By Joanie Blaxter, founder of Follow Your Gut
Homeopathy Medicine Online Guide
Admit it! You've wondered about them. You hear and read so much controversy concerning their use and yet they're sold in retail stores everywhere in this country.
The great paradox is that while the traditional, medical model cannot explain the mechanism by which homeopathic medicine works, nevertheless, as the “second most commonly used form of medicine in the world” (mainstream, pharmacologically based medicine is fourth), it is estimated that approximately 500 million people report benefit from using this 200-year-old form of medicine.
For example, when I worked at a natural foods store in Del Mar, California several years ago, I helped customers on a daily basis, sent in by either their plastic surgeon or dentist, to buy homeopathic arnica (200c) to speed their recovery from surgery. Even my roommate at the time, an emergency room nurse, told me she'd heard of homeopathic arnica being handed out in some busy ERs to bruised and bleeding patients waiting to see a doctor.
Furthermore, homeopathic medicine is well accepted in most of Europe (the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, etc.) as well as many other industrialized nations including Brazil, Mexico and India.
In fact, it is so well accepted in Europe that it is covered by the national health insurance systems of three European countries as well as by private insurance companies in five more.
In 2011 the Swiss government, for example, released its breakthrough research which affirmed that, when compared to standard medical protocols, homeopathic treatment is not only as effective at curing and correcting conditions, but also, therefore, potentially more cost-effective. For this reason, the report recommended that homeopathic treatment be reimbursed by Switzerland's national health insurance program.
This recommendation is particularly notable considering that Switzerland is home to two of the world's five largest drug companies.
(source: The Swiss Government's Remarkable Report on Homeopathic Medicine)
Nevertheless, many people in this country still shy away from homeopathy.
I regularly hear worries like:
1. Too weird! I don't understand how it works.
2. What will happen if I take the wrong homeopathic remedy or potency? What are the side effects?
3. How often do I take my homeopathic remedy?
4. What do I do with my questions if I can't turn to my family physician?
While I'm very familiar with these concerns, the truth is, for me, homeopathic medicine has been not only inexpensive and easy to use, but also, with virtually all remedies sold at the retail level, free of side effects, swift-acting, and jaw-droppingly effective!
My own “conversion” started three decades ago with the miraculous, immediate relief I got from a very painful bee sting by taking homeopathic apis (30x). As a low-income, single mom I quickly learned it ALWAYS paid to have basic remedies on hand for everyday issues like bruising, bleeding and scrapes, as well as coughs, colds, sore throats, ear aches, rashes, and on and on.
Let's tackle those concerns one by one.
Want to start learning about how to use homeopathy to help you or your family get better naturally and gently like this too?
Also, you may want to check out two other homeopathy Q&A posts: here and here.
1. Too weird! I don't understand how they work.
Neither do I! But then, again, I don't really “understand” acupuncture and that's a form of energetic medicine that's also produced outstanding physical results for me.
And I'm not alone in this experience. By 2007, already 6.5% of the U.S. population had been “needled” in an acupuncture session.
Not only have over 2 million Americans already accepted the idea that an energetically based healing approach can give them measurable relief, but also many of their insurance companies have as well.
So let's start with homeopathic medicine's two foundational concepts:
- All living beings have a bioelectrical field that surrounds the body and sustains health. The energy in this field moves down and out from the non-physical level into physical manifestation. Therefore, changes that occur first in the energetic pattern of the field around the human body will eventually manifest in the physical.
- Everything in the world carries its own unique energetic signature, meaning the characteristic energy pattern of say, a stone is different from that of a tree, which is different from that of an elephant.
(This is Kelly jumping in: If all of this sounds a little “woo-woo” to you, and maybe you're a Christian as I am, you may not quite be sure if this thinking is all good from that standpoint. Well here's my take: God created our bodies full of energy, in a scientific way, and He created the plants, herbs, minerals, and other natural medicines in our world to be sources of healing for us. Don't get too caught up in the “energy” side of things, focus instead on how He made us all unique and with an amazing ability to heal. Sometimes that healing just needs a little support from natural methods that don't work ON or against our bodies, but instead work WITH our bodies to bring them back to health again.)
Homeopathy Medicine Online Guide: Potentizing, Succussion & Dilution – What Makes Homeopathy So Different from Herbal Medicine
Homeopathic remedies can be created from any natural substance which, commercially, includes mainly plants as well as minerals.
