Right here in Michigan there's a horrific court case pending. The family involved is from the Upper Peninsula, and their son, Jacob, was being treated near us in Grand Rapids, at the DeVos Children's Hospital. Once he finished a hellish three months of treatment for a rare form of cancer, his tests came back all clear. Light at the end of the tunnel for this couple living every parent's worst nightmare, or so they thought. Since Jacob's tests came back good, they chose not to risk another round of dangerous treatments on their son's 9 year old body. Apparently his oncologist disagreed with their decision. It's “standard of care protocol” to continue with this $60,000/month treatment, and if you don't get in line for this, no matter what common sense tells you is best for your child, then you'll go to court for parental negligence.
(If you're reading this later, click here and scroll down to start at the beginning for all the posts on Jacob Stieler's case, including current updates or click here for all my parental rights posts in one place.)
Unbelievable isn't it?
In this radio interview with Jacob's Mom, Erin, she talks about how a big red flag for the docs may have been that they aren't the type to run to the doctor for every cold, or to put their kids on antibiotics at the drop of a hat. Instead they are changing their diets (avoid
ing all sugar, including fruits and grains, eating organic, etc.), and using homeopathic remedies. Sound like anyone? Myself and most of you, my readers, would say the same things!
Keep in mind that they're also staying under the care of two local doctors, and have said that they'll get him back on treatment right away if the cancer should return. It's not like they're walking a tightrope here, they are being smart parents. They've done their research and are making educated decisions.
We need to support this family because it could be us next!
Wonder how you can help?
Let's let 'em have it. This is wrong and we need to shout it from the rooftops. Wouldn't you hope others would do the same to help if it were your family?! Please send a quick email to the following people and tell them that you think this is an issue that affects ALL parents, that the case is horrendous, and that it should be dropped immediately!
- Contact Michigan Governor Rick Snyder: [email protected]
- Contact Senator Carl Levin
- Contact Debbie Stabenow
- Contact YOUR politicians – this site will help you find their contact page.
Just copy and paste my comments if you're in a hurry (removing the part about being a blogger of course), or write your own for an even bigger impact. Here's what I wrote:
Is this the United States of America?
Because when I read the story of Jacob Stieler and the case against his parents, I sure don't think so. This case must be dropped NOW. I am asking YOU to make that happen. I am a blogger and you know how powerful us Moms on a mission are – I'm asking everyone I know to contact you and I'm counting on my readers to do just that. Jacob's parents, Ken & Erin, are taking all of the facts in front of them and making the best decisions for their son. This is all any parent can and should do. It is not the doctor's job, nor the state of Michigan's job, to make the call about what is best for each family. If these parents were being negligent in any way, then the case would deserve another look, but they are not. They are being proactive in various ways to make sure their son stays healthy, and are under the care of two physicians near their hometown. They have said if there was any sign that his cancer was coming back, of course they would seek treatment. But it's GONE, and they see no reason to put him through more painful, horrific treatments when his tests are all clear.
Please stop this craziness.
Thank you!
Watch a video on the story:
- If you're reading this later, click here and scroll down to start at the beginning for all the posts on Jacob Stieler's case, including current updates
- Click here for all my parental rights posts in one place.
- Jacob's Facebook page
- More on the story here…
- P.S. Thank you Nancy for bringing this story to my attention! Readers, feel free to email me whenever you come across something that you know I'd want to post about. 🙂
Jana says
I can’t even imagine having to deal with a child with cancer but then to have to see them suffer through treatment that may not even help them. My heart goes out to parents in this situation.
xo jana
Tom says
D. Maybe this will help you to understand:
The Preamble does not specifically define the word “People.” Nevertheless, the definition becomes apparent in the context of the other words and prior history.
Before the United States existed, there was no legal government. A group of representatives, acting “in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies,” declared the independence of the colonies from the British Crown and the state of Great Britain.
From the beginning, in the 1776 Declaration of Independence, the people were acknowledged as the source of authority, i.e. the sovereignty which authorized the Declaration of Independence.
Next came the 1778 Articles of Confederation. The states that existed by the authority of the people, created those Articles while in Congress assembled. That didn’t work as well as expected.
In 1787 the people themselves came forth “to ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America” [see Preamble]. On September 17th, 1787, the states held a convention and all those present unanimously joined in. [see last paragraph of U.S. Constitution]
So, in 1787, unanimous concurrence was achieved and the Constitution was born, later to be ratified.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
TRUSTOR: We the People [trustors]
VENUE: of the United States
PURPOSE: in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty
BENEFICIARY: to ourselves and our Posterity,
ENABLING ACTION 1: do ordain [declare the law]
ENABLING ACTION 2: and establish [bring into existence]
WHAT: this Constitution [articles of incorporation for trust]
TRUSTEE: for the United States of America. [trustee]
The Preamble defines the context in which the remainder of the Constitution must be interpreted. Most of it is self explanatory. Here’s an explanation that points to popular sovereignty:
After the Declaration of Independence, but before the ordainment and establishment of the Constitution, the people of the United States pretty much handled their own affairs using the common law. They were not subject to any higher authority other than the authority of the common law as administered by the people themselves (self governance). Although the states did exist, they only existed by the authority of the people. Every man was a king, and every woman a queen–and none had any subjects. Upon declaring our independence, we all became sovereigns and members of the peerage (nobility).
“The people of this State, as the successors of its former sovereign, are entitled to all the rights which formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative. Through the medium of their Legislature they may exercise all the powers which previous to the Revolution could have been exercised either by the King alone, or by him in conjunction with his Parliament; subject only to those restrictions which have been imposed by the Constitution of this State or of the U.S.”
Lansing v. Smith, 21 D. 89., 4 Wendel 9 (1829) (New York)
“D.” = Decennial Digest
Lansing v. Smith, 4 Wend. 9 (N.Y.) (1829), 21 Am.Dec. 89
10C Const. Law Sec. 298; 18 C Em.Dom. Sec. 3, 228;
37 C Nav.Wat. Sec. 219; Nuls Sec. 1`67; 48 C Wharves Sec. 3, 7.
NOTE: Am.Dec.=American Decision, Wend. = Wendell (N.Y.)
The enabling actions in the Preamble are significant because there is simply nothing in the use of those words to imply that the People relinquished any of their own power and authority. The People declared the law (ordain) without taking away from themselves the authority to declare law again in the future. The People established the Constitution without taking away from themselves the authority to establish anything else in the future. In other words, the people gave birth to the Constitution without giving up any of their own power and authority.
What was before, continues to be so today.
From the context of the Preamble, one may conclude that the laws of the United States do not apply to People. The People, as ordainers and establishers of the country are sovereigns of the country, may not be involuntarily subjected to the laws of the United States.
