While most everyone in my world is definitely not planning to get the jab, I know that a few of you ARE planning to get it or at least considering it. This post is not meant to shame anyone on either side! I know that some of you or your close loved ones have risk factors that make the option more appealing to you or you may even see it as necessary.
I would just encourage you to PLEASE READ MORE BELOW before making your final decision.
I know everyone is busy, but you owe it to yourself to be informed first and take at least a few minutes to look through this post.
Don’t blindly follow your doctor or even your pastor, take their advice into consideration, of course, but always research for yourself. There is SO much not being shared in the mainstream, so your pastor may not know any of this and your doc is likely only in circles where none of this is brought to light either!
Definitely don't blindly believe anything you read here either, because as you know I'm not a doctor or anywhere close! I hope you'll dig in to learn more, I just want to make sure you're informed of BOTH sides first.
Certainly don't let things like the following push you into it before researching more. Things like:
- “I'm tired of not seeing my parents/grandchildren/friends, etc. and I just want all of this to be OVER!“
- “I'm tired of wearing a mask.“
- Either you or someone who lives with you is in a high-risk category.
- Maybe it's affecting your job or your ability to run your business.
- In case the shot becomes mandatory (Lord help us), you want to have the freedom to travel.
- “I know someone who had Covid and was sick for 3 weeks!”
These are not small things, as we all know well, but your long-term health is an even bigger issue, so you MUST at least look through the below links and videos first.
- Besides, they've said that getting the shot will NOT change the need for masks or social distancing, see here and here. So you won't “get your life back” as you've been led to believe.
- As important as jobs and traveling are (we love traveling too!), still our long-term health is a higher priority! Being sick for 3 weeks is no fun (and not common), but it's nothing compared to a lifetime of health issues from a shot that is still being investigated for safety. It won't hurt to just wait since there's too much we don't know yet.
- If you or a loved one is high risk, all the more reason not to take this decision lightly. If you're high-risk, you need be even more careful about what you're putting into your body that could affect your immune system! If your loved one is high risk, is that a reason to put your health in jeopardy with an experimental shot that we don't know for sure actually prevents anything? (See below where all 3 vaccine manufacturers admit that the FDA has NOT approved their shots!)
NOTE: See my post here about preventing Covid or natural suggestions that work if you do get it and my newer post about how to get the “forbidden” Covid meds.
Keep in mind that if you decide not to get it, you're not taking as big of a risk as you've been led to believe in the mainstream.
Remember the high recovery rates: percentages in the high 90's from all sources including the CDC! Does that mean that people don't die from Covid? Of course not, we all probably know someone who has, maybe even someone young and healthy and of course that's tragic. There are always risks with living, but most people will recover, especially with the treatment options that the mainstream isn't telling us about. We must all decide which choice is more risky.
If you do decide that the shot is too risky, what to do instead?
Follow the prevention steps here, and if you do get it, have these remedies on hand. Also ask your doc about the meds and supplements that ARE working! –> More on that below, including what Dr. Mercola recommends and what he said has worked 100% of the time.
Please look through the following, so you can make an INFORMED decision:
- Well written and easy to understand: 18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting the Covid Shot.
- Florida attorney Jeff Childers: A new (updated) pre-print study titled “Risk of myocarditis following sequential Covid-19 vaccinations by age and sex” concludes that, for males under 40 years old, the risk of myocarditis from the injections is HIGHER than the risk of myocarditis from Covid infection. So.Link. You know, if we had a well-funded government agency devoted to studying safety and efficacy of drugs, this study might generate some interest. Oh well. Maybe next pandemic.
- The truth about the experimental CV's–watch the video below. Here are the main problems Dr. Simone Gold sees with these “vaccines”:
- This is brand new mRNA technology.
- There has been a tremendous failure of previous Coronavirus vaccines.
- No independently pubished animal studies.
- Known complications: 1. At 25:48 she explains how this could cause the immune system to overreact if they're exposed to the actual virus. (Called, “Antibody dependent enhancement reaction” or “Pathogenic priming“.) 2. Risk of neurological complications (such as transverse myelitis, Bells Palsy, Guillain–Barré syndrome and more). 3. Other unknown complications that we just don't know enough about, such as the potential for fertility problems. (Why are younger and younger people getting this shot?!)
- There's no proof that this stops transmission or that it reduces mortality. (And the odds of dying from Covid are already incredibly low!)
- Even if it does work, we don't know how long immunity lasts, that's another big unknown.
