If you missed part 1, that’s where I talked about vaccination safety issues and the 6 factors that led to the following immunization decisions. This is part 2.
Our 5-part plan for vaccinations (with our youngest child):
- We waited until he was one year old before allowing him to receive any vaccines – no way would we allow him to get a shot when he was one day old and still in the hospital – this is routine, though! Our brand new baby, getting stuck with what a lot of people say is unnecessary at best (see comments from our doctor in part 1 about the Hep B shot), and possibly even harmful? (Many suggest waiting until they are two before beginning their shots to make sure their brains are well-developed first.)
- We had him get some shots, but not all. Here is the reasoning for some that we refuse.
- See the posts that cover why we don’t do the flu vaccine:
- Hepatitis B – Our kids are not in a high risk group. See the Hep B story in part 1.
- Varicella/Chicken Pox – We want him to get this normally harmless disease the natural way so his body can build up natural immunities the way we used to when we all got it as kids. However, we’ve exposed him twice and he still hasn’t gotten it. If he reaches a certain age (?) without having contracted it, we may have to give him the shot after all, since I’ve read that the risk of complications increase if you get it when you’re older. This one really irritates me, because first it was a one-time deal – they got the shot at one year old and then they were done. Next they found out that it doesn’t “last” and they need a booster later. They don't really know what they're doing and are figuring it all out on our kids! (We'll have him tested though, because he may have immunity after all just from being exposed, even though he didn't get the disease. I have to research this more…)
- Hib – this type of Influenza is risky mostly when they are under one year old, and since we didn’t immunize him until after that age, it was a no-brainer to skip this one.
- Read why there is no way our daughter will get the Gardasil vaccine.
- Shots were given ONLY when his immune system was strong and he was not the least bit sniffly.
- We only got one shot at a time. However, one thing we didn’t do, but probably should have: Only vaccinate with single disease shots, not combined. (For example, no “MMR” shot, but instead get the measles, mumps and rubella shots all separate, if your doc even has those available, and they usually don’t — ugh.) While we didn’t get every single shot separately, at least we didn’t combine the combined shots! Normal protocol from the CDC has babies getting the MMR, DTP & IPV, and sometimes even MORE, all AT ONCE! That’s 7 diseases!!! We got the MMR by itself, and the DTP, etc.
- We made SURE he didn't get any shots that still had mercury in them. (I had the nurses check the packages on the shots each time to make sure there were no mercury preservatives.) I love the nurses at our office because they did this with a smile, even though they said most people DON'T ask, surprising, right?! But until a few years ago I never asked, either. 🙁
Why Not Skip ALL Vaccines?
After all the reading I did, it was a very compelling and tempting option to not immunize him at all. Many informed parents do make that choice. But there were issues with that too, and probably not what you'd think. I didn't worry so much about him getting measles or mumps (or other diseases), because some are so very rare. Others, like I said earlier, were diseases I remember getting myself or family members getting as part of childhood (measles, mumps, chicken pox) and this could build up his immune system. But I wondered about the ramifications of the possibility (rare as it is) of getting something in a world that hasn't seen it in years. Would doctors recognize it? Would they be “up” on treating it?
Some shots, like Tetanus, are even recommended (the way I read the article anyway) by all-natural doctors like Tom Cowen, who wrote about it in the recent issue of Wise Traditions.
If you want to get some but not all, or SLOW down the schedule, check out this list from Dr. Paul Thomas who wrote the Vaccine Friendly Plan.
*As I'm updating this many years later, I have to say that if I had to do it again…
I'd likely choose NO shots for our kids, now that I know what I know about how little drug companies can be trusted. Just browse through here and you'll quickly see why I'm so leery…
Or read this story: One Day from Hell — Unbelievable Video of Vaccine Injured Michigan Triplets. These parents trusted. 🙁
How Do School Exemptions Work?
Everyone asks, “But don't you need those shots for your kids to go to school?” The answer is yes, but depending on your state, you can usually sign a waiver to get around it. (See sites below.)
Our youngest started preschool recently, and when I turned in his required vaccination form I just attached the waiver form to it (listing the shots he doesn’t get) and never heard anything about it, so apparently I did it right. One thing I’m not sure about yet is if I’ll have to fill out an exemption/waiver form every year, anytime he goes to a new school, or only once? Likely it will vary by state. Here’s the site where I downloaded the vaccine exemption form from – you can find all sorts of good information there. Go to the “similar sites” link if you’re not from Michigan. Go to “Vaccine Waiver” to print out the forms. There were a couple to choose from – the wording was terrible on the one written by the state, so I printed and used the M.O.M. form.
I hope all of that helps you!
