Want to get your hands on a natural snake repellent?
*Natural* not because you're worried about the dumb snakes, instead because your kids play in that same yard!
I’m cleaning out my email box from waaaay back and found the following note from a reader, Brenda, who saw my post about our snake issues.
Why am I sharing this with you, on a health and nutrition blog?
Because it is my duty to other snake freaks, that’s why. You just have to know about this tip for a natural snake repellent. (By the way, Kent, when you read this, go ahead and plan on me bugging you about getting some of this stuff…)
First let me clarify:
I know that I am super blessed that we are only dealing with garter snakes around here, and my aversion to snakes isn’t because I’m afraid they’re going to hurt me. It’s because I just don’t like to see them. As in, I CAN'T.
(By the way, you may have noticed that there are no snake pictures in this post. I don’t do snake pictures.)
Brenda’s email:
(Warning: this is not an easy story to read. It is shocking and disgusting and terrifying.)
We live in Austin and are surrounded by wooded areas and wildlife. The first spring after moving into our house, these 6-8 inch, worm-like snakes appeared (found one in the bedroom, one in the hall and one in my bathroom!) and completely freaked me out. I called the organic pest service I used and described them as looking like a worm but moving like a snake, and was told, “Yep, those are snakes. Don't worry, they have a very short two week season and they aren't poisonous. Just be happy you only have a couple. We have a customer that had dozens!”
This was no consolation to me! The real problem was that I kept telling my husband about them and he just chuckled, thinking it was silly, and possibly it was not really a snake. He hadn't seen them yet. Then the following spring they appeared again. This time my husband got to look at one very closely. I was taking a shower and started screaming because something was moving on the floor (I didn't have my contact lenses on). He ran in, picked it up and looked at it closely and said, “You're right, it is a snake!”
I spoke with a friend in California who informed me that products with clove oil are used there as a snake deterrent. We have since stopped using the organic service and my husband sprays regularly (a considerable savings, too). I have also noticed that spraying keeps mosquitoes at bay, as well, if used often.
Hope this helps you, too.
Regards, Brenda”
My reply to clarify:
“Brenda, your email made my HYPERVENTILATE!!! Spring is when we have the most sightings, too. So this clove oil stuff worked for you????????? Where do you spray it? You're so sweet to help me! Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kelly”
More answers:
“Hi Kelly, We spray inside our house once a month around all of the baseboards, in the laundry room, bathrooms, bedrooms, etc., to keep the spiders and other nasty bugs down. My husband sprays all around the outside base of the brick/flower beds, around doors, etc.
Another important thing that I have done to my flower beds is to trim all shrubs/plants back so that nothing is touching the house, and I also trim limbs away from the ground. The open space allows me to walk between the shrubs and the house, and it keeps mosquitoes (and hopefully snakes!) from hanging out under all of the cover.
Right before spring we start spraying at least once per week outside in anticipation of the snakes, and we haven't had them inside since. I think we paid about $12-15.00 for a one gallon container that we have used for over one year. Our organic service charged $175.00 per visit, and we would have had them come out once, and occasionally twice, per year. Yikes! what a savings. Good luck to you.”
Isn’t she a doll for sharing that scoop with us?
So I’m wonderin’… Do you think it's true that there are no snakes in Ireland? My friend Beth tells me there are NO snakes in Hawaii, and because Alaska gets so cold, I didn't have to worry about them on that vacation
— so it was a perfect dream vacation spot!
Natural Snake Repellent Products:
- Here are the products with clove oil for a natural snake repellent that Brenda recommended. Those are mostly pellets.
- If you want a liquid spray for outside, this is what I'd use, with a bottle of this clove oil dumped in. That's probably way more clove oil than you need, but for only $10 I'd probably use that much, just because I know snakes hate it! ***Note that I have not tried this and have no idea what that would do to surrounding grass or plants, so test different areas first. You could use these spray bottles.
- For inside, I'd use something like this that's safe for people but repels pests, and again, I'd add a bottle of this clove oil for the natural snake repellent. ***Again, note that I have not tried this and am only sharing what I found that may be a good option for liquid version. I'm putting Kent on this project soon!
If you sprayed often it could get expensive, but still no where near as much as hiring a service to do it.