Because of Amendment X (“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people,” the government has no authority, and cannot assume any authority over the People. Government powers may not reach beyond that which is constitutionally granted. In order for the government to subject People to its law it is necessary for the People to relinquish their sovereignty. Sovereignty is a natural right which cannot lawfully be relinquished involuntarily. Any removal of sovereignty must be accomplished voluntarily by the subject himself.
Before ratification of the Amendment XIV , there was no legal definition of the term “citizen of the United States.” The term was used, but only generally. After the Civil War the slaves were freed but there was no legal basis to recognize them as having any rights. Amendment XIV partially solved that problem.
“Free the slaves,” was the rallying cry combined with the Civil War that resulted in Amendment XIV. Amendment XIV created a new class of person called “citizen of the United States.” Any ex-slave could now claim citizenship, and, by the way, so could any of the People if they so chose to do. Amendment XIV made possible the voluntary relinquishment of personal sovereignty.
It was also during the mid 1800’s that the various governments took control of the school systems. The curriculum shifted from civics (the study of natural rights and common law) to American government (the study of civil privileges and statutory law). Emphasis was also refocused on “good citizenship”. To blunt the people’s perception, the civil privileges were called civil rights. The transition from teaching “natural rights” to teaching “civil rights” took about 100 years (from the 1850’s to the 1950’s). During the 1950’s the school systems changed the courses named from “Civics” to “American Government.” Hardly anyone now is aware of the subject of civics as a school course.
The phrase, “citizens of the United States,” is defined in the Constitution for the United States of America, Amendment XIV:
Section 1. “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
Section 5. “The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”
WHO: All persons
(A) born or naturalized in the United States, and
(B) subject to the jurisdiction thereof
PURPOSE: No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
ENFORCED BY: The Congress
As discussed above, the People are sovereign. The People are not subject to the jurisdiction of the federal government, even though they are born in the United States.
Amendment XIV inverts the relationship. One of the qualifications to be a citizen of the United States is that one must be born or naturalized in the United States. Another qualification is that one must be, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” It is not possible to be a citizen of the United States without being born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof. But, if you are born or naturalized, and if you are subject to the jurisdiction, then you automatically qualify as a citizen of the United States.
From the point of view of the federal enforcers, the qualifications are worked in reverse. They reverse-interpret Amendment XIV as saying that if you say you are a citizen of the United States, then that automatically means you are totally subject to its jurisdiction [and have been born or naturalized]. This opinion is not shared by the judicial branch. See 14 C.J.S. 426, 430:
The particular meaning of the word “citizen” is frequently dependent on the context in which it is found[25], and the word must always be taken in the sense which best harmonizes with the subject matter in which it is used[26].
“One may be considered a citizen for some purposes and not a citizen for other purposes, as, for instance, for commercial purposes, and not for political purposes[27]. So, a person may be a citizen in the sense that as such he is entitled to the protection of his life, liberty, and property, even though he is not vested with the suffrage or other political rights[28].
“[25] Cal.–Prowd v. Gore, 2 Dist. 207 P. 490. 57 C.A. 458.
[26] Cal.–Prowd v. Gore. 2 Dist. 207 P. 490. 57 C.A. 458.
La.–Lepenser v Griffin, 83 So. 839, 146 La. 584
N.Y.–Union Hotel Co. v. Hersee, 79 N.Y. 454
[27] U.S.–The Friendschaft, N.C., 16 U.S. 14, 3 Wheat. 14, 4 L.Ed. 322
–Murray v. The Charming Betsy, 6 U.S. 64, 2 Cranch 64, 2 L.Ed. 208
Md.–Risewick v. Davis, 19 Md. 82
Mass.–Judd v. Lawrence, 1 Cush 531
R.I.–Greeough v. Tiverton Police Com’rs, 74 A 785, 30 R.I. 212
[28] Mass.–Dillaway v. Burton, 153 N.E. 13, 256 Mass. 568”
In any case, if you fail to object to the government’s view of citizenship, then you will most certainly be subjected to the laws of the government. That means no rights, only privileges. To see a list of privileges granted or denied to the citizens (there is no list for the People’s natural rights because the People automatically have all rights), see People’s rights vs citizen’s rights
The first issue to be resolved in any court proceeding is that of jurisdiction. Does the one entity have jurisdiction over the other entity? One should never go into court without a clear understanding as to whether he is there as a citizen, or there as one of the people.
If you claim you are a citizen of the United States, then it is strongly implied (though not necessarily true) that you are subject to the laws of the United States. On the other hand, if you are one of the People, then it is legally implied that you are a legal king, with a sovereignty superior to that of the United States, and subject only to the common law of the other kings (your peers). In short: the People are superior to the government, the government is superior to the citizens. That is the hierarchy.
As a king you “are entitled to all the rights which formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative.” You can do what you want to do when you want to do it. You have your own property and your own courts. There is no limit as to what you may do other than the natural limits of the universe, and the sovereignty of a fellow sovereign. You should treat the other sovereign in accordance with the Golden Rule, and at the very least must never harm him. Your sovereignty stops where the other sovereignty begins. You are one of the owners of the American government, and it is their promise that they will support your sovereignty (i.e. they have promised to support the Constitution and protect it from all enemies). You have no allegiance to anyone. The government, your only [public] servant, has an allegiance to you.
As a citizen, you are only entitled to whatever your sovereign grants to you. You have no rights. If you wish to do something that would be otherwise illegal, you must apply for a license giving you special permission. If there is no license available, and if there is no specific permission granted in the statutes, then you must apply for special permission or a waiver in order to do it. Your only allegiance is to your sovereign (the government), and that allegiance is mandated by your sovereign’s law (the government, though not absolutely sovereign, is sovereign relative to you if you claim to be a citizen of the sovereign).
Here is a typical example:
As one of the People you have a right to travel, unrestricted, upon the public highways. You have right to carry guests with you in your automobile. You have a right to own a gun and that right shall not be impaired by your servant, the government. You have a right to a grand jury indictment and a trial by jury, that is a trial directly by the people, not the government.
As one of the citizens, you may not travel by automobile unless you are either a licensed motor vehicle driver, or you are a passenger with permission to be on board. Gun ownership is a privilege subject to definition and regulation. You do not have a right to a jury trial in all cases, and no right to grand jury indictment–a trial is a trial by the government, not the people.
D. says
@ Tom: Whew, that’s a lot to read and digest, but I’ll start on it tomorrow. Today is Christmas cookie baking day for my granddaughter and I. Yesterday we made a gingerbread house – from scratch. WOrked out pretty well considering she is only 3 1/2. ;->
Thank you for the information and I’ll comment again after I’ve read it all.