Don’t expect everyone to “get” it
If you do decide to not have your child immunized, I have heard stories of parents really feeling ostracized over it. Your doctor, friends, family, school staff, anyone in your life who just doesn't get it, may be all over you. When researching this I did speak to our doctor, who is definitely mainstream. But when I was pregnant and asked what he would think if we didn’t immunize he said, “I’ll try to talk you into immunizing, but it's your choice and I'll support you either way.”
That's what I needed to hear, it's OUR parental choice!
As awesome as I think this is, still, that's how it should be. If not, I'd suggest you consider switching docs. After talking to other friends and hearing horror stories, I’ve learned that my doctor's response is not common. Some offices require immunizations or you can’t be seen there. (Which may not matter much if you’re into the traditional foods lifestyle, you won’t need to be seen very often.) As a matter of fact, as I'm updating this post many years later, our doc is the only one in the entire huge office of doctors who will still see patents who refuse any immunizations, including the flu shot.
By now everyone at our health care office knows me and that I'm one of “those” Moms, so when I take our youngest in for the certain shots we’ve decided he’ll get, the doctor or nurses just ask, “Which shot do you want him to get today?” They know I've researched everything, and that I know what I'm doing as far as the schedule I've got him on to get caught up to those who immunized on the “regular” schedule.
Or if I'm there for a check up (which is RARE, but I think it's important to maintain a relationship with our doc just in case), they don't even ask me anymore if I want the flu shot.
Keep talking about it and please SHARE this post!
The more we discuss this the better because we're raising the awareness of parents, doctors and researchers, so comment here and share your thoughts about your own decisions. Talk about it with your friends and family. If you see a pregnant Mom and have an opportunity, you could ask her, “Have you thought about the immunization issue?”
Although I'm warning you, it's a VERY sticky topic.
I've had parents get upset with me just for bringing it up. I was really nice and calm, too. I didn't go on and on about it (though I certainly would answer their questions if they actually ASKED and if they seemed open!), I just shared the one sentence, “Have you looked into the issue of vaccine safety yet?”
I think the reasons people get so upset are many…
They don't want the mental burden of feeling like they have to research something that they just don't think they'll ever totally understand. They also don't know WHO to trust, or they probably don't know if they could ever find the real truth. They just want to be able to blindly trust their doctor who is probably a really nice guy, like ours is. It's very inconvenient to dig deep into this issue, it takes a LOT of time and brainpower, and people are already overwhelmed these days with their jobs, their kids, and their crazy schedules! I certainly didn't want to look into this either, but once my eyes were opened to the corruption that is everywhere and especially the questionable practices of the drug industry, I knew I just had to. Besides, the time it takes to delve into this is nothing compared to the time and incredible heartache involved with raising a special needs child.
More that might help you:
- This article was helpful in my research: “A user friendly vaccination schedule”. While it was written a few years ago and some of the information may be outdated, it still proved to be useful in our decision making process, along with this one that he linked to: Vaccination, An Analysis of the Health Risks.
- Have you read my other posts on Vaccine Decisions?
- Another very informative article addressing immunization concerns.
- Augie’s post 10 Reasons to Refuse Vaccinations.
Kaycee says
Okay thanks! I just filled out my third waiver, I live in Michigan so if I am reading the law correctly is says I can claim philosophical reasons. So this time, rather than stating my reason, I wrote “philosophical reasons.” I will wait and see what they do now, but geez, what a pain!
Kaycee says
They refused to accept any waiver except for theirs and then they denied it, twice. They did not accept my reason, that I did not feel mass frequent vaccinations were adequately researched and that I was following an alternative schedule. Should I wait and see if they remove m child from school?
KitchenKop says
No kidding, wow! I think they legally HAVE to accept yours, but I will email the vaccine rights attorney and see if he’s able to chime in, he’s usually pretty fast, so watch for a response…
Kaycee says
I recently moved my child from a private school to a public one. We are following a slower, less frequent vaccine schedule so our child is considered “behind.” Suddenly vaccine waivers are an issue we never had to deal with before. I have just received a second denial of my waiver from the health department, is there a trick or special wording to use? I just stated we are not convinced of the safety of mass frequent vaccines and we are following an alternative schedule, I’m not interested in making a statement, I just want to be done with it, what should I do?
KitchenKop says
Hi Kaycee,
Did you see that waiver form I linked to in this post? If I were you I’d fill that out, keep a copy for yourself, and take that to them. They have to accept it, and the wording in that one is WAAAAY better than the wording in theirs.
Good luck!
