Good morning everyone, hopefully you had a nice Easter! As I write this I'm trying to finish up so I can make an attempt at going off-line over the weekend…
Were you successful at keeping the sweets to a minimum yesterday?
There's one indulgence I'm planning on for sure, though: On Easter Sunday I'm looking forward to the chocolate bar I was given at Expo West last month. I shared the others with the kids, but this one has been hidden away:
Salted toffee and milk chocolate… All mine! After no sweets throughout Lent, I'll enjoy every bite. 🙂
- Do you know someone with a baby who is unable to breastfeed for whatever reason, but they know better than giving them commercial formulas, and especially wouldn't give them the dangerous soy formulas, but are unsure about what to do? Tell them to check out the Nourishing Traditions homemade baby formula recipe!
- Ready for some good news?! Remember the story about Dr. Burzynski, that I told you about here: You Must Send this to that Person You Know who has Cancer? Scroll down at this link to read the updates and the great news!
- Thanks to my friend, Bob, for sending along this article: Is Your Restaurant Faking Organic? I disagreed with their solution that the only way to be sure of what you're eating is for more restaurants to become certified organic. That's just too much money and too much trouble for most restaurants, and for what? To get a “title”. Instead the answer is probably much like how to know if your farmer is really growing and raising your food right: talk to them, get to know them, tell them that you love the strides they're making toward offering more and more nutrient-dense food. I really don't care if my farmer is “certified organic”, as long as I know them and trust what they're doing, and there are certain restaurants I feel that way about, too. What do you think?
- Summer is coming fast and if your kids are like mine, they love playing outside with the hose, and of course they drink from it all the time, too. Check out the cool gadget that my new sponsor sells: a garden hose water filter! (Great for organic gardening, too.)
None of my family or friends seem to believe me when I tell them that sea salt is good for us. So I sent them this article from Jill, hoping they'd believe her: 8 Reasons to Never Follow a Low Salt Diet.
- The other day I asked friends on Facebook to comment at this article about why the Michigan government “must” force small farmers to get rid of their pigs if they're not “native to Michigan” and boy did they, thanks everyone, and keep commenting to let them know what you think!
- Have you tried these raw cultured veggie juices yet? If so, let me know what you think!
Don't forget to enter the latest Kitchen Kop giveaway to win these cute food containers.
- Did you see this post from last Sunday? (Do you like to read posts on Sundays??) Illegal Everything, Who Decides What We Eat?
Have a great week!
Beth says
Sad but not surprising about the TMB and the Burzynski case. You should see the witch hunts regarding doctors who treat Lyme Disease in this state. They have all either lost their license, fled the state, or fly waay under the radar. We don’t even post doctor names on the lyme groups. Most Lymies have to go out of state for treatment – and that’s for plain conventional treatment with antibiotics!
KitchenKop says
Beth, this is sick and shocking! What is the deal?!! If you feel like ranting in a guest post, feel free to email me the story.
Jeanmarie says
Make that “each and every farmer,” gah! It’s pre-7 a.m. and my eyes aren’t working yet.
Jeanmarie says
Great news on Dr. Burzynski. Now on to the case of the Michigan pig farmer… It may just be that we Real Foodies and our allies will just have to fight case by case for each and ever farmer, doctor, gardener, and individual whose health freedom is threatened by the new oppressive government regulators of late before we’re done. Thanks for keeping us updated!