You guys have to watch this, it's not just about questioning, “Is Ozempic Safe?” It's so much more and it's going to explode!
I get it, I know that everyone is always asking you to watch another video that you “have” to see, and often they'll be 2 hours long, but just listen while you're driving, folding laundry, or walking! (Scroll down for the videos.)
I can't stress enough that if you want to prevent cancer, Alzheimers, heart disease, or any other chronic disease which will slowly kill you, you have to watch these to learn about what's really happening all around us.
I dreamt last night that Tucker came to speak at our church (haha) and I thanked him for getting the word out because people like myself, Sarah Pope, and so many others have been writing about this stuff for over 15 years (shout out to the Weston A. Price Foundation who opened my eyes initially). I also gave him a copy of my book, because I know how much it can halp all the people who are now going to be wondering what to eat! 🙂
To have him put a spotlight on these issues is HUGE. Maybe people will start truly listening and waking up now?!
A little about Ozempic from Annika on Instagram:
“The same people making raw milk illegal are the same people pushing Ozempic 😂
No, I really don’t care that Kim K and everyone in Hollywood is doing it and seems to be fine (but are any of them actually fine to begin with though?!). And a quick online search for “ozempic face” will show you that they are not, in fact, fine.
Taking Ozempic or any GLP-1 drug is flat-out dangerous and will leave you with a long road to metabolic recovery.
Here’s a few of the main ways Ozempic messes with the metabolism (NCBI):
Decrease of gastric emptying – this is a problem because this is actually a medical condition called gastroparesis. “Some of the possible complications of gastroparesis can be life-threatening if they’re very severe. These complications are related to malnutrition, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances and blood sugar fluctuations with diabetes.” – Cleveland Clinic
Inhibition of food intake – AKA, you eat less because you don’t feel as hungry (due to the decrease of gastric emptying). The word they use to describe this in the NCBI article is anorexigenic – “the anorexigenic effect of GLP-1R agonism”. So essentially what’s happening here is that GLP-1 induces anorexia? In other words, GLP-1 is an eating disorder that you pay for? Seems safe.
Once you have slowed down your stomach’s emptying, and given yourself anorexia, you’re supposed to go back to eating and living normally after two years?
I don’t think so.
Please caution everyone you know about Ozempic and have them read this post and do the research (NOT JUST LISTEN TO WHAT THEIR DOCTOR WILL TELL THEM). Many doctors are getting financially incentivized to push these “medications”!
“Drugmaker Novo Nordisk paid U.S. medical professionals at least $25.8 million over a decade in fees and expenses related to its weight-loss drugs, a Reuters analysis found. It concentrated that money on an elite group of obesity specialists who advocate giving its powerful and expensive drugs to tens of millions of Americans.” – Reuters
**As with all of my post and information, nothing is medical advice, diagnosis, or prescription.”
But again, in the videos below, you'll hear about so much more than Ozempic.
Learn about obesity and chronic disease in our country vs. other countries, how so many kids have chronic illness now, how our country is increasingly sick, infertile, and depressed. They cover the corruption that you need to be aware of if you want to be healthy, and if you want your kids to grow up healthy!
In both videos they discuss actual solutions that wouldn't even be that difficult, we just need brave leaders.
And THEN I read RFK's full speech when he suspended his campaign yesterday, and see that he ALSO mentioned the same Tucker videos. This is going to explode you guys!
Here are some excerpts of his speech:
“Calley Means called me on my cell phone. Calley is arguably the leading advocate for food safety, soil regeneration, and ending the chronic disease epidemic that is destroying American health and ruining our economy. Calley has exposed the insidious corruption at the FDA, NIH, HHS, and USDA that has caused the epidemic. Calley had been working on and off for my campaign, advising me on those subjects, which have been my primary focus for the last twenty years.”
“In case some of you don’t realize how dire the condition is of our children’s health and chronic disease in general, I urge you to view Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Calley Means and his sister, Dr. Casey Means, who was the top graduate of her class at Stanford Medical School. This is an issue that affects us far more directly and urgently than the culture war issues that are tearing the country apart. Therefore, it has the potential to bring us together. So let me share just a little bit about why I believe it is so urgent.
Today, two-thirds of American adults and half of children suffer chronic health issues. Fifty years ago, the number for children was less than one percent.
In America, 74% of adults are now overweight or obese, and close to 50% of children. One hundred and twenty years ago, when someone was obese, they were sent to the circus. In Japan, the childhood obesity rate is 3%.
Half of Americans now have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. When my uncle was president, juvenile diabetes was effectively nonexistent. The average pediatrician would see a single case in their lifetime. Today, one of every three kids who walk through their office door is diabetic or prediabetic. (Jumping in here to say: that sentence is a little confusing because “Juvenile Diabetes” has always referred to Type ONE diabetes which is different than Type TWO that's caused by metabolic syndrome/obesity; but I think here he's referring here to how many more young kids now have Type TWO.)
