I knew that soy infant formula wasn’t good for babies, but I didn’t think it was this bad…
This topic isn't one I've mentioned here on the blog before because while I knew that soy infant formula wasn’t good for babies, I didn’t think it was really as bad as giving them birth control pills. Until I spoke with Kaayla Daniel, an expert on the dangers of soy and author of, “The Whole Soy Story.” When I asked her about what I'd heard, that giving a baby soy infant formula is like giving them birth control pills, she said it's actually true. She told me that soy formula packs the hormonal equivalent equal to the estrogen found in three to five birth control pills every day!
Myth: Soy infant formula is safe for infants.
Truth: Soy foods contain trypsin inhibitors that inhibit protein digestion and affect pancreatic function. In test animals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors led to stunted growth and pancreatic disorders. Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D, needed for strong bones and normal growth. Phytic acid in soy foods results in reduced bioavailability of iron and zinc which are required for the health and development of the brain and nervous system. Soy also lacks cholesterol, likewise essential for the development of the brain and nervous system. Megadoses of phytoestrogens in soy formula have been implicated in the current trend toward increasingly premature sexual development in girls and delayed or retarded sexual development in boys. (Source)
Isn't it sad how many docs put babies on soy infant formula the minute they have any issue with regular formula?!
And regular isn’t much better, by the way. As I've said before, if I hadn't been able to nurse our babies, I’d definitely have made my own homemade formula. (There's a video on how to do it below.) Considering all I go through to make my family homemade food with known ingredients that I'm OK with them eating, why would I do any less for our baby?
Lastly, here are a couple of soy-related pictures (there may be an ad showing first) that crack me up. The first one is said to be the ‘outcome' of a diet high in soy…
More you might like:
- Your baby can’t breastfeed for some reason? Don’t use commercial formula, find homemade baby formula kits complete with everything but the fresh milk and cream here. And learn HOW to make homemade baby formula here.
- Weston Price Foundation guide for feeding babies
- More on the dangers of soy
- Is edamame good for you?
- Thank God the La Leche League Brought Breastfeeding Back
- Read my other post about breastfeeding (joys & struggles), including my personal story and also what to do if you really are unable to nurse your baby and you don’t want to feed them the JUNK commercial formulas out there right now. (Seriously, they are so bad. Can you even pronounce most of those words? Do you know they are a super-processed “food”, and are full of soy?) Instead make this homemade formula!
- All about feeding your baby
- Breastfeeding & pumping – how did that go for you?
- Infertility issues – yep, I struggled with that one, too…
- Natural Mothering
- A new study on the benefits of breastfeeding from the Huffington Post
- Read this interesting thumbs down book review of the La Leche League’s book, “The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding.”
- Dangers of the birth control pill
Denise Sandlin Wilson says
Found out my son is allergic to soy and corn…. he was formula fed….
Rachel Blauwkamp says
My daughter is allergic to soy so that was never even an option
Kristin Humphrey Benini says
I wish I had found WAPF when we adopted our son. Soy formula for 6 months and I swear we’re still dealing with the effects 14 years later.
Angie Tillis says
That’s funny because some industries say the same thing about dairy and meat… whatch The china study , fork over knives , what the health..
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Also have you seen this? https://kellythekitchenkop.com/cowspiracy-farce/

Kris Bell Slager says
I won’t let my friends do anything but breastfeed! Yep, I’m one of “those” moms! 😀
Esthela Carrasco Slater says
Contact your local La Leche League Leader, she can give you some very useful tips on increasing your milk supply/relactating
Kim Rossi Hahn says
Weston A. Price Foundation has healthy nutrition packed recipes for formula!
Courtney Sheedy says
Thank you everyone for the responses. My son is the one who we are unsure of if he has an a milk allergy. We tried a soy and not even 24 hours in to it he was not himself. Very fussy. I switched back to the milk based formula and I’m really trying to re-lactate so I can get him breastmilk instead of formula
Dani Kelley says
Have you tried taking fenugreek? I understand it helps immensely. There are also lactation teas out there–some better than others, and some with stronger flavors than others. Have you met with a lactation consultant? A friend whose first was 2 months premie, she never lactated well and had to supplement; for her second, she started with a lactation consultant and has MORE than enough now. And this kid EATS!
Courtney Sheedy says
Right now I’m taking fenugreek and pumping every 2-3 hours and in between if I can! He nursed a couple times today but he won’t stay latched too long. I don’t know if I should up how much fenugreek I’m taking or not
Kim Owens says
My mom started breastfeeding my brother, but then switched to formula. He did not tolerate it. It was a lot of trial and error but finally the doctor said try raw milk and it worked. It was the only thing he could take.
Nicole Everitt says
Human Milk 4 human Babies and the other one… eats on feets?
Rochelle Whitburn says
both my boys were (and still are) lactose intolerant. I had several issues trying to breastfeed. I did not want to give them any soy based formulas, and don’t have to means to make our own, so I used an organic lactose free formula that was recommended to me by other moms. I was able to find it online and at Sprouts https://amzn.to/1GY6Jmy

