing about it!
Kelly says
Rosy, I second Debbie’s comment – and keep in mind, it really can prevent a pregnancy when followed correctly – it’s not the same as the “rhythm method” you used to hear about. BCP’s have many side effects.
Tamara says
I will not get this vaccine and neither will any daughters I may have. Its funny how the vax list keeps getting longer and longer every year, these pharm corps aint slick, all they see is money. Are we really in THAT much more danger vs 30 years ago? I don’t think so. Chicken pox vaccine?! Give me a BREAK!!
Beth says
That makes more sense :).
Heather says
I should have been more clear. She wasn’t vaccinated for Malaria. They were once a week pills. I didn’t like the idea, but the group she went with “highly” recommended she get the vaccines and pills for the malaria. She thankfully had no side effects from any of it. I am not thrilled about vaccines and the like, but our children have been vaccinated primarily because my husband was in the military and we lived overseas. They couldn’t travel on his government orders, and neither could I, without them.
Debbie says
I have five daughters, and NO they will not be getting this shot.
My 3 year old has had no vaccines at all, and none of my 6 children received the Hep shot. Notice that nobody ever even talked about HPV until after they developed the vaccine for it.
Have you ever considered Natural Family Planning instead of artificial birth control? Costs zero dollars and is all natural!
Beth says
“She went on a missions trip to Peru last year and it was recommended we get her vaccinated for Malaria and Yellow Fever.”
I don’t know about yellow fever, but I grew up in a country with malaria in certain parts, and it’s treatable. The trouble some of my family members had was when they came down with symptoms after they were back here in the States and the drs didn’t recognize it right away. Once they did, they were treated with quinine, end of story (there are more choices for treatment nowadays).
Malaria is caused by a parasite, not a virus. I thought that vaccines were only good against viruses. Is that not true?
Before we would go to a certain beach with an estuary and tons of mosquitos with malaria during summers as a kid, we would take these bitter quinine pills. No problem. No drug is without side effects, but that might still be better than a vaccine. My brother taught me how to take these pills in such a way that you can’t taste them!
BTW, that’s great that she went on a mission trip 🙂
TeamBettendorf says
Renee, You are aware that measles death was almost unheard of PRIOR to the vaccines?
And the CDC website said this “More than 90% of those infected had not been vaccinated, or their vaccination status was unknown. Many of these individuals were children whose parents chose not to have them vaccinated. Fifteen of the patients, including four infants, were hospitalized.” How is it that 90% had an unknown status or were unvaccinated but they can clearly say that “many” were purposely unvaccinated children? Did you notice that not ONE single person (or baby) DIED as a result of measles? I’m not following why being itchy and uncomfortable for a week is the end of the world. Then you have lifetime immunity. Great trade off.
I did find it interesting that Fox News kept throwing around the number 250,000 as the number of children that die yearly from measles. It hardly seems fair or honest to compare the USA to a third world country with poor sanitary conditions, malnutrition and questionable medical care. That smacks of fear mongering.
And Renee, if we follow your logic to the end there should still be no fear on your part about bringing home the measles to your kids after visiting overseas. You were vaccinated, right?
Btw, my kids were exposed to the measles. Guess who got it? My eldest. The only one that had been vaccinated against it.
Heather says
My daughter is 20 now. Since we have homeschooled her through most of her life (1st grade in private school and 1 semester in 4th grade in a Department of Defense school), she hadn’t had any of her 11yo+ vaccines. She went on a missions trip to Peru last year and it was recommended we get her vaccinated for Malaria and Yellow Fever. While we were at the clinic, they asked her about the Gardisil vaccine. When she vehemently declined, they tried to scare her into it by letting her know that anytime you are sexually active, you are at risk for this disease. She laughed at them and said that wouldn’t be a problem for her then, since she is waiting until she is married.
We had already done our research and she and I both agree this is definitely another unnecessary vaccine geared to generate $ for the manufacturer.
Charlsie Swadley says
No way!!!
Charlsie Swadley
Angela says
I am an RN with an almost 11yo girl and have been doing my research. From what I can tell, this Gardisil is aimed at 4 strains of HPV out of 100. Yes, 100 strains out there . It doesn’t seem to me like a worth while risk.
Renee says
Here are few links to information that helps keep things in perspective for me. While there is little outbreak or death in the US, oversees it is still a serious illness. I travel abroad as well as friends of mine. I just couldn’t take the risk. I attribute the vaccination to the little outbreak here in the states.,2933,379388,00.html
Caroline says
I don’t have children yet, so I don’t know. I chose to be vaccinated with gardasil when I was about 15. I’m very much glad that it was my choice. I didn’t have much information on it, but at least I chose myself. I have huge mental issues with some vaccines and meds that I was given when I was younger without a choice. For instance, I was given the chicken pox vax back when no one had it. Now, I may have to get booster shots the rest of my life (I haven’t looked into it, that’s what they told us when we got it), because its much more deadly when you are older. I was also put on birth control when I had just started my period, for menstrual issues. I know it was probably the best thing at the time, but the ongoing management of that was terrible, until I got old enough to lie and say I was taking it. surprise surprise, my cycles were normal when I was 17.
