Do you ever wonder if natural remedies for skin cancer like basal cell carcinoma (or other health conditions) can do anything at all? I'm here to tell you, they can be very helpful and even scary if you're not careful…
First this note/disclaimer: “The information found here has not been approved by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” I'm only sharing my own story, your situation may be VERY different, and I'm not a medical professional or anywhere close. Use this information only to do more research on your own!
(By the way, there's a little about warts below too… AND see my latest update on this whole saga here.)
Black Salve for Skin Cancer
It was 4:17 a.m. I'm not sure what woke me, but immediately I knew something wasn't right. It was day three in applying the Black Salve on my skin cancer spot. My lip felt like I'd been numbed at the dentist. I hurried into the bathroom and could see that my whole bottom lip was huge and swollen; I could feel it on the inside, like it had burned a hole through my lip and there was inflammation all around it, and on the outside it looked like I had a fat lip. My heart started racing, I just knew that I'd permanently disfigured my face. How STUPID of me to try to get rid of this naturally! I should've just had the surgeon take it off like normal people do! I quickly took the band aid and all the leftover salve off my chin, and knew there was nothing else I could do at that point but pray. So I went back to bed in a sweat and prayed my guts out. “Lord, please don't let this be permanent! Don't let me have screwed up so bad! If I did, will cosmetic surgery fix it?!” I never did get back to sleep, I was worried and freaked out. My lip was fat all morning, but by noon all of the swelling went down and I could tell my lip was still intact. My face even looked normal again. Thank God!
Disclaimer: Remember that as I told you in my original skin cancer post (I have Basal Cell Carcinoma but still won't avoid the sun), the surgeons office told me that this was a very benign, not at all dangerous skin cancer that could be left for years without any threat of facial disfiguration. If you have any weird skin spots, be sure to get them checked out just in case yours aren't so non-threatening.
Next I waited to see what would happen and left it alone. It turned into a monster scab. It was kind of cool if you like a good scab like I do. For the most part I didn't care how it looked, but it was a little embarrassing at Church because it was just SO big and hideous and dark, and I didn't have any small band aids to cover it up. I made myself not pick at it, and after about 3 days it was almost falling off, so I grabbed it. I was amazed, but the kids weren't impressed for some reason and thought it was gross that I wanted to show it off to them. (LOL!) Here's a picture if you don't mind looking at disgusting stuff that is kind of cool – I put the toothbrush there so you could see how big it was. Imagine someone coming up for communion with this big honker on their chin:
I wondered what would happen to the skin underneath and was curious if the basal cell carcinoma would come back like it did after it was originally excised in September at our doctor's office. If not, maybe I'll need to treat a larger area, but I'll do it only during the daytime when I can keep an eye on how it's feeling! On the right is what my chin looked like as it healed — see the indent there?
One more time…
In the meantime, I wanted to see if it would work to take off this little spot on my arm that has been there for a year or two. It's not skin cancer, it's just a little hard raised area that hasn't ever changed, maybe it was a wart. (Again, if you have a spot you're unsure about, you should get it checked out.) So I started applying the Black Salve — a little ball of it to just go over the spot — and covering it with a band aid. (Follow the directions.) It hurts and itches just a little, but not bad. I'll spare you the scab pictures on this one, but it was another doozy! It got part of it off but didn't work as well as this remedy for warts.
A note from a reader in the comments:
In the instructions it says not to use black salve on moles or warts, use bloodroot salve for these. When using black salve you’re only to do one spot at a time, I did two but both had white spot scabs that as they dried turned to regular scabs. When I emailed and asked about dry places on my nose they said best to use Lugo’s iodine, so I am doing that now and treated a spot on my cheekbone that healed quicker than the first two. Anyway I believe in natural healing and these people are very prompt at answering questions and replying about pics.
The main point I wanted to make is that natural remedies can be powerful and even dangerous if you're not careful.
Working with a naturopath or holistic doctor may be a good idea for you! Just use common sense and see a doctor if you're not sure about anything. It's not worth your long-term health or disfiguring yourself over it because remember, I'm not a doctor.
Imagine how this would put a dent into surgeons' pockets, though!
