Do we know the REAL HPV vaccine cost?!
This just irritates me…
Recently we got notices in the mail for each of our kids with their birthdates and MCIR identification numbers (Michigan Care Improvement Registry) saying they're behind on the listed immunizations and then it says, “What you have to do…” (Call your doc for an appointment, blah blah blah.)
Along with this notice was a nice colorful brochure on the HPV shot…
They had all sorts of helpful information (not):
- “Starting and completing the series of HPV vaccines can protect against cancer later.”
- “Routine vaccination with 3 doses of HPV vaccine is recommended for all 11 & 12 year old boys and girls.”
- “HPV is the main cause of almost all cervical cancers in women.”
- “Most American men and women who become sexually active at some time will contract at least one type of HPV in their lifetime.”
- “HPV vaccines have been tested in thousands of people around the world and have shown to have no serious side effects.”
THIS is why I don't trust the vaccine industry
We can never be sure if we're getting the whole truth, because apparently they don't know about these facts: (Source)
- “Gardasil was not studied in children with health problems or in combination with all other vaccines routinely given to American adolescents, such as Tdap and meningococcal vaccines.”
- “After Gardasil was licensed and three doses recommended for 11-12 year old girls and young women, there were thousands of reports of sudden collapse with unconsciousness within 24 hours seizures; muscle pain and weakness; disabling fatigue; Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS); facial paralysis; brain inflammation; rheumatoid arthritis; lupus; blood clots; optic neuritis; multiple sclerosis; strokes; heart and other serious health problems, including death, following receipt of Gardasil vaccine.”
- “GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervarix vaccine, which has been used in Europe since 2007 and was licensed in the U.S. in 2009, contains an AS04 adjuvant containing aluminum and MPL, which hyper-stimulates the immune system and has never been used in U.S. vaccines. Cervarix was studied for less than six years in fewer than 1200 healthy girls under age 15 and was not tested with a true placebo but was compared against Hepatitis A vaccine and other childhood vaccines that can cause adverse reactions.”
- “As of Dec. 13, 2013, there were a total of 29,918 vaccine reaction reports made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) associated with Gardasil vaccinations, including 140 deaths. There were a total of 2,652 vaccine adverse reaction reports made to VAERS associated with Cervarix vaccinations, including 13 deaths. (Merck’s Gardasil vaccine, which was the first HPV vaccine licensed in the U.S., has the majority of the HPV vaccine market in the U.S.).”
Other countries are learning the truth — this documentary aired on TV in Ireland:
“Pressure is mounting on the Irish government to stop the administration of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, in their schools or withdraw it altogether. A new documentary detailing the kinds of illnesses that healthy athletic girls developed after receiving the vaccine aired yesterday on Irish television. Unlike here in the U.S., pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to advertise their products on TV, so the media is free to air the truth without worrying about whether they will lose their source of funding. ShamROCK, who has covered the story from the beginning, wonders if these events may spell the end for Gardasil.”
Read more here from the Thinking Mom's Revolution: Is-this-the-end-of-gardasil?
Watch more in this HPV documentary about the *real* HPV vaccine cost:
My point in telling you all of this?
I'll urge you in the same way I always do: think for yourself, research everything, do not blindly trust others with your kids' health!
Especially don't trust ME (there's way too much I don't know), but also don't trust the government, and don't blindly trust your doctor, as kind and wonderful as they may be. Dig in to learn more, and if you need to find a search engine with trustworthy sites, click here to try this one that will only pull up hits from natural-minded bloggers. Don't blindly trust what you read there either, but it at least gives you more trustworthy information that you won't find in the mainstream.
What about you? Any advice to share with us? Any vaccine-related stories to share?
Related posts you need to know about:
- Are you or is your child being pressured into getting vaccines (for school or work?) read this first: What You MUST Do Before Mandatory Vaccinations!
- Because I Want You to Know Both Sides: Why Many Still Vaccinate — I'll share what I think about both sides.
- Vaccination Safety Issues and the 7 Factors That Led To Our Immunization Decisions {PART 1} — this post has our personal story of how we decided which shots to have our kids get…
- Will your daughter get this vaccine? “Twenty-nine deaths have been reported from the Gardasil vaccine. Twenty nine deaths. It almost makes me cry just to write it. Twenty nine young women’s lives have been cut short, all because a drug manufacturer convinced them that a vaccine would “protect” them. And among the living, the carnage continues. A recent study by the National Vaccine Information Center compared Gardasil’s side effects to another vaccine given to patients in the same age group. Gardasil led to three times (that’s 300 percent) more emergency room visits, five times (500 percent) more fatalities, and 30 times (3000 percent) more side effects. And these are not minor side effects. We’re talking strokes, heart episodes, lupus, paralysis.”