I haven’t given enough thought to vaxing yet, but I think (could change my mind down the road) for things like chicken pox, gardasil, meningitis (which I also made the decision myself to be vaxed for after knowing a little girl who died of it, before I went to college) and others, I will wait until the kids are old enough to help make an informed decision.
suzanne says
We will *not* be giving this vaccine to my daughter(s). No thank you. I hate the way it’s being marketed, too.
I have a great, wonderful pediatrician who was/is open to vaccines or no vaccines. He was perfectly fine with me choosing not to vaccinate at all. After a lot of prayer and research, I chose to go with the “old” vaccines, too, but I don’t know if I will do the same for any other children we might have. I do know we will not be getting Gardasil!
TeamBettendorf says
Renee, Can you point me toward the articles about unvaccinated children dying from measles?
Lindsay says
I don’t have children yet, but I never received ANY vaccinations and neither did my brother or my father, and neither will my children. I have always used preventative measures and nutrition support, homeopathy and/or ayurveda if something catches me by surprise.
I wrote on this in February:
There are other ways to certify safety on these issues. Cancer doesn’t “just happen.”
Renee says
This is been interesting for me to read. I have vaccinated my children and have also done lots of research on vaccination and the affect of causing autism. Sometimes, I also feel we get meds and drugs pushed on us from doctors. However, too many times I read about parents who do not vaccinate and lose a child to something like measles. That breaks my heart.
I too have HPV. I have had pre-cancerous cells removed from my cervix. I was devistated. I have two close friends who have also had the same. We were all raised in homes that taught abstinence. We all made choices when we were away from our parents. I wish I had an answer as to if I will give my daughter the vaccination, but I don’t yet. I do know that I am not naive to think my children will always make the best decisions regardless of my values, moral or lessons taught. I also know that we need to learn about both sides of any idea or methodology.
lizzykristine @ Uplifted Eyes says
I prefer a middle-of-the-road route for most of these hot issues — so we’ll probably do some vaccines on delayed schedule…. But this is one we definitely will skip if skipping vaccines is still an option when we have kids that age.
I keep seeing commercials on Hulu that “8 out of 10 women will get HPV.” Every time, I can’t help thinking that obviously 8 out of 10 women are not dying from HPV! Definitely some fear-mongering & money-making going on there.
lizzykristine @ Uplifted Eyes
Michelle says
Nope! I will teach my daughters to remain sexually pure, and to choose a mate who has done so as well. Hence, there will be no “need” for such hideous mistreatment of their bodies!
Rosy says
OMG! Gardasil is the devil! I have never research a worse example of fear mongering to make money. Well that is outside of the drug companies allowing tainted vaccines to be given to “at risk” people getting the original Hep vaccines.
There is not scientific evidence that HPV causes cervical cancer. I bet soy oil does and they are covering that up with this crud science. Just like the lipid hypothesis, this is a load of bull and people shouldn’t take it. I want to see this crap pulled off the market YESTERDAY! It is killing people for no reason ’cause it doesn’t protect against cancer at all!
I go to a discount government clinic for birth control, ya I know they suck, but I haven’t found a good alternative that I feel comfortable with yet. Well the lady that was there made me fill out a form to receive discount gardasil before I turned 25, as I couldn’t get it after that. I tried to tell her I wasn’t interested at all and, please don’t make me fill out a form so a drug company knows how much I make a year and who lives with me, and contact information. Well I was with held my BC until I filled out the forms, because I wasn’t taking every step to keep myself healthy. Needless to say I filled out the form and then told the drug company people who called me were the could put there vaccine of death!
This is just as bad as the mandatory vaccination of young girl! And now they are pushing to give it to boys too! I have never seen a boy with a cervix, and never will! So why push for this cervical cancer vaccine in boys, MONEY!
Sorry I will get off the soapbox now. It just makes me very angry.
Local Nourishment says
I feel slightly stronger than Ann Marie. Even if we vaccinated, which we don’t, there is no way I am getting behind Gardasil. And for every “reported” side effect there are dozens of others that go unreported because the doctor doesn’t see the correlation or (more likely) doesn’t want to hassle with the paperwork. This was the case for a friend of my daughter’s. who is now blind for the rest of her life.
Please talk to an understanding doctor about that chicken pox issue. Many of the strains being passed around now are superstrains: immune to the vax and deadly strong. You don’t want to expose the child to one of those strains. Because of the declining incidence, he might not be exposed as an adult at all. Risky, I know. And, because he’s already been exposed and not developed a case, he might already be immune.
Local Nourishment
TeamBettendorf says
How do you know he didn’t get the chicken pox and just didn’t have the symptoms? I’d test for the titer before vaccinating. And honestly, I’d take my chances with the disease as an older person over chancing it with the vaccination.
Kelly says
Whew! Interesting comments. Although Ann Marie, you really need to be more clear on your opinions. ha haaaaa
Sara, I’m talking more about that very thing in my next post on this topic.
Jen, I didn’t know that it only protected against certain strains!