- “Should we accept the risk that comes with injecting 100 million of our healthy population with something that we don't know enough about yet to know if it's safe? Especially based on prior failed Sars Coronavirus vaccine attempts. What if we've given this shot to all our military, all our healthcare workers and first responders, and our police officers, and what if they get exposed to the virus and 30% of them have this antibody dependent enhancement reaction?! I'm not saying this is going to happen, but we just don't know enough about it yet! We're not saying this is definitely unsafe, we're just saying we don't know.“
- IMPORTANT: See minute 51:02 for what to do to preserve your right to choose whether or not you will get this shot. We don't want this to become mandatory at your workplace, or in order to fly or go into restaurants or schools: Go here to sign the petition!
- ***If you're short on time, just watch this video starting at minute 22:55:
- Or watch this one: COVID MISTAKES, only 30 minutes long and so informative! At the end he also talks about what can be used for those with long-term symptoms after having Covid.
- New York Post: 23 Die in Norway After Receiving the Covid shot. Have you heard this on mainstream media?
- New York Times As Millions Get Shots, F.D.A. Struggles to Get Safety Monitoring System Running: “More than 35 million Americans have received Covid vaccines, but the much-touted system the government designed to monitor any dangerous reactions won’t be capable of analyzing safety data for weeks or months, according to numerous federal health officials. For now, federal regulators are counting on a patchwork of existing programs that they acknowledge are inadequate because of small sample size, missing critical data or other problems.” Watch a video on this here. Also this video explains how Pfizer and other Covid vaccine manufacturers are unblinding their safety studies after only 6 months, so this will wipe out any chance to learn more about long term adverse effects!
- This is also a must-watch with another doctor with very solid credentials. Parts of that are downright scary, such as the part beginning at minute 20:45 where she explains more about the Antibody dependent enhancement reaction in previous Coronavirus animal studies. (This was on Youtube but it was taken down.)
- Two words that should never be in a sentence together: “rushing” and “science”. “The government's been trying to develop a coronavirus vaccine for 30 years and it's been unsuccessful.“
- Read the short “story at a glance” section here at the top. “While Pfizer claims its vaccine is 95% effective, this is the relative risk reduction. The absolute risk reduction is actually less than 1%. This is the typical Big Pharma trick: confusing absolute and relative risks.”
- What to do if you're injured by the C19V. Immune Dysfunction Expert, Dr. James Neuenschwander: “There ARE people who are injured by vaccines and it's NOT one in a million.” Note that only 1% of adverse events ever get reported.
- Report reactions and injuries here: InjuredByCovidVaccine.com.
- Concerned About Mandatory Vaccination In The Workplace Or School? (Many references included.)
- Besides all of the above, the virus is always mutating/changing, *as viruses do*, so just like the flu shot every year, efficacy is low so you'd be taking this risk for very little benefit! “Scientists had predicted that the coronavirus would evolve and might acquire new mutations that would thwart vaccines, but few researchers expected it to happen so soon.”
Soooo, it'll likely require boosters… “But some scientists said that the adjusted vaccines should not have to go through the same level of scrutiny, including extensive clinical trials, that the original versions did. The influenza vaccine is updated each year to account for new strains without an extensive approval process.” Wouldn't want to let an “extensive approval process” or double checking on safety slow down profits. (Sorry I let my sarcasm slip in there.) This should freak us out! Source.
- Do you realize how much drug manufacturers are making from these vaccines? BILLIONS. Also there's more here.
- Did you know that vaccine companies are NOT LIABLE for any vaccine-related injuries?! See these key points from this CNBC article: 1. Under the PREP Act, companies like Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines. 2. A little-known government program provides benefits to people who can prove they suffered serious injury from a vaccine. 3. That program rarely pays, covering just 29 claims over the last decade.
- Drug companies aren't the only ones making bank with these new shots: “Immunization services represent a significant financial opportunity for pharmacies as well, with the vaccine market expected to reach $49.27 billion by 2022, up from $32.31 billion in 2016, at a compound annual growth rate of 7.5%. 3 Notably, pharmacists can generate revenue from both the immunization services and the additional business brought in by patients seeking vaccination.” That's a $17 BILLION revenue increase from 2016-2022. (Source.)
- According to the CDC, 2.7 percent of vaccine recipients were “unable to perform normal daily activities or go to work” after getting a COVID shot. Just today (2/18/21) I'm hearing from my family in the town where we grew up that many schools there and in surrounding areas are closed down due to so many staff reactions from the second shot. I've looked and can't find this anywhere in the news. Maybe it's somewhere, but I can't find it.
- Also I haven't yet mentioned the inflated Covid mortality death rates. Don't we all know someone who died of something totally unrelated to Covid but that's what was listed as the cause of death?! This happened with my friend whose brother died of a heart attack, she had to fight to get that removed from his death certificate. Even the CDC Director admits to to this: “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield acknowledged Friday that the number of COVID-19 deaths could be inflated where someone who had the virus actually died from something else, but it was recorded as a COVID death.” “I think you’re correct in that we've seen this in other disease processes too. Early in the HIV epidemic, somebody may have a heart attack but also have HIV. The hospital would prefer the DRG for HIV because there is greater reimbursement.” (Source.)