Alan Phillips, JD says
Each state and US territory has its own exemption laws and procedures. So, there are 2 issues with school exemptions/waivers: 1) what exemptions are available in your state (different states offer different ones), and what is the specific procedure in your state, and 2) do the people who process these waivers know what the law is? So, you MUST determine what your state’s laws and procedures are, and then you do exactly what your state law says–nothing more, nothing less. Do NOT look for advice (forms, sample letters, affidavits, etc.) from anti-vaccine websites. They mean well, and I mean no disrespect, but they do not know the law, and people have lost exemptions by relying on them. Would you ask a plumber to help you with your taxes? E.g., only use a form if it comes from your state. Most importantly, if your state requires you to state your religious beliefs opposed to immunizations, see an experienced attorney about how to do that, as there are several legal “pitfalls” that most people doing this on their own fall into, and these can cost you the exemption. Please note that while exemption procedures vary from state to state, how to write a legally sound statement of religious beliefs is the same for virtually any religious exemption, because that is governed by federal Constitutional law, the First Amendment. Alan Phillips, JD, vaccine rights attorney, http://www.vaccinerights.com.
KitchenKop says
Alan, thank you SO much for always being so quick to reply and to share so much helpful information with me and my readers! 🙂
Shaina says
I realize this is an old post but I’ve been battling with the idea of continuing the vaccine schedule for my 4 year old. At her recent doc visit I refused her “kindergarten shots”. However, I am concerned at this point am I doing more harm than good by not continuing the schedule? For instance, is she semi immune to chicken pox now and will become more suseptable as she gets older? Which is actually more dangerous. Thoughts? Thanks!
KitchenKop says
To answer your question, I really have *no* idea, so take this with a grain of salt, BUT, I honestly don’t think any doctor or pharmaceutical company really knows either. I think that even getting the full shot schedule for varicella (chicken pox) *also* only partly protects her anyway. With other shots (and I think this one but can’t remember for sure), they keep coming up with more “boosters” that are “necessary”. Obviously it all drives me crazy. The way a normal parent like us just doesn’t know what the heck to do. So I’m choosing to err on the side of NOT letting our kids be injected with any unknowns.
Lillian says
I’m pro vaccine with some caveats. When I was pregnant with our second child I did a TON of research into vaccines with the thought that I might not want to vaccinate my baby or any more children I might have. I found the anti-vaccine community to be very hostile toward me because I was daring to ask questions. I went on forums and messageboards and asked their advice and for recommendations for reading material. I didn’t approach them in a hostile way at all. I just wanted information to make a decision. Their hostility was a huge turn-off but didn’t ultimately stop me. At the end of all of my research I decided to go ahead and vaccinate my baby, but I didn’t do the Hep B shot in the hospital and we won’t do Gardasil.
I’ve seen what non-vaccinating can do and it’s scary. My husband almost died at the age of 2 from the measles and he wasn’t vaccinated. One of my good friends who is in her 60’s had polio as a child and is paralyzed from the waist down. When I was 14 became so ill with the flu that I was in bed for an entire month. One of my friends little boys ended up being hospitalized from the rotavirus just a couple of years ago. He was unconscious and completely dehydrated. One of my brothers was extremely ill (on the verge of hospitalization) with chicken pox when we were children. I have several friends who lost family members to the H1N1 flu within months of each other and yet there are people that say that the seriousness of the H1N1 flu is being made up by pharmaceutical companies to make more money.
And on the flip side I know a girl that died when she was 5 after receiving a vaccination, so that happens too. Vaccinations can be dangerous, but I think it’s much more rare than the actual diseases themselves causing death or other problems.
I’m also tired of hearing over and over that non-vaccinated children are healthier, it’s just not true. My children are all vaccinated and very healthy. My best friend’s children have never been vaccinated and they are constantly sick. I think a lot of it has to do with simple hygiene, mainly washing your hands after going anywhere and before eating, and a good diet. Those two things right there make a huge difference.
Before the increase in good hygiene in this country children were routinely exposed as infants to viruses like polio and had the chance to slowly develop an immunity. They were also exposed to many other viruses and bacteria that could and did kill them. Then the country jumped on the hygiene bandwagon and polio cases shot way up. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. There was no natural immunity from infancy.
If diseases were being eradicated just by good hygiene and sanitation alone in the last century, then why are people still constantly getting cold viruses, stomach viruses, etc.? It seems that all diseases would be on the decline, not just the ones that are vaccinated against. It doesn’t make sense. Smallpox was completely eradicated through vaccination. It doesn’t exist anymore, thank goodness. My parents grew up during the polio scare and my mother has told me how it was for them. Thank goodness for that vaccine!