Pam, I’m glad you commented, you give a unique perspective from someone who knows a lot about HPV.
For our youngest, we also got the “old” vaccines, but not until he was one, and even then I was totally unsure if I was making the right choice. And NO WAY did we let him get that dumb Hep B vaccine when he was ONE DAY OLD, or ever for that matter.
Chicken pox: he hasn’t had that shot and I’ve exposed him TWICE and he still hasn’t gotten it. I feel like I’ll have to give in and give it to him if he doesn’t get it by his teens……..any thoughts on that everyone?
Jen says
We don’t have a daughter (yet), but NO WAY would I allow my child to receive this vaccination! The really sad thing is that it only “protects” from a few (four, I think) strains of HPV, but there are many more out there that can contribute to cervical cancer. It is an extremely misleading and unethical vaccination for this reason. Parents who don’t research it, and are uninformed probably think they have completely prevented their daughter from getting cervical cancer by allowing this vaccination.
I believe many vaccinations are completely ridiculous. For example, Hep B. Why do they give newborn babies, or babies of any age a vaccination for a disease where the high risk groups for infection are IV drug users and promiscuous persons? It hasn’t even been proven that immunity would remain with these babies until they are of an age where they could become infected. Money, that’s why! It was practically impossible to get the vaccination to the at risk group for Hep. B. The drug companies had to figure out a way to make money from it, so now it’s given to all newborns.
Vaccinations are a guaranteed, huge moneymaker if they are recommended by the CDC for all children. I expect to see more and more dangerous and untested vaccinations added to the already overloaded schedule recommended in this country. At what cost to our children?
Parents, please research each and every vaccination before allowing it to be given to your children.
No way in hell.
Beth says
Get this: Our governer made an executive order one year for this vaccine to be mandatory in schools. And guess who contributed to his campaign? I was incensed!! The legislature got the e.order removed. Gee, other than that I really like our governor, lol (really!) – I was verrry disappointed. Now we have an election coming up. But I wonder if the other politician is any cleaner??? (sigh)
No, absolutly not, we will not be getting this vaccine. Fortunately where our girls go the directors are lenient on the ‘required’ vaccines and they aren’t govenment schools so there is no paperwork regarding vaccines (other than putting your records on file).
Unfortunately, now that most everyone gets the chickenpox vaccine it’s hard to catch it naturally. I have to decide what to do for our oldest who is now 13 since it can be dangerous to catch that when you are older. There was some going around but it was right before some competitions they had worked hard to prepare for so we avoided it. If it seems weird to anyone that I would willngly expose them to chickenpox, what do you think we do with vaccines? And worse.
Some vaccines have the purpose of saving lives, others have the purpose of getting some people rich(er) with no regard for us plebes. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the very makers of Gardasil don’t give it to their own daughters.
Christine says
No, we will not be getting this vaccine. I didn’t even consider it. Most women, by a certain age, will have had – and have recovered from – HPV. It is extremely common. The vast majority of women will not realized they have had the virus and have fought it off successfully.
Pam says
Absolutely NOT, and HPV has affected my family. My mother died, just after my daughter was born, of Stage IV cervical cancer, she was 58. Also, I had laser surgery years ago to remove pre-cancerous cells from my cervix. I plan to educate my daughter about the importance and protective nature of traditional foods (my mother and I were both vegetarians) and I will encourage her to get annual pap tests.
However, I believe that vaccines do more harm than good and are unnatural.
Katie says
We don’t vaccinate at all. If we did, this would be one we would definitely pass by. There are other ways to try to prevent cervical cancer.
TeamBettendorf says
We don’t vax, at all, ever. We just eat well. 🙂
Liz says
No way will my daughter get this vaccine! I’ve been leary of it from the very beginning.
It breaks my heart to think of the deaths of 29 young women and the debilitating affects on so many others.
Sara says
We get the “old” vaccines (MMR, DTP) that have been around awhile, but they still make me nervous. I can’t remember what it was for, but about 10 years ago a new one was introduced that the doctor tried to convince me was really important. I said no because it was so new and hadn’t been tested enough. My feelings were totally justified when it was removed a couple of years later because kids were sick and dying from it!
I’m the same way about Gardasil only moreso because this is a vaccine that is only “necessary” because girls are having multiple sex partners. Girls who are waiting for marriage don’t need it, like my daughter. If there were a return to saving sex for marriage these STD’s would be rare again.
jeana says
I must say that is a very judgemental and narrow minded attitude. My sister and I both waited until marriage. We did what we were supposed to do and we both got HPV from our husbands. They had other partners before us and there is no test for men to even be checked. They had no idea they were passing anything. So even if you do everything “right” there is by far no guarantee. I have had multiple procedures, biopsies and even surgery. Whether my children will be vaccinated or not I don’t know yet but please don’t think that just because you wait you’re protected.
Emma says
When it first came out, I thought – yes, that would be a great idea for my daughters. As time moves on, I’m less inclined to go that road. I still have time to consider – the elder is turning 12 this year, so some time yet. For now, I’m undecided.