Wednesday 150 employees were fired for not getting the flu shot from one of Cincinnati’s largest employers, TriHealth. (Source)
Remind me again, what country do we live in?
Because every day it's feeling less and less like the United States of America and more like a government run communist country. Don't you think it's getting downright scary?
The brilliant marketing tactics by drug companies continue to amaze me.
In the below video with Dr. Mercola, Alan Cassels, author of Selling Sickness: How the World's Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies Are Turning Us All Into Patients, tells about a quote from the CEO of the pharmaceutical giant, Merck… Apparently many years ago Henry Gadsden told Fortune magazine that he now realized who he needed to market to: healthy people. He said he'd rather Merck was more like the chewing gum maker, Wrigleys, because then they could sell to everyone, not just sick people.
Cassels also says that one of the ways drug companies have broken into this ‘healthy people' market is under the guise of “screenings”.
Screening for high blood cholesterol conveniently turns up all sorts of new healthy patients for them to treat with statins, while most have no idea that there are actually benefits to having higher blood cholesterol, including, for some, longer life spans. (Source.) Screening for high blood pressure finds them many new customers needing blood pressure lowering drugs, even though blood pressure is constantly fluctuating and one high number is certainly not enough to warrant putting someone on medication.
These are just a couple of examples, how many more “screenings” can you think of?
And possibly the biggest ruse of all, the Big Kahuna of all marketing schemes, is the one sold under the guise of “public health”.
Convince the public that they simply must get a flu shot (and other vaccines) or they're putting themselves or their children at great risk; convince doctors and health care organizations that they must get ALL patients AND employees vaccinated — what a great coup on their part! Even if the flu vaccine did prevent the flu, which it usually doesn't (source), and even if it were safe, which it's not (source), it should still be our choice on whether or not we want a foreign substance injected into our bodies.
What do you think? Are you as appalled as I am at where things are headed?
Here are my previous posts on mandatory flu vaccines:
- Healthcare Workers: How to Refuse Mandatory Vaccines and Not Get Fired (Part 1 – a letter written by a nurse who fought the system and won!)
- Mandatory Flu Vaccines for Healthcare Workers – Why One Man Is Choosing the Mask (Chock full of information you can use to win your fight not to be forced into getting a shot.)
- Healthcare Workers – How to Avoid the Flu Shot and Not Get Fired (Part 2 – a video interview with “Greater Good” filmmaker, Leslie Manookian, on what health care workers can DO to avoid a “mandatory” flu shot)
- Links to all of the Kitchen Kop vaccine posts, including our own vaccine dilemmas and what we decided.
- When you can’t catch chicken pox
- Flu propaganda for children
- Check out the comparison of “mandatory” vaccines in 1983 vs. 2010.
Watch the video with Dr. Mercola and author, Alan Cassels, where in addition to the above, they also discuss the big business of mammography screenings and hormone replacement therapy for women, as well as the PSA test in men:
Liz says
Yes, it is scary — and so very wrong. We are losing our god-given freedoms left and right. Question is – at what point do we stand up and say, “NO! This is against our Constitution and I will NOT stand for it!” That time is quickly coming. We cannot afford to fold and allow our government to take away our freedom.
Commenter via Facebook says
Jen says
Wow. I haven’t been here in a while. The comments have become pretty political, and not in a good way.
Maryah says
Their are postives and negtives to vaccinations but the reallity is that obama is not just trying to take away our freedoms he is doing it. Congress said NOT to buy a prison in indaina but he dod it any to bring the geitmo trash here to the states. he has written sevral exctive orders doing this, it covers all aspects of our lives even and including our children.
Lisa says
I, unlike most of the commenters think vaccinations have had a positive impact on the health of citizens. Some devastating diseases have been irradicated while others have been decreased substantially. How often do we hear about outbreaks of measles, mumps, rubella or smallpox? Not very often, why is that? It didnt happen magically.
I think it was wrong to fire the employees who refused to get the flu shot. Would it have been more acceptable to not fire them but also not allow unvaccinated employees to work during flu season? Probably not. I understand that the vaccination only contains a few strains that may possibly be more prevalent in that given year. Those that get vaccinated can still get other strains, but getting the flu is less likely. The company may be trying to avoid lawsuits that would surely follow if someone were to get the flu from one of their employees. The influenza can kill infants, the elderly and those who have supressed immune systems.
Before anybody gets upset about what I’ve posted, please remember that there are both positives and negatives to vaccinations.
Stanley Fishman says
Wow. Seems like there is no freedom, if you threaten the profits of the drug companies by refusing to take their poison. Our founders said that every generation would be threatened with the loss of their freedom, and they knew what they were talking about.
No employer should have the right to force their employees to take poison or be fired. That is just wrong!
High Brix Nutrient Dense Foods says
Such stories as this leave me feeling grateful that I work for myself.
Beth says
I urge people to constructively channel their anger by donating whatever they can to the people who are out on the front lines fighting to make sure these types of policies do not become the law of the land locally or nationally.