I’m not saying that vaccines are perfect, they aren’t, but they are a huge step toward making our world a safer place. They have taken mercury out of several vaccines (all but the flu vaccine I believe) and there are some vaccines that you can get preservative-free, which I’ve done with my own children. Medical science is constantly evolving and when there are better solutions then changes will be made. I do believe that they need a revised shot schedule, no more than one vaccination at a time.
Vaccines are there to protect us, not harm us. Yes, pharmaceutical companies make a lot of money, but they also do a lot of good, just like doctors. Think of all the harm that people do to their children every day by giving them processed, chemical-laden, refined carb and sugar rich foods. For most children isn’t that more harmful then getting several vaccines over several years of their life?
I realize that my stance on here isn’t going to accepted by most, but that’s okay. We all have to make decisions for our family and I feel that we’ve made the right decisions for ours.
KitchenKop says
Very well said. I want people to come here and be able to hear good arguments from both sides so they can make the best decision possible for their families – thank you for sharing.
Heather T says
This is an email that I just send out to friends.
Two articles dealing with the corruption of the industry… Keep in mind if vaccines were so safe we wouldn’t see the tremendous effort to cover up vaccine damage that exsists in mainstream medicine today. Also someone asked about aborted human tissue (DNA) the last article talks about whats in the vaccines. Finally the most informative place to go to get answers is the “Vaccinations” yahoogroup sherri naken the founder was a pediatric nurse who was tired of watching kids get destroyed. She knows more about vaccines then anyone I have ever met.
As most of you know, 12 years ago my health was severely impacted when I went in for my Hep series vaccines, followed 3 months later by a series of recommended vaccines for a trip to Egypt I was planning. Of course the doctors denied what I was going through as being related to all of the vaccines I was given (it was a lot). But since then I have learned what a vaccine reaction looks and feels like, and it Sucks, it sucks like nothing I can describe. For 3 weeks I was bed ridden, high temp, bad rashes, shingles, it screwed up my thyroid and my hair fell out in chunks. I was an adult, not the skinniest adult either so there was more of me to deal with the garbage I had let a doctor inject in me. I was lucky because I have overcome most of the damage done to me. Baby’s and Children have 3 huge disadvantages when it comes to vaccines. #1 their size (they get the same size shots adults do) and #2 they can’t effectively communicate what they are going through, and #3 their bodies can’t not as quickly and effectively purge itself of the toxins from the vaccines as an adult with a properly working immune system can.
That all being said, it’s important for everyone who might get a vaccine or allow one to be given to their child to know what they are giving their kids. In the past 10 plus years there have been a new class of vaccines developed from aborted human fetus’s. Dr. Andrew Wakefield whom some of you may have heard of in the smear campaign against him was one of the first to stumble across the side effects of some of these Human DNA vaccines while working as a Gastrontologist in the UK, he was working to help those that had been severely damaged by the MMR.
For those of us that have been following Dr Wakefield, the news of Murdoch and his crimes are not surprising but for those of you that haven’t here is an opportunity to see how vile and corrupt Murdoch and Pharmaceuticals he financially invested in and how they would set out to cover up the dangers of particular types of vaccines, with no regard to the children and families that would be destroyed over this.
Here are two great articles (the first one is the best) that go over this. Trust me you’ll learn a bit about vaccines and the industry as well. The last article has info on what is in them and some of the damage they can cause. Not the best PowerPoint, but good info non the less.
I hope you find this interesting and enlightening.
I would hate to see any of you or your kids go through what I went through.
Murdoch and his coverup to protect his financial interest in the Pharmcutical industry mainly vaccines.
This shows what is in vaccines and lists the harmful agents.
While it mentions this in the article, vaccines the kind and the amount we are giving our kids has NEVER been tested for safety. With many new vaccines coming out yearly, the FDA rolls them into their recommendations with no safety testing in conjunction with the other vaccines being given similtantiously.
Heather T says
Just an FYI you might want to look into, I recently read somewhere that even if a Vaccine doesn’t have Thimerisol in it, all of the bottles that the Vaccinations are stored in are cleaned with Mercury so it is not uncommon to find a fair amount of residue in the Vaccine regardless if it was not intentionally added.
KitchenKop says
I’m still having trouble finding the time to do some solid research on this issue, so if you do some googling and find some good info, be sure to share it here.
Also, I’m pretty sure you have the right as a parent to refuse the shot if that’s what you decide.
Rebekah says
While this isn’t really a vaccine, I have been reading about the vitamin K injection that they immediately inject newborns with. I am obviously nervous about this, and I am going to talk to my ob, but I am scared I am going to run into some stiff opposition if I choose to skip it. Any wisdom out there?
