My hope is restored, all of us really CAN make a difference, thank you ALL for writing letters and getting the word out because the judge has decided to DROP THE CASE AGAINST THE STIELERS!!!!!! Thank God now they can enjoy their Christmas and get on with their lives, yay!!!!!!!! I can't quit crying and smiling!!!
Read more here and read all the fun reactions here!
Stephanie says
Praise the Lord!!
Commenter via Facebook says
Ron and Myrna Weaver says
Many thanks to you, Kelly for rallying the troops and to all of you who supported our daughter Erin and family. May the Lord bless you greatly in the coming year!
KitchenKop says
How wonderful to hear from you! What an ordeal you have all been through. As you can tell, we are all SO happy to have this nightmare over and we’re thanking the Lord with you that you can now enjoy Christmas without any clouds overhead. How relieved you must feel, and now we’ll just pray that after all the uproar they’ll know better than to even THINK about trying an appeal!
Blessings to you, too, and Merry Christmas to such an amazing family!
Jeanmarie says
What wonderful news! Thanks for sharing. I passed it on.
anna says
Thank you Kelly for getting us all onboard and being a leader to us all in ways to help this family! I’m so happy about this!!!
D. says
What wonderful news right before the Christmas Season. I hope the New Year is a happy one, without so much strife for this family.
Stanley Fishman says
This brought tears to my eyes when I read it. We CAN make a difference. Never underestimate the power of prayer and good thoughts.
That judge showed courage and wisdom, and correctly applied the law.
Greedy doctors do NOT rule this country!
All blessings to Jacob and his family at this happy time.
Megan says
Praise God! That is *awesome* news!!
clickclackgorilla says
Oh I’m so glad! That whole thing was so ridiculous! Nice job on all the work you did to help them too!
Musings of a Housewife says
WOW that is amazing. I feel like hope is somewhat restored as well. Merry Christmas TO YOU TOO! 🙂
Sarah, TheHealthyHomeEconomist says
This is awesome news and just in time for them to fully enjoy the holiday together as a family! Well done to a judge who actually has some common sense too! Kelly, you did an incredible job galvanizing the troops for the letter writing and phone calling campaign on this one. Way to go! 🙂
KitchenKop says
Thanks Sarah, this was an easy one to get behind, there was no grey area, it was just ALL so WRONG! And I feel the same way about this judge, he is AMAZING. He saw it was a stupid case and did something about it, yahoooooooo! 🙂
wendi says
I agree! Good job.
This is awesome and goes to show that being united, our voices can and will be heard!! 🙂
Laura says
I’m so glad to hear this!
Paula says
Parental Rights just sent out the notification as well. Wonderful news!