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Brenda says
I am concerned about our birds! We have a bird nest outside my dining room window. The female bird was looking down out of the peephole. . There was a solid black snake below. He slithered down a limb and disappeared. We searched but could not see him. . Can we put something on the pole to discourage him? Foil maybe ? We have babies in there.
Deb Ferrari says
Is clove oil toxic for dogs? I seem to remember reading that some essential oils are toxic to cats and dogs.
Anonymous says
I have a dog, will this stuff hurt him and if not where do i get it?
KitchenKop says
There are links for where to get it in the post. And because they’re more natural, I don’t believe they’d hurt dogs, but double check each product option to be sure.
nejat says
Is this materia for reall scares snakes and keeps them away.? , and can I use it inside the garage too?
binoy kurian says
same here
Kristine Struve says
Lemon grass supposedly repeals snakes
Jill-David Boman says
Can’t stand snakes. Years ago I bought a snake repellant that smelled like paint thinner. It was so fume-y and probably horribly toxic, which is a bummer because I sprinkled it under our deck to discourage rattlesnakes (which we had quite a few of). You could even smell it in the house! Unfortunately it didn’t work–we had a couple rattlesnakes not long after that, even one HUGE one my husband nearly stepped on as it crawled out from under that same deck! I wish I had known about this back then.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
And this, Jill-David Boman, is why I can’t live in Texas!
Kris Bell Slager says
But snakes are SO GOOD to have around! Especially when here in Michigan our only poisonous snake is the Massasauga and they’re hard to find let alone be a threat. 🙂 #YesILoveSnakes
Kellie Hunt says
Thank you.After killin the 2 ft rattle snake in the yard last yr i am a bit terrified for my grandson.
Victoria Becraft says
Chickens repel snakes. They will either eat then or chase them off.
KitchenKop says
You’re welcome Leanna! Let us know how it goes!
KitchenKop says
Darnit, I can’t get that picture to go away!!!
Angie Smiley says
I’m in the South….so I’m not sure I’ve gone a year without seeing snakes. Out of alllll the snake species here, there’s only like 7 that can kill ya. I have little ones so I’m constantly showing them where snakes could be hanging out. And show them the ones in “plain sight” that camouflage sooo well. We’re in the city and we still find snakes each year. But they keep the mice and other pest populations down, so I don’t mind much. If only they’d gooble up the fire ants too!
Carrie Hoult Perez says
Yes, that is very true! We only see garter snakes on occasion. I’m just happy I can send my kids outside and they can play in the woods without fear!
Bridget Rojas says
My favorite antisnake repellant is a flame thrower. Or a nuclear bomb if there’s more than 1.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Lol, I’m with you Bridget Rojas!
Lindsey Knoth-Rodenburg says
I found a Massasauga tail next to our pool when I was growing up in Belmont.
We have a well house now, and the snakes tend to live in it. They leave me alone. I leave them alone.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Lindsey Knoth-Rodenburg — I’m not even sure what a Massasauga tail IS, but please tell me you don’t mean Belmont *Michigan*, which is 10 minutes from me!!!! And you say they live in your well house, how do you know they won’t end up in your sink or toilet someday???????
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Lindsey Knoth-Rodenburg — a picture showed up with that link so I removed the preview!! I’m guessing you’re not as freaked out by snakes as I am if you think it’s fun, lol. 🙂
Debbie Esgro says
When I was young I played with green garter snakes so far as tying them to the swing set info had to go inside for a very short time. I lived in the country (PA). My parents moved us kids to FL after I finished first grade but we still camped , fishing and boating as well. While camping and fishing in the everglades with a friend and her family her dad meant to throw a dead cottonmouth (VERY POISONOUS) between us on the ground while we were fishing with cane poles…it landed in my lap instead only I DIDN’T know it was dead! Cane pole went one way and me the other as fast as I could run. Took them 1/2 hr to catch me and explain. TOTALLY PETRIFIED of ANY snake no mather size or kind!
KitchenKop says
OH. MY. GOSH. I think I’d have died RIGHT THEN. How terribly sad that some people are so DENSE (probably not mean, just dense to actually think that would be a funny joke) and now you have a fear where you didn’t before. 🙁
Lindsey Knoth-Rodenburg says
I do, mean that Belmont 😉 We were just off of Post Drive. A Massasauga is the species of rattlesnake that lives in Michigan. I found its rattle next to the pool pump. I didn’t go back in the pool for the rest of the summer.
