Yesterday we went out with my whole family to celebrate our 25th anniversary this month. I remember when my parents celebrated their 25th anniversary, they seemed really really old. It's weird to know that our kids must think of us that way, too. Kent and I got married on my Mom and Dad's 34th anniversary and I wore a replica of my Mom's wedding dress:
The pic is a all grainy because I had to scan it in. There were no digital cameras then, and it's weird to think that we didn't even have our first computer until we'd been married for 10 years!
Here we are now, and believe me, I tried to edit out my brother in law's Mountain Dew cup in the background, but couldn't figure out how.
- Recently I added some of my favorite pictures to my Pinterest board – one of them I even won a photography award for. That's sort of unbelievable since, as most of you know, I stink at photography. Could it be because all I use is my iPhone? (Ya think?!)
- Thank you Pat, a reader friend who sent me the following story: Coconut oil could combat tooth decay! Coconut oil attacks the bacteria behind tooth decay and could be used in dental care products, according to research. Scientists found that coconut oil which had been treated with enzymes stopped the growth of Streptococcus bacteria – a major cause of tooth decay. Tooth decay affects 60% to 90% of children in industrialised countries. Speaking at the Society for General Microbiology's conference, the Irish researchers say that coconut oil also attacks the yeast which causes thrush. Read more about Virgin coconut oil and where to get it!
- The other day we went out with friends to one of our favorite places:
Every single thing we ate at Amore was amazing (watch a great video about them at that link); Jenna, the owner, couldn't believe how much food we could put down. 🙂 We had an all local beet salad that was so good we ate it before I remembered to snap a picture. We also shared a delicious thin crusted pizza made with all local cheeses, and ravioli made with local veggies! Here's a pic I did get, though: Risotto Fritters – yum!
- For those who care, our first week of homeschooling was great! Soon I'll post an update here at this homeschooling post with more details, so if you want notification and don't want to miss that update, be sure to comment there to let me know. (By the way, did anyone see this article? Arkansas Home School Students Now Eligible To Play High School Sports, Participate In Other Activities. I wonder if that will spread to more states…?)
- On a heavier note, we're still waiting for word on the Stieler case court hearing from back in July. And recently I learned about another sad story from the same hospital here in Grand Rapids who started the whole Stieler case, this one due to a medical error on their part. Learn more about the Gort Family, and if you could help bring awareness to their suffering, that would be helpful. Thank you.
- Don't forget to sign up to WIN a spot in the new Go Grain-Free online class! Read more there about who would want to consider taking that class. (Hint: Those with chronic digestive issues, joint pain, gluten sensitivities, blood sugar issues, and more!)
- Did you hear the hype about whether or not “organic” is worth it? Well it turns out that the study mentioned in that link was flawed, big surprise. NOT. If you read the mainstream news headlines today, you might be shocked to see headlines that say things like, “Organic foods no healthier than conventional foods” or “Organic foods may not be healthier for you.” You’ll see these headlines all across the usual disinfo outlets: NPR, Associated Press, Reuters, Washington Post, WebMD and elsewhere.
The problem with these headlines is that they are flatly false. The study these news outlets are quoting actually confirms that organic foods are far healthier for you than conventional foods. Read more here.
- If you love listening to Sally Fallon Morell as much as I do, you'll love this new interview with her where she discusses nutritional guidelines, raw milk and food freedom. Listen here.
Have a great week!
Soli says
Happy anniversary!
Susan says
Its interesting that all these “studies” against organics have come out so close to election time as we in California are about to vote on the No GMO bill. Hmmmm……
ValerieH says
Congratulations on 25 years. The coconut oil thing is cool. Just today I saw a toothpaste recipe on facebook with coconut oil. However, we know that nourished bodies don’t have tooth decay. The bacteria will always be there but the quality of the saliva is what keeps the teeth healthy. Bacteria serves the purpose of decay. It is part of the life cycle. We can’t blame the bacteria, it is the territory that allows them in. This is true for healthy mouths, healthy guts, healthy plants, healthy pets, etc… One of my friends wrote this website about germ theory vs. terroir
Germ theory is part of our cultural belief system, but there’s more going on than the bacteria on the surface.
That organic food headline really is frustrating! It is complete junk science.
Beth says
My mom gave me an article in the Berkley alumni health newsletter saying that organic foods were not any healthier than conventional. How else can I explain that it’s more about what’s NOT in organics for me?? She is not ready to hear it. That was even a few years ago so it didn’t surprise me to start seeing that more and more in mainstream media (sigh).
KitchenKop says
If she’s not ready to hear it, unfortunately all you can do is live it for now…
Aneesa says
Ditto to what Sue said, especially about how rare and amazing it is to make it to 25 years in the world today! And by the way, you haven’t changed one bit from 25 years ago! Beautiful!
Sue E. says
Happy 25th, you two! What a witness in this world today!
Sue E.