Heather T says
You absolutely should not have a problem denying it… It should be mentioned on your Birth Letter that you do not want it and you should discuss it with your Mid-wife/Ob/Gyn prior to arriving in the hospital before birth. To ensure you are both on the same page.
If you are eating a Weston A Price Diet there is no need for this shot. And there have been instanced where kids have died from it. There are natural versions of Vitamin K that some doctors will accept if they are not willing to back down at all. The big problem is if you are having a boy and you plan to circumsize him, it becomes a liability issue thanks to our society and the medical world being so litigious… If you want more info on this a great place to go is join the “Vaccinations” yahoogroup, this topic comes up all the time.
KitchenKop says
Sorry Alex, I don’t know at what age is best to start KT. Maybe you could try some Googling and see what you find.
Alex says
A thought I’ve been having is to do an alternative vaccination schedule…but wait until my child is two to start giving any ( I’m due in two months) and then when I do decide to start giving separated vaccines give her Kombucha to help her body detoxify the chemicals from the immunizations out? Is there too early of an age to give the KT? This is a very difficult decision, thank you for posting all this wonderful information about it.
JenO says
Great post Kelly!!
I still feel amazed at how “blind” I was with my first child. I feel so very grateful for internet and all it has opened my mind up to in these last 4 years as a Mom.
I just love the whole idea behind your post in that as the parent you must work your way thru the thought process of what is best for your family. By just going either all for or all against vaccines does not mean you are educated on the topic.
Ranee @ Arabian Knits says
Kelly, it is sad that we live in a world with this going on, I think. I did see your comment in my inbox, but I hadn’t had a chance to answer until now. Our criteria for vaccines now, after doing the regular run with our oldest two, is that the child needs to be two years old or older, the vaccine must be from an ethical source (no abortion, or any other immoral act) and there must be no mercury in the ingredients. We will not vaccinate for diseases that can be dealt with through behavior, especially when our children are so young. We will not vaccinate for chicken pox, as one of our children had a bad reaction to it.
KitchenKop says
Ranee, thanks for the info – helpful to know, but sad. Sometimes I shake my head and ask myself, “Where do we live again???”
Raine, what harsh statements from your Dad, that must be so painful for you. No wonder you have a blog, that must be a great outlet and a good place to document all the research you’ve found on the various topics you’re challenged on. As difficult as it is, I’ve found that when I’m challenged, that’s what causes me to really grow in my understanding of the issues. Ya know?
Raine Saunders says
I love what Gregg has said here, and I totally agree! A great example of this is my parents, who believe that I am actually doing my son a disservice by not vaccinating him (and many other medically-related decisions I have made), and my father has said repeatedly that he prays to God regularly that my decisions not to treat my son with “proper” medical care do not end up hurting or killing him. Whenever I sent information to him that I’ve researched with good data and references about some medical topic we’re debating over, he sends me a reply detailing the strengths and wisdom of the mainstream medical community, replete with backing evidence of studies conducted which show how vaccinations and other allopathic treatments are not only safe but effective, and that the side-effects are irrelevant.
It’s difficult when most of my friends and family vehemently disagree with my choices and viewpoints about taking care of my own family. But I stick to my gut feeling because I know it’s correct. And I think many people don’t consider the real reason why those of us who do believe what we do, as Gregg so astutely described, because they put so much blind trust and security in modern medical philosophies. They view it as infallable, which is ironic considering how broken our system clearly is (just look at our health care “reform” plan – I’m not confident that it’s going to get much better than it is, but it would be great if the reform plan would focus on preventative measures, education, and coverage from insurance and doctors, as well as a workable plan to repair the food system – in my opinion, no true health care reform can ever occur without these components).
Ranee @ Arabian Knits says
Renee: This organization has lots of information about aborted fetal cell line cultures in vaccines and has a list of ethical alternatives.
Merck recently decided to discontinue producing their ethical alternative vaccines, but has been convinced by parents and doctors writing them that they should continue. However, they have said they will only begin producing them again in two years. People are being encouraged to ask them to bring them back by 2010.
KitchenKop says
Gregg, I hadn’t thought about that but you’re right, how pathetic that the ones who are totally researching everything are made to feel like weirdos and the ones who blindly go along with everything they’re told “has” to be done are the “good” parents…hmmmmmmmmm
Gregg says
The item in your post that struck me most is to not expect everyone to “get” it.
Speaking for myself, I love (dripping sarcasm intended) how our culture tells us that anyone is more qualified to rear our children other than, you know, their parents. Apparently, just plain anyone is more qualified and has more insight and expertise into the very personal decisions that directly affect the long and short term health, spiritual growth, and intellectual framework of our children — other than their own parents. Who are you to stand up for the rights of your kid? You’re just a mother.