Anne Schnedl says
And then there is this:
Ciarra Tawnin says
They just think everyone’s stupid and lack reasoning. I know parents who are not antivax who won’t allow Gardasil to be administered to their children.
Jill-David Boman says
At some point, that insanely dangerous and worthless vaccine going to be removed from the market, but history will not look kindly on the last country (*cough*…the U.S.!) to finally admit its dangers.
Melanie Hartung says
Every time I take the kids in they ask and my answer is always the same. NO! Now my kids are saying no too
Kathryn Hicks says
My daughter is severely immune compromised – her gynae is recommending, basically insisting, that she get vaccinated with Gardisil. I am totally against this as I know it will cause even more problems for my daughter’s fragile system. She spoke to the Dr about her concerns, but the Dr said that everyone is scaremongering and the vaccine is safe. Of course, if my daughter does have an adverse reaction, neither her doctor nor the manufacturer of Gardisil will accept responsibility. Why aren’t these high paid practitioners even interested in following the research – they blindly believe the blurb on their screen and never bother to look further. They should be held accountable.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
It is absolutely maddening, Kathryn Hicks, and can I just say how totally SCARY it is that your daughter’s doctor is insisting she get such a dangerous vaccine even though your daughter is immune compromised! I would suggest there might be silver lining to the situation though. Her doctor just revealed how uneducated he/she is about HPV vaccines, immune disorders in general, and also that he/she is most likely unwilling to dig into the research themselves before parroting Pharma propaganda. This could be the red light that your daughter needs to find a practitioner that will be a better fit for her. Here are a couple great resources for finding holistic and integrative doctors who have had special training in ascertaining and unraveling the root cause of chronic health disorders while also helping to optimize how our bodies function: and here:
Gwendolyn Thompson says
Kathryn, you can go to a private FB group called gentle informants, and ask to be added. They are a wealth of information on vaccines. You will find kind wisdom there, and all the information you could want, listed in their files. GL to you!!
Mary Ann Berning says
Of course not…!!!
Erica Mathieson Langston says
Biological weapon.
Stacie Ford-Burleson says
I live in Texas where then governor Rick Perry attempted to (illegally) mandate this vaccine for all 6th graders a mere 2 months after this drug was approved and added to the vaccine schedule. Some possible financial conflicts of interest later came to light which Perry denies. He also later claimed he was wrong to mandate this vaccine but he only did it because he thought at the time it was the right thing to do. In a nutshell, gardisil was fast tracked and given FDA approval with basically no human trials. The CDC then placed it on the recommended vaccine schedule in January of that year. By late February to March, Perry signed an executive order to mandate all incoming 6th and 7th graders get this vaccine before starting school in August. Our legislature overturned this executive order before the end of the regular session at the end of May. They stated that the executive order was illegal, the vaccine was too new, and the order removed parent choice. The problem is that from January to May, there was widespread media coverage about the executive order, about how this shot was now “required”, and coverage regarding places parents could go to get the “required” vaccine. A lot of girls got this vaccine, thousands of girls statewide. It wasn’t long before reports of vaccine injury and death began to surface – so many girls injured that even news outlets couldn’t ignore it. One of the factors that made this harder to ignore was that 11 and 12 year old girls were being affected. The sudden deterioration was hard to blame on pure coincidence. Vaccine pushers couldn’t claim (as they often do with toddlers) that the disability was actually there all along; you just didn’t recognize it before. Because of this early attempt at mandate, we were sadly on the front lines to see just how dangerous this vaccine really is. If you look at the vaccine injury and death rates from this one vaccine, it is shocking. And gardisil only vaccinated against 3 (I believe) of the hundreds of strains of hpv. Only about 15 or so strains are even capable of causing cervical cancer and 95% of cervical cancers spontaneously go away. There has not been a single longitudinal study that followed girls over time to show that this vaccine has any measurable benefit to reducing cervical cancer. In my opinion, the benefit definitely does not outweigh the risk.
Gwendolyn Thompson says
Thank you for this!!
Molly Turner says
I have been getting emails from our former pediatrician about getting my kids vaccinared! And he is our former because he doesn’t take familes that choose to not vaccinate!
Brenda Davis says
My daughter had a bad bad bad reaction to that shot. It scares the heck out of me.
Danielle Levins says
That vaccine specifically is just horrible and is destroying the reproductive systems and lives of many teens and young adults.
Magda says
This is heartbreaking. A lifetime of pain, chronic fatigue, brain fog, etc. – all because there was a few percent chance of preventing a disease that might or might not happen?? I’m sad, angry, dismayed – all at the same time.