Good morning, readers. I've been on my computer all day and am planning to take the day off tomorrow, so we'll get right to the interesting links I have for you!
- Did you see my post from Saturday, “Are the Pink Ribbons a Big Scam?”
- I heard this on the radio the other day when listening to Dave Ramsey and I'm curious about what you think: 20 Things the Rich Do Every Day. There's something sad about it, you know? The comments there are interesting, too.
- Michigan readers, can you help get GMOs labeled in our state? It only takes a sec to sign this petition!
- Low thyroid issues? You may want to read this: Common chemical linked to increase risk for hypothyroidism in women.
- A friend was sharing the other day about her 2 year old daughter with tooth decay and I was happy to tell her about this post, How to save $2600 in dental bills! The question will be whether or not she can get her to take the super-healing foods: fermented cod liver oil and butter oil… Any suggestions for getting one so small to take it?!
- West Michigan readers! Please like our local WAPF chapter's new Facebook page! (And you already like my Facebook page by now, right??)
- Speaking of my Facebook page, you'll love this video from over there! Kelly Slater, 11-time world champion surfer, speaks about GMOs, living organically, and Monsanto's abuse of the Hawaiian Islands. The surfing is pretty cool too:
- Anyone camping this summer?
If so, you'll have to get Katie's book: The Family Camping Handbook for only $4.95! “Here's your basic guidebook to a successful trip to the woods and back, nourishing your family with real food all the way. The Family Camping Handbook will provide recipes and campfire techniques to conquer the temptation to buy a few packages of hot dogs and white bread buns and call it ‘food'. If you are an experienced camper but new to real food living, or you just wish you had more ideas for whole foods camping fare, this book is for you - Did you hear about this one yet from Jill? Potatoes under attack – The next genetically modified food. Nothing is sacred folks. Although, I already buy organic potatoes, as I'd found out through the Dirty Dozen that they're a highly sprayed crop.
- Unrelated to food…
I just read the BEST book by my friend, Hallee, and THEN she tells me I have to WAIT for part 2!!! Hopefully only 'til next month. It's an action-packed fictional book that had my heart racing and an ending I didn't guess, I always love that in a book. It's called, A Melody for James.
- What have you been reading this summer? I always love new ideas for the book pile. 🙂
- Doesn't this picture crack you up? It's one I shared on my FB page last week:
Have a great week!
Leah G says
we are cinnamon tingle as well. both my toddlers take it fine. as for potatoes they have been gmo for a while. I believe its the russet variety at the moment.
Jill says
Regarding Cod Liver Oil… In my experience, especially recently, the FCLO/butter oil cinnamon flavor is WAY, WAY, WAY better than just the regular bottle of FCLO cinnamon flavor (without butter oil added). I ordered both at the same time, and the first (the blend) tasted really good, but the cod liver oil without butter oil added (also cinnamon) had a strong fish taste that the cinnamon flavor just couldn’t quite cover up or make up for. Gag! We are powering through the bottle, but next time I will only order the blend.
Maryjane says
As much as I hate GMO’s, I can’t bring myself to sign a petition sponsored by
KitchenKop says
What do you know about them?
Jen says
She knows that its a left leaning organization, so even though the cause is good, it doesn’t matter. Silly.
Jen says
Sorry Kelly, but I get sick of all the political strife, especially in the real food world. Real food is not a left/right issue. Real foodies come from both sides of the aisle, and it annoys me that people would let politics affect their choice to do the right thing in order to stop GMO’s.
Mary says
My hubby recently bought himself an electric smoker and now wants to smoke everything, but my concern is with the wood chips. Does anyone have any feedback?
KitchenKop says
Mary, I’ll put it on my Facebook page and see what we can find out.
Nanci says
If you like historical romance…. just finished The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley.
Interesting twist – the main character is a writer – the book alternates between her present time and the book she is writing.
Natasha Sandoval says
My 18mth old and 3 yr old love the cinnamon tingle. They think it’s a treat.
Carrie says
My 2 year old takes the cinnamon FCLO right off the spoon and loves it. I also spread it on her toast, she calls it “cinnamon toast”.
I don’t understand what you mean by the Dave Ramsey article being “sad”.
KitchenKop says
It’s just sad that the culture for so many of the poor doesn’t include things like exercising and reading and eating well. Yes, gym memberships cost money, but walking doesn’t. Borrowing books from the library doesn’t cost anything. Eating more whole foods and less processed foods can cost more, of course, but not ounce to ounce. Compared that way, processed foods cost outrageously more.
Amanda Yoder says
Yes, agreed it is sad what divides the rich and more sometimes. But the time to prep food or the time to read is rare when working 2 or more jobs at minimum wage, as so many of the poor are doing! And often without the education of how to run their finances or eat better even when time allows…