It is not surprising that a number parents have bought into this worldview. The motivating forces are also not terribly difficult to discern. They are cultural shame and personal guilt.
Cultural shame is present because fathers and mothers are systematically dishonored by our culture. I better stop there or this will turn into a very long comment.
Personal guilt is rather more obvious. Abdicating a number of parental responsibilities and putting their children at risk very naturally results in feelings of guilt. One way to cope with guilt is to make better decisions. Another is by advertising the cultural myth because misery loves company.
Though patently fallacious, if the majority of the herd follows the unnatural and risky practice de jour they, themselves, bought into, it assuages some of the personal guilt. “Well, I did no research whatsoever and had my kid pumped full of vaccines. Most people do it. So should you! Oh. You’re one of those moms.”
I love that my beloved bride is one of those moms.
God Bless,
Gina says
I know somebody mentioned this above but I just wanted to back it up – I never had the chicken pox(I’m 34) my mom exposed my brother and I numerous times and we never got them. While discussing my lab work with my OB with my first child(I was 23), my OB said “oh, I see you are immune to the chicken pox” – so yes, they can find that out by a blood test.
It has only been the last few years that I have major concerns about vacs – now I know that I can always get my boys immunities tested if needed.
KitchenKop says
Your comments and everyone’s in these last 2 posts have got me thinking about things even more…
I think we *will* skip the rest of the vaccines due for our youngest. He doesn’t have many left, but after that last incident I’ve lost even more trust in the vac companies and just don’t think I can do it. (https://kellythekitchenkop.com/2009/08/can-we-trust-vaccine-companies.html)
Raine Saunders says
Kelly, I’m glad you have this information on here, it’s so important and I think can help people wade through all of the information available that is so vast on this subject.
My son was born 9 weeks premature, and at the time (2000) I did not really know anything about health that I know now. We allowed him to receive many of the early vaccines when his body was certainly still too young and his immune system incapable of handling them. As time went on, I learned more and started realizing that the shots we were giving him may have been damaging. Thank God he never became autistic as a result – but for some time we were suspicious that he had some form of this disorder because he was very moody and particular to a fault about everything. If something didn’t go his way, he’d throw the most horrible tantrums that would last for sometimes over two hours. His mood would descend rapidly if something ever went wrong, and it was very difficult to get him out of it. Many people commented on how difficult he was about many things, so I knew it wasn’t just us being paranoid.
As time went on, we started changing our diets and I found that I just really didn’t think vaccinations were safe and so I stopped taking him to the doctor for the remainder of his shots. I think he must have been a little over 3 when I stopped vaccinations. So far, his health and behavior have only improved dramatically since we have made changes in our eating habits. Of course, many people just attribute that to his “getting more mature”, but I know better.
For a long time, I’ve been of the same opinion as Kate – that you cannot mix in allopathic medicine with natural health and traditional eating. I always feel like whenever he eats anything I wouldn’t want him to eat or has taken medication, we are taking huge steps backward. A year and a half ago I allowed him to be put on an antibiotic for impetigo – which I will never do again, because I caved in to pressure from my parents, friends, and husband (he thought it was fine, and I was angry). And yes, the impetigo finally went away after I spent two weeks trying to treat it naturally and that failed…so that only solidified in everyone else’s mind that the antibiotics were superior for treatment. But now I know I damaged his immune system with those antibiotics, just like the vaccines did.
I have a friend who staggered her children’s immunizations apart and requested the ones without thimerosol. Her children “seem” fine, but what repercussions will they face later because of it? I have read the ingredient list for vaccines and it horrified me…so then I am back to not wanting to vaccinate at all.
As with many things we do in our house, many people think I am crazy for not giving our son the remainder of the vaccinations he was supposed to get. But they also think I am crazy for not letting him eat the SAD, so go figure. It’s a complex issue that I believe requires a lot of research and fact-finding in order to make an educated, safe decision for your child. It’s true, there could be a disease out there that is destined to wipe out millions – but if you vaccinate, is there any real guarantee your child will be better off than someone else’s child who hasn’t received the vaccine? The list of side effects alone from vaccines and medications makes me wonder if the odds of my child dying or being permanently damaged from a disease he’s not vaccinated against aren’t the same.
Christine says
We chose not to vaccinate our 5 children. 19 years…and no regrets. : ) Just thought I’d add our 2 cents…it took a lot of ongoing research to help us make an educated decision.
http://www.MaryTocco.com is an excellent resource, as is the NVIC.
