I’m writing this in a rush on Friday as I get ready for the company I told you about yesterday, so I’m just going to quickly paste in a few tid-bits that you may like, but I apologize for not making it flow smoothly or giving each link a big set up today. (Not that I’m all that great about doing it normally, either…)
Guess who’s up next in Kitchen Stewardship’s Clean Out the Junk series?! Yep, it’s me! 🙂 Be sure to check back tomorrow where I’ll write about CAFO’s, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. If you have a post on this topic I hope you’ll link up, I’ll have Mr. Linky ready to go early tomorrow morning.
- I love this great post on dieting. (Have you seen my complete list of posts on the subject of dieting?)
- On a related topic, Jen has passed along another good article once again! (That girl is handy to have around.) This one is from Stephan Guyenet: Have Seed Oils Caused a Multi-Generational Obesity Epidemic?
- I don’t normally pay a lot of attention to studies, unless, of course, they come out with findings that say coffee has some health benefits then I’m all over it! (Read this related post: “What if sex was bad for you?”)
- I announced last week to my newsletter subscribers that I’m shooting for mid-June to launch my Real Food online Rookie Class – stayed tuned! (If you want to be the first to know when it launches, be sure to sign up for the Kitchen Kop Newsletter. Don’t worry, I’ll only email you when something juicy is happening, not all the time.) Keep in mind that this class won't be just for Rookies, it will also be helpful to those who may have been in the traditional foods movement for a while now, but who want to know how they can better help their friends and family along who aren't quite “there yet”. And we can always learn something new, anyway. 🙂 I can't believe how much more time this has taken than I ever expected, but I want it to be jam-packed with content for you to learn from. (Which reminds me: if you've sent an email, a Facebook or Twitter message that I haven't responded to, I'm sorry! And it may get worse before it gets better these next few weeks…)
- Peggy left a great comment at this Vanilla Steamer post last week: “Heh heh. One of my “processed food friends” came over for coffee and I made a half recipe to use as creamer. She loves French Vanilla Coffeemate and said this was a lot like it but…better. I showed her the ingredient lists side-by-side and I think we have a convert. I'm tellin' ya, the real food revolution will be won by people's taste buds.” Isn’t that a great idea?! I know a LOT of people who eat Real Food, but still have to have some of that junky Coffeemate stuff in their morning coffee. Maybe this will help get them off that and onto Real Food creamers! Ooooh, and I see she’s got a great post up right now, too: “Say it with me, it’s not the fat, it’s the carbs!”
Have a great week!
Peggy says
Thanks for the hit on my comment, Kelly! I talked to my friend by phone and she’s making your steamer recipe at home to use as her creamer!! This absolutely cracks me up! She once told me I was certifiably insane for spending so much more for “that elitist stuff” (my farmer’s market food) when grocery store food is just the same! Heh heh.
Elizabeth @ The Nourished Life says
Glad you liked my post on dieting, Kelly! 🙂 I dieted my way into health problems before finally turning to real food, and these days I’m hunting down non-dieting ways to acheive ideal body composition. Real food plays a huge role. After all, life is better with butter. 😉
KitchenKop says
Thanks for clarifying that Ann Marie…………….NOT! LOL! 🙂
Ann Marie @ CHEESESLAVE says
I didn’t find anything in that article to recommend coffee. In fact, the only thing they said was the antioxidants, but they said that you could get more antioxidants from a cup of berries. They said that there are no health benefits in caffeine and so you probably want to drink decaf coffee if you want to get antioxidants from it.
I think the caffeine is really the harmful thing. If there are any health benefits to drinking coffee, the caffeine negates those. Caffeine puts stress on our adrenal glands. Further, Dr. Nicholas Gonzales says that coffee actually shuts down liver function. Our livers not only help us detoxify but also help us metabolize and burn off fat instead of storing it.
The reason we like coffee is because of the dopamine.
Caffeine increases dopamine levels in the same way that amphetamines do. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that, in certain parts of the brain, activates the pleasure center. Obviously caffeine’s effect is much lower than amphetamines, but it is the same mechanism. It is suspected that the dopamine connection contributes to caffeine addiction.
I’ve been off coffee for over 2 weeks now and I feel great. I’m sleeping better and I have way more energy during the day.
Thanks to the DLPA (DL-phenylalanine) I’m taking twice a day (1,000 mg breakfast and lunch), I have zero cravings for coffee and I have just as much energy and alertness as if I were still drinking it.
I’m so happy to finally be off coffee!
Liz F. says
Hey Ann Marie, I gave up coffee for 7 consecutive months. I started trying to do it for 2 weeks, then I thought I’d try a month, and after a while I just kept going. The first few weeks I felt rather powerful, as though I’d really achieved something. Overall, I felt okay, no better no worse. I figured it was a great rest for my adrenals because I didn’t replace it with any other caffiene habit. But I honestly didn’t notice any health benefits. After 7 months, I still missed my coffee. I finally went back to my simple one cup in the morning of black coffee and I’m a happy girl. I know I can give it up when/if I need to, but I’m not convinced it’s doing me any real damage.