No wonder most people don't know about it. (Thank you to everyone who told me about the Black Salve in my original skin cancer post!)
Have you ever tried this or something similar? Did it work?
- Update: Click here to read my follow up post!
- And then……. Turns out there was one more update to this story afterall!
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Cyndie Lou says
c-herb is used by many family members
Angie Quilty says
This stuff is amazing , I’ve had two skin cancers on my hands (diagnosed by a doctor), used this stuff and it killed ithem completely. Just a little scar to show for it.
Jackie N Nick says
I read your post on this years ago, I used it on my husband and it was amazing to watch. It was a big mole on the back of his neck. It left a huge hole, but it filled in great. We kept it covered with linen. Thanks for sharing this info!
Carol Wells says
Read Dr. Clark who they also ran out of country and she has listen of items that feed abnormal cancer cells ,any petroleum products which rubber latex is one so watch your bandaids.
Carol Wells says
And always keep covered with nonlatex bandaids (Kroger brand)..follow directions.
Carol Wells says
When doc wanted me to put Efudex all over my face a googled others that had and I said no way…rubbing poison over my whole face was not acceptable. I ordered my black drawing salve from alpha omega who is out of country because U.S. listens to big pharma and wants no one curing cancer, hence around 70 holistic doctors sudden death. In the instructions it says not to use on moles or warts,use bloodroot salve for these. When using black salve you’re only to do one spot at a time I did two but both had white spot scabs that as dried turned to regular scabs. When I emailed and asked about dry places on nose and I wore glasses they said best tu use Lugo’s iodine ,so I am doing that now and treated spot on cheekbone that healed quicker than 1st 2. Anyway I believe in natural healing and these people are very prompt at answering questions and replying about pics.
Eyna Smith says
Praying for complete healing for you, Carol!
Carol Wells says
Why thank you ma’am, it was pre cancer and I was not putting chemo cream on my face
Evania Ev says
I use radium plant. Grow it in a pot. Was used for thousands of years successfully,.
Heather Chilton Wormsley says
I used a blood-root based black salve for about 3 months with melanoma in-situ. All it did was scar the good skin surrounding the cancer. I ended up have it cut out.
Cassandra Hansen says
I”ve used it and it’s always worked well. I also understand that people can have immune response issues and may be best to use an alternative. I think people also need to know they are buying THE genuine product. I had a mole on my foot that I had to use black salve twice on. I have 100% confidence in it working for me.
Michelle Smith says
I used Black Salve. I would / will NEVER use it again. I beg you to do your research and use ANY other treatment, except for this.
Chanda Johnson says
Be careful with black root salve…it can scar very badly. If it is a cancerous mole it can go very deep.
Erin Josef says
I used black salve to take off a questionable mole next to my navel a few years back. Had it on for about a week, and it just fell away when I was changing the bandaid one day. I was amazed, but my kids were grossed out, too. I put Neosporin on it for a few weeks afterward. The scar is barely noticable now. I have read about using castor oil and baking soda, too. Supposed to be a little more gentle, but still effective. I don’t think I would use black salve on my face.
Tammy Stottlemyre Childers says
When I used it I thought it was very painful. Did you find that to be the case?
Erin Josef says
It did ache a bit a couple days before it fell away, other than that it was itchy but nothing too uncomfortable or alarming. Once the mole fell off, it did not hurt or itch at all. I will use it again if the need arises.
Sheri Youngquist says
I too used black salve on my Derm-diagnosed spot of basal cell on my face several years ago. Same experience as you Kelly with a huge plug coming out and quite freaked out about it. It seemed to heal nicely, but later it reappeared. When a new dermatologist said I needed Mohs surgery, I decided I’d better do it. Very expensive and a nice long scar to show for it. I’m sure the black salve would have been more effective earlier in the process. Now I use frankincense oil on any suspicious spots and have yet to have one go bad on me.
Cam says
Sea water got rid of mine on feet- 3 to 4 times of keeping feet in sea water for nearly 2 hours each time over one summer.
