I apologize for beating the issue of healthy fats to death lately, but most people I talk to are still not convinced! Sadly, the fat-free mentality has been thoroughly beat into us. But it's no big surprise to find out that God knew what He was doing all along. You'll see what I mean when you read this interesting excerpt from my favorite book these days, which I'm STILL reading…
From Real Food, What to Eat and Why by Nina Planck:
“What is true of meat is true of all fat-and-protein pairs: they go together. Consider, for example, two near-perfect foods: eggs and milk. Both foods are a complete nutritional package, designed for a growing organism's exclusive nutrition, and must contain everything the body needs to assimilate the nutrients they contain. Thus the fats in the egg yolk aid digestion of the protein in the white, and lecithin in the yolk aids metabolism of its cholesterol. The butterfat in milk facilitates protein digestion, and saturated fat in particular is required to absorb the calcium. Calcium, in turn, requires vitamins A and D to be properly assimilated, and they are found only in the butterfat. Finally, vitamin A is required for production of bile salts that enable the body to digest protein. Without the butterfat, then, you don't get the best of the protein, fat-soluble vitamins, or calcium from milk. That's why I don't eat, and cannot recommend, egg white omelets and skim milk. They are low-quality, incomplete foods.”
When we separate components in our foods that God put together for a reason, our bodies will suffer the consequences.
- Read the book review on Real Milk from the Weston A. Price Foundation
- Other books I recommend
- Healthy milk options
- Eggs are good for you!
- My Dark Secrets
Joe says
I think you both are off your rocker and the opposite is true. Kids nowadays look TOO grown up, and kids back then look more like kids. You think kids look thin these days? Most kids are fat or overweight. I’m sorry, but I completely disagree with the last two comments.
S. says
Wow I happened to find this as a result of a google search. 🙂
I’ve read elsewhere that we don’t absorb the vitamins A and D and calcium from the milk unless the saturated fat is present? if we don’t absorb them, what happens to them when they enter our body? they don’t enter the bloodstream?
that would be really pitiful. no wonder our kids aren’t growing up properly.
have you noticed high schoolers in this day and age? and then look at yearbooks from the 60s and 70s? the males and females looked more like young men and young women – high schoolers in this day and age just don’t look like they’re grown up properly – the girls look more so than the boys but the boys shock me very much. some of them are way too small and thin to be 18. something has to be wrong with the way they’re fed – because they don’t look like the high school kids from decades ago.
KitchenKop says
I’m glad Google brought you over!
Yes, it’s sad how many are starving to death for lack of nutrients and don’t even know it because they feel full…