We have a formerly Amish farm, so our well is in a pit, with a house set on it that I use as a potting shed. It’s quite a ways from the house. The piping to the house is all underground, so no worries about them getting in the house. It’s kind of fun, because the kids know that they live in there, and they can almost always catch them. They are just little garter snakes or milk snakes. My 4 year old is a HUGE fan.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
@CarrieHoultPerez — but we have them here too!!! (Just not the really bad ones thankfully.)
KitchenKop says
Leanna, the new section that I added is right up in the post above under the words in orange (toward the bottom) that say, “Natural Snake Repellent Products:”.
Sandi says
First time reading your post. Lots of good information, thanks. However, with the snake oil thing … gotta let you know, snakes can’t smell. Check it out.
Emily Sirbaugh says
Theyre good to eat any critters though, like rats or mice…get a cat! A cat will kill all of them -snakes, rats, mice (im allergic so i cant have a cat) …you have to keep your grass cut really short theyll go to wherever the taller grass is. I have huge black & brown racer snakes in my backyard they like to eat the lizards…. The mockingbirds in my yard fight the snakes – they peck at them – they always chase them away! So keep your yard bird friendly cause the birds help– ive seen big birds swoop down & try to feast on the snakes…..All our neighbors say to put mothballs out. (i know mothballs are toxic- i havent used them but maybe less toxic than sprays im not sure)…why did that lady have snakes IN her house? She has to go around and seal all entryways! Dont let any plants touch your house. I get out there with a hose & spray the snakes away sometimes if i want to go out there. Get out there & do a scan before letting the kids run in the yard— im more tee’d off about my fire ants than my snakes out in my yard to be honest never thought id say that lol
Angie Smiley says
Uhhhh yes! The damn fire ants are are way more troublesome than snakes for us!
Leanna Scott says
Thanks, Kelly. I’m not seeing where to find your post updates. Thanks for responding quickly. I’m worried that the snakes will be out and about as early as this week because our weather is supposed to get really warm in a day or two. (The snake came in our house in December or January when the weather had been mild.) I found a liquid product called Bonide Snake Stopper in a one-quart spray bottle for as low as $16, but it says it’s discontinued by the manufacturer, and one review said that there really was only a few inches of product in the bottom of the bottle, and no instructions about how to use it. What I would prefer would be to know for sure what type of clove oil/cinnamon oil to use, how to dilute it properly, and where to get a good price for a bulk amount.
Leanna Scott says
Thank you so much for your recommendations, Kelly. I now feel like we will get a handle on the situation and not have to sell our house and move. (It really could have come to that.) I was freaking out bad enough when my husband and I weeded the flower bed last summer and saw about thirty snakes in a half hour. But when the snake came in the basement, probably through the door that had been ajar, that was TOO much! I’m glad for your help.
Amanda Martin says
Thanks for no pictures. I can’t do them either!
KitchenKop says
Hi Leanna,
Oh. my. gosh!!!! In your HOUSE, ahhhhhhhhh!!!!
Okay, breathe Kel……
I just updated the post to add some possible liquid options for you!
I’ll also add this to my Facebook page and see if we get any other ideas.
Leanna Scott says
We moved to Pennsylvania recently and last summer in the flower bed we had tons of worm-looking critters that moved like snakes, so I googled worm-snakes and came across your site. I’ll join with other folks in thanking you for the absence of pictures on your site. Our winter this year didn’t hit until January, but just before it did my husband discovered a snake had come into our ground-level basement and almost made it into an inner room. I chose not to look at it, but it renewed my determination to follow the advice on your website for spraying this spring. The problem I’m having is finding anything like the $12-$15 per gallon of spray. I’m finding lots of types clove oils and essential clove oils, all at very high prices, and lots of variations in instructions (from using the product undiluted to greatly diluted). When I click on your link to the products it takes me to Amazon products that are all granulated. Can you help with more information about what type of clove oil product you use, where you can get it, and the approximate cost of it?
You’ve been a great help. Thank you very much.
