Do you have questions about raw milk and wonder about all the raw milk benefits?
Here's a blast from the past, a couple Q & A videos on raw milk with Mark McAfee, owner of Organic Pastures Dairy in California. This is what Mark does, so his explanations are very clear and helpful! (The photo above is me with Mark & Blaine McAfee at the Wise Traditions conference in California November 2015–they're such fun people!)
After watching the videos below, if you drink raw milk, be sure to share with everyone why you love it in the comments!
Don't like watching videos? Check out these posts…
- Raw milk vs. “regular” milk, what's the difference? That's from our dairy farmer. Look at this chart!
- Can't get raw milk where you are or not ready to make the jump? Read about other healthy milk options here.
- Go here to find a local safe source of raw milk via your local WAPF chapter leader who can connect you with farmers in your area.
- Here are all of my raw milk posts in one spot and they will answer any of your questions about raw milk benefits and other information that isn't covered in the videos below. Start here with the raw milk series.
- Here’s a book on the topic that you’ll definitely want to read: The Untold Story of Milk.
- Here's a good overview on raw milk or here:
- One more informative book on raw milk: The Raw Milk Answer Book
Have you made the move to clean grassfed raw milk yet? Once you do, you'll never go back. Not only because you know that nutritionally it blows away any store-bought milk since all the good stuff isn't killed off with pasteurization or homogenization, but also the taste is just so fresh and alive.
Why do you love fresh raw milk? 🙂
KitchenKop says
Jennifer, maybe she’d like to share what she wrote with my readers??? Because we can show the world with her words that THEY should also be “getting” what a 12 year old understands!!! (If so email me: [email protected])
jmmatlock says
Kelly – my 12 year old daughter started competitive (homeschool) speech and debate this year, and completely on her own, chose to write and give an informative speech about the history of pasteurization leading to the current state of CAFOs and why pasteurized/homogenized milk isn’t really “safe” or healthy. She has a vested interest – both she and her younger sister are allergic to pasteurized dairy, but can consume raw dairy (milk, cream, cheese) with no problems. It’s been fun reading to her from The Untold Story of Milk, having her watch videos like these, and letting her research the issue on her own. It’s amazing to me that a TWELVE year old understands the Big Dairy money issue and the government’s bias much better than most adults.
KitchenKop says
Heather, yes, it is ironic! Similar to how we can buy cigarettes in the store, but not fresh, real milk!
Heather T. says
Just did my milk run last night. My family always teases me about my illegal activity! I live in a state were you can buy certified raw milk from the store for around $11 gallon. I rather buy it from my farmer friend for $4 gallon. I am glad to live in a state where it is readily available though. We go through 3 gallons a week, and my kids think the store milk tastes funny. We ran out before our milk pickup last night and my 13 year old son thought he was dying without his milk. My state has also legalized marijuana, so I can smoke marijuana but I can’t buy and drink raw milk from my local farmer, ironic!! (For the record I don’t smoke MJ just trying to make a point. 🙂
Charles Grashow says
My wife and I both drink raw goat milk
Whey Jude says
My wife just told me about this site. We’re big raw milk fans, I grew up on it. And I wrote a song about the current state of obtaining raw milk – thought you might enjoy it!
Sandy says
My family drinks raw milk. My littlest guy (1 yrs-old) has a ton of allergies and we had trouble finding anything he could eat. After two months of research I concluded it was worth a try. Even though he’s allergic to regular milk he does just fine on the raw. I figured if it’s good enough for his sensitive little system then it’s gotta be better for us too.
dennis says
I love drinking raw milk mainly because the government keeps telling me not to.
Ann Marie @ CHEESESLAVE says
There is no comparison between raw milk and pasteurized. Raw milk tastes SO much better. It’s also a lot better for you.
Rawmilk Advocate says
Just realize that Organic Pastures in California run by Mark McAfee is NOT a 100% grassfed operation. Their cows eat mostly grains, even though he would like you to believe it is a 100% grassfed operation. People who have been to the farm and not received the “sanitized” tour of their non-lactating cows on grass know better. See this more realistic tour done recently:
Ann Marie @ CHEESESLAVE says
@Rawmilk Advocate
“Their cows eat mostly grains,”
That is false.
“People who have been to the farm and not received the “sanitized” tour of their non-lactating cows on grass know better.”
I have been to the farm. I did not receive the “sanitized” tour (whatever that is). I got their late and missed most of the group tour but we stayed the night. The next morning, Mark and his wife, Blaine and their whole family had to leave around 5 or 6 am to go to a funeral. They told me to help myself to the coffee, eggs, bacon, toast, everything. They also said I could just go out on the pasture and take photos and videos of the cows.
Which I did, for like 2 or 3 hours. Those cows were not eating grains. They were eating grass.
Here’s the post I wrote about it with my photos and videos:
Please go and visit the farm — it’s an awesome experience!
D. says
@ Rawmilk Advocate: having been raised on a dairy farm with about 60 cows (milking in rotation) I can honestly say I don’t believe that statement in the video where this Marci person says that the cattle prefer grain to grass. I’ve absolutely never seen a cow that would “choose” grain over grass. Never. And I also don’t believe it to be a true statement. Who supplied her with the information for the video? I’m sorry but she sounded to be about 15 years old.
