If any of you listen to NPR's Marketplace radio program, then you probably heard their recent perky story about mandatory flu shots.
The depth of their ignorance will make you crazy, but you'll feel a little better when you read the comments that follow from a couple WAPF chapter leaders who make clear the truth about mandatory flu shots! I hope the folks at NPR actually read them and did some research, but sadly, I doubt it…
“The Hazards of Trying to Make Flu Shots Mandatory”
(They mentioned none of the real hazards!)
NPR's Marketplace, January 2016
Kai’s intro:
The CDC has set a goal of giving the flu shot to 90% of all healthcare workers by the year 2020. Only a handful of states require flu shots for healthcare providers at the moment, and even then, it's only for people who work in hospitals. The flu costs about $7 billion a year in sick days and lost productivity, so enter now the idea being floated by some companies of mandatory flu shots for everybody.”
Sally Herships, 1-21-16:
You know what sucks? The flu. Also, if you spread it to your co-workers, you.
“You can actually be actively infectious and have no symptoms.” Bruce Lee teaches International Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “If they miss one day, then that’s on average, eight hours of lost productivity to the workplace.”
According to the Department of Health and Human Services, Americans miss more than 100 million days of a work a year thanks to the flu, which is why some companies want mandatory flu shots, but some workers don't.
“It comes down to, if employees resist, what do you do,” said Ivo Becica, an employment lawyer with the firm Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel. Some workers, he said, are under a misconception that the flu shot will give them the flu.
“Others have more of a personal liberty objection and they say, how can my employer do this,” he said. “Well — short answer to that is the employer is not the government.” In other words, private businesses have more leeway on deciding policy than Uncle Sam, except of course if workers need to be exempt for health reasons or religious beliefs…
[Private businesses often have more leeway on deciding policy than the government, except, of course, if workers need to be exempt for health reasons or for religious beliefs, but that, says Becica, is often where things can get fuzzy. Take veganism, for example.
“Is that a sincerely held belief akin to religion? Courts haven’t addressed it straight on, but there was a case that suggested that you could come within a religious exemption for something that’s not theological. Faith does not need to be based on belief in a god,” he said.]
Andrew Challenger is with employment consulting firm, Challenger, Gray, and Christmas, he says the flu is an expensive problem, but it's not like those headline diseases, the scary ones, just think back to the ebola epidemic. “All we heard about for weeks on end was ebola and how worried everybody was about what that could do to the economy.” But, he says, the flu has a simple fix, its cost can be erased with just one shot.”
In New York, I'm Sally Herships, for Marketplace.” (Source: The hazards of trying to make flu shots mandatory. You can also listen at that link. Note: The part in brackets above was added to the article transcript online, but was not in the original radio clip. Plus there were parts in the radio piece that were not in the online transcript, which I did include here.)
Wow, no wonder Americans are so often accused of being greedy, the article never touched on all the health risks of getting vaccinated, it only mentioned the costs of the $7 billion a year in sick days and lost productivity!!
A well-deserved SMACKDOWN — the TRUTH about Mandatory Flu Shots
A comment on the NPR site by Lauren, California chapter leader:
Regarding your cheerleading coverage of a plan to make flu vaccines mandatory:
Don’t any Marketplace staff shop at farmers markets and have kids who appreciate their veggies? Doesn’t even one of you know that being replete in A, D, C, and iodine makes children (and adults) incredibly resistant to infection?
Anyone there seen the graphs showing how various diseases declined before specific vaccines were made available? How about someone hip enough to know that adjuvants can be very harmful, that aluminum is almost as neurotoxic as the mercury it replaced?
OK, maybe MP staff never heard those ideas. But as self-respecting journalists, aren’t you a tiny bit suspicious of any product with ZERO liability that steadily becomes evermore widely MANDATORY? That Pharma is the largest lobbyist in DC and is a major source of ad dollars in the media? That herd immunity happens with populations who got their immunity naturally, from childhood illnesses, but cannot result from vaccines? That vaccines often ‘shed' the disease to others for 6 weeks or more after the shot? Of course, your experts assert that these claims are wrong.
But you’ll never know if you listen only to the people who have a lot to lose.
Doesn’t Journalism 101 require you to get comments from some long-time activists against mandatory shots, such as NVIC, the National Vaccine Information Center?
NACCHO— heard of that? The National Association of City and County Health Officers is the reason you will never find a public health staff person in any city, county, or state brave enough to discuss the ‘anecdotal' evidence of vaccine failure and vaccine harm.
You would think that membership fees fund NACCHO. But only 2.5% of their budget comes from dues. The other 97.5% of their annual budget of $25 million comes from – – – the CDC!
