Earlier this week a friend emailed me with the news that Jacob Stieler's cancer has returned. I was shocked and so sad, as everyone was. So of course I got in touch with his Mom, Erin…
First, just in case you're not familiar with this story, here are all the previous posts to bring you up to date:
- Part 1 – Shocking Details on the Horrific Case Against Jacob Stieler’s Parents
- Part 2 – Shocking Details on the Horrific Case Against Jacob Stieler’s Parents
- Do we have the right to deny harmful medical treatment for our kids?
- The grim truth about America’s so-called war on cancer
- New update on the Stieler family & 4 ways to help protect parental rights
- Merry Christmas to the Stieler family!
- They've called out the dogs again…
- Update on the Stieler Case – Creating a Dangerous Law Where Doctors Are Always Right
- If you’re reading this later, click here and scroll down to start at the beginning for all the posts on Jacob Stieler’s case, including current updates.
- Click here for all my parental rights posts in one place.
I'll just give you a peek into the email exchange between Erin and I this week, and in case you're wondering… When we spoke on the phone yesterday I made sure she was OK with me sharing her comments in this post before I did so!
Hi Erin,
I am so sorry to hear the news but know Jacob will come through this as wonderfully as he did before!! I'm praying like crazy.
I'd like to update my readers with a statement from you if you're willing. We can shout from the rooftops that everything you've been fighting for still stands, parents should have the right to decide what's best for their child.
I'm so sorry for the load that must be weighing on your shoulders. And by the way, you made the best decision at the time with the information that was in front of you, without question. That's all we can do as a parents, as we maneuver through the minefield always in front of us in this constantly changing crazy world. Sometimes it's the hardest thing ever to know what to do – you know that more than most.
Hi Kelly! Thank you for your thoughtful words. I appreciate it!
We're doing pretty good considering. We are still in shock, but accepting the situation as it comes. I was so sure he was healed, but I know God has his protection on him. So I'm still not sure why this is happening. Everything made sense before – now it doesn't, but I know He has a plan.
We feel so much more hopeful this time. Even though we're not fans of chemo, we feel at peace that this is what we're supposed to do. Jacob also feels good about it and feels peaceful. He told me he's not worried at all. Since this came on again so fast and on his spine once more, we feel we need to do an aggressive approach. We are so happy with Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Talk about night and day between them and our previous hospital experience. Sounds like they may have had Jacob in a clinical trial without our knowledge. That's what the docs here at Children's are telling me based on the treatment plan he was on before. Now the plan is to do 2 months less of treatment and not do a day of the chemo that he'd been on last year. We'll also be able to hopefully do most of his treatment out of Green Bay which is only 3 hours from home. That means we'll only be gone 8-10 days a month and the rest of the time will be at our home healing. So much better for Jacob mentally and emotionally – not to mention how much better for the rest of us. They also said “Let's just play it by ear and see how it goes – see how Jacob's handling it and feeling.” Amazing! We are so happy with everything so far!
And your right….We weren't fighting to do everything “natural”, but that we should, as parents, be able to do what's best for our child. And getting him out of Grand Rapids was obviously what needed to be done.
Thanks for all your support and your readers support! We'll keep in touch to let you know how he's doing. 🙂
Thanks so much for the update and I feel like I can breathe again now that I've heard from you and that you're all doing OK.
I'll keep you all in my prayers and my readers will too, they're so faithful and love you guys like I do. 🙂
If you have any words of support for the Stielers, I'm pretty sure they'll be reading the comments. Thanks for lifting them up!
Update January 2016 — I haven't spoken to anyone in Jacob's family for a few months now, maybe longer, but last I heard he was doing great! 🙂
Cinder says
Hey Kelly, this was an AMAZING story, I’m so glad I found it here!! Thank you SO much for the extensive coverage and your unbiased details! You should do another update on Jacob, I checked out the Hope For Jacob page and as far as updates are concerned, it looks like he just keeps on kicking cancer’s ass! The updates aren’t dated 2014, but I’m pretty sure that the most recent one is from February, because some of the pictures in previous updates have a 2013 timestamp.