Chris Burns says
Lets be completely honest here, becoming a parent does not make you automatically know what’s best, medically, for a child.
If the parent was opting to follow the typical SAD diet, or the food pyramid, or a strict vegan diet, would we feel the same way?
Most people that visit this blog are knowledgeable regarding nutrition, would you still support the ‘parents right to choose care’ if you knew that the diet that had picked was actually more harmful than good?
What about Religions that don’t allow ‘mixed blood’. Would we let the religious beliefs of a parent directly impact the life and death of a child (who at this point knows nothing of any of the thousands of religions)?
Sometimes, doctors know best, sometimes, they’re just looking out for their wallets, but lets not pretend that every parent is automatically qualified to make EVERY decision for their childs health.
In this specific case, the paleo style diet is absolutely perfect. Will it stop the cancer coming back? I have no idea, I haven’t spent years in med school, but I’m sure the diet will, at very least, not contribute further to the childs health problems.
Kelly says
This is not a question of qualification, it is a question of whether parents have the right to make choices for their children. Having said that, I must also share that we are foster parents who adopted our son thru the foster care system, so at some level I believe what you’re saying also. The question becomes one of where to draw the line. If one is to be drawn, who determines the criteria? Who selects those that determine it? In our current system we’ve entrusted that decision to CPS, but I have qualms with what they consider acceptable-on both ends of the spectrum. This does not take away a parent’s right to direct the upbringing of the children entrusted to them by God. I’m certain that I will do things considered unacceptable by others, as will you and all the rest of the readers of this blog. Does that mean we lose the right to raise our children? I think not.
You are right in assuming most of the readers here are sympathetic because of a shared belief in real food, but I’ll bet most would still support the parents even if their eating habits were atrocious.
D. says
@ Chris Burns: to quote you from your post —- “Sometimes, doctors know best, sometimes, they’re just looking out for their wallets, but lets not pretend that every parent is automatically qualified to make EVERY decision for their childs health.”
It doesn’t matter if those decisions are “right or wrong” in anyone else’s eyes. It doesn’t matter a whit. The parents of any child should have the right to make whatever decisions they deem proper and necessary. PERIOD. Medical, dental, optical – whatever. For that matter, parents should not have to worry about backlash from those decisions, especially if they are logical and informed decisions. If the parents are drunkards or otherwise loose cannons, it would seem rational that someone else would ultimately be making those choices because likely the parents wouldn’t have custody. If the custodial parents have the presence of mind to make decisions about other things for their child’s welfare, they should not be tormented about their decisions involving healthcare issues either. Certainly not by some arrogant doctor whose halo is obviously too tight.
Tom says
D., You Don’t have to move.
D. says
Well, how do you go about “leaving US citizen status” if you don’t move to another country and become a citizen there? I don’t have time to listen to podcasts or radio or whatever it’s all about that explains what you’re talking about.
Now, I have an uncle who lives in Ontario, Canada. If I were, say, to move up there and apply for Canadian Citizenship would that zero out my US citizenship? I guess without moving I don’t understand how else it would work. Guess I’ve never given it much thought until now!
Tom says
D. I know its hard to understand, and you are not going to without a great deal of thought, research, and humility. However, you are thinking and that is a great first step. It is not possible to explain on a blog post.
To become Canadian would make you a subject of the Queen and you would still be bound by all your US ahesion contracts. America is the only place on earth where you can actually be free. Unfortunately less than one percent of the people living here actually are.
Abused Swan says
Our children are not save in Kent County, Grand Rapids. Do people realize that when DHS hired a private attorney int his case that we the people are paying for this. Is Kent County paying for this? Wonder what our commissioners have to say about his. The Kent County Commissioners also have a legal suit to not have to hire more case workers to protect children in the foster care system. Learn about Michigan’s foster care system at Michiganforparentalrights.org
Mothers are losing custody to abusive fathers, mothers children are being taken by DHS at alarming rates and being drugged. Have you seen Diane Sawyers reports. Check out her facebook page, people are responding like crazy. Visit http://www.abusedswan.com for more information about Kent County and the family court system.
D. says
That snooty doctor of theirs should be made to sit down and read every word of this article by OMNS (Orthomolecular Medicine News Service) which I have posted at my forum. Maybe he would feel differently about one-size-fits-all medicine if he would actually take time to absorb the enormity of this study.
It is quite long, but well worth taking the time to read, even if you have to read it in sections – a little here and a little there.
And Tom, I know a lot of people who are moving from the USA to other lands, but it’s for many reasons. Problem here is that these folks have a sick child and probably do not have the wherewithall to just up and leave. The medical industry and the government are highly aware of the implications of what this whole sordid mess can do to a family. It’s the world we live in now, certainly not the world I was raised to believe in, waaaaay back in the 1950’s when I was in short pants!
Tom says
It is not easy, but more and more people are doing it. The Republic is putting methods in place and starting to train people to help make it easier. If this interests you I suggest listening to the weekly calls and exploring the website.
You will be surprised to find out the original government has been reinhabitated and has an elected executive office along with a functioning congress and judicial branch.
The Republic is a newly inhabited nation much like an Indian nation. Note the US has no jurisdiction over any member of Indian nation’s just like it has no jurisdiction over the members of Republic. However, you must properly leave the US citizen status and that involves ending many adhesion contracts you unknowingly argreed to, but with enough research it can be done.
Your not going to hear this on any major network because the same people that cntrol the government control the media. It was on the networks briefly at the beginning of the reinhabitation but when the media/government realized it was real they stopped covering it. There are some YouTube news clips about it if you look.up when the governors of all 50 states were served notice back on March of 2010.
D. says
@ Tom: You said “If the Stieler family were to remove themselves from the court’s jurisdiction, the State would have no lawful or legal jurisdiction over them- thus giving them back the freedom to choose what is right for their family (just as our founding fathers intended).”
How do they go about “removing” themselves? This is unclear to me.
Tom says
This is going to sound crazy, but if we are humble enough to objectively discern our position relative to God and the government, there may be a solution to issues of freedom such as this. The heading at the top of Kelly’s webpage invites us to bust the “Politically Correct”, so I believe this may be appropriate as well as helpful.
If the Stieler family were to remove themselves from the court’s jurisdiction, the State would have no lawful or legal jurisdiction over them- thus giving them back the freedom to choose what is right for their family (just as our founding fathers intended).
First one must understand that God created man/woman, man created government and government created “citizens”. Upon becoming a citizen, we waive our rights given to us by God in return for privileges granted to us by government, such as the privilege to raise our own children in a manner as we see responsible and fit. If we have to plea with people to keep and raise our own kids is it a right or a privilege?
