Get this. Remember my niece, Jenna, who came over for a day last fall so she could learn more about real food? (It was fun taking her around the grocery store!) Well she just moved out last week (she's 20) and sent me a text yesterday that said, “About to tour a farm that I want to get meat from, any questions I should ask?” Is she a girl after my heart or WHAT???? When she was done she sent another text, “I'M SO EXCITED!” She said the farm was awesome, you could tell they take good care of their animals and they're 100% grass-fed. AND they told her she could get her chicken for less if she helped on butchering day. I said, “Would you ever do that?” (Because it's not my thing for sure, that's why I so appreciate my farmers!) She said, “Yeah, I might!” All I could say was, “YOU are awesome.”
Read about a conversation I had with Jenna a while back (about what a difference real food really can make), and another one about when she came over one day and I showed her how to really screw up a good loaf of homemade bread. Yep, it's tough being me some days. 🙂
I was thinking about how my other niece's are open to talking about real food too, and so is our daughter, but what is it with boys that makes them so hard-headed? (Not my husband, Kent, thankfully, he's amazing. And he cooked us the most delicious chicken dinner yesterday!)
- Have you seen this post? The Olive Oil Mafia: Be Aware of the Extensive Lies and Corruption.
- You may have seen where I mentioned wanting to whiten my teeth (without bleach) in my post on gum disease/which toothbrush is best/Hormonal Halitosis and a reader in the comments said that “a mixture of 3 Tablespoons unrefined coconut oil, 3 Tablespoons baking soda, 1 tsp. himalayan salt, 10-15 drops therapeutic grade peppermint oil makes a mix that I was using just for tooth health and was surprised at how white my teeth have gotten by using this over a period of time.” Has anyone else tried natural methods? If so, please share in the comments and if I get a bunch of good ideas, I'll turn it into a post, thanks!
Have you signed up for the free Thyroid session talks yet? Click here to save a spot at no cost.
- In case you're wondering, no, our family doesn't eat grain-free/gluten-free, however, we have no problem with eating that way sometimes just because we like the recipe. Here's what I shared on FB the other day that I'm excited to try: A gluten-free, make-yourself version of Cocoa Crispies! And yes, that was one of my favorite breakfast “foods” back before my food conversion!! (Now I know that Cocoa Krispies shouldn't even be called food.) Find loads of good-for-you breakfast recipes here.
- Anyone else starting work on your homeschool curriculum for next year? Youza, that's a ton of work. If you're thinking of beginning this adventure or need some advice for along the way, my homeschooling posts might help.
- Have you ever wondered how a particular diet that restores one person's health can leave someone else exhausted and depleted? As one of my heroes, Dr. Natasha Campbell-
McBride explains how one man's meat is another man's poison. Find out why and how to tell what foods are right for YOU. Find her pioneering book on restoring gut health and a slew of seemingly unrelated health conditions and mental and learning disorders here.
- This FB photo tells what position certain Monsanto employees hold, AND what government position they hold as well. Infuriating!
- Speaking of infuriating BULL, read this article by Representative Mike Pompeo: “Modified Foods are Needed, Safe“. What??? Once you read it, let me know which statements make you the most crazy, you'll find plenty, believe me. Besides all the obvious stuff, I thought the comment about how GMO labeling would increase food budgets by $400/year/family was dumb. That's only around $7 or $8/week, less than most people spend on coffee. Yes, not everyone, some are truly struggling and I suppose that bit of an increase could be a hardship, but for a large number of Americans that wouldn't even be noticeable. (Funny how this guy gets it on an even bigger issue, so he's not all bad, but on the issue of GMOs he is soooooooo off base.)
- Did you watch any of canonizations yesterday? We watched parts and it was so beautiful. Here is a neat story of how JPII touched this blogger.
- In this post Kristen clues you in on where to find healthy lunch meat. Thankfully our farmer sells some good stuff, but I know most aren't so lucky.
- Check out these hilarious, amazing, and moving pictures from the past. Some of my favs: The first selfie, apartment balcony baby cages (!?!), office whiskey dispensers, and the Miss Atomic Bomb Beauty Pageant winner. Wow. 🙂
- I'll leave you with some favorite pics of the week!
abby beale says
My friend and farmer Grace Phillips from Loving Dove Farms here where I live in Frankfort makes wonderful toothpastes that are just about this formula. Her base is thieves oil.
lisa says
It’s interesting that the “15 second kiss” came up, since it was just a few days ago that Ann Voskamp’s blog post about a daily “10 second kiss” popped into my newsfeed. I sense a theme here!
KitchenKop says
That is funny! People are catching on to what a great idea this is! 🙂
SherryJ says
Activated charcoal is a safe way to whiten teeth. Just dip your toothbrush, with or without your healthy brushing paste/oil, and brush it on. Leave it for on for a while before rinsing as usual. I really like this alternative to hydrogen peroxide, which can penetrate tooth enamel and damage the pulp, except that the charcoal is rather messy.
