Do natural methods for lowering blood pressure work?
(After you read this, be sure to catch the newer post here: Here's how we got Kent OFF the blood pressure meds!)
First this note/disclaimer: “The information found here has not been approved by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” I'm only sharing our own story, your situation may be VERY different, and I'm not a medical professional or anywhere close. Use this information only to do more research on your own!
Today I'll tell you about our recent trip to the emergency room and what our plan is now…
A couple of weeks ago I was out running around with the kids and got a text from Kent saying he wasn't feeling well and that he'd had a headache all day. This is NOT like him. He's never ever sick. So I asked him to pleeease go right home and check his blood pressure. We had started keeping an eye on it because the last few times he gave blood they said it was on the high side, but I'd check it when he got home and it would be fine, or even on the low side. The last time he tried to give, however, they wouldn't even let him because it was so high. Again, though, at home it was fine, so we were monitoring and trying to find clues as to what might cause the fluctuations.
He got home and checked it: 172/112!
I got on the phone with our doctor's office–the one we really like because he is OK with our weirdness as far as not doing the full vaccine schedule for the kids and my not getting yearly mammograms–he disagrees but knows it's my decision–read more here about why I love our doctor.
I was waiting on hold when I got his text:
“Do we have any Tums that I could take for heartburn, it's making me nauseous.” Now I was freaking out! I hung up with the doc's office and texted back, “I'll be home in a sec and we're going to the emergency room.” He said, “Let's just go to the doctor's office.” I told him, “No way, the first thing they'd do with those symptoms is send you straight to ER, and probably in an ambulance!” I don't remember everything from nursing school, but that one is a no-brainer–as soon as symptoms that sound like possible heart issues come into play (like heartburn and nausea to name two!), they do NOT want you in their office.
I raced home to drop the kids off and pick him up, praying like crazy.
As they got him settled in the ER I called a bunch of friends asking for prayers, too. Their first reading was still scary: 180/102, and at one point it was 210/118! But then a few minutes later they'd get 160/82 in one arm, and 144/92 in the other. They still hadn't given him anything for it (they first were making sure we weren't dealing with any heart issues at this point), and then it was 136/75. I still don't get how it can be all over the board like that, but we did find out from our doc in the follow up appointment that wrist cuffs aren't very accurate, and that basically any arm cuff is fine, so we got this electric arm BP cuff.
I wasn't surprised that his heart checked out perfectly, because his diet is really good and he's always been very fit and exercises quite often. He goes mountain and road biking regularly. So they sent him home with a prescription for a low-dose BP med and chalked it all up to genetics: both his parents, their siblings, their parents, and two (three?) of his brothers are on blood pressure medication.
Is it really true that you can't “outrun genetics”?
I knew we needed to seek medical help that day and that the first thing they'd do was put him on a drug–even Mercola says that in the case of high blood pressure, you don't have a choice because the risk for stroke is scary-high.
I also knew that the next thing I'd do, though, is to research natural methods for lowering blood pressure in order to get him back OFF the drug.
Will it work?
Who knows, and if not, then we'll be thankful for the medicine that helps him avoid a stroke and other scary stuff! But of course we're going to give it a good try, rather than have him take a prescription drug the rest of his life, which has its own risks and issues. Especially since most of you know my general feelings toward pharmaceuticals!
I'll show you what I came up with to try with Kent and as time goes on I'll give you updates. (See the update here: Here's exactly how we got Kent OFF the blood pressure meds!!)
As of now, his BP did come way down, and it's been consistent, no more headaches, etc., but obviously that's probably due to the drugs.
Important note: I am not a doctor
I have to restate my disclaimer that is always in place and visible on and around my site: Do not take the below as medical advice. I'm sharing what I am learning with you, but you need to do your own research, talk to your doctor or naturopath, and find what works best for YOU. Blood pressure is nothing to screw around with.