When the country was originally founded in 1776 as a Republic the “people” were all above the government as God would want. However beginning in the early 1860s that relationship slowly became inverted into the Democracy that we are today. To understand how and why this government relationship has become inverted is too large for the scope of this blog post, but the site given below goes into more detail. This case is a prime example. In a Democracy we only have privileges as seen fit by the majority of the citizens. Where as in a Republic you have God given rights that can not be taken way.
The original Republic for the United States was reinhabited about one year ago where the “people” are in the correct place. I suggest the Stielers look into it. I believe people can be shown how to peacefully and rightfully position themselves as to rid themselves of the chance that the State will ever again be able to kidnap their (our) children. Our prayers go out to the Stielers and others who struggle with questions of civil rights… and may God bless those who strive to do the right thing.
If interested, visit their National Organization at: https://www.republicfortheunitedstates.org/ – The “Republic” has been gathering officially in (nearly?) all 50 states- you will be able to find your state’s group within that site.
Visit the Michigan Republic at Website: https://www.dejurerepublicformichigan.org/
There is a live weekly call for new people interested in the Republic every Wednesday at 9:00. Call Conf #: (424) 203-8000 Code: 819054
Sheila says
If that makes you angry, this one’s even worse: https://www.mommypotamus.com/war-on-cancer-nope-its-a-war-on-cancer-patients/
This family lost their son because the state insisted they put him through a conventional therapy that had a 0% success rate rather than an alternative treatment which was achieving some success. Not only that, but they are now homeless and in debt from all the medical expenses they were forced to incur.
I believe that parents’ rights over their children are not absolute. It may be in some cases (like abuse) that the government may need to intervene. BUT, when it comes to a judgment call over the best treatment, a pair of loving parents are going to do a heck of a lot better job making that decision than some bureaucrat who can’t possibly care as much about that child. They’re not perfect either, but no one has more interest in making sure their child gets well.
Lisa says
If this concerns you as it does me, please take the time to look at Ron Paul. He has always stood for parental rights. As a physician he believes parents should have the right to school their children as they wish, make their own choices on vaccinations and medical care. Our freedoms are quickly eroding and we need to do our part to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
D. says
I agree about Ron Paul. I’m not saying I agree with his ideas 100%, but he’s a lot closer to sanity than anyone else I’ve seen so far from the right wingers. I ordered some bumper stickers from his web site and they are great – can’t wait to put them on my vehicle. The one about abolishing the Fed is my fav.
Cathy F says
The State owns our children. Like it or not, it’s as simple as that. Parents no longer have control over the raising of their own kids. Usually we hear stories such as the one about the 200-pound eight year old to justify why the State “must” intervene in the wellfare of children. But the fact is, it doesn’t matter–any decision we make is subject to the approval of the government. If a neighbor doesn’t like our disciplinary methods, Welfare Services will come in and investigate. If the school thinks your daughter should get birth control or the latest government immunization, you don’t need to know about it. If your son falls out of a bunkbed and breaks his arm, there will be questions – and your parenting ability will be questioned. This is an epidemic of government overreach, and Americans HAVE to push back at every point.
This child will probably never have another issue with cancer if his family is changing its diet to healthful organic food. Probably. But, you know, parents can’t really be trusted to make good decisions — that’s what intellectuals are for, like doctors and teachers….and politicians.
Colleen @ A Misplaced Trust says
Yes, just another example of the 1% controlling the 99%. My question is, why are WE allowing it to happen??? There should not only be safety in numbers, but the 99% should, by sheer number alone, be heard.
D. says
I hate to sound like the proverbial skeptic here, but – – – when you sign those online petitions, you are putting your name and stuff OUT THERE. Do you all realize that? Now they know just who to watch and who to watch for . . . and make no mistake about the fact that we ARE being watched.
Emama says
Thank you for your input. I did think that it was possible in a way but I think I agree with you completely and will opt out next time. Thanks!
Rebekah says
That may be true but I would rather take the fall for something I believed in and know that I did my best, then all of us remain silent, and these measures pass anyway. And they WILL pass if we remain silent.
Look back at history…new movements and the great evil that came when good people did nothing.
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
D. says
Rebekah, I agree with your statements, but the fact is it’s already too late for some of these issues. The people of the USA were not aware of most of these new governmental regulations because we didn’t know the government was even involved in these decisions. We’ve already been “got” as the old saying goes. The medical industry is tied into the child welfare departments of each state and the government is going to back up their claims before “parental rights”, that’s for sure.
My point is this: if we want to be “involved” we need to start by contacting our State reps and let them know how we feel, because ultimately nothing happens higher up the chain unless it starts lower down the chain, ya see? The sad part of it is that much of this gets shoved down the rabbit hole before it ever makes it to the right ears. And even then, we are ignored.
We the people have fewer and fewer rights all the time, and that is the plan.
Heather says
If they’re going to watch you, they’re probably already doing it. Hubs & I have both been active in various pro-freedom movements for many years–including some, like 2nd amendment rights, that the gov’t definitely, no doubt about it because they’ve been caught at it, will put you on watch lists for. Even so, hubs sailed right through all the FBI stuff needed for a military clearance for a job last year. This was the _big_ background check where they interview your friends and everything. I’m not going to let fedgov scare me into sitting down when I should stand up. Let ’em watch me! I’m not doing anything wrong.
Heather says
Oh–I’ve had CPS called on me. The first pediatrician we saw when our eldest was born called them when I decided I wanted a more pro-breastfeeding ped who wouldn’t nag me about vaccinations. They came by, made sure the baby looked okay, and closed the case. Apparently, the doc was enough of a slimeball that he made a habit of calling CPS on ex-patients. The CPS lady wanted to hold the baby (this was on my front steps–you never, EVER, let these people into your house without a warrant!). I politely told her she was welcome to come back and hold the baby when she was off-duty, but it wasn’t going to happen while she was at my house as a CPS worker. A few months later, we moved across the country. I’ve had 2 more kids since then, and the youngest 2 have never seen a dr. What for? They were born at home with a midwife, and none of my kids has ever been sicker than a mild cold!
Kelly says
I second your sentiments! Why should we cower in fear if we aren’t doing anything wrong? Le ’em watch me-it can’t be that exciting!
D. says
@ Heather: The bigger point here, Heather, is that you don’t have to be doing anything wrong.