KitchenKop says
I don’t know anything about activated charcoal, are any of these good?
Heather says
Those are great brands. You can also sprinkle a little dash of it on restaurant food to help body rid itself of bad stuff in the food. Can save you from food poisoning. Learned that little trick from a very special biochemist!
Kathleen S. says
Thank you for sharing the link for the blogger and JPll!! Made me cry! It was so beautiful to be able to watch history being made as Pope John XXlll and Pope John Paul ll were canonized.
KitchenKop says
Hi Kathleen,
Did you hear that there were over 500,000 people there??? 🙂
Heather says
Thank you for all of the great info and especially the humor. Sometimes I need a good laugh because I take my parenting responsibility waaaayyy too seriously!
I like to add activated charcoal to my baking soda/salt mixture. Seems to help with the whitening.
KitchenKop says
Definitely keep laughing, Heather, it keeps us sane! 🙂
Stanley Fishman @ Tender Grassfed Meat says
Pompeo just repeated the propaganda of the Biotech companies. In fact, I think they wrote it for him.
If you look at his donor list, I suspect you will find the names of a few companies whose names you already know.
KitchenKop says
Sickening isn’t it, Stan????????
Peggy says
Natural tooth whitening? Tried most of them, none have worked well at all. Seriously considering letting my dentist bleach me because my teeth are giving away my age more than my graying hair.
I’m just home from a huge homeschool convention in Ohio. I found a lot of serious discounts that were offered only there, 40%, 25%, etc. Back in the good old days (when we used to get them) I would use our tax refund to buy curriculum. Haven’t seen one of those in a while!
KitchenKop says
Really? Have you tried one like I mentioned? If so then BOOGER. Weird that it works for some and not others.
How do you go to a homeschool convention and find deals this early? I won’t even know what I’m using for sure for another couple of months probably!
Thanks Peggy!
Sarah says
Hi Kelly,
Yes, to the homeschooling curriculum for next year. It is nice to be able to spread that around a bit! We are looking very intently at IEW for a writing program. Our current English program is very heavy on grammar and I feel is very weak on writing. With the kiddos going into 6 and 7 grade I desperately feel the need to strengthen that area. I will be checking out the posts on homeschooling, thank you!
I have not read the article about GMO labeling, yet. I have been told by folks here in California though that the arguement of cost increase was also used when people fought so hard for labeling on packages due to food allergies. It, of course (parenthetical element, too much grammar!), did not prove to be true.
Have a good day and thank you for your constant writing which gives be a boost especially on the days I begin to feel lazy and that it is not worthwhile (food prep). It always is. Now off to make my man’s lunch, etc.
KitchenKop says
I’ve heard great things about IEW but I’m afraid that it’d be so much writing that I’d hear nothing but constant complaining, that gets soooooooo old…
Yes on the GMOs – it’s just common sense that they’re bad, just VERY BASIC common sense!!!! And you’re right, companies should be used to the need to change labels now and then, that shouldn’t even be a big deal by now!
I’m glad my posts help give you a boost, sometimes it’s a real sacrifice to get them up.
Sandra says
We used IEW for our youngest two boys, who absolutely hated writing. I have to say that program worked the best of any we tried.
Carey says
Look into WriteShop – it’s much less intense than IEW but uses similar principles.
Marilyn says
“In fact, estimates show that advances in agricultural science have helped save billions of lives from starvation.” This sentence almost made it impossible for me to continue reading. What about the billions of lives gm food, pesticides and the way we treat/raise animals have killed or made very sick? This country may be overweight, but we are starving our bodies of the nutrition it needs.
KitchenKop says
I know, Marilyn, what a total and complete CROCK.
Nancy says
On this past Saturday, I saw on CSPAN a presentation by Jeffrey Smith titled Genetically Modified Foods. It can be seen if you go to CSPAN video library.
bunkie says
Great post! I’ve been oil pulling with coconut oil for a couple of months now and have noticed my teeth are much whiter. Hubby also has been oil pulling with his dentures in and the coconut oil definitely whitens/cleans them, too!!!
KitchenKop says
I’m excited to try it, I’ll have to remember to do before and after shots…
Jo-Lynne {Musings of a Housewife} says
I am totally trying this: “a mixture of 3 Tablespoons unrefined coconut oil, 3 Tablespoons baking soda, 1 tsp. himalayan salt, 10-15 drops therapeutic grade peppermint oil makes a mix that I was using just for tooth health and was surprised at how white my teeth have gotten by using this over a period of time.”
Also, I pinned the Coffee/Wine thing. OMG that is so me! HA!
I’ve been getting lax in my real food habits lately. I need to get back on track. Love getting your daily emails. Thanks for keeping us up to snuff! 🙂
KitchenKop says
Hey Jo-Lynne,
Don’t feel bad, we all go through those times.
Good to hear from you GF!!