Today I'll share what I learned about safe, natural chicken pox treatment because our youngest son got it recently and I was so happy! Yes, that probably sounds a little odd, but I'm used to being that Mom, and I'm guessing many of you are too. 🙂
The thing is, many years ago when I was deep into the research on whether or not to have him vaccinated, and which shots we should let him get, etc., Varicella was one that we chose NOT to do, hoping instead that he'd contract it naturally. We waited and waited, and he was almost 13 and it wasn't happening… (I even wrote a post about it: When you can't catch chicken pox.) Until this past spring when he went to hang out with a friend who had it, along with his siblings, and then YES!
You know what? It was SO not a big deal you guys.
Does that mean that nobody ever has a bad case? Of course not. There are always extreme cases with anything, but below are a bunch of options for safe natural chicken pox treatment depending on the symptoms and severity.
Yay for natural immunity!
I love knowing that he got a harmless (usually) childhood disease, his body fought it off naturally, and now his immune system is stronger. Hopefully this exposure will also boost the immunity for those in our family who already have had chicken pox, or for those who were vaccinated, and maybe even prevent shingles later? (Too bad he didn't get it before I got shingles the year prior, if he did I probably wouldn't have gotten it!) The question is what will happen with our kids who had the vaccine many years ago before I knew what I know now. That's one of the reasons I'm so uncomfortable with vaccinating nowadays, no one really knows what will happen down the road. (Later: they didn't get it and were happy about that, obviously!)
Here's how I helped Kasey with his symptoms: Safe Natural Chicken Pox Treatment
My goal was to minimize itching (not only for comfort, but to prevent any scarring) and to handle any other symptoms as they came up…
Note: I wouldn't have known what I was doing on my own — thankfully I recently took Joette's homeopathy class with Sheena who has helped me so much! (Read more about my discovery of homeopathy: My World is ROCKED) Between her, the knowledgeable people on her Facebook page, my local friend, Jen, and all of the reference/resource books I've purchased, I was able to trudge through this and help our son so his symptoms were really no big deal.
Join me!
By the way, soon I may help to lead Joette's study class myself (online via Zoom) with another friend who has much more experience than I do. If you want to join us, email me with the subject line STUDY GROUP and I'll put you on my list: [email protected]. (We will definitely have to limit how many, so I'll keep the list in order of when I receive the emails.)
Safe Natural Chicken Pox Treatment — day by day log and how we used homeopathy…
- Day one: He woke up with what I thought was a little cold, so I gave him some of this, as I always do when a cold starts to show up around here since it knocks it right out. But soon it was apparent, by the spots of course, that it was chicken pox! It didn't start to bother him much until later in the day when he had a little nausea, so I gave him Nux Vomica, he also had a headache and was just a little itchy with a low-grade fever. So I started giving the Banerji Protocol for chicken pox that I assumed would help with all of that, and it did: Bryonia, Antimonium Crud and Thuja. However he was fine after one dose so I forgot and didn't do this very often! Also the protocol said Hyoscyamus Niger but I didn't have it on-hand, plus that's more for nervousness and extra sensitivity and he didn't have either of those going on, so I just did the others.
- Day 2: He slept really good and felt fine waking up except a bit itchy and still a low-grade fever off and on, but nothing was bad enough to treat. Later he complained of a little chest pain when taking a deep breath (so he was breathing more shallow)…
Day 3: But then the next morning I heard him cough (not bad at all, and not a lot, but it jarred my brain into action!) so my mom-worry got going and I thought, “What if it goes to pneumonia?!” So I started researching… Sharp pains especially with movement = Byronia, which he was already getting. One protocol said Byronia + Aconite for the beginning of colds to keep them from going to pneumonia, but because his pain was sharp, I started giving him a stronger Byronia + Aconite 3 times that day. He didn't have chest pain even once after that! (I had also listened and heard no lung crackles with my stethoscope, but my minimal nursing experience was 30 years ago so I didn't really know what I was doing with that and obviously would've had him seen if that became more of an issue.) He also took a lot of baths the first few days because it felt good to him (I added Epsom salts to for extra healing minerals) and once when he was itching a bit more we also put some oatmeal in it. I made sure he was drinking enough water AND told him to use this cream on any spots that bothered him. (That's also great to have on hand for burns, cuts, sunburn, and a bunch of other things, I love that stuff.) He never did use it much though just because his itching never got bad. Sheena also said he could use a hypericum tincture spray if needed but I didn't have that so she said to dissolve 4 pills of this remedy in a bottle like this of water and spray that on any bothersome spots. He never needed that either, but I was glad to have it just in case. He also started complaining of a little sore throat. There are many different sore throat remedies depending on how it presents (again, I was looking in all of my books to find this info), and the one that sounded best was this one, which is also good for itching, so that was a slam dunk. He still had a little fever off and on and a few more spots were showing up, mostly on his trunk, but a random few were in weird spots like his hands and feet and one in his mouth. Surprisingly these really didn't seem to bother him much either. (Did I mention that I love homeopathy?!)
- Day 4 he woke up with a few more spots. Still no chest pain (again, yay for homeopathy!), but still had a sore throat. We continued with the above. He never really complained much and was playing outside (or playing too many video games) and I'd often forget to give him these remedies, so the timing was random as I'd think of it or as he came in the house for a drink or to eat.
- Day 5 the sore throat was the same, but I didn't hear much about it except first thing in the morning when I asked how he felt. No more new spots.
- Day 6 his sore throat was a bit better, and I started seeing some spots scabbing over! From there I heard no more complaints, the rest scabbed over, and we were done! Thankfully he was all done well before a big family wedding, phew!
