If you want to learn about reversing diabetes naturally OR if you didn't even know it was possible, you have to watch the video below!
I'm sending this post to everyone I love who has Type 2 Diabetes. Off the top of my head that's about eight people so far–I hope you'll use the share buttons and do the same!
A couple of quotes:
Type 2 Diabetes is a disease of too much insulin. Who thought it was a smart idea to give those with a disease where you have too much insulin, more insulin? That's like giving an alcoholic more alcohol!“
“Even if you've had 27 years of diabetes, you can get rid of it in a month. You can take the fattest diabetics and still cure 90% of them.”
Seems unreal doesn't it?! The video includes success stories, and I've heard many myself over the years of writing this blog. People really do turn this around ALL of the time.
Read a few more quotes about reversing diabetes naturally…
When you treat people with insulin, with medication, they tend to get worse over time. So you can actually break these treatments into two groups. One side leads to a cure, there's the bariatric surgery, the fasting, and a very low-carbohydrate diet. Those all lead to a cure for diabetes because you stop your medication and do very well. There are other treatments that don't lead to a cure, which is the insulin, the drugs, and the low-fat diet…
You'll never guess of course, which path we choose. We (mainstream medicine) choose with all our treatments, with all our research and all our goals, published by the Diabetes Association, to go this way, toward the path where there is no cure, we know it because we've been doing it and people aren't cured. This is the problem, if you look at the American Diabetes Association, they have several facts. It's a fact, for most people Type II Diabetes is a progressive disease. Well, that's actually a LIE, because we have lots of people who are reversing diabetes naturally.
Here's Dr. Jason Fung's & Jimmy Moore's book: Complete Guide to Fasting:
Some graphics for you about reversing diabetes naturally:
A note about the video below…
He lists three ways that have been shown to work when reversing diabetes naturally: weight loss surgery, fasting, and very low carb diets. Because of the many risks with surgery (see “scary stories of bariatric surgery”), that's a route I would not normally recommend.
Before I watched the video I would've only suggested low-carb diets of those three for meeting the goal of reversing diabetes naturally (high healthy fats, safe/healthy meats, and organic vegetables), because I always thought that when you're fasting, you're denying your body the nutrients it needs to heal! However toward the end of the lecture, and after reading his book, I've changed my mind and realize how beneficial fasting can be — everything makes more sense. (But then yes, you definitely do need to eat nutrient-dense meals when you ARE in your eating window.) Especially for those who need to lose weight and lower blood sugar, missing a few meals is not going to harm them–it'll actually help get you on track!
See my post about how to make fasting easier.
IMPORTANT: I do still think it's important if you're on medication not to do any fasting without professional monitoring, as mentioned in the video. Also, one thing I wasn't clear on until I read the book was how often fasting is recommended. Now that I've read the book, I realize that it's different for everyone. Some may lose weight and go off their diabetes meds by just eating one meal a day, 3 days a week. Others need to step up the fasting more. The book explains all of this in detail.
I don't have diabetes, but…
There's a strong diabetic tendency in my family, so I have fasting days and drink just coffee or bone broth, as a way to prevent it from ever rearing it's ugly head. (FYI: Fasting days are also good for saying extra prayers…)
Also see my newer post about how I lost 22#, even after menopause!
Watch the video:
Please share and send this to anyone who doesn't know that reversing diabetes naturally is POSSIBLE!
- More from Dr. Jason Fung about reversing diabetes naturally is at his website
- Again, get his book here.
- More testimonials
- Nourishing bone broth for rookies!
- A BUNCH of posts on healthy weight loss
Martha says
I haven’t watched the video or read the book, though we do own it. Just wanted to share what fasting has done for my hubby. He got pneumonia which gave him atrial fibrillation which turned into congestive heart failure. He was told that he would eventually need a heart transplant. He has completely reversed the heart failure and autophagy was a huge component of that reversal.
KitchenKop says
Wow, I’d love to hear more about this Martha!
Martha says
Sorry for the late reply. Here is a little more copied from one of his replies on a FB group.
My only evidence is anecdotal. I reverse remodeled my heart from an LVEF of 27% using diet, sleep, fasting, and Bystolic every two or three days (beta blocker). Took me right at 6 months. When I searched for evidence of a scientific nature at the time, I could only find evidence in animal models and nothing in humans. My cadiologists at the time both thought I was nuts, but were pleased with my results. Neither had a problem with the ketogenic diet, but were not supportive of fasting. For encouragement throughout the process, I monitored my BNP levels (both Pro and non-pro) before and after fasts…In two more days, my heart will have been “normal” for one year…One of my cardiologist at the time of my diagnosis prescribed me an ACE inhibitor, and ARB, and a Beta Blocker, wanted me to get on a transplant list, and wanted to implant an ICD so I was in fairly serious condition at the time.
KitchenKop says
At first I thought you were saying that his fasting caused the health problems, but then I read it again and realized you’re saying that you believe fasting reversed his heart failure, that’s great!
Martha says
Yes! The autophagy triggered by the fasting creates stem cells which we believe healed the physical damage to the heart.
Karyl Smith says
This doctor and his program are amazing. I have been following him for years and have experienced the results.
Margie C. Sweeney says
Type 2 diabetics produce plenty of insulin but they are insulin resistant which is why their blood sugar levels are high. The insulin can’t do it’s job. The persons who don’t produce enough insulin are Type 1 diabetics. That is a totally different situation.
Brenda Joyce Bridgett says
After several years, a person with Type 2 can also have the same issue and require insulin. My husband was for several years. But he was NEVER type 1, which is non functioning pancreas usually. His internist and the dietician ALWAYS said his was type 2.
Brenda Joyce Bridgett says
Definition of Type 2 Per Amer Diabetes Assn…. ( No they don’t produce PLENTY)……..
If you have type 2 diabetes your body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, your pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time it isn’t able to keep up and CAN’T make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose at normal levels.
Margie C. Sweeney says
Brenda Joyce Bridgett Type 2 always starts as insulin resistance. If you check their insulin levels they will be above normal. Over time it is possible that they will develop failure of their beta cells to produce insulin.
Margie C. Sweeney says
Brenda Joyce Bridgett I think we’re basically saying the same thing…. you just took it farther which I am in agreement with but not all Type 2 end up on insulin.
Brenda Joyce Bridgett says
Kelly the Kitchen Kop… you are not totally correct. Type 2 Diabetes is the Body has not the ability to deal with insulin properly. Additionally, some ppl, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin which is why some one must take insulin. So please get the proper information from the American Diabetes Association who have licensed educators providing correct information.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
The purpose of Dr, Fung’s lecture was actually to counter some of the information coming from the American Diabetes Association. This is an area of research for him. I highly recommend watching his very informative lecture video at the link: https://kellythekitchenkop.com/reversing-diabetes-naturally/