Heather says
EXACTLY. They are going to put you on some sort of list if you stand up for what you know is right, whether you do anything illegal or not. So you can be afraid of being treated as a criminal, or realize that the endgame is to trump up some reason to treat EVERYONE as a criminal. When millions of people are on “watch lists”, it’s simply not possible, even with modern computers, to actually keep any significant number under watch, or to mess with their lives. As I said, I’m sure hubs and I are both on lists. I would be very surprised to learn otherwise. When hubs was in the process of getting a military security clearance, the FBI was interested in tax stuff whether hubs had smoked pot the first time we lived in Silicon Valley, & how he had managed not to (we moved home to St Louis, and ended up coming back to Silicon Valley, because the military contract job suffered budget cuts, and IT jobs in the midwest are hard to come by). The tech employers here do NOT drug test the programmers. It is simply assumed that they don’t want to know the results.
D. says
If you try to stay under the radar, it can be done. You don’t HAVE to put your name on “lists” in order to help others. Good grief.
Melissa Boersma says
Wonder if anyone could find out the name of his oncologist over at DeVos Children’s Hospital???? I’m thinking we could get the Dr’s name out there and he might think twice about making such a big deal out of a parent’s informed decision next time……just sayin’. This makes me SOOOO mad. Our country and healthcare system (and so many other things) are COMPLETELY out of control.
Erin Stieler says
Look into information on GR WoodTV8 and their local newspaper. On the info you need is in their articles. 🙂
Commenter via Facebook says
@ Pat Robinson, you’re thinking what I’m thinking… A friend suggested we SLAM DeVos Children’s Hospital’s FB page with comments. ( https://www.facebook.com/devoschildrens ) I’m doing so now, please comment on my comment quick in case they remove it!
Beth says
And yet we have debilitated Lyme patients begging for simple antibiotics and being denied right and left. How did it devolve to this state of no respect for informed consent or patient decisions?? (I guess that’s a rhetorical question – so frustrating and scary!).
Will look into the letters and petitions to send.
Commenter via Facebook says
Spectrum Health Media contacts: https://www.spectrumhealth.org/body.cfm?id=679
Commenter via Facebook says
Anne Veltema
Public Relations Coordinator
[email protected]
616.479.3242 pager
616.391.1774 after-hours/weekends (ask for the on-call public relations representative to be paged)
Commenter via Facebook says
John G. ( See Full Name )
Healthcare marketing & communications Genius
Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan
Commenter via Facebook says
Tom Hanley, APR
Director, Community Relations, Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital
Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan
Commenter via Facebook says
here is the hospital’s facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/devoschildrens
the hospital’s foundational board of trustees: https://www.spectrumhealthfoundation.org/body.cfm?id=23
And the foundation’s contact emails: https://www.spectrumhealthfoundation.org/body.cfm?id=21
Commenter via Facebook says
Ask the hospital to provide the required “Patient’s Bill of Rights”. 🙂
Commenter via Facebook says
Toss in the JCAHO requirement that patient’s have a right to informed consent and to refuse care:
[per the hospital website] Anyone believing that he or she has pertinent and valid information about such matters may request a public information interview with The Joint Commission’s field representatives at the time of the survey. Information presented at the interview will be carefully evaluated for relevance to the accreditation process. Requests for a public information interview must be made in writing and should be sent to The Joint Commission no later than five working days before the survey begins. The request must also indicate the nature of the information to be provided at the interview. Such requests should be addressed to:
Division of Accreditation Operations
Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
wendi says
this is the site to give info on doc that receive money from Pharm Comp. I don’t see anywhere the doc name tho..
Commenter via Facebook says
Thank you Shannon for posting this movie about parental rights on my wall, I shared it here so even more would see it: https://www.facebook.com/KellytheKitchenKop/posts/229041340499325
Commenter via Facebook says
@ Pat Robinson – I just contacted a friend at Spectrum asking him who we might contact in their PR dept. Good idea!!! I’ll post it hear when I find out and we can FLOOD their office with complaints!!!!!
Commenter via Facebook says
longer version with details: https://www.miningjournal.net/page/content.detail/id/569036.html
Commenter via Facebook says
In a letter to DHS, a hospital official wrote, “Jacob’s mother’s refusal of standard cancer care represents a clear case of Medical Neglect.” Now the State of Michigan is taking Jacob’s parents to court. https://www.woodtv.com/dpp/news/target_8/Parents-fight-to-stop-cancer-treatment
Commenter via Facebook says
Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital insisted Jacob still needs treatment.
Commenter via Facebook says
Has the PR department of the hospital been contacted regarding the bad PR regarding abuse of parental/patient rights at their hospital?
Commenter via Facebook says
Does someone have contact info for the attorney representing DHS, Diane Heightman?
Commenter via Facebook says
Yikes! Too close to home to not get my attention. I do believe our ‘leaders’ will be hearing from me as well. Thanks for sharing Kelly. Time to get on my soapbox. 😉
Commenter via Facebook says
Check out the details regarding the lack of medical safety and efficacy of the recommended chemotheraphy agents for this boy’s type of tumor and for pediatric use: https://nathanielharrington.blogspot.com/2011/11/jacob-stieler-and-his-cancer-story.html
The MD’s plan of care is not FDA approved. Share these details with any communications to authorities!
Anna says
Letter sent! This is horrific! I hope the outcry will help. Thanks for posting!
Kelly says
This is the email I got Monday from HSLDA:
BREAKING: Farris defends major parental rights case (medical decisions) in Michigan
Dear HSLDA Members and Friends,
Who should make very difficult decisions for children? Parents or doctors?
In March of this year, 8-year-old Jacob Stieler was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, a dangerous bone cancer. His parents took him to a highly-rated children’s oncology center in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Jacob had surgery to remove the tumor, which was followed by several rounds of chemotherapy. The treatment was incredibly difficult, and Jacob’s mom, Erin, told me that when she looked her son in the eyes, she knew in her heart that he simply could not survive many more rounds of these drugs.
Erin and Ken, Jacob’s mom and dad, joined by hundreds of others, prayed for Jacob and his complete recovery. Donate to the Homeschool Freedom Fund to help with this case!
After all of these rounds of chemotherapy were completed, there was a PET scan done to check on the status of the cancer. There was no evidence of cancer detected in Jacob’s body. Jacob’s family and friends rejoiced in his healing—praising God for this wonderful outcome.
But the doctors wanted to give Jacob several more rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, despite the clean PET scan. When asked why they wanted to keep giving Jacob these incredibly dangerous drugs, the doctors replied that this was “the standard of care” for his illness.
Jacob’s parents begged the doctors to make an individual diagnosis, rather than simply following unbending standards. But the doctors were steadfast. All children with this cancer needed multiple rounds of these drugs—regardless of PET scan results, the doctors contended.
