Good morning readers!
I'm in a mad rush to get this post done because I have a big retirement party on Saturday – my sister retired from working at the SAME job for 40 years – cool huh? Even crazier, she was a middle school secretary!
Did I tell you yet that my friend, Sarah, from the Healthy Home Economist visited recently? We had a great time! You can read all about the last time she was here in this post: I Almost Had a Butter Fight.
- Reminder: Anyone been thinking about trying the GAPS Diet? The GAPS Intro book, What Can I Eat Now?, is on sale and includes easy recipes, a handy symptom chart, daily reminders, and general hand-holding to get you through that difficult intro phase! If you know someone considering it, please pass this along to them.
- Wow, what a sad shocker, look at THIS: 70% of Americans on Rx Drugs. “Mayo Clinic researchers report that antibiotics, antidepressants and painkiller opioids are the most common prescriptions given to Americans. Twenty percent of U.S. patients were also found to be on five or more prescription medications.”
- Here's a post related to the last one that you may have missed: Coming Off Antidepressants (Weaning From Paxil: A Reader Shares Her Story) and one more: 20 Tips on Fighting Anxiety, Depression, and Fatigue Naturally.
- Have you seen this book by Robin from Thank Your Body: Toxic Free – 70 Recipes for a Toxic Free Home.
“Federal regulation does not require chemicals to be tested or proven safe before manufacturers include them in consumer products. As a result, you may have noticed there is an ever growing list of products and chemicals found harmful to humans only after they have been released to the public. The only practical solution is to reduce or completely avoid products that may contain toxic substances, especially in the home where many Americans spend the majority of their time. This e-book will help start your journey toward a toxic-free home!”
- I don't know where I came across this but these pictures are so cool you've got to look (I hope they're not actually photoshopped…): 22 Places That are Hard to Believe Really Exist.
- I shared this picture on Facebook this week – don't you just love Julia Child, the woman who put real food, made with love, back on the map?!
If you don't already own the classic, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, it's a must-have! You'll feel as if you're attending culinary school in your own kitchen, but don't be intimidated: in Julia's words, “If you can read, you can cook!” Pin it for later. - Tell the EPA to lower the glyphosate (Roundup) tolerance level in food crops, edible oils, and animal feed by July 1st! They recently increased the limit, even though it has been shown to be extremely dangerous to the environment, humans, and animals. Take action and learn more here! On Facebook, a reader friend had this to say: “I frequently feel frustrated (and/or guilty) for not having the time (or not taking the time) to try to influence a decision on an issue important to me. But this only took about one minute to copy, paste and tack on a few personal words. I feel much better now.“
- Does anyone like this stuff, too? I have my coffee first, but then I often will go to this (or tea, depends on my mood): Dandy Blend is a tasty, healthy, instant coffee alternative made from roasted dandelion root, chicory, beets, barley and rye. Where to get Dandy Blend. Or Pin it for later!
- Can you help this reader on Facebook: “Next week my sons boy scout troop is going on a day hike. The leader is packing lunches for the kids (there will be 10 of them). What can she pack that is healthy, appropriate for a day hike and does NOT include nut butters. (several different nut allergies). I stepped in and offered to help, due to the fact the last snack was some sort of blue juice and those individual “cheese” spread and crackers. What can we make for a troop that doesn't know about healthy eating but still be healthy? Thank you for any ideas.” Click here to add your suggestions.
- Here's one on Alternative Medicine that will have your blood boiling for sure…
- Help keep the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund's low membership costs down and provide the needed funds to mount expensive cases, like Vernon Hershberger's recent jury trial win! Please, do your part to protect your food rights by donating. With $100 gift you'll get David Gumpert's new book: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Food Rights!
“This book will get you fired up! David Gumpert makes an eloquent case for the importance of food rights and documents the actions of government regulators against small farms and buyers clubs. These infuriating stories are woven together and contextualized by Gumpert's insightful legal and political analysis. For anyone interested in reclaiming food, this book shows you that you are part of a larger political struggle.” Sandor Ellix Katz, author of Wild Fermentation. DONATE HERE.
Have a great week!
Anna says
That article on medications made me very sad. The upsetting thing about antidepressants is that they interfere with the frontal lobe, which is how people connect with one another and have social sense. After seeing what happened to few loved ones on these drugs, it breaks my heart to think of so many people on them, and explains a lot about today’s society. What I saw was lack of empathy and loss of social sense, some inappropriate behavior, tendency to abuse alcohol (and display some out of control behavior when drinking, due to the combo of alcohol and the meds), cognitive issues, and in general just staying “stuck” in life and not understanding why people weren’t reacting to them as well as they used to. And these were people in whom the drugs “worked” in terms of lifting depression symptoms. Not that they deal at all with the underlying causes, and that is maybe the biggest issue. Thank you for bringing people’s attention the this issue, Kelly. I will also add that therapy can be an amazing thing.