I’ll have to go read some more of your posts now for sure ^_^
KitchenKop says
Hi Cinder,
I was actually just in contact with Erin this week and will update you all soon! 🙂
CCM says
Of all the reading I have done on alternative cancer therapies, Dr. NIcholas Gonzales’s protocol seems the most promising:
Rachel says
So sorry to hear this news. I just prayed for your family, and am trusting God to accomplish His perfect will in your life.
sherrie says
Many prayers for this boy and family. I’d be interested to know the natural things they have tried. Many have used pure essential oils in conjunction with traditional meds or as an alternative. If they family would like more info, please have them contact me.
sam says
sorry to hear the news but all is not lost.have them follow an all raw diet and cut out the meats/dairy in their diet. eat more leafy greens, nuts, fruit, vegetables all organic if possible. meditation, prayer and detox the body.
Heather says
Prayers and hugs and healing…and more prayers!!
Erin says
Our family will be keying this little man up in prayers for sure!!!
Melinda says
My son had cancer too. We know of many that relapsed and are doing well. It is scary. Trust the Lord if you know Him, it is the only way I could have gotten thru all the scary times. It is a life of fear to be sure, but lots of good and fun times too in the midst of the trials. I pray you get through this well. You have the advantage of good nourishing food. My son is 23 and in college and into his health and nourishing food, now. There is hope and lots and lots of people supporting you!
Michelle says
I am new to your website, SO sorry to hear about this family and their struggles. Best wishes for strength and healing for Jacob and his caring family.
Parental freedoms to choose safe,alternative treatments for cancer, mental illness and other diseases are significantly threatened in this country. It
is really criminal. Families and invidviduals should have freedoms to choose, discontinue or not choose medical treatment options. I hope this hospital experience will be positive for them. I wish this family the best in their search for healing.
Diane says
I’m so happy that you found a better place than our home Grand Rapids to have your son treated. It absolutely does sound like he may have been in a clinical trial, and they didn’t want to lose the money. At least that makes sense, and the hospital’s previous behavior made no sense.
Your story touched many people who may now have the courage to seek alternative treatment or an alternative hospital. Prayers from here, too!
Jeanmarie says
Thanks for the update and sharing your email exchange. Jacob obviously has wonderful parents, and now it sounds like he has wonderful doctors working with them as well. I agree that the goal is to let parents (and children) decide for themselves, we should not be at the mercy of bureaucratic mandates.
Karen Huber says
Saying prayers for Jacob and all of his family. So sorry for the return of disease, but glad for a treatment option that is more palatable.
Stephanie Dietz says
Thank you for the update. So sorry to hear of Jacob’s relapse, many prayers being raised up for him and the family. Strength, healing and peace. Wonderful news on the new hospital and staff. Please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers, God bless you. Many hugs from Texas.
Leah says
Jacob.. you’re in my prayers!
shelley says
Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Chelle says
Amy says
Kelly, so sorry to hear it came back, but glad they are feeling better about their new hospital and care. The Stielers should have Jacob’s bedroom at home checked for Geopathic Stress. Basically it’s lines of energy that come up from the earth in certain spots (think emf but worse), and they can cause cancer and other issues when the run underneath the location of a bed. It can be checked very easily and cheaply, and if there is an issue the only necessary fix is moving his bed (either to another spot in his room or another room, one without GS). You can google geopathic stress for more information. Its much more widely known about in Europe, and is a huge stress on the body, implicated in recurrent cancers and the like.
Susan says
Much love and prayers to the Stieler family!!
Martha says
Praying for Jacob and his family. I’m glad they are at peace about how to proceed.
chuck says
this is sad, no doubt. whatever happened with the court case where the doctors were trying to force further treatment to prevent recurrence?
elaine says
sending Jacob and his family love and light this morning…I pray that God will bless you and heal you Jacob.
Jill says
God bless this family–mom, dad, Jacob, brother, everybody! I just feel so proud of them. They have kept to a high road, not one of extremes by principle, or fighting the establishment just to “stick it to the man”, but have kept their vision clear and healthy, with a goal of protecting parents/children’s rights and doing what’s best for a child, regardless of whether it fits the “standard of care” or not. What an inspiration to us all in whatever battle we may be faced with, to walk steadily, faithfully, and with integrity, and to not slip into rebellion or bitterness. Bravo, Steiler family! You are a blessing and salt of the earth. I will surely hold you before our loving, powerful, wise Father in heaven! May He supply you with a double portion of grace and healing!
Erica says
Thank you for the update! I will continue to pray for the whole family.
My heart was lifted when I read Jacob is being treated at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin! We live very close to their main campus and have had a few of our children there for various conditions. We could not have been happier!
Jacob is most definetely in good hands with the doctors and staff there!
Joyce Young says
Thank you for the update. Will continue to pray for Jacob and family. I am glad to hear that they have found a different place for treatment.