Finding exercise time is a challenge for most of us.
Obviously, we're all probably on the same page and agree that moving is important, especially if your job requires a lot of sitting, like mine does! (Although do you believe like I do that a healthy diet is still #1? If you're drinking soda and eating fast food, well then exercise can't fix that.)
I've got a few tips for you today, on the first day of 2015, but I certainly don't always implement these like I should. Whether it's that we're “too busy to exercise”, or maybe you don't feel good, OR if our hormones are messing with us (as I explained in this menopause post, that stage in life can take away your ambition to exercise!), there's always something that can get in our way.
So we need to be creative…
Here are my ideas for finding exercise time, but mostly I want to hear what YOUR favorite creative tips are, please share in the comments!
1. Use your time wisely: Go for a walk and make phone calls on your cell phone, catch up with your girlfriends! (Or invite them along if they're close by.)
2. Get a treadmill desk and multi-task — there are many different types and price-ranges at that link (be sure and check the ratings): you can work on your laptop — you'll just have to walk more slowly, or read a juicy novel! (If you don't have the funds to buy one, have someone make you a treadmill desk like my brother did for me.)
3. This one isn't time related, but it's important: Find what you love. In the summer, rollerblading is my FAV. And walking with friends is another biggie. What's yours?
You're up!
As we begin the new year, share YOUR creative ideas for finding exercise time and making it happen. Let's help each other!
Also, please share this post with the buttons below and help get the message out to more people. 🙂
Related posts on new starts and exercising:
- Some very good basics to start off your 2015 right! And here's another New Year's post for those wanting a simple list of ways to start slowly eating better…
- 4 Tips for Beginning Runners (I wish someone had told me these before… And if I could do it, YOU can do it!) Here's my other post about running: Another 5K Run…almost as unimpressive as the first!
- Anyone have a Bowflex home gym? We do but we go in streaks using it, which is normal I think. We figure it's cheaper to buy one of these and use it sporadically vs. a gym membership that costs you money during the times you're not using it.
Alice says
Here are some of mine:
Bike or walk to work/school
Bike to the grocery store
Walk over to a friend’s house
Walk or bike to the coffee shop
As long as it’s at least 10 minutes and getting your heart rate up, it’s exercise!
Kelly Murray Shelton via Facebook says
I plan to get back into exercising. I used to walk 5-7 days a week when I owned my own home in a nice neighborhood…I prefer walking outside and alone…really gives me time to think and rejuvenate. But I sold my house and moved to be nearer my grandkids and apartment living isn’t really for me as far as finding a suitable place to walk (really the only exercise I like). So I’ve put on weight and must figure something out quick. No more excuses. 🙂
Carol Woodside Guenzel via Facebook says
I exercised five days a week without fail simce I was eighteen until about four years ago (I am now 60) when I started to experience intense back pain which I later found out was DDD (degenerative disc disease) and can no longer do anything. When faced with a life on pain pills (I refuse to take them and endure full tilt pain so I lay around a lot to prevent the pain) and/or surgery I decided to see a functional nutritionist and it was discovered that my adrenals were in failure. Adrenal hormones play a large part in rebuilding disc wall cells so I have been on a diet to heal them and am hoping that this helps my body to reinforce those disc cell walls and I can get back to my life and exercising. I so miss it and actually went through a sort of withdrawal.
KitchenKop says
Wow, Carol, that’s awesome that you found out about that connection (thank God for those NON-conventional professionals who look outside the box!), I’d never have put that together!!! I’ll say a prayer that you are healed soon.
Michelle says
I just started back to doing T-Tapp and am loving it. Once my wrist heals, I’m also going to add yogo to my routine.
The thing that I love about T-Tapp is that it’s a total body workout in not a lot of time.
Soli says
Do what you can as your health permits. Part of my recovery program for my endocrine problems is not pushing myself physically. But when I can, I use a rebounder, and do belly dance lessons. Last year I also bought an exercise bike with a laptop desk. Still is not set up and I want to do that soon.
Happy New Year!
KitchenKop says
Ooooh, that bike sounds awesome!!!
Happy new year Soli,
Soli says
Oh and last year I did purchase T-Tapp More, which is designed for people of size, older people, people with joint issues or adrenal problems. I love it! Teresa Tapp is very respectful, does not put an emphasis on shrinking fast and is more about fitness and good health. (Even if her literature tells people to eat low fat.)
Grace says
I use t tapp and I do workouts when my children are napping or only one is awake. It’s a video workout and since there’s no jumping involved, it’s easy on my joints. They have different workouts, the Basic workout plus is only fifteen minutes, but you can see results in inch loads just doing that everyday. Right now my favorite is the Total Workout whic is fifty five ish minutes and has plenty or high intensity and stretching combined so I never feel like I gave to quit because I am too tired. I am also using dry brushing to help lose the extra skin that came with my last pregnancy and birth. Look it up on there is a couple videos specifically for going through menopause that may interest you. Blessings!
KitchenKop says
I’ll check it out, thanks Grace!