The label will have the Latin name of the original substance followed by a Roman numeral:
- X = 10
- C = 100
- M = 1,000
The Roman numeral refers to the strength (or potency) of the remedy, but what it really represents is the number of times the original substance has been diluted (or successed).
The very first step in creating a homeopathic remedy always involves creating a “mother tincture.” In pharmaceutically controlled conditions in a laboratory, a substance is ground, added to a combination of water and alcohol, then pressed and strained. The result is the “mother tincture.” Watch the video at the end of this article to see this being done in a commercial facility.
A small amount of this tincture is then added to a tube of water. This is called “potentizing” the solution and is the first of three steps that sets homeopathy apart from herbology.
The “potentized” water is then shaken, or succussed, a specific number of times.
Then almost all the water is poured out and the vial refilled. The process of adding more water to the tube is called “dilution.” Then the tube is successed again.
This process can repeated tens (X), hundreds (C), even thousands (M) of times, always leaving a small amount of the liquid in the tube before refilling.
The number of times that a substance is successed determines the dilution, or potency, listed on the label.
In order to make “potentized” tablets, the diluted solution is added to lactose sugar pellets. Or, if the retail product is to remain liquid, if necessary, a small amount of alcohol, usually brandy, is added to the final, bottled product.
How could this process possibly create healing? My homeopath's explantion…
This is why if a chemist uses traditional methods to analyze a homeopathic remedy under a microscope, unlike an herbal extract, there will be extremely low or…
NO molecules of the original substance to be found in the homeopathic medicine.
Excuse my french, but this really produces “a urinary reaction” amongst those mainstream medical model proponents whose perspective is, If we can't see, explain or measure the mechanism behind a healing response, it must not exist!
As a consumer and, on occasion, a medical patient, that approach puzzles me.
Are these critics asserting that:
Mainstream science already knows ALL there is to know?
And that our current medical technology (microscopes, etc.) will never be improved?
I would hope that field results, and the improvement of millions of people, should inform science, not the other way around.
My perspective? Modern day science has simply not caught up with how homeopathy (and acupuncture) works… but it will.
Even in the worst case scenario, let's say the millions of people worldwide who report healing benefits from homeopathy are merely experiencing ‘the placebo effect' (“a beneficial effect produced… (solely) due to the patient's belief in that treatment“).
But ‘the placebo effect' still doesn't explain the babies, pets, and livestock who dramatically, mysteriously improve on homeopathic medicine when statistically they should not.
My homeopath's explanation to me was that water is actually a carrier agent for the energetic signature of the original substance. What that means is, as soon as the mother tincture is added, the unique, energetic “footprint” of that original substance is impressed upon the water in the tube.
Therefore, the more the tube is shaken, the more energetic footprints are impressed and re-impressed upon the carrier agent of the water. Pouring in fresh water enables the density of energetic footprints to be ever higher with each succession, while the actual, physical molecules chemically disappear.
2. What will happen if I take the wrong homeopathic remedy or potency? What are the side effects?
This is the wonder of how homeopathic medicine fundamentally differs from using drugs.
Drugs are chemical in nature and, thus, can be measured on a physical level. They often function to alter, or mask, the symptoms of injury or disease without changing the underlying condition. Many drugs basically buy the patient time in the hope that the body's own healing mechanism will stimulate enough recovery that the drugs can be safely withdrawn at some point in the future.
My homeopath believes homeopathic medicine does the opposite. Rather than masking symptoms, instead homeopathic medicine stimulates, or speeds up, the healing response, similar to getting a jump start to your car.
Think of a key and key hole.
The homeopathic remedy is the key. The remedy's energetic signature is like the unique pattern etched on a key.
Your physical symptom is the key hole and we're looking for an exact match. Only one key, one remedy, is going to fit into your key hole just right, open the lock and speed up your healing.
When the right key opens your lock fully, that's when the jump start begins. The more effective the jump start, the faster and more dramatic the healing.
So what happens if I take the wrong remedy?
Nothing. The key just falls way because it doesn't fit. There are no chemically induced side effects because there are no chemicals or drugs introduced into the body.
Taking a remedy always involves waiting a reasonable amount of time. However, if there's no improvement, simply move on to your next best guess as to the appropriate remedy.
Ok, but what about choosing the correct potency? I want something really strong!
Hold it right there! You're used to what “strong” means when you're taking drugs, and “strong” in homeopathic medicine means something very different. The potency of a remedy is reflective of the number of times it has been diluted. So, the higher the potency, the greater the number of dilutions.
“High” potency addresses symptoms that are internal or subtle. “Low” affects ones that superficial or external.