Brenda Joyce Bridgett says
Thank you so much!! ?

Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Brenda Joyce Bridgett Let me know what you think after you watch it, it’s such an eye-opening talk! 🙂

Valerie Mathes Howells says
The American Diabetes Association tells diabetics to eat more carbs than they really need. It’s criminal because it keeps them sick.

Trixie Grohman Ferguson says
I totally disagree with bariatric surgery, but Dr. Jason Fung knows his business for the proper diet to reverse Type II Diabetes. I highly recommend everyone with Diabetes, or love someone with diabetes to go to his blog and sign up for his newletters.
Lorraine Rudd says
I shudder to see bariatric surgery suggested for anything, but it’s great that the various methods are compared. Drink clean water, eat chemical-free food and supplement low-dose minerals so your body can slowly rebuild as it eliminates toxins. The body makes nano-second decisions to keep us in balance in spite of what we do to it.
Corinne Spanelewski says
I agree knowing a few people that have had that surgery it is not smart or a cure in my opinion. The bottom line is you have to learn how to eat properly or even that fails and it leaves you with issues that are not easily corrected.
Lorraine Rudd says
Corinne Spanelewski Gosh you have to change your diet drastically afterward, why not just try to do it beforehand?
Maria Palazzolo says
I’d love to know the name of this doctor – can you please share it??
KitchenKop says
Maria, it’s Dr. Jason Fung, and his website is here: http://intensivedietarymanagement.com.
KitchenKop says
Also, here’s his book: https://amzn.to/2oQSZW7
Steve Runyan says
Does this apply also to type one or is it type 2 only?
Jill-David Boman says
He applied it to type 2, but type 1 is autoimmune and autoimmune disorders can also be reversed, though not as easily.
Kelley Harju Bryan says
No-this is only type 2.
My son is a type 1 diabetic and there is no reversing it. There is nothing we could of done to prevent it, and nothing we can do to reverse it.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Kelley Harju Bryan Of course I don’t know the details of your son’s situation, but have you seen this? https://www.ijcasereportsandimages.com/archive/2015/012-2015-ijcri/CR-10582-12-2015-toth/ijcri-1058212201582-toth-full-text.php