Ruthie Gilbert says
Hi. I have been using black save all year and have gotten 60 tumours from forearm and my left thigh. My experience is to use it and have a month break and attack the site again. You must use the salve until you get no reaction on that area or it will return. I had 10 eschars fro one area of my arm and all were 15 mm by 8 mm deep. I know there is a couple of times left on that one as when they are finished they tend to leave more of a fine white scar not red. Good luck everyone. It is painful and scarey and really not much support except what we write in these blogs which I find to be very helpful. I have made a huge supply so have a life long supply. I am also going to take a capsule once a day for 3 weeks over xmas break without the zinc chloride in it so as just to get a helping hand with things xx Ruthie nov 2016
Katherine says
I have been recently researching this topic based on the eggplant cure information that I have been reading about. One of the things that has come up during this research is regarding tamanu oil to help heal your skin after using this type of treatment. I have not tried this but am curious if anyone has any incite on this oil. Also, has anyone tried to make homemade eggplant lotion for this or similar purposes? I know curaderm is made using extracts that are found in eggplants, and would be curious if homemade lotions would be beneficial as well.
DAS says
My grandparents have sworn by “black salve” since we were kids (I am 38). It also works on boils, splinters, and be stings to draw out stingers and such.
J in VA says
I bought some of this with high hopes it would get rid of a growth on the top of dh’s scalp. We put it on three different times leaving it on 48 hours two times and 72 the last. It has changed slightly but mostly nothing has happened. It needs to come off but I don’t want to go the dermatologist route. It looks wart-ish but …………….???????
We have also tried two plantar warts and I tried one mole with no effect whatsoever. I was prepared for …if it’s nothing it won’t do anything but…how can ALL of these things be nothing?
Anyone else try a different drawing salve that actually works?
KitchenKop says
I think there are definitely times to see a doctor, and a visit to a dermatologist would be the next move if it were me, just to be sure it’s nothing serious.
Kathy R. says
I just wanted to mention that one of my sons got rid of plantar warts with eucalyptis oil. He used it twice a day until gone, which took several weeks.
Lori says
Why don’t you try Curaderm? I had a basal cell skin cancer on my eyelid and unfortunately Curaderm can’t be used by the eye, so I had to have surgery. But if I get anymore basal cells on my body, I’m going to try Curaderm. There’s a lot on the internet about it. Here’s a time lapse video of a man who used it on his basal cell every day. It’s takes a few months to work.
Lisa says
that’s EXACTLY the way black salve is supposed to work! It’s working hard to dig deep and get all the roots of the cancer. I bet I’ve treated a hundred places on myself and others and it always scares people to death for a couple of days. They sometimes run a fever even. But…in the end it always leaves pretty pink new skin and a scar that quickly goes away. I LOVE Black salve! Btw…where did you find yours and what is the brand? I’m about to need some and haven’t bought any in a while and the place I used is no longer around.
Heather says
I had a freckle on my thigh that had begun itching. I made my own Red Root/Blood Root salve and faithfully covered it everyday with it and a bandaid. It seemed to do nothing for the freckle (but burned/scarred the healthy skin around it). After about a month I finally went to the dermatologist to discover melanoma in-situ. I ended up needing to have a major dallup taken out.
Janelle says
If you look up recipes you need more than one ingredient for this to work.
Heather says
Yes, I do realize this. I was only stating the primary.
P J says
We, family and friends have used black salve for years very successfully. The hole will close and maybe leave a small scar. a scar certainly not as large as those I have seen with surgery. The salve appears to get all of the roots.
Tammy says
I tried to find the ingredients for this on the Amazon link but couldn’t except for the little showing in the picture. Can you tell us what is in it?
Kathy R. says
I’d love to know also!
Denise T. says
Galangal, graviola, bloodroot, chaparral, zinc chloride, glycerine, and optional to use DMSO.
Victoria says
Thank you!
Denise T. says
There are a few different companies selling what they call black salve and their ingredients might vary from this. I made mine from a recipe I found on the internet. The salve I recommend if not making it yourself is from Alpha Omega Labs.
Victoria says
I had no idea that you could make your own. Thank you again, Denise!
Victoria says
I am also wondering about the ingredients, and I am surprised that they aren’t listed at the Amazon link.
KitchenKop says
Here’s what the ingredients are on mine:
“Calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and 12 trace minerals blended in a base of synergistic herbs.”