Sydney says
Do you use the snake repellant as your all purpose pest spray? We currently use a quarterly pest service to spray for roaches, bugs, etc. I would love to get rid of them and go for a more natural route. We have also had lots of snake sitings in our yard this year – one right by our door. Thanks!
KitchenKop says
I don’t know about that, but you could find the container and call the number on there and ask them maybe?
Jack says
I would say that it might be as important, if not more so, to get rid of the fear of snakes, rather than just the snakes themselves. In my experience, working with EFT (tapping) on fears like this is one of the most powerful uses of this technique. No judgment here about the fear, just a suggestion……
KitchenKop says
Jack, can you tell me more or share a link?
jjoyl says
Dr. Mercola has a nice tutorial on EFT on his website.
Lacie says
I must be missing the link to find the product because every time I click on the link it goes to Amazon with the search word “snake” and only displays toy, plumbing or jewelry snakes.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Lacie, I just clicked and it took me right there. maybe try a different browser or something?!
Sandy Kalmukos says
Thanks for not posting pictures. I don’t like to look at them either!!! I’m going to try this too. Hopefully works on ants too!
Carrie H says
So, did it work for you? Which product did you buy?
KitchenKop says
Noelle, I have no idea (maybe call the manufacturer), and I don’t really want to find out!!!
Noelle says
Will this work for poisonous desert snakes like rattlesnakes? I haven’t yet seen one here but I don’t ever want to either! I wonder if it works for scorpions too? That I have seen! 🙁
kitblue says
I’m OK with snakes but if this gets rid of mosquitoes, I will be a happy woman. If you learn anything about avoiding wasps/hornets, I would love to know as I am allergic.
Jill says
We used to live in Hawaii, on the Big Island, and technically there ARE snakes inHawaii, but they are very tiny and look like worms, unless you look very closely. Completely harmless. (I don’t like snakes, but those are the least scary of any snakes I’ve seen.)
KitchenKop says
Ohhhh yeah, I remember you telling me that now. I don’t *think* worm-sized snakes would freak me out, and yes that’s a manageable size, ha! But just knowing they ARE snakes might bug me… But then, I’d be in Hawaii, so I’d control my complaining. 🙂
Jennifer says
So is it clove oil that does the trick? Could you use clove essential oil, maybe? We are in South Texas also and are about to move to a 10 acre plot in the woods. I’m pretty sure there will be snakes and I’d love to not see them. 😉 Plus, I have kids that I wanna keep alive for a few more years. 🙂
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
That’s one of the main ingredients but if you use the products I linked to it comes in bigger, sprayable quantities, it would get expensive using essential oils!
MrsD says
I have the snake fear badly! Thank you for NO snake pictures. I would have had trouble touching the screen to scroll!!!!!!
I am definitely buying this clove oil!!!
Also, it’s true….my husband is from Ireland and there are no snakes:)!!! I’ve wandered through many a field over there with him and for the first time in my life, I wasn’t terrified and frantically checking the ground with my every step!!!
Love this Kelly!
KitchenKop says
Me too!!! I have to cover up screens or books if there’s a snake picture there! It’s so nice to know I’m not alone. 🙂 You make me want to go to Ireland… And Hawaii… Those are going on my vacation wish lists, LOL.
MrsD says
And, I’m not trying to be dramatic…but if I EVER saw a snake in my house…I would have to move. There’s no way I could ever sleep again. Just reading that FLIPS me OUT!!!!!!
Jennifer says
Ditto! LOL
KitchenKop says
Oh I hear ya sister, surely the Hubs would be trying to convince me that it was a fluke and would never happen again but I wouldn’t fall for that one!!!
KitchenKop says
Yaw! I’d be a *wee bit* freaked out myself…like, “OK, kids, say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa FOREVER!”
Please tell me they live far from Michigan.
Kira says
Would it work for keeping snakes out of the yard? My parents’ neighbors’ dog was just bit by a rattlesnake in the back yard, and I’m a wee bit freaked out by it. My kids play in my parents’ yard! I don’t mind snakes, but I draw the line at ones that can KILL MY CHILDREN.
KitchenKop says
My mouth and nose are all wrinkled up and I can’t get my face to go back to normal.