Not Metabolic Syndrome…
The first thing I did was search online like crazy, but everything I found was geared toward metabolic syndrome, the “big three” that are SO common: obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The same was true for the article on the WAPF site by Tom Cowan, he mentioned losing weight, exercising, and avoiding trans fats. Besides that Kent's weight is perfect and he exercises regularly, as I mentioned, he also never eats any trans fats, and very little sugar either, except for what's in beer. I just knew he didn't have THAT type of high blood pressure and that it was likely related to the strong genetic predisposition, and maybe a little stress thrown in.
Mainstream protocol for hypertension:
So the mainstream high blood pressure recommendations, such as losing weight, getting regular exercise, and making dietary changes, weren't going to help us much. (For those recommendations, see more below.) As with most of us, he could use help with stress management and relaxation practices, though. As to the common recommendation of reducing sodium intake, that one is debatable anyway. See more below on that too.
A “God-thing”
The day after we went to ER I happened to be emailing back and forth with Victoria, a friend and WAPF chapter leader from Southern California, and this turned out to be a “God-thing”. Turns out not long ago she wrote a paper on blood pressure for one of her naturopath classes! She gave me permission to share excerpts here (below).
Blood pressure and Alzheimer's?
Remember Kent's Dad had Alzheimer's, so the part that freaks me out the most about all of this, and a huge reason I want to get his BP down naturally and for good, is something I read in Victoria's paper:
Several problems can arise for the brain as well when high blood pressure is present. Atherosclerosis or clots, caused by high blood pressure, can temporarily block blood flow to the brain, causing a transient ischemic attack, or TIA. TIAs themselves are considered to be an indicator of greater risk for a full-blown stroke, in which blood flow to the brain is blocked for a longer period of time, causing serious problems from the lack of oxygen available to the brain. A specific form of dementia, vascular dementia, can be the result of narrowed, blocked arteries to the brain. And mild cognitive impairment, a transition between aging and more serious brain conditions (i.e., Alzheimer’s) can also result from narrowed or stiffened arteries.
There's a strong genetic tendency in both of Kent's parents' families for hypertension, but on his Dad's side there are also many family members who had Alzheimer's. Did the high blood pressure have anything to do with it? Correlation or causation?????
My friend Victoria's information and suggestions from her research paper:
(Included here with her permission)
I'm bolding parts here in case you're in a hurry and just skimming… Also, don't miss my plan below for exactly what we'll be implementing.
- Stress management is key for BP levels. I have a friend who I take to her checkups at Kaiser, and her BP when she walks in is always super high. Then I talk her through a really simple guided meditation, like maybe 45 seconds, get her laughing, and then it drops like a rock. Stress management may be one of the most important elements in bringing blood pressure into normal, healthy ranges. There are several factors that can contribute to increasing stress, as well as to reducing it, and these need to be understood. Sleep deprivation, mild to severe, seems to be epidemic, whether due to insomnia or to simply not allowing enough time for a good nights’ sleep. Relaxation techniques can be very helpful in this regard, as can some basic attention to sleep hygiene (no electronics in the bedroom, a consistent sleep/wake schedule to the extent possible, etc.). Exercise, appropriate to the individual’s schedule, current state of health, and energy levels, promotes relaxation as well as improved cardiovascular function. Stress management techniques alone, such as focused deep breathing, have been shown to bring blood pressure into normal ranges, particularly when hypertension is relatively mild. There are countless CDs, apps, and websites providing simple guided meditations and other stress reduction techniques, and countless books discussing basic principles of living a more peaceful life. (This is Kelly again: here's my favorite book for learning basic principles on living a more peaceful life.)
- It is a standard public health recommendation to minimize salt consumption to avoid the risk of increasing blood pressure; this recommendation is even stronger for those already showing high blood pressure. As noted above, salt retention in the kidneys can increase fluid volume in the circulatory system, raising blood pressure. However, note that salt retention can be caused by high blood insulin levels; this may or may not be accompanied by high salt intake. Similar to conventional wisdom regarding cholesterol, numerous tests have been conducted over the decades to firmly establish a link between salt consumption and a rise in blood pressure, with limited success. The best results achieved by a significant reduction in salt intake appears to be a drop of 4-5 mmHg in systolic blood pressure; however, since by definition, with stage 1 high blood pressure at 20 or more points over what is considered normal blood pressure, and stage 2 at 40 points or more, it is clear that by even the most optimistic assessments, salt restriction will not provide substantial benefits on the blood pressure front. Morton Satin, a molecular biologist, former director of the Global Agribusiness program at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, and director of technical and regulatory affairs at the Salt Institute, has spent considerable effort (in his role as Salt Guru) to debunk the notion that salt intake is linked to high blood pressure. According to Mr. Satin, data shows that for roughly 40% of the population, too little salt can increase blood pressure, and that salt reduction has virtually no effect whatsoever on about 30%. The remaining 30% of the population does see a reduction in blood pressure, but no more than the small amount noted above.