- These are unapproved shots, as you can see from the screenshots I took on the FDA website:
–> Sources for the fact sheets that the above screenshots were taken from on FDA's website: Moderna, Pfizer, Janssen/J&J. The AstraZeneca fact sheet has different yet still fishy wording.
***Note that the risks mentioned above are only the immediate possible health events, the HUGE and obvious unknown is this:
What happens to our health in a month or 3 months or a year or a couple of years or more?? These are things that likely can't be traced back to the shot, like cancer or auto-immune conditions, but manufacturers have no liability anyway as mentioned above! If you already have risk factors, should you add another attack onto your immune system?!
- Covid Vax talking points from the WAPF covering the 7 major issues… (clickable reference links here)
- What about the medicines that are being used successfully in the Covid patients who become very ill? Can't we skip the Vax and just ask our doctors for these, if and when we need it?
- Watch this video for more from Dr. Peter McCullough. We haven't heard much about these in the mainstream, but they could make the risks of a jab completely unnecessary!
- One more with Dr. Lee Merrit on the anti-viral meds that have been successful at treating viruses like Covid and the flu.
- See what India is doing for less than $3 per person that has caused a dramatic drop in cases. NPR even had an article about this, BUT to them it was a complete mystery as to why cases were plummeting–no mention at all about what's working! (When I posted about this on Facebook it got censored and removed!) Why isn't this info more well-known? If people knew this, do you think they'd be as desperate to get the very new experimental shot so they can “get their lives back”??? Yes this is and has been a quickly-evolving situation and there may be more to this story than I know about, but shouldn't the entire truth be out there and available?!
- OR instead of the above, Dr. Mercola said in a recent interview that he'd skip the above medications and use this therapy with a nebulizer for any respiratory symptoms. He also said that he hasn't seen anyone that this hasn't helped.
- Watch this for more info, Truth, Lies, & Misconceptions:
- This has already been rolled out in other countries! “The Vaccine Passport Platform is the same platform as China's social credit system. When you act like a good citizen, you get a boost but when you act like a “bad” citizen you face dire consequences.” — “This is the most dangerous tool that humanity has faced in my lifetime, or EVER, when it comes to liberty.”
- Vaccine injuries by state.
- Watch this doctor explain what happened when he really dug in to learn more about vaccines and the CDC. (This was way before Covid, but still completely relevant…) A doctor's tearful apology on behalf of the medical community.
- Did you see this one in case you get the actual virus? It's updated with info on prevention too!
p.s. I don't know yet if I will risk putting this on the censored social media sites (Twitter-Facebook-Instagram), but I will be putting it on Gab & MeWe, so be sure to follow me on these platforms where I'll likely be posting more and more as time goes on, and especially if/when I'm knocked off the others:
- Gab: @KellytheKitchenKop or here.
- MeWe: @KitchenKop or here.
- If ever you need to reach me, email is still best: [email protected].
Last thing: just to make sure you know that I'm NOT going political on you here, I was posting about these censorship issues–mostly related to vaccines–long before all of the recent controversy: here in 2015: the truth is up for grabs?! and here in 2019: they're trying to control our thinking.
Sasha says
Thank you so much, you’re very brave to put this out there in this climate of censorship. The misinformation and coercion taking place is extremely troubling, and I am very worried about a mandate. It would, however, be the only way they could get this toxic injection into my body, through pure force and fully against my will. I will not make it easy for them to attempt to do so, I just got a book on Houdini:)
Renee says
Wow, Kel- great resources! I wish I could upload this out to the whole world, so people could make real educated decisions!
KitchenKop says
I know Renee, me too…
Becky Barranca says
Thank you so much for putting this important information together!!
Kristina says
This all makes sense to me. Thank you for putting the information out there. My concern is that they will make it mandatory for travel.
KitchenKop says
Yes, us too. Sadly if that happens, we won’t be going anywhere because our health is not worth the risk.
Rust says
So glad to see you have Dr. Lee Merritt’s video here. She makes so much sense. Great info!
Pamela says
What about someone who has preexisting conditions that makes them more at risk for Covid-19 problems? My husband has cancer AND type 2 diabetes (caused by the tumors). The diabetes and COVID could prove to be fatal for him.
KitchenKop says
Hi Pamela,
So sorry that you’re going through so much right now. To answer your question… Everyone will have to decide for themselves, I’ll just say that if someone is high risk, it seems to me that the shot would be even riskier for them! Just be sure to read through everything in the post and then decide.