If YOU are overwhelmed and stressed, and healthy food isn't high on the priority list right now, this post is for you!
Today while running errands I heard a radio program talking about a family deep in debt. I came home to a message on my machine from a friend in need of prayers for her Dad, who was just told he has about a year to live. I waved to a friend dropping her kids off at school today who is a single Mom. I know of two different marriages right now that are really struggling. I spoke to Kent's Mom the other day about going to visit her husband in the nursing home on their 46th anniversary – he has early-onset Alzheimers. I could go on and on, and I'll bet you could, too.
Where am I going with this and what does it have to do with health and nutrition?
I want you to know I realize that for many of you, trying to eat healthier is the least of your worries right now. Maybe you're carrying a major load on your shoulders, or maybe you have many “smaller” issues that make you feel beaten down on a daily basis. I want to give you hope and maybe a little peace today, too.
All you can do is all you can do
When it comes to what you're eating or feeding your family, just do the best you can, and don't beat yourself up over the rest. Maybe you could start here, check out the rookie tips and leave it at that for now. If you think you can handle more, great, but if your life is more about survival these days than anything else, I doubt issues like trans fats and genetically modified organisms are real high on your radar at the moment. Besides, stress is probably just as bad for our health as eating junk food is! Later, when things calm down, you can add more healthy habits. Until then I hope you'll just keep reading and learning, so when you're able to do more, you'll be ready and have the knowledge to do it. (Don't forget, if you don't already get my email updates, click here to get a bunch of free beginner guides.)
It's all a process!
Remember this is all a journey anyway. Maybe some people who have been doing this for many years have a better handle on eating and living well than others, but I think most people are like me and still have their share of “Dark Secrets“. Even those with fairly stable lives at the moment still can't change everything at once, and it's SO easy to get overwhelmed with all of this at times. Whether your current struggle is a not-enough-time issue (that's my own biggest struggle at the moment, and I'm thankful it's not something worse), a financial issue, a health issue, or an emotional issue, whatever it is and no matter what is going on in your life, don't panic if you feel like you have a long way to go in the area of eating healthy. You're not alone, and if you're concerned enough about your health to even be reading this, you're way ahead of most people already!
Most importantly, if YOU are overwhelmed and stressed right now…
I will pray for you! Whoever and wherever you are right now in this world, God can hear me and He knows I'm talking to Him about you. I'll pray that you're able to hang in there as you get through whatever is weighing you down today, and that you have a peaceful heart even in the midst of your struggles. I have never dealt specifically with whatever is causing your pain right now, but I have had some difficult times, and learned to trust in Him even more. (Check out my other blog, “Christianity 101” for more about that.) He's a considerate God, He doesn't barge into your life without being asked, but the moment you take that step, He's ready to flood your life with love and peace, and the courage to face whatever life brings you!
More that might help:
- Read about how I brought some peace back to my life!
- By the way, a big thing that causes people to feel overwhelmed and stressed is money. If you want to get out of debt, which takes the pressure off families big time, this guy is someone you need to know — he not only gives you the tools to do so, but he motivates you and gives you hope! Thankfully Kent and I only owe on our house, but I still love to listen to him. His book, The Total Money Makeover, is about how to have financial peace in your life. And have you seen my post, 5 Dave Ramsey Money Principles compared to 5 Kitchen Kop Real Food Principles?
- Cod liver oil and vitamin D is great to help ease stress and depression symptoms – often people get “winter blues” and these help with that!
- Life changes, 5 ways they're all the same
- How to fight anxiety and depression naturally
- My book might help?!
kara says
This is a great post, Kelly! I tend to have an “all or nothing” personality, and for a long time I struggled with the fact that my diet wasn’t perfect. Finally I have (for the most part!) Come to terms with the fact that its ok that my diet isn’t perfect. It never will be! But I don’t have to beat myself up about it. And I can take solace knowing that so much of what I do helps nourish me better than most anything I used to eat. And I think by letting go of that a little bit, its helped me to be able to read and learn more. I think I have actually tried a lot more new things (ferments) than I would have if I had been hung out and stressed about my diet being perfect. Thanks for all your help and your recipes and just for spreading the word.
Kelly says
As Moms we all want to do the right things all the time, but sometimes life is just hard or busy or all of the above. We all probably need to let up on ourselves a bit, myself included!
Natalie says
I was very touched by this post Kelly. I am very hard on myself because I want to do all the “right things” and make all the “right choices” for my family, but sometimes resources just aren’t there to make it happen.
Thanks for the encouragement and the reminder to think of others whereever they may be in their journey.
Liz says
Thanks for the encouragement Kelly!