Magda Velecky says
Same here, though not as long: “just” 13 years. I originally delayed my oldest until age 2 while I continued research (I started when I was still pregnant). I eventually decided not to do any: either the disease was better having it experienced such as chicken pox or the vaccine was not effective or had many side effects. The longer it’s been, the more confident I feel in my decision. As more and more information comes to light, I cannot imagine vaccinating… I might have tetanus if it came to that but not much else. I didn’t have any issues with waivers here in GA (went through home daycare, regular daycare, elementary school and middle school) but did get thrown out of a pediatric practice. Guess they didn’t like not getting any money from me…
Kate says
Hi Kelly,
I am glad you are discussing this issue, because some people are looked down upon or even thrown out of practices for even mentioning “selective” or “delayed” schedules.
However, I do not believe in vaccinations. Any of them. I do not believe they prevent disease. I think that a truly healthy, real-food diet along with natural medicine will prevent or aid in healing any disease a child might get. I do not believe we will see a resurrgence of disease if we don’t vaccinate. It is my experience that most parents either generally believe vaccines work and/or are terrified of the diseases they “prevent.” I highly recommend anyone who is on the fence go to http://www.who.int and read their papers on each individual disease. It was reading these papers and realizing how NOT scary the diseases are that helped me cement my decision not to vaccinate at all.
My childrens’ health is excellent: no antibiotics, no fevers lasting more than 24 hours, no flu, no ear infections. Only minor colds and one stomach virus for my daughter (22 months). My kids are constantly around other, fully vaxed kids with snotty noses, one course of antibiotics after another, etc. and they don’t catch anything. My natural teas, essential oils, real foods, and plain old rest cure them in days and the few colds they’ve gotten didn’t bother them at all. They acted fine, except for a runny nose for a day or so.
In my opinion, you either have to be all or nothing about natural health. Anything you choose from allopathic medicine can tear your body down. Toxins don’t make you healthy. Antibiotics don’t make you healthy; they kill your good gut flora. Vaccines don’t make you healthy; they make you chronically ill and can give brain damage from high aluminum levels.
I’ve written thoroughly on the topic on my blog. I just wanted to weigh in here.
Teri says
Hi Kelly,
You can get a laboratory test called an antibody titer done that measures the presence and amount of antibodies in blood. He could have already developed the antibodies after exposure to the chicken pox and not have shown symptoms.
I have read of cases that this has happened before.
Julie L. says
Go Kelly!
You work hard, so we don’t have toooooooooo (think Scrubbing Bubbles :)). Great post!
Just wanted to letcha know that in my son’s public school, we have to sign a waiver each year. Unfortunately, he has received the full vaccination schedule up to age four, when I began to have serious reservations. So, each year we have to sign a waiver, even though he’s (again, unfortunately) had every vaccine under the sun before age four.
Keep us updated on your youngest child’s health–it will be interesting to see how he may differ from “standard-vax” kids.
Keep up the outstanding work, too!!
🙂 Julie L.
Elizabeth from The Nourished Life says
Thanks for Part 2, Kelly! I know it must have taken a lot of work to get this all down, but we all appreciate it so much. Deciding against immunization (or at least against a traditional schedule) can be scary, because like you mentioned, it can be ostracizing to make a decision like this.
But, you know, even celebrities these days are opting out of vaccinations. Not that I think it’s right just because they do it, but it certainly helps get the message out to parents that it’s a viable option.
And thank you for the information about schools and waivers, and for showing it’s not as terrifying as it seems! Kudos for a great post!
Augie says
This is an excellent post, Kelly. Your readers may be interested in our Vaccine Nation Series at https://no-vax.com — about 30 articles and videos on vaccines/autism and other vaccine-induced disorders.
Local Nourishment says
When we lived in California, there was a religious exemption for immunization. Many in our homeschool group used that avenue. Our homeschool support group would help parents draft a letter of belief to keep on file with their school records at home. One day a family was challenged by the state. Because they had given their teenager an Advil after she broke her arm, their religious exemption was thrown out.
We don’t live in CA anymore, and the exemption process in our state is very different. I admire you, Kelly for thinking this through and writing it down. Many parents just decide to or not to immunize and have no clear, cogent thinking on the subject to defend their decision.
Motherhen68 says
In LA, we have 3 exemptions. I have to turn in an exemption every time they go to a new school. The secretaries never bat an eye and I’ve never heard anything negative about it. I don’t tell them what vax they’ve been vaxed for, it’s nobody’s business. I did sign a waiver saying if there is an outbreak of a typically vaccinated virus, we’ll be asked to either provide proof of vax or they’ll have to miss school till the virus is done.