Jacob’s parents did extensive study of the side effects of the five different chemotherapy drugs that the doctor wanted to administer. And they believed that the risk of the drugs was far greater than the risk of recurrent cancer, since Jacob had a clean PET scan. They said no to the doctors. No more chemotherapy treatment for now.
But the doctors would not take no for an answer. They called child protective services in Jacob’s county and asked the agency to file charges against the family for medical neglect.
After looking into the matter, both the local CPS agency and the local prosecuting attorney refused to file charges. They believed that the parents were making reasonable decisions for Jacob.
The doctors still would not take no for an answer. They called higher authorities in the state level CPS agency. The doctors had to make several calls before they finally found someone who would agree with them.
As a result of all of these calls, the local CPS agency was pressured into filing medical neglect charges against the parents.
The local prosecutor still refused to take a case against the family, so the state level CPS officials hired an independent private lawyer to serve as the prosecutor against Ken and Erin Stieler.
A jury trial is scheduled for early January to determine if the doctors will be given the authority to take over the medical decision-making for Jacob.
When I heard about this case—and checked out the facts—I knew that I could not sit on the sidelines and watch this family be overrun and parental rights be trashed by well-meaning but overzealous doctors.
I recently flew to Michigan and took the depositions of all three doctors who were scheduled to testify against the family.
Jacob’s treating physician is the key.
I prepared for the depositions by obtaining copies of the official “package inserts” that the FDA requires all drug companies to give to physicians and patients. Undoubtedly, you have seen these inserts when you have picked up prescriptions for your children.
The inserts tell you several things:
• Indicated uses—that is a list of the diseases for which there is evidence that the drug is a safe and effective treatment.
• Warnings—these are strong cautions that indicate serious potential issues.
• Side effects—these disclose all of the potential consequences that arise from taking the drug.
• Approved for children—there is a specific disclaimer on many drugs that indicate whether the drugs have been proven to be safe and effective for children.
“Have all of these drugs been approved by the FDA as safe and effective for children?” I asked Jacob’s treating oncologist.
“Yes,” she replied, they have been FDA-approved for children.
According to the official package inserts that we were able to obtain, she is just flat wrong.
She wanted to continue to give Ifosfamide to Jacob.
The FDA disclosure for this drug says: “Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.”
The oncologist wanted to give Jacob a weeks’ worth of Etoposide.
The FDA disclosure says: “Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.”
The warning on the drug Doxorubicin says: “Pediatric patients are at increased risk for developing delayed cardiotoxicity.” This means that the drug can cause severe harm to a child’s heart—at even higher rates than it can in adults.
In fact, as it turned out, the treating doctor had never even seen, much less read, these official FDA-required package inserts. She did state that she had seen similar information from other sources.
Most of the drugs did not list Jacob’s form of cancer as an “indicated use.” This means that these drugs had not been tested and validated as safe and effective for this particular kind of cancer—even for adults, much less for children.
And then we get to the official warnings and side effects.
In addition to the strong warnings about “congestive heart failure” from Doxorubicin, other drugs the doctor wanted to give were known to have caused cancer—new forms of cancer—in patients being treated for an original cancer. Vincristine’s label is typical of these warnings: “Patients who received chemotherapy with vinchristine sulfate in combination with anticancer drugs known to be carcinogenic have developed second malignancies.” The warning labels say that sometimes these second cancers develop years after the treatment.
All five of the drugs that the doctors want to give Jacob are either known to cause other cancers or have not been fully tested.
Some of the other side effects for these drugs include:
• Damage to the cranial motor nerves
• Serious infections
• Failure of boys to sexually mature
• The inability to father children
• Anorexia
It would take pages to recite all of the warnings and side effects.
Parental rights are increasingly being lost in the medical arena. I am beginning to wonder why physicians even bother asking for parental consent if they will just do an end run around the parents whenever it is convenient for them to do so.
This is not an easy case. It is not a case where a child has a current illness and the treatment is tested and proven to be safe and effective—those cases are easily resolved. The best evidence is that Jacob no longer has objective evidence of cancer. And not a single drug that the doctors want to give Jacob is FDA-approved for children for his kind of cancer.
This is a case where there must be a judgment call—a balancing of risks.
Who makes that call?
The doctor told me during the deposition that she thinks that she should make the call—for every child in this situation. And she would give the same answer every time, rather than making an individual judgment.
I can’t imagine a more clear case of the need for parental rights. This is a decision that requires the wisdom of God.
HSLDA was established to defend parental rights in the context of homeschooling. But the assault on parental rights comes to us on many fronts. This is why we have set up the Homeschool Freedom Fund to enable us to fight important cases for the broader principle of parental rights. Our regular membership fees do not stretch far enough to cover these kinds of cases. We truly need your help to be able to fight for the principles we all hold dear.
If you would like to stand with us in this critical battle for parental rights, I would ask you to send the very best gift you can to the Home School Foundation’s Homeschool Freedom Fund. All gifts to HSF are tax-deductible.
This trial is coming soon—we will send out email alerts if there is any change in the schedule.
Fighting a case of this magnitude is an expensive proposition. I hope you will be as generous as possible so that we may cover travel costs, local counsel, and deposition expenses—for this case and future cases where justice demands action to preserve freedom.
Our nation was founded upon the traditions of Western Civilization. This civilization was founded on the principles of the Word of God. God gives children to parents—not to the state, and not to doctors. In cases like this one, our legal system must remain steadfast in following the principle that God has delegated these kinds of decisions to parents, not to doctors, social workers, or courts.
Please pray for the Stieler family’s case and help as best you can. Thank you.
Michael Farris
HSLDA Chairman
Desiree says
Wow, thanks for the information. Makes it all crystal clear. Thank you sincerely for writing all that and i agree 100%. They are in my prayers, as well as the doctors that need to be shown the light. I believe they THINK they have the best interests of patients at heart, but their perspective has been convoluted by the mainstream medical M.O. Shoot first, ask questions later. Protocol is not protocol. Treating the patient as an individual is a lost art in the medical field. Call a naturopath if you want to let the healing begin, before dis-ease takes hold.
Commenter via Facebook says
I got the same response
Commenter via Facebook says
The court should never have been involved in the first place. These parents are clearly not negligent!
KitchenKop says
Has anyone gotten this reply from the governor’s office yet?
“Dear Kelly,
Thank you for your recent correspondence to Governor Snyder’s office. The Governor asked that I respond on his behalf.
In regards to Jacob Stieler’s case, the appropriate officials at the Department of Human Services are involved in this matter. The Marquette Court has experienced the recusal of two jurist in this case due to conflicts of interest.
The court will decide at an upcoming hearing whether there is sufficient evidence to warrant further involvement by the department. DHS is not recommending removal of this child, and will continue to support the family and child as best we can and as directed by the court.