- Limiting alcohol & quitting smoking can help control blood pressure. (Of course we had to look into this one, because even though Kent doesn't drink beer during the week, on the weekend he enjoys some with sports or with friends; but we didn't see a change when he didn't have any at all. Thankfully he's never been a smoker.)
- Victoria goes on to question what constitutes a “high blood pressure”, as this has been debated. Google this for more info. (Impact of Diastolic and Systolic Blood Pressure on Mortality: Implications for the Definition of “Normal”, Taylor et al., Journal of General Internal Medicine, July 2011, 26:7, 685-690; reported in “Rethinking ‘Normal’ Blood Pressure,” The New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope, March 9, 2011)
- Alternative/holistic treatment options: Some of the standard recommendations for high blood pressure are consistent with those recommended by a practitioner with a more holistic bent: stress reduction, moderate exercise, limiting alcohol and tobacco, and maintaining a healthy weight. However, for those wishing to normalize blood pressure without the use of medications, there are options that can be explored.
- I told you that Kent doesn't eat trans fatty acids, but if you know someone who does, Victoria suggests two supplements to help eliminate trans fats from tissues: Since trans fat blocks the metabolic pathways of omega 3 essential fatty acids, it may be helpful to supplement with borage or evening primrose oil for several months.
- CoQ10 also has been studied extensively in relationship to hypertension. A study* conducted at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York showed that 39% of patients with hypertension were deficient in CoQ10, compared with only 6% of those with normal blood pressure. Supplemental CoQ10, taken at a dosage of 60 mg daily for eight weeks, resulted in a 10% or greater decrease in blood pressure. Like garlic, CoQ10 has been found to be useful throughout the cardiovascular system, so its effects are not limited only to reducing high blood pressure. (I asked Victoria what kind of CoQ10 she recommends: “For CoQ10 I usually recommend Jarrow for affordability and they're a decent brand.” Click that link to find it.) (*Yamagami, T, Shibata, N, and Folkers, K, “Bioenergetics in Clinical Medicine: Studies on Coenzyme Q10 and Essential Hypertension”, Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology 11: 273; 1975.) UPDATE: A reader in the comments suggested taking ubiquinol instead of CoQ10: “Once over 35 years old, the body isn’t that great anymore at breaking down CoQ10 into the Ubiquinol that it really needs.”