Let me explain.
Each remedy is a uniquely shaped key. But the potency of the remedy determines how quickly the remedy “kicks in.” Picking the right remedy, but wrong potency can slow down the healing.
I think of the electromagnetic field around the human body as being similar to the wheel of a bike.
The rim of the wheel represents our skin. Organs can be loosely described as somewhere along the spokes. Emotional or mental symptoms are the most internal and subtle, and therefore, located at the very center of the wheel.
All healing energy moves from the inside out. So if you have a very external symptom, but use a high potency, the effect of the remedy will start close to the center of the wheel, taking time while it works its way out. For a response that targets an external symptom, you need a lower potency whose effect would begin closer to the source and, therefore, take less time to effect resolution.
3. How often do I take my homeopathic remedy?
This part is so easy people have trouble believing it.
Go back to the idea that you are jump starting and speeding up the healing process in your body. Think of your healing as moving up in a spiral.
If you notice your symptoms coming back or worsening, the upward spiral has slowed and needs another jump start. As soon as that happens, you take another dose.
There is no set pattern. You go by your body's own symptoms.
4. What do I do with my questions if I can't turn to my family physician?
If you want to pursue your own healing in more depth, to find a trained homeopathic practitioner in your area, go here.
13 Homeopathic Must-Haves for Your Glove Box and First Aid Kit
- Allergic Reactions: Adrenalinum (200c)
- Bee Stings: Apis
- Bike & Car Accidents, Bleeding, Swelling, Bruising and Trauma: Arnica
- Bone Trauma: Symphytum (This is Kelly again… Be careful with this one, Joette warns that you must be sure the bone is set properly before using this because if not, it could heal the bone in the wrong position.
- Car Sickness: Nux Vomica
- Poison Ivy/Oak: Rhus Tox
- Rash, Stings or Minor Burns: Urtica
- Sprains: Ruta Grav (Arnica first, then Ruta Grav if not resolved)
Have you tried homeopathy? Any “miracle” stories to report? And, if you haven't used homeopathic remedies, do the explanations above help to demystify it?
Want to start learning about how to use homeopathy to help you or your family get better naturally and gently like this too?
More Resources on Homeopathic Medicine from Expert, Joette Calabrese:
- Homeopathy First Aid Audio
- Cure Yourself book by Joette: “It's a mother's guide from one mother to another“.
- How to Raise a Drug Free Family Course
- Good Gut Bad Gut Class — a homeopathic strategy to uproot seemingly unrelated illnesses in body and mind. (Free preview videos are at that link.)
- Entire Homeopathy Bonus package
Video — How Homeopathic Remedies Are Made Commercially:
This was a post by my sweet friend, Joanie Blaxter, now a regular writer around here!
Joanie has been in sales & education in the natural foods & products industry since the early 70’s, with her most recent six years spent as a vitamin specialist in a health foods store. She has also been the Ventura, California chapter leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation since 2010.
For health consultations Joanie can be contacted here and her past articles are located here.
Disclaimer: Neither Joanie nor I are health professionals! Use what you read here for your own research and then consult with a natural-minded doctor or health professional you trust to find what is best and right for YOU. Read my entire disclaimer here, and also note that there may be affiliate links in this post.
Sherri says
Homeopathy doesn’t work quite like that. Her total symptoms determine the remedy from a classical homeopath’s standpoint. There is also much you can learn on your own about using homeopathy. I am in several on-line groups and it is a fascinating journey.
Joanie Blaxter says
@ Sherri Yes, I agree. It’s just that those analogies were the best I could come up with in a very short article to help readers get a picture in their minds for how this very mysterious yet healing modality could work. Homeopathy is such a fantastically useful, inexpensive healing tool, I don’t want anyone to be intimidated by not understanding it.
Al says
Hi, liked your article. My 9yo daughter is on daily anti-histamines due to her skin redness, eczema and terrible itching that she cannot stop scratching (we know allergies due to some foods but suspect other allergies that we have been unable to determine). Would really like to get her off this medication asap What would be the homeopathic equivalent remedy for anti-histamines?
Joanie Blaxter says
Hi Al, To find a homeopath in your area, check this link:
Joanie Blaxter says
@ Al My experience with eczema and skin conditions is that they are likely related to an overgrowth of harmful strains of microbes in your daughter’s gut microbiome. Read this article and try this recommended probiotic. I’ve heard tons of testimonials about it for eczema, psoriasis and various dermatitis skin conditions!