Also important:
You might ask your child with chicken pox symptoms (sore throat, itching, etc.) how bad they are on a scale of 1-10 before starting the homeopathic remedies, so you have a gauge to know if it's better later. (10 means almost dying, 1 is just a little annoying.) If it's not better, you may need to switch remedies, but I didn't do this with Kasey because I can read him like a book. 🙂
Another Safe Natural Chicken Pox Treatment: Essential Oils
- A friend of mine said she used 3 drops of this essential oil with 1 teaspoon carrier oil in a bath. “The pox were visibly smaller and the kids reported that the itching was greatly reduced for a time period. The older kids were able to use it and were no longer contagious after 8 days. My youngest was too small for the oil and so was 14 days before she was no longer contagious.”
- There are more options here: Essential Oils For Chickenpox.
It was interesting how other parents reacted…
Some who have kids with sensitive immune systems (they've been sick a lot) chose not to let Kasey play with them, which as a Mom, I totally understand, but I do wonder if their immune systems are sensitive because they haven't been exposed to enough that they had to fight off and then become stronger. These kids are vaccinated fully according the their doctor's recommendations, which is also ironic, because I noticed that no one trusts these vaccines to work… So why are so many blindly following the docs and vaccinating at all?! (Yes, it's supposedly to lessen the severity? But at what cost? And through the years they've changed around what was “required” anyway, first one Varivax shot, then it became TWO, it's clear that they don't know what they're doing. Here's how I learned that firsthand.)
Other's asked, “Can my kid come play with him and share a cup?!”
Other parents knew how important it is for the immune system to get the disease naturally — I was glad when Kasey got a good case so I knew he'd have a nice strong natural immunity and that we didn't miss out on this great way to flex his immune system’s muscles!
Many expressed a worry about their kids getting it because they know someone who had some scarring on their face after getting chicken pox.
But if you know about the remedies I mentioned above to help with that or other symptoms, then you can rest easier. Does that mean complications will never happen? Of course not, but it lowers the risk considerably, and anyway there are risks with everything — you always have to weigh risks in life. I believe that the 100% chance of all the health benefits that come with natural immunity outweigh the small risk of scarring or other chicken pox complications.
But you know what is NOT rare at ALL anymore?
Kids with cancer or autism, or adults with autoimmune diseases, sadly this is becoming so common. 🙁 We don't know for sure of course, but doesn’t it make sense that the increase in these diseases and others could be affected by something that messes with the immune system response as much as vaccines do? Or by NOT getting the inconvenient childhood diseases now that we all got as kids like mumps or chicken pox, which strengthened our immune system as we fought it off? Do we know any of this for sure? Of course not, and that's the way Big Pharma likes it. There are too many variables and we obviously don't know all the causes of illness. I'm only saying that this very well could be a factor, and it makes you think. It's something I wish I'd thought of myself so many years ago — how I wish I knew then what I know now for all of our kids' sake!
We can DO this!
Just like Joette says, this is what it's like to be that Mama Bear who can handle it when your child gets sick and you take care of it yourself. No need to run to the doctor for nasty chemical creams or drugs that cause much more harm than good. We can do this Moms!
A favor…
Posts like this take a lot of time so I have one favor to ask…. If you are shopping on Amazon, I'd appreciate you doing so through this link or if you are shopping for other items doing so through the links on my shop page — there's no cost difference for you, it just helps support the blog so I can keep going, and thank you! You might also buy my book: Real Food for Rookies!
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Melissa says
Do you have an age you recommend as being safer for deliberate exposure? My oldest is 6, but my youngest is just a year.
We have friends who currently have chicken pox, but I’m concerned if there’s a higher risk of complications for the baby.
KitchenKop says
Hi Melissa, I’m not a doctor so I can’t really say. Do you have a local naturopath or functional medicine doc you could ask?
January says
What a timely message. I just received an email yesterday from our church staff that stated that one of the vaccinated children (they made certain to affirm that the child had been vaccinated) has come down with a case of chicken pox. I have two (unvaxxed) children who were in that class that day. I was, like you, excited to think my kiddos might get a natural case of chicken pox, and was already looking through my homeopathy notes and books for remedies (I too follow Joette, and am very interested in your study group). Anyway, you just saved me a bit of time by sharing what worked for you. Sincere thanks.
Tami Koval says
I have seen mild and major cases of chicken pox and once nursed 5 kids with it all at once! We got through it. But, as an adult I am now seeing so many cases of shingles from people that had chicken pox as a child. That now seems to be the major reason doctors are recommending the vaccine (in my area, anyway). What are your thoughts on shingles. Shingles are really awful, especially as an adult trying to work, raise kids, etc. thanks for all you do, I learn so much from you! You are really a blessing,
KitchenKop says
I’m going to write a post on shingles soon Tami!
I’m so glad my blog has helped you. 🙂
Lori says
My oldest son came down with chicken pox the day I went in to have his sister. She was 10 days old when she came down with chicken pox and had an extremely mild case- but she still had lifetime immunity as her children and other family/friends’ children came down with them and she never got them again.
My other 6 children also all got them in a 6 week time period once the first one came home from school with them. I do not know why it took a week for each kid to come down with them instead of a faster reaction time!
None of my kids were ever vaxxed for chicken pox as I knew how mild a disease it is and how it boosts immunity. My 6 older kids got chicken pox in 1994/95 when the vaccine was fairly new- I also did not trust it.
There are two reasons the government does not want kids to have childhood diseases- they’ve sold out to Bog Pharma and schools do not want to miss the federal funds from a lowered attendance rate. It is all about the money. It is very disgusting.
KitchenKop says
That’s a lot of chicken pox in one house!!! 🙂