- Three minerals play a key role in maintaining cardiovascular health (as well as health throughout the body): magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Magnesium levels have consistently been found to be low in patients with hypertension, and numerous studies have shown that magnesium supplementation lowers blood pressure in those whose blood pressure is elevated. The higher the blood pressure, the greater the effect magnesium has shown. A dose of 400 mg a day has been shown to be effective. Calcium has been shown to have similar effects, with one study showing a reduction in systolic blood pressure by 17 mmHg, and diastolic by 11 mmHg, over a period of 14 weeks.* And potassium has a long history of lowering blood pressure, one of the reasons that the consumption of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is always part of lifestyle recommendations for people seeking to lower their blood pressure (since virtually all fruits and vegetables have significant amounts of potassium). Clinical studies have shown that potassium supplements can help reduce blood pressure in those with mild hypertension. Sea vegetables, rich in a variety of minerals including these, would be a great addition to the diet. (*Zhou C, Fan S, Zhou L, Ni Y, Huang T, Shi Y, “Clinical Observation of Treatment of Hypertension with Calcium”, American Journal of Hypertension 1994 Apr; 7(4 Pt 1):363-7)
- Herbs showing good potential for helping high blood pressure include hawthorn and coleus forskohlii (used in Ayurvedic medicine). Many studies of hawthorn’s benefits focus on the heart, but on his website, Dr. Ronald Hoffman refers to a study showing that hawthorn may “dilate coronary vessels, inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme, increase the functional capacity of the heart, and possess mild diuretic activity.”* According to Michael Murray, who also recommends hawthorn for this use, dosage of the extract, with 10% procyanidins (or 1.8% vitexin-4′-rhamnoside) is 250mg, three times per day. Coleus forshkohlii also has been shown to reduce blood pressure, apparently by relaxing arterial walls (as well as smooth muscle elsewhere in the body). Several studies have demonstrated various aspects of the mechanism by which this arterial relaxation may be achieved (referenced on Dr. Hoffman’s site). (More references from above: *Petkov, V., “Plants with Hypotensive, Antiatheromatous and Coronarodilating Action,” American Journal of Chinese Medicine 7, 1979, 197-236. *Ammon, H.P.T. and Muller, A.B., “Forskolin: From Ayurvedic Remedy to a Modern Agent” Planta Medica, 51, 473-477, 1985; *Seamon, KB, and Daly, JW, “Forskolin: A Unique Diterpene Activator of cAMP-generating Systems,” Journal of Cyclic Nucleotide Research 7, 1981:201-224; *Christenson, J.T., Thulesius, O., Nazzal, M.M., Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University ,“The Effect of Forskolin on Blood Flow, Platelet Metabolism, Aggregation and ATP Release”.)
- Other nutrients that are important for those needing to reduce blood pressure include vitamins C and B6. Michael Murray notes that these can help remove heavy metals (like lead) from the body, which will help to support a good blood pressure.
- Certain foods have been shown to help keep a healthy blood pressure as well, these include garlic, onions, celery, potatoes and maitake mushrooms. The active ingredient in garlic is allicin – the compound giving garlic its unique smell. The equivalent of one clove of garlic daily, whether the actual clove (finely chopped in salad dressing, perhaps), or a supplement with 4,000 mcg. allicin, is the recommended dosage. Onions, with their high sulfur content, can also reduce blood pressure. Celery contains a compound, 3-n-butylthalide, that has been shown in experimental animals to lower blood pressure (the equivalent in humans would be 4 stalks per day). And potatoes contain kukoamines, substances also shown to reduce blood pressure. Finally, animal studies show that maitake mushrooms have hypotensive effects.* Given the fact that these mushrooms have numerous immune-enhancing effects, it may be worth adding them to a program of supplementation; the recommended dosage is 3 to 7 grams per day. (*Kabir, Y., et al, Department of Food Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, “Effect of Shiitake (Lentinusedodes) and Maitake (Grifola frondosa) Mushrooms on Blood Pressure and Plasma Lipids of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats”, Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 1987 Oct; 33(5):341-6)
- IMPORTANT: Please note that if an individual opts for conventional medication, it will be very important to discuss the choice of herbs with the doctor, as there can be complications when combining certain herbs with certain medications.
- I thought this was also good info to share from Victoria: Each of these components supports the other. While each is beneficial, none can really stand alone. A good diet with a harried, highly stressed life and a sedentary lifestyle will not produce the best results; neither will a terrific exercise program but a refined diet based on industrial foods. A good diet may not be enough to restore nutrient balance, if diet or lifestyle have depleted the body’s stores for some time. And underlying issues may defy diet, lifestyle, and supplementation if not properly understood. Dietary recommendations, covering general recommendations, with a focus on eating fresh, organically grown produce, grains, legumes, and nuts; pastured meats, poultry, eggs, and dairy products; wild-caught fish; fermented foods. Specific foods that can be helpful for this specific condition will be noted: garlic, onions, celery, and potatoes, for specific blood pressure lowering effects, as well as sea vegetables and good quality sea salt for their mineral content. Of course, if the client is allergic to any of these foods, they will not be encouraged to indulge in them.