Somehow I don’t want my feet on the floor right now, either…
Jen says
LOL!!!!! I sure did; little snake kisses on the cheek, with that tongue darting in and out. 🙂 They really are awesome creatures, and despite what people think, they’re NOT slimy at all!
KitchenKop says
I think I’m gonna throw up. Jen, seriously, you let Fred KISS YOU on the CHEEK???????????????
Jen says
Robyn: Awww… I’m a science nerd, and I love snakes (sorry Kelly). I had a sweet garter snake as a child one winter named Fred. He gave me kisses on my cheek. 🙂 I released him in the garden the next spring. Please be nice and release any snakes you catch in your trap. 🙂
Robyn says
Don’t move to Florida. We have lived in our current house a year and have seen garter snakes, black racers, water moccasins, pine snakes, and pygmy rattlers. I personally killed a 3 foot long garter snake in my backyard with a shovel! I was totally freaked out with my kids playing in the backyard, so we hired critter control (yes, not pests, “critters” – big things that creep and crawl!). He sprinkles a repellant around our perimeter, but he says it only keeps away the venomous snakes; non-venomous still get in. So we have these “snake traps” that are basically boxes with glue pads in them. Snakes get scared and run for the dark hole, and get their head stuck on the glue. Then you can get them and kill them, or be nice and release them. 🙂
LJ says
That is awful! WHY would you kill a creature that poses zero threat?!?! They are a very important part of the ecosystem and eat unwanted rodents. Good grief! Get a grip.
Naomi says
I don’t like spiders in my home either, but I don’t know if it’s because of the spider itself or if it’s running my hand into a web. Sounds like clove oil is a pretty wonderful product. It’s also the best for tooth ache pain.
KitchenKop says
Ahhhh, rodents….why in the heck can’t they all just keep OUT of our homes??????
Thankfully spiders don’t bother me and I think they’re kind of cool, but I certainly wouldn’t want a big furry one jumping out at me either…
Lilia says
I don’t mind the snakes but I wouldn’t want them in my house. It’s the spiders I can’t handle, had a tarantula jump out at me as a youngester and haven’t been able to handle spiders since. Hey anyone have any natural way to get rid of mice. Moved to a new (old) house and our cat has been bringing them up from the basement. Not a lot but from time to time. Mostly around this time of year when they’re looking for a warm home for the winter. Can’t find where they’re getting in and the traps don’t work. Wouldn’t mind it so much if the cat would kill them but she doesn’t then we all run around upstairs trying to catch them. Not fun and gives me the need to disinfect everything. Have a wonderful weekend!
KitchenKop says
For real? No snakes there? Or you just haven’t seen any?
If so, then what a PERFECT place to vacation! All that tropical-ness, but no worry of seeing a snake?!!
Jenifer says
It’s true that there are no snakes in Hawaii. There are, however, cane spiders.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Well I’ll take spiders over snakes any day!
jon says
no snakes in Hawaii! more than beaches or climate, that’s the biggest reason my wife loves it here!
Soli says
I actually like snakes, but I am of the firm belief that they are outdoor creatures. Never had an issue of any coming into any house where I lived… er, except when one of the cats of my youth got to hunting. But I shall leave it at that. I am glad you found a solution.
KitchenKop says
You guys are freaking me out! I had no idea this was a common problem!!!
Taylor Wingo says
I also live in Austin and was greeted early one spring morning by a snake in my living room. Very scary. I’m going to have to get this product!
Julie says
I don’t like snakes at all. We lived in an area that had “harmless” snakes–even had one show up in the downstairs bedroom. I would have welcomed this natural repellent had I known about it.
Clove oil — I didn’t know it was a snake repellent, but did you know that it works wonders on zits?
I’m glad to know about the name of the repellent and where to find it!
Liz F. says
Oh my…. I would have to move! I almost couldn’t read the post, but then not knowing what it said was bugging me too, so I forged ahead and read it.
Betsy says
OMG! I am so getting that stuff and spraying myself. We’ve had someone come in every quarter for forever, and they’re not organic. My husband used to schedule the visits when he was home (semi-retired) so I never even thought much about it. But he’s working now, so they had to come on Saturday, and I’m thinking “what are we doing to ourselves???”. We also live in south Texas, home to lots of bugs (although thankfully we don’t have a snake problem).