Thank you again for contacting Governor Snyder’s office. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Janelle A. Arbuckle
Constituent Relations Specialist
Office of the Governor
Constituent Relations Division”
Colleen @ A Misplaced Trust says
Yes, I got it.
Erin Stieler says
Hi everyone! I am the Mom of this story and I want to thank everyone for the prayers and support. I’ve enjoyed reading all of your comments, but this one got to me the most. Probably because we’ve written to Gov. Rick Snyder and never heard a word back. At least you did!
DHS out of Lansing filed the petition after the pressure from Jacob’s doctor along with other Dr.’s at the hospital, but I believe that it was mostly due in part by a Child Abuse Dr. from another hospital downstate. Jacob had never seen her nor had we ever spoken to her, but she has gotten herself involved far more than the others. Just insane!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Hi Erin, I’m so glad you’re here so you can feel our big group hug to you. 🙂
I have a new idea today (after we get our Christmas tree), my next social media push today is to encourage DeVos Children’s Hosp. to fire the oncologist who began this whole mess!!
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Ok scratch that last, Kent doesn’t think I should work that angle, so today we’ll keep up with the DROP THIS CASE pressure, please go to the Children’s Hosp page & comment again & “like”/comment more on all FB posts supporting the family!
And on an unimportant-compared-to-this-case note, what’s w/ the rain on the day we were going to the Santa parade & getting our tree?!
Kelly says
According to the email I got from HSLDA, the local CPS authorities looked into the matter and refused to take any action against the parents, but the doctor wouldn’t let it go and continued on up the ladder until he convinced someone to take the case. The prosecutor won’t accept it and the state hired an outside attorney! Isn’t that ridiculous?! The Parental Rights Amendment is needed for so many reasons, but our Founding Fathers probably never expected that anyone would ever challenge a parent’s rights to do what they think is best for their children. After sending letters to Michigan’s authorities, please sign the Parental Rights Amendment.
Colleen @ A Misplaced Trust says
Are you kidding me???? Where does this doctor get off trying to play God??? He had to hire an out of state attorney because no one in his own state wanted to take his case???!!! Wonder why bozo??!! Sounds like we’ve got a doctor trying to make a name for himself with an ambulance-chaser attorney! God help us all!!!!!
Signed the petition!
D. says
A lot of what happens in bozomedicine today also has to do with the injurious notions inflicted upon each and every arm of health care by the insurance industry.
Say you’re in an accident and you end up in the ER through no fault of your own. If you have great insurance, you’ll have mega-care, most of it unnecessary. If you have mediocre insurance, you’ll get mediocre care – a step UP from mega-care! If you have no insurance, you’ll get some standard care – a bigger step UP – and you’ll be much better off for it, too. The less intervention on the part of the doctors, the better off we tend to be – and stay. And everyone wonders why I don’t want insurance?? I’ll take less of their care and go bankrupt paying for it, even though sub-standard, if that’s what I have to do to stay well. Insurance is not your friend.
Commenter via Facebook says
Upon posting this on my wall (Modern Alternative Mama) one of my local readers informed me there’s a similar situation going on in my area, which hasn’t been made public yet. The family’s being bullied by doctors into accepting a 2-year treatment plan, with no room for informed consent on each step of the way. This is far more common than we know it is, most parents do not step up and fight, they are too afraid. It is so, so important to fight this in every possible legal way.
Commenter via Facebook says
That just makes me feel sick to my stomach.
Commenter via Facebook says
And some think taking antibiotics “just in case” is bad…. :-/
Colleen V. says
Praying and posted on facebook and twitter.
Amber J says
This is terrible! Being a parent of two small children, one who has “asthma” I have actually been in a situation with a doctor threatening me for not following what he felt was the best for my child. I will email these people today and keep positive thoughts for this family to be able todecide the right treatment course to follow . Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Colleen @ A Misplaced Trust says
Hello Amber! I feel you rain. When my son was about 2 I took him to the doctor as he was VERY congested. Immediately the doctor tested his airways, spouted some number and pronounced that he had asthma. I was then prescribed steroids, a breathing machine, etc. I was so skeptical. I bought everything I was prescribed, but when I got home I just couldn’t give my baby steroids. So, I gave him the treatments with just saline solution. I took him back the next day and he had improved 90%. The doctor said to me, “aren’t those steroids miracle workers?” Ha! I never said a word, but we changed pediatricians shortly thereafter.
When my son was about 6 he had chronic ear infections to the point that they would not clear and he was on antibiotics for several months. At one point, the doctor suggested that we consider having tubes put in his ears, I absolutely refused. When we finally took him off the antibiotics (luckily he was in no pain) and allowed his body to take over, the ear infections went away and eventually his immunity took over.
It just goers to show that doctors are NOT always right and moms do KNOW BEST!!!!
Stanley Fishman says
This is downright evil. To poison a child who is cancer free because of some drug ” protocol” is barbaric, cruel, and horrifying.
I wonder how many people know that oncologists make a lot of their money by selling chemotherapy drugs to their patients.
Doctors are forbidden by law to sell other drugs, because of the obvious conflict of interest, But Chemo drugs, the most poisonous and dangerous of all, are an exception to that rule.
I think we need to repeal that exception, because it gives oncologists a huge financial reward for prescribing chemotherapy drugs, which destroy the entire body, including the immune system.
Gilla says
This is close to my heart, since I have a 15 year old with health issues and a 3 year old with down syndrome. I get a sick feeling in my stomach when I read about what these families are going through 🙁 Thankfully my 15 year old is very well educated by ME and almost 16 so at this point she legally can make her own decisions. I know the feeling of being judged a certain way for making educated decisions and choosing to homebirth, homeschool and eat and treat ourselves a bit differently than most. It is a fine line to walk and takes a lot of energy to do the research, get educated, consult with some amazing doctors and healers who are helping to cure and heal people everyday, yet are not considered within the “standard of care” system. It takes a lot of energy to always think ahead about what to say and how to say it and what not to say and who to say it to…..And try to maintain a good and respectful relationship with all our healthcare professionals and always having that thought at the back of my mind, the” what if”…what are our options? how will we deal with it legally?
who will be on our side? It is every parents worst nightmare to have their precious child suffer at the hands of someone else who deems their right and superiority over the parents!! We have to band together and rally up support !!!!
Paula says
Gilla, make sure and watch the Parental Rights video.
When it comes down to, it, you actually have no rights over your children’s healthcare, according to state laws.
As long as a parent toes the line with the medical establishment, then they will never know this, but the second the parent tries to overrule the Dr. they will find out otherwise.
We desperately need the Parental Rights Amendment to be approved!
