Have you struggled along your real food journey like I have? Have there been frustrating (and expensive!) bumps in the road? Whether you're a beginner or well beyond, today I want to throw my arm around you and let you know that I've been there and you are normal.
If you ever wonder if it's really true, that everyone has kitchen flops and misguided first-starts, then I'm just the one to reassure you!
Here's the real me, take a look at some of my doozies…
Foodies Make Mistakes Too: Kelly The Kitchen Kop Dishes About Her Kitchen Disasters! (From Elizabeth at The Nourished Life)
- Read about my little kitchen fire
- My video on “The Giant”
- My sourdough bread struggles
- Click here for all of my lovely FOOD FLOPS in one place, because you wouldn't want to miss any!
It doesn't matter if you're new at the whole real food thing or you've been at it for a while and are in a rut, these 12 classes can help you get started or get back on track.
Click here to learn more or to sign up.
What You’ll Get:
- 12-part online class with cooking videos, downloadable audios with real food rockstars, and written materials too.
- Read/listen/watch at your leisure: on your break at work, while the kids are sleeping, in your pajamas, whatever! If you have a busy week, no big deal, just pick it back up on your own schedule.
- Exclusive expert interviews with Sally Fallon Morell (President of the Weston Price Foundation), Dr. Kaayla Daniel (author of The Whole Soy Story), Jane Hersey (Director of the Feingold Association), Tom Naughton (Fathead filmmaker), and now one more: Jimmy Moore from the Livin LaVida Low-Carb blog!
- BONUS copy of the Kitchen Kop Real Food Ingredient Guide.
You’ll Learn How To:
- Save time and money while serving Real Food
- Read labels and avoid dangerous ingredients
- Make nourishing “fast food” meals to avoid last-minute trips to the drive-thru
- Find healthier alternatives for soda pop, refined sugars, heart-killer oils, sugar-bomb breakfast cereals, factory farmed meat and more
Serve nutrient-dense foods that are necessary for good health
- Take control of your health and change your family’s future!
Comments & reviews about the Real Food for Rookies online class:
Jo-Lynne from Musings of a Housewife: “I can’t recommend this class highly enough. Of all the “real food” blogs I read, Kelly’s is by far the most down to earth and relatable. If you’ve been wanting to take a class like this, but you’re not sure you’re ready to jump into real food with both feet, or you’re not sure you have the time to commit, this is the one I would recommend. I took it the first time around, and I was thoroughly impressed with the amount of information she shares.
Kelly does extensive research, she takes things one step at a time, and she’s always great with feedback when you have questions. Believe me, I’ve asked her so many questions over the past year, I’m surprised she hasn’t blocked my email address! But instead, I always get a thoughtful, informed reply within 24 hours. I don’t know when she sleeps.”
“Since I’m not completely new to real food, a lot was info I am familiar with, but there was just as much I hadn’t heard because I’m not fully immersed in WAPF yet. I found it all wonderful and a great refresher! It supplied tools, too, to share with my sister, SIL, and daughters. As I skimmed over the lesson I thought maybe I’ll take a little today, then the rest tomorrow. But I was hooked, couldn’t stop! Thank you, Kelly!!!”
“I just spent about 2 1/2 hrs on the first class info, videos, and audio..and can I say, I have hit the WOW factor! So many things said and written have been what I have been searching for for months now. I have a friend who is on track with all this great stuff and where she is in her life and food style to me just seemed unreachable! But now thanks to her and YOU KELLY, I see I can someday be where I want to be!! THANK YOU!!!”
“I am loving the class. I am a registered dietitian practicing in Los Angeles and this is far more helpful/useful than many of my undergrad courses. In fact, it makes me a little upset that I learned many “nutritional concepts” that were so backward over the last 10 years!”
“I just wanted to say that your course has been more helpful than you can ever imagine. Having all the information in one place makes everything so much easier, especially as a busy new mom.”
“This is like a dream come true. We are all eating better, loving what we eat and everyone, for the most part, stays full between meals. I am spending less but getting more in terms of nutrition, and I can’t believe I am losing weight! The more good stuff I eat the less I want the yucky stuff I used to eat, so I’m losing weight even eating butter and frying foods occasionally. THANK YOU KELLY for sharing this with us!”
“I just have to say thank you Kelly for this marvelous class!!! It has been so inspiring and helpful… beyond words truly. Also, I so enjoyed all your videos – doorbell and phone ringing, and all!!! It made it REAL, as well as entertaining! LOL!”
“Just wanted to tell you how much I really enjoyed your class and I learned so much!! I have been studying nutrition for the past couple years and really found a lot of interesting sites and info to share from your wisdom! Thank you! I love all your recipes, they have been a big hit with my friends and family, and I am losing that last little baby bump fat with no effort! I will definitely pass it around, it has been such a blessing to my life!”
“Real Food For Rookies has been foundational in my journey toward nourishing food. Not only does Kelly educate with facts, articles, videos, etc., but she also brings very practical application to that knowledge. I was able to make immediate changes to our weekly food shopping, school lunches, dinner recipes and much more. Kelly was also extremely helpful answering more detailed questions that I sent her. I would recommend this class for anyone who cooks, anyone who feeds a family or for anyone who just wants to get more nourishing Real Foods into their life. Thank you, Kelly! It has been a pleasure.”
“One of the best things about your class was the fact that I didn’t have to be there at a certain time. I never would have been able to complete it if I hadn’t had the freedom to stop and research things and tend to family needs before picking up again a week or so later. I think the course shows you put a lot of work into developing it. The scientific data is really what sells the whole idea (at least for me), so that was probably the most important aspect of the course in terms of influencing us to make changes. Thanks again for taking the time to put all this together for folks like me who have been muddling through w/o a lot of facts or solid scientific basis for dietary decisions. I think you’ve done a very good job of breaking this huge topic down into doable steps for someone just beginning on this path. I really appreciate your efforts and the impact it’s made on my family. Thank you for the encouragement that we might be able to undo the damage already done.”
“Kelly gives the best customer service EVAH. Not only was she EARLY with each teaching class, she also personally answered questions on her blog. She provided us with great information but wasn’t intimated by people who may know more than she did, in fact many times I saw her pick their brain to the bone. Kelly’s pride was never in the forefront; getting us the best, more current information was her #1 priority each and every time. She also provided us with many resources, which was especially helpful to a newbie who doesn’t live in an area where sprouted grains, etc. etc. are common items. I know I will be referring back to these courses for the next couple of years, they are packed with that much information! SO WORTH the money!”
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