Do you wonder how to find the truth about health and nutrition issues?
I’ve always been the type of person who wants to get to the TRUTH on whatever topic is intriguing me at the moment. When it comes to what I’m feeding my family or their health in general, this isn’t an easy task, and what an understatement that is. With the abundance of information available to us today, figuring out who to believe can eat up every waking hour of every day, especially since “they” keep changing their stories through the years on what is, or is not, good for us.
I want to help make it more simple for you than it was for me when I had what I call my “food conversion” in early 2004. I would search for hours trying to figure out who was right. I'd switch things over in my kitchen based on what I learned, then I'd find out that was all wrong. This happened many times! Finally I learned some things and developed my own set of questions to help me figure out the truth on whatever topic is on my mind at the moment. You still need to really research the topic for yourself to get a well-rounded look at the issue, but the questions below will at least help you get closer to the truth.
This is my method: first I ask God to guide me, and then I ask myself these questions:
- What is the most natural, traditional way…the way God originally intended?
- How did our ancestors eat?
- What makes the most sense? What is your gut telling you?
- Whatever I'm reading at the moment, what are they selling or how do they benefit if I believe what they say?
“Politically incorrect nutrition”
In asking these questions, I have found a lot of “politically incorrect” information that happens to make so much sense! Sometimes what we’ve always thought to be true, ends up to really be a bunch of bunk in a package called, “what they say”. “They” being: society in general, commercials, well-meaning doctors, drug companies, TV shows like 20/20, magazine ads, etc. Don’t fall for it! Instead, be your own advocate in this crazy world of so much information.
What's the big picture?
Does all this mean that I want you to listen to me and disregard what your doctor tells you? NO WAY! There's much too much that I don't know. On this blog, I just want to give you another side to the “story”, so you can make your health decisions with more options in front of you, not just a new drug to take. And believe it or not, I'm not against all medications, either. There are times they are very necessary. But if there is a better, more natural option, and a way to avoid all the side-effects and any long-term consequences of taking medications, why not explore that first? There are many great docs out there who are willing to discuss various treatments, so find one and partner with them toward better health, but always do your own research to figure out what is best for you.
PLEASE, if what you read here doesn't set right with you, keep researching and reading – just don’t blindly follow what ANYONE tells you, no matter how many years they went to college or how much they might have spent on their TV or newspaper ad. No one can tell you what to do, and no one should even attempt to. I want what you read here to light a fire under you for finding and living the TRUTH, and if I can help you find the information you need to make a good decision, then I'm thankful.
Remember, the Truth will set you free! (That's from John 8:32!) And when it comes to our health, we can be…
- Free from weight issues that may have plagued you for life.
- Free from feeling tired all the time and not having the energy we need to do the things we'd like to do.
- Free from aches and pain and all types of suffering, at young ages.
- Free from who knows what diagnosis might have been right around the corner for you or your child.
- Free from expensive medicines full of nasty side effects, or treatments that may make you feel worse than before you started, I could go on and on!
This chick is crazy…
Many of you have already heard some (or most) of what I write about on this site, but for others it might be the first time you've ever heard about these topics, and you'll likely think I'm nuts. That's OK, I felt the same way the first time I heard many of the things you'll find here on the Kitchen Kop blog!
The internet can be overwhelming, but use it to your advantage to get down to the truth on topics related to health and nutrition – even more than just the length of your lives, the QUALITY of your and your family's lives really do depend on it.
***Here's my updated version: How I do my ‘Politically Incorrect' Real Foodie Research.
- What if sex was bad for you? (Don't forget your brain when reading various “studies”).
- Frequently asked questions about this site.
- Eating healthy, without sacrifices.
- Have you heard of Weston A. Price?
Iva @ This Side of Perfect says
I found your site through Musings of a Housewife and have spent the last two hours on your site reading and reading and reading (I started with the Kuerig post you wrote not too long ago). I’ve read about the God’s Way Diet (not the official name, I’m sure) in the past and isn’t it funny that I’m running across the same information again?
I am glad you encourage readers to discover the truth for themselves and don’t expect them to follow you (or anyone) blindly. I think that’s very responsible of you – and just common sense! We follow blindly way too often as a society.
KitchenKop says
I’m so glad you found your way over here, I’ll have to thank Jo-Lynne for that! 🙂
April says
Thanks for pointing us to God first. That’s crucial! And we don’t get many reminders to do so outside of the pulpit.
Lora Horn says
This was the approach I took when I discovered Attachment Parenting….If we’ve been sleeping as a family for tens of thousands of years, breastfeeding until a much older age, and carrying our babies in carriers on our bodies…why did we stop, and is that good? When I looked at the lack of community, the destruction of the family, the prevalence of depression, anxiety disorders etc.; I couldn’t help but come to the conclusion that many modern parenting practices went against the needs of the whole family (husbands included)
Over the years it has spread into food. I struggle with changing the habits and fighting the addictions…but in the end, the changes that have been made by thinking this way have been amazing. And at least it is clear now what I need to change. By trusting this internal wisdom, too…it has been very strengthening.
Audrey says
LOVE this post! It’s very timely!