D. says
Exactly. You, as a parent, think you’re in control of your child’s life. But just question your pediatrician once – just once – and you’ll find out who really has the control.
Colleen @ A Misplaced Trust says
Wow Kelly! This makes me so angry I want to pull hair! I am appalled that our “freedoms” and “right to choose” are being stripped away by BigPharma and the doctors who are in bed with them!!! I have been very concerned with the recent push of vaccines – the flu vaccine – and especially the Gardasil approval for boys – which is complete nonsense and a direct response to the small number of girls actually getting it, hence they aren’t making enough money!!!
But to force poison onto a child who has been cleared of a disease just because it’s “protocol” is ridiculous and seems to me would weaken his already depleted system and allow God only knows what to invade his body, including allowing the cancer to strike again.
I’m writing those letters and I’m going to include the Informed Consent part (thanks Jill). It’s only when we let these government entities know that we know our rights and are not going to be pushed around that we will succeed! Based on Informed Consent alone this case should be dropped. I cannot imagine a court in this world that would force this kind of punishment on a child – unless they too are going to hell in a hand basket with the docs and BigPharma. Shame on the attorneys who are supporting the state and the docs!
Linda says
I can’t tell you how much this upsets me. I get so angry every time I read something like this. Yes, I will email these senators. It’s going to take thousands of people shouting out to really get their attention.
Maryjane says
Forgive me for the shameless plug, but this case is EXACTLY why we need the Parental Rights Amendment (https://www.parentalrights.org)!! This is why Michael Farris, the president of ParentalRights.org, is coming to Michigan to defend this family in court. Parental rights are NOT recognized in the U.S. Constitution, and are slowly being stripped away in our courts, our schools, and our hospitals.
It’s not only our right to feed our children healthy food that is threatened. The state is attempting to control every aspect of children’s lives, because it thinks it knows better!
Heather says
Thanks for the info. I’m going to check out the website. On the surface it looks like something we shouldn’t need but clearly do. If you know of anything else Mr. Farris recommends we do to help please tell us. The more we can do to stop the persecution of this family the better.
KitchenKop says
I just signed their petition: https://www.thedatabank.com/dpg/385/personal2.asp?formid=signup
susan says
i signed it!
Colleen @ A Misplaced Trust says
I signed it!
Jill says
Signed it too!
Stanley Fishman says
Adrienne @ Whole New Mom says
God help us. This nation is become socialistic and nanny state like. When will we all wake up? I will take care of this today and will put on FB on Twitter. Numerous times. Thanks! Oh – and I’m going to pray too. 🙂
Wendy says
Point taken, but there is an important distinction. When corporations influence/control government decisions, it is called Fascism.
Andrea says
[email protected] says
Hi Kelly,
Isn’t this a parent’s worse nightmare? This is an incredible infringement on the right of a parent to make intelligent decisions in the best interest of their child. It wouldn’t surprise me if that doctor had a financial interest in the treatment protocol. Thanks for the post — I’m going to write those letters today!
Jill says
Tragically, this is the direction healthcare is going. On one hand, standard of care protocol is based on statistical outcomes based on treatment protocols and is meant to ensure the best possible outcome, but there is a very, very important piece missing here, and that is a principle of patient freedom that was established in 1946 as a result of the Doctor’s Trial at Nuremberg after World War II. It is the principle of Informed Consent. Informed Consent means that patients have the right to accept or refuse a medical treatment, whether it be a vaccine, surgical procedure, drug, or whatever, according to their own judgement after evaluating all of the risks versus benefits of the treatment. It is supposed to protect patients from exploitation by powerful corporations or any entities that would try to put their (the corporation or entity) agenda above that basic human right.
In this case, the medical establishment, not the least of which is the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the drug treatment, stands to lose $60,000 a month for the length treatment time! It is possible that the doctor or hospital may only be paid by the insurance company IF that standard of care protocol is followed to the T. But in a system where a patient or patient’s parents get taken to COURT for exercising their basic right to Informed Consent, the patient gets completely lost in that system. And the system was originally put in place FOR the patient to serve THEM–the patient is supposed to be the client and the doctor/hospital/medical establishment is supposed to serve and work for the patient, not the other way around.
Another factor that is an important part of Informed Consent, but of course would be difficult to argue in our increasingly secular nation, is that because parents are responsible for their children, they are in the best position, spiritually, to “know” what is best for their children. How many times has a parent just had a “feeling” that something was right or wrong for their child and later was either extremely thankful they went with that gut feeling or terribly regretful that they didn’t? Parents are in a better position than any other person on earth to supernaturally hear God’s instructions for their children.
Heather says
Thank you for bring up Informed Consent. It amazes me that it is forgotten so often or that the right to refuse is somehow treated as a separate issue. You cannot have true consent if you don’t have the right to refuse.
Jill says
Here is a link to a short article that talks about Informed Consent and a little of the history of how the principle came to be established. This is an issue we are about to deal with because my husband is a health care worker and his hospital is now mandating flu vaccines for employees. It’s happening all over the country and people are losing their jobs over it. Truly, our rights are being stripped away right under our noses and will continue to happen if people remain uninformed and compliant. This article is from the National Vaccine Information Center site: https://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/September-2010/Forcing-Flu-Shots-on-Health-Care-Workers-Who-Is-N.aspx
Stanley Fishman says
Jill, I actually think standard of care protocol is based on profit, not benefit to the patient. The studies it is based on are almost always funded by drug companies and others who make money off disease and sickness, and this has a huge impact on the study results.
Heather says
So these parents are basically middle of the road when it comes to medicine- improving health with nutrition and homeopathy but willing to use the tools of modern medicine when a truly grave situation arises.
And they wonder why people take radical ( in their opinion), all or nothing positions?
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
I think that’s part of the reason that this story bothers me so much, I feel like we’re sort of middle of the road on certain issues, too, and they just are NOT a ‘radical’ family in any way, yet they’re still being persecuted. Even if they were ‘radical’ in the eyes of some, the choices for their family should be theirs.
The more I think about this, the more I wonder if there isn’t something else we should all be doing/organizing, instead of waiting & hoping that ‘the powers that be’ will do the right thing…
wendi says
Rally at the court house. I would so be there if I lived there!!!! : /
Musings of a Housewife says
This kind of thing is so incredibly upsetting, I can’t even IMAGINE what those parents are going through. Thanks for sharing and keeping us informed.
Krissy says
Thanks Kelly, sent already!
anna says
ValerieH says
THat oncologist has an ego larger than Lake Michigan. He should not have this kind of power. State agencies should investigate claims but have the sense to drop things that make no sense. There are REAL cases for the social agencies to deal with!