I didn’t make these decisions lightly and I do appreciate all the information you’ve put out there. What is so hurtful is when people in your own family say you’re “abusing” your children because you don’t fill them up with the vaccinations immediately on schedule. It’s not your business, so don’t worry about it. If you are so gung ho on vaccinations and believe the hype, why do you care if my kids are or are not vaccinated. /rant LOL
Jody says
Unfortunately, the individual doses of M, M, and R are no longer available from Merck, so if you want to vax for these diseases, your only option is the MMR combined vax.
Lucy says
It is so hard to take a stand against mainstream thought to protect your children from vaccine damage, but it can be done. We have a freshman in college who was admitted without the “required three pages of vaccines”! It took several calls to find someone who had even heard of a waiver, but they are available. It is much easier at the K-12 level; the school office usually has them on hand.
The article you cite by Dr. Miller strongly suggests waiting until after the age of two to begin a limited series of one dose shots that are spaced 6 months apart. He offers compelling brain development reasons for this.
We have been asked to leave a pediatric practice because we did not vaccinate our infants. While that is unsettling, I have found a physician in the Cascade area who actually advocates against vaccines. This is amazing as insurance companies apply pressure for docs to conform to industry standards to the tune of substantial financial incentives!!! Sadly, that fact alone can lessen one’s desire to allow parents to make their own decisions concerning their child’s health care.
Thanks for the research, Kelly!
Shelley says
Hi Lucy,
I just read your post and I’m wondering if you’re in Grand Rapids Michigan? We’re expecting our 2nd child soon and I’m struggling with this topic. Our current office requires vacinations. We’re actually in Cascade.. would love to hear from you. I can be emailed directly at [email protected] not sure if i’m supposed to post that!?!?
Take care,
Amanda says
We too would love the info! We have a 4 yr old and also a six month old.
Thanks so much! [email protected]
Renee says
Speaking of immunization contraversy, I was really motivated to boycott Pharm Manufacturers like Merck due to the way they grow their cultures out of aborted fetal tissue, but when I asked the office manager at two different physician’s offices in Rockford if they could provide alternative shots, I was told I’d have to go to Europe to do so (one office denied the whole thing). I’ve also noticed that Merck has changed its website verbiage to no longer specify what kind of tissues their cultures are grown out of. Does anyone have a resource to find alternatives in my area? I was tempted to bag the flu shots altogether, but my preschooler becomes asthmatic with viruses.
Rachel Keller says
I can tell you thought hard and long on this issue. Thank you for your excellent research and this very informative article.
Ursula says
Part two was so well written, it should be in a parenting magazine!
The Orange Chiropractor says
Nice part two. Other than myself and now you, I’ve never had anyone bring-up the point you just made. Immunizations are not the evil that everyone makes them out to be. They are just evil if given to a day old infant or even a 6 or 9 month old. Personally, I am waiting until we either leave the country (third world travel) or if my daughter decides, when she is old enough to understand the ramifications, to get immunized – she is almost 6, home birth, no immunizations, never had cow’s milk, and has never been to an MD (never needed to).
Since the age of two we have given her chewable Congaplex and Catalyn by Standard Process, a probiotic powder, liquid flax seed oil (1 tsp), lecithin granules (1 tbsp) and vitamin D (2,000IU’s now).
Vaccinations are a very personal thing and education is the key to decide if it’s for you or not.
Denise says
” Immunizations are not the evil that everyone makes them out to be. They are just evil if given to a day old infant or even a 6 or 9 month old.”
This doesn’t make any sense. Adults react too vaccines too – sometimes more so. If it’s bad for a baby, wouldn’t it be bad for anyone?
Colleen says
I am not doing an alternative vaccination schedule with either of my children, however I won’t be doing the flu shot, and certainly won’t be giving my daughter the Gardisil vaccination. The Hep-B shots are done up here in middle school, which I guess I understand – it’s more of an STD, and some kids start getting sexually active around then. The reason I chose to stay on target with the regular vaccination schedule provided by my province is because I could never forgive myself if one of my children contracted the virus and passed it along to a child too young for the vaccinations. I know my kids would be fine, but knowing I caused another child to suffer because I thought I was doing the right thing – I just don’t think I could live with myself knowing I caused it.
By the way – I keep meaning to write something on your site, but get side-tracked – I LOVE all the information you’ve been giving out. It’s been so helpful in overhauling my family’s diet. I haven’t gotten them to give up everything, but I am well on my way. We are looking into some local farms in our area to see if we can start purchasing grass fed beef, and other animals. We finally watched Food Inc., and while I wasn’t surprised at anything I saw, it really hammered the point home on how we can change things.
Thanks for all you do on this site! When I get some extra spending money, I’ll be sure to order something through here for you to get the affiliate commission.