There’s been an explosion of neurological diseases that I never saw as a child. ADD, ADHD, speech delay, language delay, Tourette’s, narcolepsy, ASD, and Asperger’s. In the year 2000, the autism rate was one in 1,500. Now, autism rates in kids are 1 in 36 nationally, and 1 in 22 in California. The screening has not changed. Nor has the definition. The incidence has changed.
About 18% of teens have fatty liver disease, a disease that primarily used to be found only in late-stage alcoholics. Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the young and the old. Young adult cancers are up 79%.
One in four American women is on an antidepressant medication. 40% of teens have a mental health diagnosis. Today, 15% of high schoolers are on Adderall and half a million children are on SSRIs.
So what’s causing all this suffering? I’ll name two culprits. First is ultra-processed foods. About 70% of American children’s diet is ultra-processed — industrially manufactured in a factory. These foods consist primarily of processed sugar, ultra-processed grains, and seed oils. Lab scientists concoct thousands of other ingredients to make these foods more palatable, more addictive. These ingredients didn’t exist 100 years ago, and humans aren’t biologically adapted to eat them. Hundreds of these chemicals are banned in Europe, but ubiquitous in America’s processed foods.
The second culprit is toxic chemicals in our food, medicine, and environment. Pesticides, food additives, pharmaceutical drugs, and toxic waste permeate every cell of our bodies. The assault on a child’s cells and hormones is unrelenting. To name just one problem, many of these chemicals increase estrogen. Because young children are ingesting hormone disruptors, the average girl in America is reaching puberty at age 10 to 13 — six years earlier than girls were in 1900. Our country has the earliest puberty rates on any continent. And no, this isn’t because of “better nutrition.” This is not normal. Breast cancer, an estrogen-driven cancer, now strikes one in eight women.
Considering the grievous human cost of this tragic epidemic of chronic disease, it seems almost crass to mention the damage it does to our economy. But I’ll say, it is crippling our nation’s finances. When my uncle was President, our country spent zero dollars on chronic disease. Today, government healthcare spending is mostly for chronic disease, and it is double the military budget. And chronic disease costs the economy as a whole at least $4 trillion. Probably more when you consider the indirect costs. That’s a 20% drag on everything we could aspire to. And it is the fastest-growing cost.
Poor and minority communities suffer disproportionately. Industry lobbyists make sure that most of the food stamp and school lunch program dollars are funding processed foods. We are systematically mass-poisoning America’s poorest citizens.
The same food industry lobbied to make sure that nearly all agricultural subsidies go to the commodity crops that are the feedstock of the processed food industry. The policies are destroying small farms and our soils.
The good news is that we can change all of this, and change it quickly. America can get healthy again. To do that we need to do three things:
First, root out the corruption in our health agencies. Second, change the incentives of the healthcare system. And third, inspire Americans to get healthy again.
Eighty percent of NIH grants go to people who have conflicts of interest. These agencies, the FDA, the USDA, the CDC, all of them are controlled by huge for-profit corporations. 75% of the FDA’s funding doesn’t come from taxpayers. It comes from pharma. And pharma executives and consultants and lobbyists cycle in and out of these agencies.“
Please share this!!! We can fight this corrupt system in our country, but ONLY if we are armed with knowledge.
Here's the first video (there may be an ad first):
Read the transcript here: “Is Ozempic Safe?”. <– Click “more” at that link, then scroll down.
Calley mentions food a LOT in the interview and the need to clean up our diet.
My book, Real Food for Rookies, can help break it down so it's not such a daunting task! Please read it then tell others, and I'd be so grateful if you leave a review so more see it?!
And my kids book can get your little ones in the right frame of mind EARLY: Real Food for Happy Kids.
Watch a longer and even more explosive video here:
“Casey Means was a Stanford-educated surgeon. Her brother Calley was a lobbyist for pharma and the food industry. Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems they participated in.” “Americans want to be healthy. Americans do not want to die early. They do not want to see their kids with all these chronic health issues like autism and food allergies and obesity and pre-diabetes, and 40% of teens with mental health issues, no one wants this!”
I couldn't quit watching this video either, where they also got deep into seed oils and the lies of the food pyramid!!!
There's more on the topic, “Is Ozempic Safe”, but much more again here too. I love the part here where she talks about how SHE saw the truth and left the medical profession and why other docs do NOT see it. She says it was because of her parents, they taught her and her brother to question things! When she quit her profession as a doctor, even after paying $500K for her education, they threw her a party, they were so happy that she came to these conclusions on her own!
Here's the second video (there may be an ad first):
- Here
Read the transcript here. <– Click “more” at that link then scroll down.
Here's the book written by siblings Casey & Calley Means:
Here's a book they mention that I just ordered: The End of Alzheimers.
Please help get the word out, share this post using the share links and wake people up!
Here's a graphic Casey Means shared on her Instagram page:
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