There are two big reasons why medication adverse effects are not reported or under-reported…
It's truly scary what we don't know or may not know until it's too late.
“There’s a huge financial incentive for the pharmaceutical industry to lie about their drugs’ harmful effects.”
1. “The pharmaceutical industry lost more than $24 billion dollars because it was discovered that their drugs severely harmed hundreds of thousands of patients. Nonetheless, this is a fraction of the amount of money these companies made in the few years *before* their drugs were removed or had warning labels instituted. Moreover, there is no consequence to the individual pharmaceutical industry executives responsible for hiding their drugs’ deadly effects.”
2. “Clinicians who publish ADRs (Adverse drug/device reactions) do so at personal and professional peril, the researchers write.” “Clinicians were sued by the pharmaceutical industry, received verbal threats, and at least one lost his job after reporting adverse effects.”
There are times when the benefit outweighs the risk and our family has needed to take Rx meds.
And yes, in those times I’m grateful for them–like when I had a kidney stone! I’m also grateful that these instances have been rare, because there are problems in this industry for sure. Besides, when it comes to so many health issues, the meds often only add to your list of symptoms instead of actually healing anything. (Meds for anxiety and depression are the very first that come to mind.)
Our family has successfully gotten over SO many health issues with natural remedies!
Sadly, few medical professionals know or even CARE about these options. For an example, when we weaned Kent off his BP meds (do NOT do this willy nilly, talk to your doc), the doctor didn’t even ask what we did, he just said, “Great, keep doing that.” Read more about that here.
Did you know this?
Another related side note, did you know that fewer than 1% of Vaccine injuries are ever reported?!!!!! Be sure to see my post about the latest jab that everyone is talking about. And scroll through my past posts here about how we came to our own decisions about vaccines. (Those are toward the bottom as you scroll at that link.)
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