- Foods and beverages to minimize: all refined and processed foods, processed vegetable oils, GMOs, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and other sweeteners. Diet is one of the essential components of a supportive nutritional protocol. Not only does a balanced diet based on fresh, whole foods provide important nutrients for overall health, but it can be vital in restoring balance to the circulatory system in particular, just as a poor diet can support or encourage poor health. Further, specific foods have been shown to be quite effective in reducing blood pressure, some significantly. If overweight is one of the issues contributing to hypertension, diet certainly plays a role in bringing weight into balance, as well. Lifestyle recommendations, discussing exercise, sleep, and basic relaxation techniques (deep breathing, simple meditation techniques or guided meditations, stretching).
- Although many people may develop high blood pressure from poor lifestyle choices, chronic stress, or poor diet, there are also underlying conditions that can cause or promote hypertension as well. These include hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, adrenal overload, heavy metal toxicity, and insulin resistance; food allergies or sensitivities, as a source of stress, can also play a contributing role. While testing may not be called for in many cases, it is important for people to understand why and how it may be included in an overall protocol.
My options to have Kent try:
- First I plan to do research, and call our doc to find out about any contraindications with his current BP med and the below supplements.
- Use my Bosch to blend him up veggie smoothies with 4 stalks of celery, onion, a clove of fresh garlic, cucumber and probably some tomatoes. Depending on their taste I could put some of his supplements in here, too, but he's great about taking those straight anyway. (I can't believe how many he can pop at once, I've seen him swallow a dozen!) And we already eat plenty of potatoes.
- This garlic supplement. Or some celery seed extract.
- He's already good about taking cod liver oil daily, which is great for many health reasons, but in this case due to its omega 3's (good for the heart and many other things!) and its anti-inflammatory effects.
- I'll get him the hawthorn and coleus forskohlii supplements as well.
- I'll continue encouraging him to use this magnesium oil topical spray.
- I'll keep making a lot of mineral-rich bone broth.
- I'll get him some CoQ10. UPDATE: One reader suggested eating more heart and liver for CoQ10, and see the info above that I just added about taking ubiquinol instead based on another reader's comments.
- It's good that Kent is really disciplined about getting 8 hours of sleep a night, and this isn't always easy since he gets up at 5:00 am every day.
- He's also working on stress levels and trying not to let stress at work get to him as much. I know that his daily prayer life helps him with this a lot.
- One more reader said he brought his BP down with Magnesium oil and olive leaf extract.
- What did I forget?
If we're able to use these natural methods and get his blood pressure better consistently, thankfully his doc said that he's on such a low dose of Lisinopril that he can just stop it, no need to wean. I'd rather wean slowly to be safe though.
I'll keep you posted. If you want to follow this conversation, be sure to subscribe for new posts (using the orange box), and also comment below and let us know more about what's going on with you if you're willing–we can learn from each other!
Gina says
My husband had high blood pressure & was taking medication (beta-blockers) for 10 years. We switched our diet from a ‘heart-healthy’ low-fat mediterranean to high-fat, medium carb, completely unprocessed, and he started taking kyolic garlic supplement daily, drinking hibiscus tea and taking some extra magnesium most days – he’s been medication free for 2,5 years now, and his blood pressure is perfect! There is good resaerch coming from Australia confirming that aged garlic (kyolic) has the same impact on blood pressure as medication. This is the link to a podcast with one of the researchers:
Gina says
Also, his high blood pressure tendency was considered hereditary, as both his parents have been on medicaton for years, and they are not overweight, don’t drink or smoke, are not stressed and have a pretty relaxed lifestyle.
Karen says
Thanks for your article. I have a similar story. I eat a healthy diet, avoiding all processed foods, too much sugar or salt. I workout several times a week- resistance and cardio training. I live a fairly stress free life, spend time in prayer daily and take numerous supplements including high dose vit c and ubiquinol, calcium, omegas, turmeric, etc but I still have hypertension, well used to!! My maternal grandfather died due to a stroke in his 50s, my mother and brother are thin, fit and hypertensive!