Give as much as you can to organizations like the National Health Freedom Coalition:
Go to
and the Canary Party (not a political party per se but a force for change):
Go to
Mary Rose says
Information like this makes me sick to my stomach and at the same time so grateful that there are people like you helping all of us become more aware. Thanks Kelly!
Amy says
Isn’t this opening them up to lawsuits on the grounds of religious discrimination?
Commenter via Facebook says
Um, even the Russians see that we are becoming Communist! There is a columnist at Pravda that flat out calls us more Communist than them!
Commenter via Facebook says
Kelly, I think the system is becoming more like a Fascist State rather than Communist. Other than that, thank you for posting. I chose to wear a mask at work.
Dawn @ Small Footprint Family says
I agree! Fascism is when corporations take over and use the government for their own agenda. That’s what’s happening in the U.S.—not communism. Fascism is far scarier.
But then, we get the government we are willing to tolerate. Otherwise, great post!
Amy says
Good one, Kelly.
Should we be surprised? If we allow the government to trample on our religious freedom and force people to go against their conscience and fund/provide (#1 carcinogen) contraception and abortion inducing drugs on their insurance plans, then forced vaccines are nothing! Government is supposed to be FOR the people, not FORCING the people!
Suzi says
Can I edit that? LOL
I believe the “vaccinate everyone” crowd is foaming at the mouth with religious fervor, and they want us all to convert to their religion, or suffer dire consequences!
I have read from several sources that Obamacare gives the government the right to prohibit my growing a garden (or confiscating whatever they may find growing in said garden) should they deem it “necessary.” Can’t drink raw milk. Can’t buy real butter and cheese.
I think Jill nailed it on the head: prevention isn’t the goal; it’s all about the money.
Believe me, when it’s up to some gov’t patsy, vaccines will be mandatory, or we’ll be taxed or jailed or worse for non compliance.
IC says
Obama signed an executive order a few years ago allowing for the reappropriation of anything an individual might grow. My parents were horrified – they grew up under communism and had thought they had escaped having the state come and take away their food, leaving them to half starve. This was especially hard on my mother’s family – they grew everything, including feed for their animals. They were in effect, the equivalent of small farmers of the US today.
KitchenKop says
The scary stuff just doesn’t stop, does it?
Jen says
President Obama re-authorized the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act), which has been in effect under many, many previous Presidents. A portion of the Act allows the government to seize certain private property in an emergency situation, including farm animals and food stores. It has nothing to do with “Obamacare”, and President Obama had nothing to do with the decision, half a century ago, to allow the government this control. It has been signed every year, since it’s inception, by every republican and democratic President since.
More concerning to me is the fact that President Obama signed the NDAA of 2012 while he still had “serious reservations” about NDAA provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists. These provisions are the result of Representative Buck McKeon and Senator John McCain introducing bills designed to shift counterterrorism responsibilities from law enforcement to the military. These bills were grafted onto the NDAA, and revised, under threat of a presidential veto, in House and Senate committees.
Too bad the President didn’t veto this Act, when republicans attached provisions for a military state to be used against any U.S. citizen accused of terrorism. This allows for the indefinite detention of American citizens without being charged, or ever brought to trial, if the government decides they are a “terrorist”. Now that is scary stuff! I don’t want to live in a military state.
chemfreemom says
Thanks for clarifying that, Jen. When the right and left blame each other, we play right into the corrupt government’s hands because it distracts Americans from noticing that all of them, on both sides, are robbing us blind and gradually taking away our freedom. Both George Bush and then Obama (after reportedly saying “can we DO that?,” signed onto the patriot act, which gave the NSA the right to spy on their own citizens in an unlimited fashion.
Suzi says
I wish I could mean it when I say that this is unbelievable. Unfortunately, companies can strip some of our rights away–we give them up when we decide to work for a company (i.e. the Constitutional right to bear arms, but not when at work, etc). Still, this borders on tromping on someone’s religious beliefs–I believe that the “vaccinate everyone” crowd is
Lakisha says
And they call us The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave…smh, well so much for that. Thanks for all you do Kelly.
Jill says
Thank you for helping to bring awareness to this issue, Kelly! It truly is appalling and above all, a call to action. We all know that there were a lot more than 150 out of the 10,800 employees of Tri Health who opposed getting flu shots, but only 150 actually refused. If EVERY employee who opposed the flu shot for themselves refused, that 150 that was fired would still be employed right now because no health care system can afford to lose a large percentage of their staff. The book, Selling Sickness looks awesome, and that’s exactly what this is all about. In an attempt to prevent a mild, common illness, how many cases of far worse illness are being caused by excessive (yearly) and unnecessary flu vaccination? If prevention was really the goal, the focus would be on how we live our lives and what we put into our bodies (nutrient-dense, clean, real food), not on toxic drugs. It’s a sales job and nothing more, but for the sales job to be successful it must be painted as something else. We all need to be talking about this to increase public awareness.