Kind of vague there, but they probably don’t want someone copying them?
libby says
If you google “black salve” tons of pictures will come up with people who have been disfigured using it…i couldn’t believe some of them, I have no idea if it is true or not, some FDA warning stuff on one site. I admit it scared me away from the salve, looking at it through different eyes is a bit more encouraging. Thanks for sharing.
Is the pic of the arm a mole coming off?
KitchenKop says
Hi Libby,
Yes, I know there are scary stories/pictures out there, that’s why I really wanted to warn people to be careful and use common sense. Hopefully I came off clear enough!
That pic on my arm is just with the black salve sitting on top.
libby says
Very clear. Thanks!
Denise T. says
I’ve been using black salve for over a year and it’s removed quite a few suspicious spots, including one on my lip. It was HUGE and I was totally freaked out but in the end I only had a small scar.
Nancy says
My husband has removed skin tags by tying a piece of thread around them until they turn black and fall off. Not sure about trying it on the face, but it worked great for ones on his neck & arm.
Steve says
I usually just clip them off with a nail clipper or pinch and yank. Use antibiotic cream for sure, and it does hurt and they do bleed for a short bit, but far less time than it takes to go see the doc and they are usually all healed up except a scab in an hour or so.
Kathy R. says
I have a number of cancer lesions that I have used a black salve or PDQ on (recommended by my ND) though it has not always been successful. I have several lesions where they have appeared to be gone but then always reappear. I have not seen where a root has been pulled up on any of them. The ones I have used a black salve or PDQ (somewhat different from black salve) with when first discovered were ones it did work great with (also a squamous cell ca on my leg). I have also had many removed from the dermatologist but even some of those returned. Right now I have one very close to my eye (caution to NOT use black salve near your eyes) so I’ll be paying a hefty price for that one’s removal. One above my lip has been there for over 10 years. I thought it was gone so many times but at least it does not appear to grow and is not unsightly. I may look into using this particular salve Kelly used and I appreciate her story and everyone’s input.
PS When I feel self conscious by having to walk around with a big band aid on my face I tell myself to be proud to wear it—a simple thing I have to do and deal with compared to those with life-altering cancers who go through so much on a daily basis. Both my parents died of cancer as well, so it’s meaningful to me.
KitchenKop says
Kathy R., that’s a good perspective to have. 🙂
Kathy R. says
Update: I used PDQ for 3 days in a row AGAIN a few weeks ago on that same spot above my lip. I got a much larger intense reaction than ever before with the surrounding tissues, and acute soreness within the tissues inside my lip which was bothersome to sleep. This time the results showed it did make an indent all around the lesion site and perhaps has taken care of it all? Hope so!
Barbara says
I’ve used PDQ herbal. Look it up on the net. Works great!
Jeanmarie says
Very cool! I’ve got to get some of that salve!
Victoria says
Does anyone know if it works on skin tags?
Lori Alexander says
Yes, I have used it on skin tags and have had great success.
Denise T. says
I’ve also used it on skin tags and it worked great.
Deborah says
So….I am thinking I should not try this on the skin tags near my eye! I have been trying frsnkinsense ess oil on them, to no avail.
Lori Alexander says
I would never use it near the eyes. I would use a dermatologist for anything near them.
Just Trixie says
Have you tried melaleuca oil for the skin tags? I’ve had success with pure melaleuca.
Miranda says
Try lugol’s iodine for skin tags. Works so well!
Ellie says
Be careful with black salve, it’s potent and has caused some serious open wounds on people. Have you seen the lady who lost the entire bulb of her nose from this stuff? I’m curious about this salve too but we aren’t doctors
Lori Alexander says
I would never use it near the eyes. I would use a dermatologist for anything near them.
Lori Alexander says
Ooppss…sorry, I replied to the wrong person. No, I have not seen this lady you are talking about. We are not doctors and are simply sharing our experience with Black Salve. Everyone must do their own research and decide if it is worth trying or not.
Barbara says
PDQ HERBAL will not leave a hole in your skin. Works great. I’ve had great success with it
Diane says
Yes, I have heard about that lady, but it is my understanding that the reason it destroyed so much of her nose was because it took off all of the cancer. She filed a law suit and the website that sold it had to close down. It is also my understanding that she later regretted going against them because it did get rid of her cancer. Of course she did had to have her nose reconstructed. It is a scary process to go alone, especially if it is on your face.