And that's how the CDC influences medical professionals far beyond staff paid by tax dollars that vaccination is one of the “Top ten public health measures” and that vaccines save thousands of lives a year.
How about the new medical text book from Wiley: “Vaccines and Autoimmunity.” It’s about autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). Authors include clinical physicians and scientists at major university research hospitals in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Israel, Japan, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Columbia, Mexico and Slovenia.
Don’t believe me, interview the lead author of that book, Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld. He has excellent credentials.
Or don’t. Because certain big donors to NPR might be miffed.”
Karen, a chapter leader from Ohio, had more light to shed on this issue for those who are so misinformed:
The biggest cost to people not getting flu shots is the lost profits to chain drug stores selling them, the loss of $ incentives to physicians whose employer corporation pays more, the more vaccinations administered, to schools & hospitals & whoever else who are rewarded if they meet goals for % of students or employees getting flu shots.
The CDC acknowledges only 14-24% effectiveness, suggesting 75-85% likelihood of getting the flu if you get the shot, to say nothing of the side effects like kidney failure, chronic fatigue, or paralysis via Guillain-Barre.
The adjuvants are toxic in themselves — aluminum, polysorbate 80, squalene, foreign proteins, mercury, and the flu is the body's effort at a serious housecleaning, an effort to eliminate accumulated metabolic wastes. If you don't get that stuff out, it ends up disrupting healthy cell function and leads to degenerative disease.
Vaccine manufacturers have NO liability, and the government (CDC et al), volunteer organizations (Rotary, etc.) and media such as Marketplace & NPR do the promotion. Great business plan.
Too bad the product is as effective as fairy dust, but far more dangerous.
If people choose to get vaccinated (NOT the same as immunized*), let them so choose. Just don't force it on all. *Immunity comes from a strong immune system, and that comes from nutrient dense real food, not the processed chemicalized stuff that makes up the standard American diet.”
If you agree with Lauren and Karen, let NPR know, let them hear from you in the comments on this article:
The hazards of trying to make flu shots mandatory.
Share your thoughts below in the comments here at this post, too!
Related posts:
- Have you read this book by my friend's husband who chose wearing a mask at his healthcare job instead of receiving the toxic flu shot? He ended up changing careers over this issue. The Man Behind the Mask. Here's the guest post that came before the book: Mandatory Flu Vaccine for Healthcare Workers – Why One Man Is Choosing the Mask
- What You MUST Do Before Mandatory Vaccinations
- Our Vaccination Saga and the Form We Would NOT Sign
- Do We Need the Flu Shot? Don’t Believe Everything You Read About Flu Deaths
- Healthcare Workers: How to Avoid the Flu Shot and Not Get Fired (Part 2)
- All my vaccine posts in one spot
photo, creative commons 2.0
Cristoforo Sartor says
This exact same mandatory scare is going on here in Ontario. And the news media isn’t helping by advancing this lie. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/more/local-news/ont-students-facing-suspension-over-incomplete-vaccination-records-1.2797446. There is no law in Canada that says vaccines are mandatory. Here is a link to vaccine exemption forms: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/exemptions/legal-exemption-forms/
Jill-David Boman says
Not surprisingly, the comments are now closed on the article–the cowards! Darn, and I was all ready to SCHOOL them on the facts on flu vaccines too! 😉 No one who really digs into the research on flu vaccines comes away in support of them. They represent one of the biggest scams ever committed against the public, and also the reason more and more healthcare workers are leaving the industry. Being required to get a yearly medical procedure that they know is of no benefit but that carries great risk is the wake up call for many healthcare professionals. They realize at that point how far compromised the industry has become and how little they themselves are valued as contributors.
Jodie Hagan says
The flu costs us money and productivity? Being sick is shameful and bad for the economy? We must all be good workers who make contributions to the GDP? What are we, communist workers who must not let big brother down? Is this about personal health or economic profit? Profits first to the vaccine manufacturers of course, they can’t get grow to a 50 billion dollar a year business (from 5 billion only 10 years ago, now approaching 40 billion) without mandatory vaccines for the workforce. Pull up your sleeve and don’t ask questions!
Jessica Ivey says
I hate when they use the money angle of “it cost x each year” and parents being home from work to take care of sick children. So we will give them this shot that will cause unknown amount of complications and cost but you know. “its in your families best interest” Kind of like the skew’d Chicken pox information…which causes more Shingles by not having the wild virus circulating and boosting adult immune systems ( and suppressing Shingles) ahhhh this country is making me crazy.
Jill-David Boman says
But the money angle is what it’s all about–yearly flu shots for everyone would make Pharma obscene amounts of money if we all went along with it!