I want to share what I learned recently and then I'll tell you why this matters so much right now…
When our oldest was born in 1992 the Hepatitis B shot wasn't on the vaccine schedule yet.
A couple of years later I saw in a parenting magazine that this new shot was now available. Being what I thought was a good mom, I asked his doctor if he should get this and clearly remember him telling me, “Hepatitis B is spread via drug users and promiscuous sex, I'm pretty sure your toddler isn't at risk for this disease.” Made sense to me!
Two more years later it was time for him to go to school (this was long before we started homeschooling), and by then it was “required” by the CDC before he could go, or so I thought. So like a blind sheep, I marched him in to “get caught up”. (I had no idea that exemptions were easy to get and that I should've gotten one for him!!!)
For our next 2 kids I was still in the dark and didn't blink when they got the Hep B shot before they left the hospital.
Wow. If only we could go back!
Could our kids' behavior and learning issues all been avoided had we researched this more???
We started waking up when our 4th and youngest was born in 2005. I started researching like a crazy woman and talked it all over with Kent–we skipped some, delayed some, and spread them out. Knowing what I know now though, we would research even more before giving any–because I just read a story of a Mom who delayed some, skipped some, and spread the rest out and still ended up with a severely vaccine-injured son! Here in Michigan, we are one of 17 states where all shots from birth to graduation are optional–our doctor was okay with us as parents making the decisions, but sadly, most docs are not.
By the way, have you seen this vaccine schedule comparison chart showing how many shots were “required” in 1962 vs. 2024?
This is downright scary.
Back to the Help B shot…
Thankfully I knew better than having him get that one based on what I'd been researching and what our doctor told us earlier.
But I didn't know all of THIS…
This is short, but important to watch, it's Del Bigtree with ICAN's (Informed Consent Action Network) attorney Aaron Siri.
WATCH: Safety Issues with the Hepatitis B Vaccine given to one-day-old babies.
(Start at minute 1:15:35.)
Here's the short story:
- There was NO placebo control group to compare those who got the Hep B shot and those who didn't.
- It was tested on less than 150 babies.
- It was only monitored for safety issues for 4-5 DAYS.
How can this be?! For 27 years this has been on the recommended (required) vaccine schedule!
This is the scary story behind just ONE of the now dozens and dozens of shots our kids are given
From pregnancy through childhood and teens, and into adulthood with flu shots and now Covid shots for the young who are not even in a high risk group for Covid infections!
Please also watch this movie:
At the WAPF conference last weekend, Mary Holland (President of Children's Health Defense) said that she thinks THIS is the single best movie to send to those who just don't know the hidden stories behind vaccines. (It used to be on Youtube, but they've now censored it there. At this link if you scroll down you'll see “how to watch”, or on Rumble you can see Vaxxed II and Vaxxed III.)
What's the point?
The whole point is this: we can't blindly trust the vaccine companies or the government working with them to mandate shots, NONE OF THEM. Do you have any idea how much they made by mandating the Covid shots for adults who wanted to go to college or keep their jobs? Or by “offering” the jab to 5-11 year olds now? Do you know how many adverse effects have been reported? And that it's estimated that between 90-99% are NOT reported?
A portrait of one person behind these vaccines
Go to minute 50:50 for the chilling story and deposition of Dr. Plotkin, known as the godfather of the vaccination program. In the deposition shown there he says, “It's implied that I should go to hell for using aborted tissues, which I am glad to do.” These are tissues from the organs of at least 76 3-month or older fetuses, and these tissues are used for research and yes, as part of the vaccine ingredients. Having parts of children injected into other children is not only EVIL, but it just CAN'T be safe!
As a Catholic Christian, I'm embarrassed, saddened, and frustrated that our Church doesn't speak out more forcefully against this!
And if people think the vaccine shenanigans started with covid, they’re missing something huge that has gone on for years. Watch this heartbreaking story from several years ago–parents of triplets ALL vaccine-injured in one day.
One good that has come from covid though, is that a FEW are finally waking up to these very real risks.
We HAVE to get the word out, even if it's to someone who you don't think will listen. We have to try.
More you might like:
- Why Life Jackets Should Be Mandatory! This was a video from Covid-crazy time. Very funny, but NOT…
- Natural Covid Help–Supporting your body through Covid
- How to Protect Yourself if You have to Get the Jab (thank God these jabs aren't being forced on us like they were at one point)
- Help with writing your request for exemptions. One more: What You Need to Know About Your Right to a COVID Vaccine Religious Exemption in the Workplace.
- Matt Walsh: We Corrupt Our Children But Turn Our College Students Into Babies
- Fauci, Gates Admit COVID Vaccines Don’t Work as Advertised
- The Real Anthony Fauci–an organization founded by Kennedy to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards so this never happens again. CHD is asking activists to buy the book, to alert friends and contacts to do the same and/OR to ask local bookstores and libraries to carry it.
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