I did use it approximately ten years ago to remove a suspected cancer spot the size of a pencil head on my cheek. Two doctors and a dermatologist thought it was cancer but I had no biopsy done. It did work but I had no real support and kept second guessing myself. I have a slight scar that is not noticeable to others unless I point it out.
We all have cancers cells but when our immune system is healthy it fights them off. I believe that worry over the possibility of any kind of cancer is often worse than the cancer itself. Because it affects our immune system negatively and that WORRY or FEAR is our worst enemy! We need to detox and cleanse our bodies regularly. They are fearfully and wonderfully made and have been designed to heal themselves. We need to do the best we can and trust God! Ultimately He is in control!
Gail says
I agree with this.
Lisa Carson says
Thank you so much for the update! I have been waiting very patiently to hear your experience. Off to place my Amazon order! I have a small basal cell on my collarbone (I’ve had others on my chest that a derm has removed, so I know exactly what it is). I’ve tried another natural remedy that turns it bright red for a few days, then heals completely, but eventually comes back after a few months. I’m hoping the black salve will cure it for good! I wonder if the scarring will be better than when a derm scrapes them??
Lori Alexander says
Nothing that I have used it on the past ten years has grown back. The only thing it has left a scar on is a mole my daughter had on her neck. It left a keloid bump that the dermotolgist got rid of with a small shot of something. Other than that, I have no scars. If the cancer is very deep, it can leave a scar but no worse than a dermotolgist would leave and the black salve gets it at its root.
Lisa Carson says
Thank you Lori!
annie says
has anyone used this to remove a wart?
Lori Alexander says
It works amazing on warts! My father in law had a huge one on the top of his head and tried everything to get rid of it. Black Salve got rid of it completely and that was a few years ago.
chagit says
Thanks for the article. Any ideas if it would be helpful for a keloid behind the ear?
Lori Alexander says
I don’t think it works on keloid.
Jennifer says
Check out Young Living’s Neroli oil for getting rid of a keloid:
barbara says
On that note, I have had success with YL Frankincense on a cancerous lesion on my lip. I put it on and it did nothing for about a week, maybe a bit more … then all of a sudden it bubbled up the lesion, ugly and huge. I kept putting it on. ( just a smidge throughout the day when I would think about it) and in three days it all went away. That portion of the lip was healed. This was over a year ago and it has remained clear. I have used it for other things, and have had a similar experience and there has never been a scar so far. It has not done reacted on some other spots on my body … so maybe it is selective also, like black sauve and PDQ are.
Lori Alexander says
My family and I have been using it for over 10 years and have never had one problem with it. If it is something that needs to go like skin cancer, it can burn for the whole 24 hours it is on. If it is nothing, nothing will happen. I do leave vaseline, a natural type, or vitamin e on it with a small round bandaid until it is completely healed. This stuff is amazing! We have saved thousands of dollars from not having to go to the doctor.
Leanne Overlander says
My husband and I have done several miles with black salve, including one in my husband back that was add deep add 3 nickels when the escsar fell out. Black salve only targets abnormal cells. We have tried it on some moles and had no effect. If you are worried about scaring, treat like any other wound you don’t want to scar, but wait until the escar falls out,or it will interfere with the black salve. The wound will heal from the inside out.
Michele Z says
I love black salve Kelly! I have used it off and on for the last 12 years..I have removed a handful of “unusual” spots on my breast and legs…If there is nothing wrong with a spot you put the black salve on, it(black salve) will leave it alone. That has been my experience at least. Make sure you put coconut oil or aloe vera on the healing spot for less scarring
Bailey says
Should it be very painful? I used it on a wart on my foot and the pain is getting to be unbearable, I can not put shoes on or hardly walk. The place was about dime size or a bit smaller.
KitchenKop says
Bailey, it was painful for me at times, I used Motrin for that. Be sure to consult a doctor if you’re not sure. Remember, I’m NOT a doctor.
Debra Z says
Glad to see I’m not the only one who takes pictures of gross but cool stuff. 🙂