I saw my doctor about three years ago, after checking my blood pressure she told me I was a walking stroke, but she knew my thoughts about conventional medicine. She gave me six months to find my own natural remedy. It took me about two years; I tried almost everything you mentioned. I spent far too many dollars. Finally, I found a cure…I take something called Carditone- check it out. I order it from Amazon. I also take take Nature’s Own Beetroot capsules. I had to play around with the dosage, but I take one Carditone morning and evening, and thee Beetroots morning and evening. It took a long time and some playing around with the Carditone – if I take too much, I feel stressed and irritable. I hope to eventually reduce the Cardione but not for now. My blood pressure is normal and I am happy. I hope this helps!
Cristyn says
Ask the doctor about Nitric Oxide. This is a naturally occurring “gas” created by the blood vessels and helps keep blood pressure normal. Apparently, as we age, our vessels have a harder time making the nitric oxide.
I saw on “Healing Quest” that a university in TX is doing a lot of research on nitric oxide and is trying to make supplements for high blood pressure sufferers. It’s fascinating stuff. You can also find that segment of “Healing Quest” on YouTube if you are interested in watching it.
Mary Ethridge says
Check out Life Extension product AMPK at There is some very good research available on this product. I have been a paying Life Extension member for over 15 years now and gladly pay over my $75 a year to support their work on extending healthy older life. I buy almost all of my supplements from them now because they very carefully source their raw materials and follow cGMP manufacturing practices. Your article was very informative. Hope you are all well.
Jennnifer Fitz says
Story from a friend: He’d worked night shift his whole career, and when he retired, his blood pressure started getting out of control. This is a fairly fit, active, health-weight guy. He tried to figure out what had changed that had caused this retirement-induced disease.
The solution: When he was working night shift, he always packed a banana to eat on his break.
He went back to the daily banana, and his blood pressure returned to normal.
Not the solution for everyone, but if it’s a potassium imbalance, it’s worth a shot.
KitchenKop says
Wow, that is very very interesting… What an easy fix that could be for some!
Thanks Jennifer!
Robin says
Hi Kelly-
I have also been trying to increase magnesium and potassium (for other reasons, not high blood pressure), and have found that while bananas are good, many dried fruits (especially dried apricots) are good sources, as well as potatoes (with skins, and not boiled, as boiling reduces potassium content). Also, blackstrap molasses is a GREAT natural source of many minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and many trace minerals), so I’ve been adding that to milk every day (I take a large glass of milk and add at least a tablespoon or 2 of molasses plus magnesium and potassium bulk powders) and then drink throughout the day with meals. It is difficult to get actual mineral levels in molasses, but I believe it is the Wholesome Sweeteners brand that is supposed to have the most potassium (around 700 mg?).
Also, I have been reading Matt Stone’s books and monitoring my temps to keep them nice and high, and I think many people dismiss him because he recommends too much junk food, but I think they are missing the point-you can eat whatever you want but still follow his recommendations to get your temps up, and the more I read, the more I think it is as much about an “anti-stress” diet as it is anything else…keeping temps up and cortisol (stress) low and even which could be good protocol for anyone trying to lower stress levels and just generally feel better.
I will also note that in my attempts to increase mineral levels in my diet, I find it extremely interesting that potassium especially shows up in the highest levels in many “sweet” carby-type foods (potatoes, dried fruits, molasses, etc). And, when I notice how well those same carby-salty-type foods work to keep temps up and my hands and feet nice and warm (in turn keeping stress levels down), maybe some good evidential proof that we are not meant to eat low carb? Just my two cents thought for the day 😛
SL King says
I have had great success with homeopathic options: Nat Mur & Nox Vomica were what fit me…
katieB says
Have you considered going Paleo? Even Auto Immune Paleo? Even though I know I’m preaching to the choir here, I think focusing more on nutrition than supplements would be more helpful and much cheaper. Perhaps his high BP episodes are his body reacting to foods it hates like dairy or wheat or any grains. It’s what happens to me, which is why I suggest it. Also, a pint or more of a freshly juiced green juice a day with plenty of celery would probably do more wonders than all of the supplements. Epsom salt baths, magnesium oil and fine tuning of diet is what I would do for myself or my husband long before I turned to bottles of pills, only because I have found those bottles to always be problematic. Good luck and I hope everything turns out OK and you find the key to his strange and scary episodes!