Barbara Kelly Geatches says
Love arnica! My daughter just got 2 wisdom teeth extracted yesterday…the oral surgeon told us to expect swelling for up to 2 weeks and we were instructed to make sure we stayed on the percocet schedule to stay ahead of the pain… it hasn’t even been 24 hours since her procedure and there is no noticeable swelling and we have not followed the pain med schedule… in fact she didn’t even take one before bed last night thanks to arnica!
Barbara Kelly Geatches says
Oh and absolutely
non of the bruising the surgeon told us to expect.
Joanie Blaxter says
Yes, I used to work on the vitamin aisle in Del Mar, CA which has a really high percentage of dentists and facial surgeons. I don’t think a day went by when we didn’t have a customer sent in by either their dentist or plastic surgeon for arnica for post-surgical bruising. Interestingly, those were the only docs who seemed to “get it.” We never heard from MD’s.
melody says
Would you recommend the workbook download or the $98 bundle for getting started? I’d like to know more.
KitchenKop says
Melody, I’m not sure what you mean by the workbook download, but the bundle is only $30, and the last chance to get it is tonight!
Sherry says
Nux vomica is also great for sickness from eating bad food. We’ve had great success with homeopathy for over two decades. It’s wonderful to see real healing as opposed to covering up symptoms.
Sherri says
I would also add Ledum 200c to this kit. Here in the South, we have loads of fire ants everywhere…especially yards and parks. One dose immediately taken after a bite and the reaction is usually history. And I have found success with Anarcardium 30c for poison ivy/oak, while none with Rhus Tox.
Joanie Blaxter says
Great information, Sherri! I will definitely order Anarcardium and yes, I agree with you about 200C Ledum. I have a tendency to get too carried away and was trying to keep my suggestions basic for the first article. I love the fire ant testimonial since we don’t have any here in southern California. HOWEVER, we do have spiders and Ledum is usually the first recommendation for spider bites. Great suggestions!
Magda says
I took a homepathy class from Sheri Nakken RN over the internet before both of my kids were born. It was amazing!! So much information, tons to read at your own pace, very thought provoking. You can find more info here:
I also loved her vaccine safety class…
Carol Bottomfield says
Twenty years ago my teenage daughter regularly experienced severe cramping and pain after she had her menstrual cycle, but not prior to or during, like most of us. After getting the gynecologist’s opinion, exploratory surgery, I went to a homeopathic doctor recommended by a friend. He prepared a remedy for her and after taking a couple bottles of it, she no longer had the pain and discomfort and has not been bothered with it since.
Joanie Blaxter says
Great story Carol! Thank you 🙂
Linda says
This is really interesting. Last week my back went out and it was torture. It is a recurring problem I have had to deal with over the years. I had to take extra strength tylenol to get some relief just so I could function. I don’t like taking aspirin & have looked for something safer to use. What do you recommend? I wish I had known about this when I sprained my foot last month.
Joanie Blaxter says
Hi Linda,
Try arnica. Since your back problem is recurring, I would start with 200C. If that dose helps, but the problem keeps recurring, I would check with a homeopath for possibly a higher dose or another remedy that might “fit your lock” better.
Healing happens in layers. Once one remedy works, then often you have a new, different set of symptoms that emerges which require a change in remedy. The process keeps on until you feel satisfied with your condition.
Sarah says
I am intrigued by homeopathy. We have used it for warts with success. I tried silica for slivers but that had visible effect for us. I had taken my daughter (then 2) to a naturopath to see if we could get the final patches of chronic eczema cleared up (wrists and ankle). She went through the list of symptoms and came up with a homeopathic remedy for her. I gave it to her and an hour after she took it my daughter turned into a creature I had never seen. It was the terrible twos on steroids! I called the naturopath to ask if it could be a reaction to the remedy. She was shocked that there was such a strong and quick reaction but it meant we got at the root of something inside of my girl. She went to bed and woke up her normal sweet self. We never had another reaction from her after she took the remedy.
Joanie Blaxter says
Yes, I didn’t have time in the article to go into healing responses. If I take a higher dose, like the in the 200C range, I generally take it before bed. A classic healing response will show up as a temporary aggravation of your chronic symptoms, followed by sleepiness. Then, once you wake up, you feel like a new person.
tessadomesticdiva says
we LOVE homeopathy! The remedies (when the correct one is chosen) work infinitely better than any mainstream meds for us…and no nasty side effects! We use them for allergies, ADD, pain, colds, flu. I will have to look into a cuple of the ones you mentioned Kelly, thanks!