Do we really need the flu shot?
Just how does the CDC turn 500 (generously estimated) flu deaths per year into 36,000 — a 72-fold increase from reality?
By lumping in deaths from other illnesses and disorders, such as pneumonia, which has over 30 known causes according to the American Lung Association.
Add to that shady practice the little-discussed fact that about 85% of “flu” is any number of over 200 viruses that share the same symptoms, but are indistinguishable from the flu without laboratory testing, and you have set the perfect stage for a grossly-exaggerated yearly public threat of influenza that creates a booming market for “the single best preventative”, generously and lovingly provided by the pharmaceutical cartel… I mean, industry.
Read more about these little games from this Huffington Post article.
Find my post all about our own vaccine decisions here.
Click here to scroll down through all past posts about vaccines.
Janelle says
For the skin issues, try ozonated oil. I had what I believe to be a pre-cancer , actinic keratosis, on my upper lip. Within 3 days of applying the ozonated coconut oil I noticed it healing. It took months of applying it 2-3 times daily for it to completely go away. But since I continued to notice improvement regularly, I stuck with it. It’s been gone for months now. Ozone oil can replace an antibiotic ointment. It’s anti-fungal, viral and bacterial.
Joy says
Keep putting the word out on flu shots! My husband and I stood in line for hours for the Swine Flu shot, back in the 1970s. Then we decided we had better things to do so we went home without getting it. I seem to recall that more people died of the swine flu SHOT than the swine flu. I do NOT think people should be utterly casual about influenza. It can be deadly or debilitating; but there are LOTS of amazing natural remedies to build your immune system so you won’t get it, and to support your own body’s defenses if you do contract it.
watchmom3 says
2 things to note: first, it says right in the flyer that comes with the vaccine, that it hasn’t been proven to keep you from getting the flu..and secondly, we can not know everything in the vaccine, as the drug companies are not honest about the ingredients or how many vaccines are in them. One more item of note: there is some information out there that is pointing to the CDC having a patent on Ebola. That is a big concern, as there should not be a patent on a disease. If anyone else has info on that, please let everyone know. Thx.
mllrbb says
Just these past few days I’ve been laughing at all the propaganda telling us Ebola is absolutely nothing to worry about with zero chance any of us could possibly catch it in a million years (or so said the message from the CDC my employer United passed on to me). However, if you don’t get your flu shot, you’re not only going to die immediately, but you’ll be responsible for murdering thousands of others since you didn’t get vaccinated. Something in that doesn’t quite make sense to me.
KitchenKop says
Wow, no kidding. Now if Big Pharma came up with an Ebola vaccine, THEN we’d all be forced to get it!
Lori Alexander says
Thank you, Kelly, for your very informative blog. I love learning from you. Off topic, I am using Black Salve on a spot on my arm that wouldn’t heal and it stung like the dickens, still does, and has a large white pussy mass in place of the salve this morning. Now I know it will fall out in a week or so and whatever it was, will be gone. I love this stuff but I was just wondering what your final analysis of it is since I know you did use it! Did it work for you?
KitchenKop says
Yes, it works for the spot (basil cell carcinoma), but it keeps coming back, so I’ll eventually prob just have to have it surgically removed so they can get it all & I can be done with it.
Lori Alexander says
Have you ever tried oregano oil? I had some basil cell on my nose for a long time and that is what got rid of it for me.
KitchenKop says
I just now put some on to give it a try, thanks, Lori!
Lori Alexander says
I just remembered that I tried several brands before I found one that worked with ONE application. It stung like the dickens for a while and a scab formed. Several days later, the scab was gone and so was the pre-cancer! {Love knowing you’re a sister in Christ!}
KitchenKop says
Yep, that’s the one I have, but I’ve applied it a few times and I don’t notice a change… 🙁
Jo-Lynne Shane says
I love you. Every time I walk into a grocery store or drugstore, and they have all their flu shot propaganda in my face, I want to scream.
KitchenKop says
I want to scream too because of how it’s brainwashing a huge number of people who don’t know better. It just makes me thankful that at least some of us DO know better. And we need to keep spreading the truth.
Love you too JL!! 🙂
Suzanne says
It’s probably the same with Ebola.