Samantha McKnight says
Jill-David Boman Type 1 diabetes is not reversable.
Samantha McKnight says
Kelly the Kitchen Kop Im sure that hasnt been proven, there is a huge possibility that the child was in the honeymoon phase which can last a couple weeks to years, some kids that honeymoon do not have to take insulin during that time, but the disease is not reversed, the high glucose will return. My sons honeymoon didnt last but 2 months and he was on very little insulin, taking around 2 units per meal..now he is up to 6-8 units per meal and 13 units of long acting insulin. They will always need the basal insulin, if they cut carbs there is a possibility of mostly eliminating the rapid acting insulin. The body of a type 1 diabetic does not make any insulin and has to be replaced because nobody can live without insulin..those beta cells that have been destroyed cannot be replaced, so like I said, he likely still had some beta cells and was honeymooning.
Steve Runyan says
Never ever tell someone that type 1 is reversible. You can kill them.
Shelly Southerland says
Deborah Frye Camby haven’t read this yet but I like kitchen kops articles.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Thanks Shelly Southerland!!! xoxo
Zoe Honscher says
Mary Honscher. Just watched this and sounds amazing . You should see it!
Mary Sheiko says
Ketosis works great!
Mary Sheiko says
It works great for type 1 and type 2, too.
Cindy Morrow says
Kelly the Kitchen Kop, this is a great talk, listened a year ago. From this (and some serious prayer and selling a stressful business-don’t underestimate stress’s role in diabetes) and his commitment to move his body more, my hub was able to get off ALL meds: high blood pressure, metformin and a diuretic. Bonus: He looks so gooooood at 56, better than he has since we got married!
Trixie Grohman Ferguson says
I can’t WAIT to watch this in the morning when I’m fresh! Thanks for sharing 😀
Trixie Grohman Ferguson says
Kelly the Kitchen Kop – Do you know the name of the man in the video?
type 2 diabetes says
Type 2 diabetes is surely an adult-onset diabetes.
Obviously, patients are of their middle age. Most patients who’ve this
type of diabetes are obese, or have hypertension, or high
blood choleseterol levels, and also other factors.
KitchenKop says
It USED to be only adult-onset, but now it’s becoming common for kids to get Type II diabetes as well. 🙁
Peg Moe Friberg via Facebook says
Kathy, thank you so much for sharing this article with me. I am passing it along to many people, it rea;;y does make sense to me.
Kathy Hummel via Facebook says
Peg Moe Friberg. Interesting article!
Dee Jewell via Facebook says
This was great! It’s long but worth it. Especially if you want to get off insulin and meds.
Jeff Calhoun says
I would avoid caution repeating this or any other popular tale. Each person needs to monitor their own blood sugar to see what raises or lowers it. If you truly have diabetes, it is very serious. In my case, an extremely low carb diet (10-20 non fiber g per day, max, really, this low) does the major part. I ate a max. of 100 g carbs/day for decades, but it wasn’t enough. Even at 10 g/day, my blood sugar was still too high, although much lower than the 600+ it was before. If I were not handicapped, exercise would be #2. I tried all of the drugs, supplements, etc., which helped very little or none at all. I have been taking Lantus for about a year, as much as I am afraid of insulin. That final piece has made a big difference in how I feel. You cannot totally discount blood sugar levels, because if you cannot lower it to at least pre-diabetic levels, you WILL deteriorate. Very high blood sugar (slowly) kills. So far, I have far outlived my diabetic friends, who have all died over the past 25 years, and the only remaining factor for me are damaged nerves. None of them ate a truly low carb diet. So yes, you must be extremely serious about a permanent, ultra-low carb, high good fat diet and exercise, once your blood sugars are elevated. But if you are truly diabetic, not just pre-diabetic, it is not going to go away, allowing you to eat like everyone else, no matter how much you want it to. That said, I know many, many people who I consider to be pre-diabetic who would benefit from this.
Be cautious about fasting, if you are truly diabetic. My blood sugar shoots up. And do not take sugar alcohols, they can raise it also.