KitchenKop says
I have thought of it, but I thought that it would help those more who have the metabolic syndrome type of high BP. If our other methods that we try don’t work I’ll definitely revisit that idea, though, thanks Katie!
Claire says
Have you looked into Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet? Similar to WAPF but some differences which sound good to me:
DS says
A pint or more of green juice? When I bought a juicer to extract cabbage juice to heal an esophageal ulcer caused by quitting a PPI, I told my aunt. She remembered that juicers were ” big” at the SFO World’s Fair and that her mother and lots of folks bought them. Then some people died , having gone overboard with green juices. Moderation in all things! You can get too much of certain nutrients , even if from natural sources.
Kim Boer says
Hi Kelly, Prayers for resolution!
Had this struggle before and still on occassion. There are some natural MD’s in the area that will help him lower it without Rx. From my understanding the RX’s don’t really lower your chances for concern, just lower your numbers giving a false sense. I take a vitamin called BP NatRelief made by Natural Relief or Carditone Made by Ayurveda. Many bp issues are low magnesium. In my case it was hypothyroid which was missed because Dr would only run TSH test! I’m also taking a vitamin for that. Dietary changes can help. If anyone in GR wants a referral to an amazing nutrional consultant, pm us. We LOVE the results from our guy! Best Wishes!
KitchenKop says
Thanks for the prayers, Kim!
Very interesting about how the drugs may not actually help, but instead give us a false sense of security… Even more reason to get it down on our own!
Jacqui says
Love to see a blog on raising blood pressure. I’ve been making efforts to do that using 180degree health techniques… I think my bp is rising… I should get it checked
KitchenKop says
Jacqui, the home monitors are fairly cheap, but also you probably have a neighbor with a BP cuff that you could borrow.
DS says
Kelly, I can tell you that my own BP went down a bit when I started using a bit more salt. Pink salt, of course. My husband,uses tons more than I do and always has lower BP.
It sounds like you are going a bit overboard with supplements. That in itself can be stressful! Have you looked at Jaminet’s’ book or website?
I have a ResPerate unit and do recommend it. I confess I have not been as faithful as I was, but it works if you use it.
Not to compare your husband to a doggie, but I just bought Through A Dog’s Ear for calming my dog, and I find the music soothing as well. Harp music is calming. Low carb is good.
Beet juice is yummy and is said to lower BP.
Prayer is best and maybe a vacation would be good. Trying to do too much and please everyone is stressful. I loved Nancy Reagan for her ” just say No” campaign. She was talking about drugs, but it’s good advice in a most general way. We are not required to always say yes, even to good causes.
KitchenKop says
DS, you’re probably right, maybe we should start off with just 1 or 2 changes at a time, that makes more sense… Thanks!
Heather says
We manage my husband’s high blood pressure with a supplement I purchase from Azure Stardard. It’s Rhea’s Herbal Extractions – Blood Pressure. I pay around $13 for a 4 oz. bottle. It’s only 1/8 tsp. serving 2 -3 times daily so the bottle lasts awhile. If you don’t have Azure in your area, I’m sure you can find it elsewhere. It works quickly. It contains garlic, ginger, cayenne, goldenseal, ginseng. I have no affiliation with the company. I’m just a wife who loves her hubby! I think prayer and stress reduction are huge factors!
KitchenKop says
I’ll look into that, thanks Heather!
Sarah says
Hi Kelly,
Azure Standard does deliver in Dorr, MI. They are supposed to be expanding in the area this year.
Susan says
I read that although we hear we should avoid salt when experiencing high blood pressure, that indeed it is sodium we should be avoiding (as in processed table salt). Sea salt -and all its wonderful minerals- is supposed to be very good for lowering high blood pressure. (It is naturally low in sodium).
Thomas Martin says
What finally worked for me after non-success with CoQ10, arginine, hawthorne, etc., was finally over 3 months taking magnesium oil as well as higher doses of olive leaf extract.