Casandra Kellogg Noack says
They have a whey formula now, too.
Heather Marie Hinkle says
I would advise her to make formula from raw milk for him.
We made the recipe for our daughter from 4-11 months, when we switched her to straight raw milk.
Rose Lucht says
Soy causes cancer I’ve read unless it’s fermented. It attacks internal organs such as the thyroid. We ended up putting my daughter on soy formula and many years later like 30 something she developed malignant thyroid cancer….4 radiations later and thyroidectomy, more surgeries to remove more of the spreading cancer she is cancer free ….but with a spot on her lung…yup stay away from soy formula
Christina Lee says
I switched to making my own goats milk formula. I was daunted by the WAPF formula. This was the easiest, most manageable solution for me. My Capra has the best goat products in the US. Good luck!

Mandy Blackard Luna says
WAPF has several variations for making formula yourself. It takes 10 min each day once you get used to it and is so worth it! Most of the ingredients you can get on Radiant Life.
Lee Anne Law says
Allyson Bossie says
There are way better options than Soy, even if they don’t meld with the WPF eating lifestyle. My 16 year old HAD to use soy, that was the option back then, but soy causes issues long term. I would not use that. My other three had different milk formulas where they pull out what the kid is allergic to. Each one had a different one. Any pediatrician should know this by now, I would get a different doctor if they still suggest Soy as a first option. Seriously. My last 3, the doctors (different states, different peds for all 3) said soy is never a first option now.
Jennifer Krug O'Leary says
My sister had success with the Weston Price milk formula with her adopted kids.
Karleen Wiley Mauldin says
Goat Milk — either fresh, or powdered! We can actually get the powdered & canned at Walmart! We use the Meyenberg powder, and the recipe from Dr. Sears: https://www.askdrsears.com/topics/feeding-eating/feeding-infants-toddlers/goat-milk

Sherry Heidebrecht Venn says
A few drops of fennel essential oil rubbed on breasts is known to increase milk supply. Not all E.O.’s are equal though.
Amy Pollard says
I actually have heard that fennel tea is more powerful in increasing milk supply than fennel EO. I want to remember it had to do with some minerals that are present in the tea and not the EO. Either way, great suggestion with fennel!
Brenda Davis says
If I could do it over again I would have bought the goat back in the 1980’s. A very sad and hard lesson learned at my daughters expense.
Kristie Kohn says
When I couldn’t produce enough milk for my twins, I supplemented with the nourishing traditions meat-based formula. My babes did wonderfully on it.
Danielle Levins says
I would look into goat milk, chances are the eczema and cough aren’t from the dairy but all the bloomin’ unnatural “ingredients” and toxins.
Sue Yee Tee says
Mamil really works on constipation kids?
Caraumun Chan says
My DD have the same problem before, but my neighbour force me to change to Mamil. Well, no more constipation at the moment already!!! It really works, no more headache.
Halley Leong says
Maybe u can try Mamil la, can see the difference in a week for sure. I’ve been using it since last year and ever since my LO no probs with constipation. This is bcos Mamil has prebiotics and no sugar lehhh which is very good in treating and preventing constipation. Plus Mamil has the highest DHA level in the market nw!
Zoe Chim says
Hey, I don’t suggest that applying those traditional remedies to your kids because most of it not working at all. I had an experience by tried one of it to my son which suggested by my mum friend’s, but ended up I bought him to hospital to visit doctor. It is really dangerous. So you should look for those proper and proven remedies to cure and prevent constipation issue
maryjanewong says
Try giving ur LO 1 cup of vegetables a day, blend urself kay! but normally child wouldnt like it, so i suggest u better give whole fruit instead of fruit juice bcos it work faster!
Apa Guna says
My child is having a very serious constipation problem!!! Too worry on his health status. Mums, do you have any formula to recommend to prevent constipation problem??????? I think should be related to my milk powder, cause im taking goat milks.
KitchenKop says
Do you have a naturopath or holistic doc you could consult with??
I would try that!
Tonq says
Peggy says
My sister was given soy formula back in the 1950s. It wasn’t GMO then, but they had a more limited knowledge of essential fatty acids and such. She drank soy milk for years. Of course, I can’t swear that her endometriosis and infertility was directly linked to soy formula, but even after extreme medical intervention, she was never able to conceive.
KitchenKop says
That’s so sad. I wonder if she ever made the connection?
Vieve says
Video doesn’t work.
KitchenKop says
All fixed, thanks for telling me!
Diane says
I’m happy for current mothers of infants, and future mothers to be, that you’re alerting them to the dangers of soy. Unfortunately both of my children were fed soy formula (they’re teenagers now), based on my doctors recommendation. I pray it didn’t do them any long term damage. We eat a very healthy diet now, and I do believe that the human body is an AMAZING thing, capable of healing itself through proper nutrition.
KitchenKop says
I should’ve made it clear in my post, too, that I certainly didn’t know all this stuff or do everything right with my kids either. I wish I had learned all about real food much earlier in my parenting journey!!!