Maybe a few of you ought to watch the video I’ve posted a number of times around the web, on my forum, at other forums, I think I placed it over at Cheeseslave’s blog last year. It’s called 12 Aprils and is WELL worth the few minutes it takes to watch the whole thing.
Scroll down past the first photo to see the vid:
As far as I’m concerned, any dairy farmer worth his salt should already know this information. People from my generation certainly knew it, although I don’t live in an area of the country where it’s possible to actually have 12 Aprils, many parts of the country would be well suited for it.
Rawmilk Advocate says
Wow! I just went to Cheeseslave’s post on her tour of OP and read this:
Kaleigh told me that they never fed their cows grain, and never planned to. She said grain is a huge investment. “You have to go into a lot of debt to buy those huge barns and tons of grains and the cement slab milking parlor.”
Somebody’s not telling the truth here….
D. says
@ Rawmilk Advocate: I think what was meant by that statement by Kaleigh is that they don’t intend to feed their cattle entirely on grain. You have to realize that sometimes grassfeeding 24/7 is impossible even under the best of conditions. Now, in the part of the country where I live, we have very short summers – I mean, 5 months would be considered a long summer. So our cattle are grassfed as much as possible, but not entirely. We live in the real world where not everything is perfect 100% of the time.
What world do you live in, Rawmilk Advocate?
Ann Marie @ CHEESESLAVE says
@Rawmilk Advocate
Sheesh! What Kaleigh meant was they don’t buy huge amounts of grain and store it in silos like most modern dairy farms do. They may feed their cows a little grain but their primary diet is grass.
Rawmilk Advocate says
The video speaks for itself, and it came straight from the mouth of Organic Pastures Marketing Manager. Maybe the drive through all those commercial farms and CAFO operations in the Central Valley to get to OP was staged too?? I guess Cheeseslave left that part out in her video…
D. says
Maybe try flying over it instead of driving, and the evidence would become immediately clear. For someone with a moniker of Rawmilk Advocate, I don’t see a lot of that from you. What’s your deal anyhow?
Rawmilk Advocate says
Great logic D. What world do YOU live in? I live in California and drive through the San Joaquin Valley all the time. So does OP fly their milk out to the stores to avoid the pollution of the central valley?? Next time you are in California drive over to OP yourself. Just be forewarned that your nose will never be the same after driving by all those CAFO farms…
D. says
@ Rawmilk Advocate: Are you incapable of reading and comprehending at the same time? I think you better go back and read ALL of my posts here. Why would I want to drive through northern CA to smell CAFO when we have plenty of them here where I live? That’s not the point anyhow and you know it. If you’re in an airplane, you can SEE what’s going on below you – it has nothing to do with smell. Fly their milk to stores? Are you just brain dead or what? That’s not at all what I said.
Sadly, I know who you are because I’ve encountered you at David Gumpert’s blog. And I know your agenda, too. Yes, I know, you’re perfect and everyone else is just scum.
D. says
Most of the people I’ve talked to about raw milk are afraid of it. I always ask them why they’re afraid of it – and I get the same pat answer every time – because everyone says so. So then I ask who’s everyone? And then I ask have you bothered to do ANY research on your own? Have you bothered to look into the statistics of pasteurized vs raw milk illnesses and/or deaths? Have you ever tasted raw milk? Do you know anyone who drinks raw milk? Well, I drink raw milk – so you’re looking at one person who has been pretty much drinking raw milk all my life and hey I’m not dead or sick or fat or – whatever.
Bottom line – most people who don’t/won’t drink raw milk don’t know anything about it and have never bothered to do the homework, much less even think about the history of raw milk and other raw foods. They believe the propaganda from BigDairy and the gov’t sponsored web sites. I never bother with .gov web sites concerning nutrition because they are just blatant lies.
Go Raw Milk! It’s DEEE-licious, NEW-tritious! (Only it’s certainly not new).
megan says
Kelly, we drink raw milk and LOVE it! We started drinking it after researching and realizing how beneficial it was for digestion, good bacteria growth, and nutrients. Bottom line, we drink it raw because that is the way God created it! We have a farmer we trust here in Georgia, and are so thankful for the ability to buy it (even if it has to say “for pet consumption only”). I would only purchase it from a farm I trust, though. Thanks for sharing these videos. I’ve just passed them along to my friends on Facebook.
Grace says
1. I simply love the taste. Oh my, it’s so good! Grocery store milk just can’t compete.
2. The nutritional benefits, of course. That’s what got me interested, the taste hooked me.
3. The versatility of it. You can make so many good things from raw milk that just wouldn’t be worth making with dead milk. Like the Buttermilk Pie I’m making tonight from buttermilk I made myself from, you guessed it, raw milk.
4. Ok, I admit it. I childishly enjoy “Sticking it to the man!” We can only buy it for pet consumption here in Georgia. Ha! If my pets even look sideways at my mooshine, I swear…well, sheesh, those big ole eyes…oh, ok, they can have a sip, but that’s it!