KitchenKop says
I just added that to the post, Thomas, thank you!
Sarah says
What Magnesium Oil and Olive Leaf Extract did you use? Thanks!
Shirley says
Dear Kelly,
I have a son who was a Marine and deployed several times as an infantry man. My stress levels were off the charts! I had read about Heartmath and so decided to splurge and get an Em-Wave, a little bio-feedback gadget which helps you bring your heart rhythm into coherence. These are not cheap, but it was probably the best thing I ever did for myself! They even have a book on lowering blood pressure by bringing the heart rhythm into coherence.
God Bless!
KitchenKop says
Shirley, God bless him AND you for your sacrifices! I’ll look into the Em-Wave, thank you!
Jill says
For a great dietary source of Coenzyme Q10, eat more heart as well as other organ meats like liver. Heart is the richest source of dietary CoQ10. I wonder if organ meat’s’ fall from popularity over the last century has contributed to problems like this? Of course, I rarely make heart or incorporate liver into meals myself!
KitchenKop says
Hi Jill,
We eat heart ALL the time, because it’s mixed into our ground beef from our farmer. That makes me wonder if a supplement will help him much, maybe we’ll skip that one.
Tina says
A couple of suggestions. Use a Ubiquinol supplement rather than a CoQ10 supplement. Once over 35 years old, the body isn’t that great anymore at breaking down CoQ10 into the Ubiquinol that it really needs. The other is hibiscus tea. Drink it instead of water. It has a substantial effect on lowering blood pressure. It has a wonderful flavor and color but if Kent doesn’t like the taste of hibiscus tea straight, get a blend. I currently use a hibiscus blend from Rishi teas.
KitchenKop says
Thanks for the info on the Ubiquinol, Tina, I’m adding it to the post now!
Sarah says
Dear Kelly,
I pray that these things are effective you!! When my husband was having high blood pressure it was work related. I was very glad when that was over. He cannot be measured with the electronic blood pressure cuff. For whatever reason they register him SUPER high compared to a manual cuff. We are all truly unique in how our Creator made us.
KitchenKop says
Hi Sarah,
Booger, I didn’t know there was a difference between manual and electronic… Frustrating!
Sarah says
Maybe I am the one who is unaware…I am talking about the old fashioned blood pressure cuff and stethescope vs. the machine at the dr.’s office. Tim just tells the dr. about registering high and they go straight to the cuff and stethescope.
KitchenKop says
Hmmmm, no, you’re probably right. I just bought that darn thing, though!
Laurel says
Kelly, you might also find an acupuncturist. Auriculotheraphy, especially, helps tremendously with stress reduction, and your practitioner will be able to help with other options.
Karen says
Another good source of potassium in addition to fruits is coconut water. I add to my daily water (half and half) because it also quenches my thirst better than water alone. For stress, Tai Chi with soothing music, and yoga. I’m also researching and considering Graviola. Firm believer that you can manage mild hypertension with natural methods. Good luck to both of you!
Emily says
Many of my family members have had success with Hibiscus Tea. There’s lots of research out there, so it might be worth looking into!
KitchenKop says
Thanks Emily, what does it taste like, just regular tea?
MrsD says
Keep us posted! I’m working on my husbands as well. He started drinking a cup of green tea daily too. We have very young children so a bit inconsistent over here….but we are trying!
kellysjoy says
Hi there! I’m not very big on posting comments, but had to for this one. I, too, have had this up and down with my blood pressure for the last 10 years. I have literally tried EVERY thing to fix it. Believing that God would help me find an answer. I didn’t want to resort to conventional meds for this. I finally got my answer and solution. After every diet, exercise, herb, cleanse, I made a call to doctor Thomas Cowen(spell?) in CA. He told me to go to Amazon and order the $15.00(this is what it was when I started buying it, it’s gone up to something like 30$ now) bottle of Carditone. Take two in the morning, two in afternoon, two in evening till Blood pressure is normal. Within 1 month my numbers were so low I had to cut down to one a day. Now I take one about once a week. It’s all natural and really really works!!!